Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 102 Evolution brought by Hashirama's cells

In the most secret underground laboratory of the Roots, there was suddenly the sound of gentle footsteps.

Uchiha Feiyu gently pushed open the door of the underground laboratory, looked at the busy researchers inside, and walked in quietly like a ghost.

Although the researchers at the root are also ninjas, most of them are undoubtedly civilian ninjas with little actual combat experience. Geniuses like Orochimaru's second generation Hokage who have blossomed in practical research are not so easy to appear.

Using Uchiha Feiyu's five-sense manipulation genjutsu, ordinary researchers can easily control twenty or thirty of them, and in the entire laboratory, there are only five researchers in total, plus two root guard ninjas.

In fact, not only in the laboratory, but now in the entire Roots, there are few places that Uchiha Feiyu has not visited. It can be said that in the eyes of Uchiha Feiyu, there are almost no secrets in the Roots.

Even including the plans of Konoha high-level officials, Uchiha Feiyu has roughly understood. Now the root has provided Orochimaru with the Uchiha clan for research, but no one knows that it is the Uchiha clan that has been studied. The body was actually taken away by Uchiha Feiyu in the end.

The Uchiha who can be targeted by the roots and Orochimaru naturally all have three magatama sharingan eyes. Even after the experiment, their sharingan eyes have been removed, but they are just corpses, and their value is definitely not small.

Moreover, a certain amount of Hashirama cells were injected into these corpses. After Uchiha Feiyu put these corpses into the blood pool, his bloodline improved a lot.

He was able to fuse the Susanoo and Thunder Release Chakra modes, largely because his bloodline has improved a lot. Susanoo has been able to activate the muscle mode, which can be said to be far away from the kaleidoscope level of pupil power. Just one step away.

It's just that Uchiha Feiha's eyes seem to be really fixed at the level of the three magatama. Even if the pupil power far exceeds the level of the three magatama's revealing eyes, there is no trend of evolution.

But that's okay. If he reveals the kaleidoscope, it is estimated that both the Uchiha clan and the top management of Konoha will have more ideas.

The Uchiha clan is full of admiration for the kaleidoscope. Even now that Uchiha Feiyu's strength has far exceeded that of ordinary kaleidoscope owners, they still stubbornly believe in the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan. It can be said that among the Uchiha clan, The Mangekyō Sharingan is a flag.

As for the top management of Konoha, because they have understood the process of opening the eyes of the Uchiha clan, in their eyes, all Mangekyo Sharingan owners are basically a group of psychopaths, and they are also psychopaths with big weapons in their hands.

"Tsk... aren't there any experimental subjects from the Uchiha clan today? That guy Danzo is incompetent! The Uchiha clan has close to a thousand ninjas, and more than 200 of them have opened their eyes. More than half of them are three magatama. As a result, So far, only four experimental subjects have been obtained.”

After looking at the laboratory, Uchiha Feiyu sighed softly. He wanted to get some Uchiha corpses, why was it so difficult?

If Danzo and the Third Hokage knew Uchiha Feiyu's current thoughts, they would definitely not try to sow discord between him and Orochimaru in this way.

Not only did Uchiha Feiyu not have the slightest affection for his cheap kin, he was even more greedy than Orochimaru. He was completely peeping at the other party's bloodline and wished he could keep the Uchiha clan in captivity and harvest them every once in a while.

"But fortunately, although there are no experimental subjects from the Uchiha clan, Hashirama cells have been cultivated a lot. Tsk, it seems they can be harvested again."

After walking a few steps in the laboratory, Uchiha Feiyu soon came to a huge culture tank. This culture tank was about three meters square, with a huge meat ball more than two meters in diameter inside.

The weirdest thing is that on the strange meat ball, there are also facial makeups of the first generation Hokage. Even though the eyes are closed, the dense facial makeup still looks like a loss of sanity.

"I don't know what kind of expression the first Hokage will have after seeing the research of future generations... Haha, I think his mood at that time will probably be similar to when he saw his gay friend putting his face on his heart. Bar!"

