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"Did I read that correctly? There is actually a pretty boy among the troops participating in the trial!" A soldier onlookers pointed at Shen Ming and mocked loudly:

"Sissy! Look here, let me see your face, Master Jun!"

"How about we bet on him to win? If we get an upset, we will make a lot of money!"

"Bah, I don't have any spare money to spend on him. It's a pity that he looks so fair. If he doesn't participate in the martial arts test, I will definitely find him to be happy." A thin black soldier touched his chin and said lustfully.

Shen Ming turned a deaf ear to the unabashed filthy words. He looked around. There were hundreds of people gathered in the huge martial arts arena, and there was no talent above them.

The only prisoner who participated in the assessment together had sallow skin and was in his old age, but he had a white strip-shaped box on his head that only he could see.

[Mountain Hunter (white talent): He is proficient in crossbows and traps; he senses danger; he has good tracking and anti-tracking abilities. He has good experience and skills in hunting wild animals. 】

[Copying talents requires 1000/4802 talent points. 】

This was a pretty good talent. Shen Ming wanted to try it out, but he was too far away and guarded by soldiers, so he had no chance.

Under the supervision of fully armed soldiers, everyone came to the weapons rack to choose weapons.

A weapon caught Shen Ming's attention.

This is a horse-cutting sword with a straight and narrow blade, almost as long as Shen Ming's height. It was a purely heavy weapon in ancient times.

The black and strong prisoner on the side saw Shen Ming's handsome appearance and wanted to slap his butt, but Shen Ming dodged it. He felt unhappy and said sarcastically:

"Sissy, I can't even wield this knife. If you can pick it up, I'll eat it on the spot!" The black prisoner said contemptuously and picked up the spear beside him.

"Oh?" Shen Ming was almost eaten by him and felt disgusted.

Holding the sword in front of him, he picked it up and weighed it, and it happened to be in his hand.

After waving it a few more times, cold light shot out, and the sound of breaking through the air was cold and whistling.

The prisoners and soldiers on the sidelines were stunned. This knife weighs at least forty pounds. How can the fair-skinned young man in front of me wield it easily with one hand?

The black and strong prisoner swallowed his saliva and took a few steps back calmly. He was used to being arrogant, but he also bullied the weak and feared the strong.

"If you can survive the trial, you must eat this knife, otherwise I will never be done with you!" Shen Ming looked at him coldly and said lightly.

The black and strong prisoner was left with a horrified expression on his face, thinking that he was really stupid, why did he offend this evil star for nothing!

At this time, the martial arts test assessment has begun.

A prisoner with a short beard had his neck bitten off and blood sprayed out.

Another fat, white man had a large gash in his abdomen, his intestines were disconnected, and the unknown red and black filth was sprayed out.

"Shen Ming! Come on!"

Several soldiers held spears and pointed at Shen Ming.

As the iron door of the martial arts arena slowly opened, Shen Ming walked in with a knife.

"The sword that he used to chop horses? A third-class soldier in the army wouldn't be able to swing a few swords with all his strength, right?"

"Do you think stronger weapons are better? What an idiot!"

"I'm surprised he can even hold this knife!"

Suddenly, there were exclamations from the crowd, mixed with indignation and insults!

"Eh? Did the trial officer make a mistake? Why did he let in an extra rhinoceros beast? It belongs to his grandmother! He is cheating money, right?" The soldiers who had placed bets on Shen Ming with the intention of being upset were not happy at the moment. .

Li Qingyun, the commander of the Eighth Battalion, also had doubts on his face, but did not say anything to stop him. These prisoners had already committed serious crimes, and the young man in the room was weak and weak, so he probably participated in the trial by chance.

Death is not a pity.

"It seems that the Shen family not only gave money to the prison officials, but also bribed the trial officer to release two monsters." Shen Ming looked thoughtful, and his desire to increase his strength became even more urgent.

Two beasts face each other on the field.

Using the sunlight, Shen Ming used the light reflected from the blade to catch one of the monsters and dazzle it with its eyes. The monster was provoked and jumped up to pounce on Shen Ming.

In order to prevent the weapon from being embedded in the body of the monster, Shen Ming picked up the back of the knife and hit it hard on the head.


There was a loud noise accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

The spotted rhinoceros was stunned and collapsed on the ground with its belly in the air and its legs in the air, moving convulsively.

[Intermediate Physique] The increase in strength is so terrifying!

"Pfft!" Shen Ming slashed the monster's neck with his sword, neatly and cleanly.

[Kill a spotted rhinoceros and gain talent value +2]

"Did I read that correctly? This pretty boy killed a rhinoceros beast with two swords?"

"Is it too late for me to bet on him now?"

"It's been paid! It's been paid! All my money this time

It's all on him! Pretty boy! Work harder! "A desperate soldier turned red in the face and slammed the steps of the martial arts arena.

Shen Ming kills the enemy with two swords. [Intermediate Physique] is paired with a saber, and the effect is truly overwhelming.

He swung the blade, and a handful of beast blood followed the inertia and flew far away, splashing all over the face of another monster.

The spotted rhinoceros was stunned. It had never been provoked like this before. It arched its back, roared in a low voice, and flew towards Shen Ming without thinking.

Shen Ming clenched his sword with both hands, and his whole body was filled with strength.

"Kill it! Kill it!"

The onlookers were excited. They had not seen such a clean and crisp fight for a long time.

Capital Commander Li Qingyun is a powerful martial artist, and Shen Ming's strength is nothing in his eyes, but he still looks excited. The frontier troops were martial, with warlike blood flowing in their blood.


The sound of brocade breaking suddenly sounded.

The slender waist of the spotted rhinoceros was cut into two pieces, and the two remaining body parts flew out to both sides along the blade.

Half of it fell to the ground and rolled a long way. The other half hit the iron fence with a "bang" and embedded itself inside. Animal blood spurted out and covered many of the soldiers watching the battle at close range.

[Kill a spotted rhinoceros and gain talent value +2]

The martial arts arena erupted in violent cheers again.

"This is too fierce. He hasn't practiced martial arts yet to develop his sense of energy, right?"

"To have such skill at such a young age is amazing!"

"He killed two monsters at once. You have to reimburse me double the money I bet!" A red-eyed sergeant reacted at this time and grabbed the corner of his colleague's clothes.

Li Qingyun stood up to leave. He turned his head and said to the deputy beside him:

"Who is the trial officer this time? Tell him not to play tricks on this young man again."

As the commander of the capital, Li Qingyun had heard about the little tricks in the military camp.

Shen Ming put away his knife and left the scene, receiving all kinds of looks along the way. He passed the martial arts test and became a third-level soldier.

The beast-slaying ability just now was extraordinary, and for a while no one dared to come forward to provoke him.

He reluctantly handed over the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a dull sound of footsteps in the martial arts field. A group of soldiers armed with guns and crossbows, full of evil spirits, surrounded the prisoners who passed the examination.

The leader is of medium build, about thirty years old, with round eyes and a snub nose, and has a strong and powerful look. Just listen to him scolding:

"You guys are thieves and armies! Don't think that passing the martial arts test will make you arrogant!"

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