After joking a bit, Uchiha Feiyu drew out his sword and cut the huge Hashirama cell in half with one stroke, with one half occupying 90% and the other half only occupying 10%.

Then Uchiha Feiyu collected 90% of Hashirama's cells, leaving only 10% of Hashirama's cells in the huge petri dish.

"There's something wrong with the cell culture device again, and Mudun cells are starting to die in large numbers again!"

"Hurry up and inject the high-concentration nutrient solution, and inject the No. 13 potion, and find two ninjas to input the earth escape and water escape chakra!"

"Damn, why do these cells have problems every once in a while? This has never happened before!"

"Stop talking nonsense and cultivate it again as soon as possible!"

"Fortunately, the vitality of these wood escape cells is extremely tenacious and highly corrosive. As long as the nutrients are sufficient, it is easy to cultivate. Otherwise, you will suffer heavy losses every time you cultivate them."

A group of researchers kept discussing there, as if there was really a problem with the Wooden Cells and the culture tank themselves. They did not pay attention to Uchiha Feiyu who was holding a huge piece of Wooden Cells next to him.

Uchiha Feiyu unhurriedly received the wood escape cells into the seal scroll. This was his 30th harvest in half a year.

Since he discovered the laboratory that cultivated Wood Release Cells in the roots, he basically came to harvest them every week. Fortunately, Wood Release Cells grow very quickly as long as there are enough nutrients, otherwise the entire laboratory would probably be plucked out by him.

After 30 harvests, Uchiha Feiyu now has nearly 20 tons of Wood Release Cells. The reason why he got so many Wood Release Cells is actually that Uchiha Feiyu is going to borrow the power of the blood pool to absorb them.

It can be said that Hashirama cells are the best blood evolution materials in Uchiha Feiyu's hands, because Hashirama cells themselves have strong vitality and corrosive power. Even a small piece of Hashirama cells as big as a fingernail can proliferate into a huge meat ball with a diameter of several meters in a very short time.

And although the blood power in it is far less than that of the living body of Senju Hashirama, it will not cause a decrease in quality due to large-scale proliferation. As long as the number is large enough, it is actually much better than a large number of ordinary ninja sacrifices.

"Although the blood pool can trace blood in all directions, different materials will have different effects. I don't know if putting so many Hashirama cells in the blood pool will allow me to awaken the immortal body directly?"

I feel that the number of Hashirama cells in my hand is enough. In addition, my cultivation has come to an end during this period, and it is impossible to make any rapid progress in a short period of time.

Uchiha Feiyu is going to go to the blood pool next to evolve his blood. It is just right to experiment with the effect of Hashirama cells this time.

That night, Uchiha Feiyu left the Konoha Ninja Village directly and came to the underground cave where the blood pool was located, and threw all the Hashirama cells into it.

After a while, the blood pool refined all the Hashirama cells, and some bright red liquid emerged again. Although the amount of refined blood was not much, it gave people a dazzling feeling like a ruby ​​and full of vitality.

Uchiha Feiyu jumped into the blood pool and operated the method of swallowing souls and refining blood. In just over ten minutes, the energy in the blood pool was completely drained.

After tearing the cocoon open again and coming out again, Uchiha Feiyu clenched his fists and could feel that his vitality had almost doubled five or six times, and his chakra had soared several times stronger than the average Kage level.

What was particularly special was that his chakra seemed to be full of a certain vitality, which was the result of chakra's attainments in Yang escape, which was so strong that it exceeded a certain limit.

After walking out of the cave, Uchiha Feiyu casually touched a big tree and input the chakra full of vitality into it. The whole tree shook slightly and grew a few new buds.

"Tsk... This can also be considered as Wood escape... But this level can only be compared with Yamato who is doing greening."

Seeing this, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head with some disdain and gave up the idea of ​​using Wood escape.

Because it was inherited from the sacred tree and had the ability to absorb chakra, the power of Wood escape was indeed stronger than the average blood limit, but it was still far from being invincible.

Senju Hashirama can use Wood Release to defeat all opponents in the world, relying on the boundless chakra of the Sage Body, plus the bonus of Sage Mode. For ordinary ninjas, Wood Release is just a powerful bloodline limit.

Uchiha Feiyu also has a lot of chakra in his body, and even with the help of Hashirama's cells, he has stimulated a defective Sage Body, but even so, he just experimented and can be sure that his Wood Release is definitely not strong.

"However, as long as I continue to refine Hashirama's cells, my Sage Body will continue to improve, and one day I will really reach the level of Senju Hashirama..."

"It seems that I should go to the root to see if there is a Wood Release Ninjutsu scroll."

After so many times of using the Soul Devouring Blood Training Technique, Uchiha Feiyu gradually understood the principle of this spell to refine blood.

Any ninja with chakra has a slight change in the genes in his body because of chakra, and the source of the change lies in the Otsutsuki clan.

Through the refining of the blood pool, the blood closest to the Otsutsuki in these ninjas, or the gene fragments and the like, can be extracted and then absorbed through the Soul Swallowing Blood Refining Technique.

Of course, this kind of refining has its own upper limit, that is, it is impossible to exceed the source of the blood.

All the chakra in this world can be traced back to Kaguya Otsutsuki. Theoretically, if it is harvested one after another, it is indeed possible to reach Kaguya Otsutsuki's blood.

But in fact, it was the Six Paths Sage who really spread the chakra. Although his brother also left blood, if you want to trace the blood, you may have to harvest the Hyuga clan for hundreds or thousands of years.

In other words, Uchiha Feiyu's Soul Swallowing Blood Refining Technique can only be infinitely close to the Six Paths Sage when it is practiced to the limit.

Let's not talk about these for now, just talking about Hashirama cells, because the source comes from Hashirama Senju, so no matter how many Hashirama cells are provided, the limit of refining, that is, obtaining the sage body of Hashirama Senju, cannot exceed the source of Hashirama Senju.

"Otherwise, I won't need to collect corpses anymore. As long as I keep absorbing Hashirama's cells, I can continue to refine my bloodline and become the next Otsutsuki."

He cut off this impossible delusion in his mind, felt the surging chakra in his body, and even the pupil power in his eyes seemed to have increased a lot. Indistinctly, it seemed that two special ninjutsu were being nurtured in it.

Gently stroking his eyes, Uchiha Feiyu smiled:

"The pupil power is almost close to the level of the real Mangekyō... No, it may be the Eternal Mangekyō?"

"I didn't expect that Hashirama's cells would also have an effect on the evolution of Uchiha's bloodline. It makes sense when you think about it. After all, they are all from the same ancestor."

"Just like the chakra in the Uchiha clan is much stronger than that of ordinary ninjas, it should also be a little bit of the gift of the immortal body. Similarly, the Senju clan may also have a little bit of the immortal eye gene, but it is too incomplete and impossible to develop it."

This little bit of incomplete gene can't make the Senju clan have the Sharingan, but it can still be done by slightly completing the Uchiha clan's immortal eye gene.

After returning to the Konoha Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu felt like he had nothing to do for a while. If he continued to practice in a short period of time, his strength could not advance by leaps and bounds. It was also difficult to accumulate magic practice by relying on the tasks of the root.

"It's better to let me go to the battlefield..., forget it, let's go to the Root to see if there is any mission?!"

I made a decision in my heart, but just when I arrived at the gate of the Root, two Root ninjas came to Uchiha Feiyu in the morning:

"Uchiha Feiyu, Danzo-sama invites you!"

"Tsk, what's the mission again? I hope I don't have to run too far this time."

Uchiha Feiyu said with a bit of disdain, and the two Root ninjas pretended not to hear it and took Uchiha Feiyu to find Danzo.

"Feiyu, you're here."

In the dark office, Danzo, with a bandage on his face, had a gloomy and cold face. He didn't look like a good person. But when he saw Uchiha Feiyu coming in, the Root leader forced a smile on his face.

Looking at Danzo's fake smile, Uchiha Feiyu wanted to complain, "Don't laugh, it's really a bit creepy." Fortunately, he held back the words in the end. Instead, he asked about the mission:

"Who to kill? Where? How many people to kill?"

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