Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 122: Deal with Orochimaru

"Do you want information about the curse seal? As far as I know, Feiyu, you should have already practiced the immortal mode, so you don't need such a degraded version, right?"

"Are you also planning to try the art of reincarnation? But with your talent and age, you can't find a vessel with more qualifications than you..."

"Sorry, I think I can live for hundreds of years and don't need to find any container!"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and said calmly.

Although Orochimaru and Uchiha Feiyu are just a pair of plastic masters and apprentices, and they mostly use each other, they do have a certain sympathy for each other after they have been together for a long time.

Well, maybe it would be more appropriate to describe them as working together in collusion. They are two extreme egoists who are incompatible with each other in this era where everyone thinks about "the will of fire" and "world peace". They hug each other to keep each other warm. , while also exploring the opponent's trump card.

In this regard, Uchiha Feiyu naturally has an absolute advantage. After all, Uchiha Feiyu basically knows everything about what Orochimaru knows. Even if new things are developed later, it is because of Uchiha Feiyu. changes brought about.

However, Orochimaru also found out something. At least he knew that Uchiha Feiyu's improvement in strength was related to his killings on the battlefield. He also knew that Uchiha Feiyu, like him, was proficient in soul-related ninja techniques.

So from a long time ago, Uchiha Feiyu has been crossed out from his container list. On the contrary, he also discussed his immortal reincarnation technique and the Lich Reincarnation Ceremony with Uchiha Feiyu. From this aspect, Generally speaking, these two people are the people who know each other best in the world.

Even in Orochimaru's view, everyone else in the world will decay and die, and only his cheap apprentice has the possibility of embarking on the road to eternal life like himself.

"Then why do you want the curse seal? You don't really want to develop Sand Ninja Village, do you? I don't think my apprentice has that much sense of responsibility."

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled lightly and said something that Orochimaru had a little hard to understand:

"Of course, this is so that we can have more leeks that grow well during future harvests!"

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Uchiha Feiyu's words, Orochimaru still felt a creepy feeling after hearing these words, and his intuition told him that his apprentice must have no good intentions.

"Forget it...I won't ask you what you want to do, but the curse seal is not a simple thing. It is a top secret technique that I worked hard to develop and can change the entire ninja world..."

"so what?"

"You have to pay more!"

"I don't have any money, but I do have one pill. Just tell me if you want it, right?"

Uchiha Feiyu directly took out a pill that was refined using the source of the soul. The souls stored in the Box of Bliss for many years were completely consumed. However, the number of souls that Uchiha Feiyu captured was quite large, and their purity was even higher. Far better than the resentful ghost in the box of bliss.

This soul elixir was refined by Uchiha Feiyu directly extracting the souls of the five chuunin he controlled.

The soul power of a chuunin is about twice that of a genin, and the soul source obtained through the soul refining method will only have about one-tenth left. In other words, this pill is equivalent to a genin of soul energy.

As soon as such a pill was taken out, Orochimaru's eyes were fixed on it. He could clearly feel that his soul was extremely greedy for the pill in front of him.

Ordinary ninjas may not be able to see the details of this elixir, but Orochimaru is almost the number one person in soul research in the ninja world today. He could already feel the essence of the elixir almost as soon as he saw it.

The so-called elixir is just a shape, or shell, but its essence is a ball of extremely pure soul energy. As long as you swallow it, you can increase your own soul power!

Orochimaru's research on the soul is extremely in-depth, and his own soul power is considered top even among shadow-level experts.

It's just that after his immortal reincarnation technique was integrated with the Lich Reincarnation Ceremony, although it greatly improved the defects of soul defects and incompatibility between soul and flesh, the requirements for soul power were also extremely demanding.

In other words, although ninjutsu has been perfected, the difficulty has also increased. Until now, Orochimaru has not reincarnated for the first time because the difficulty of the new corpse reincarnation is too high.

But with the soul elixir, it's different. Now that his soul power increases by one level, it will be easier to perform the new corpse reincarnation technique, and the success rate will be higher.

"Okay, I'll give you the information about the curse seal, and give me the elixir."

After much deliberation, Orochimaru gritted his teeth and decided on the deal. Looking at the look in his eyes, Uchiha Feiyu suddenly knew something. He estimated that his cheap teacher wanted to analyze the ingredients of the pills to see if he could Make it yourself!

Uchiha Feiyu didn't think that his cheap teacher had the ability to actually make the soul elixir on his own. After Orochimaru exhausted all methods and was completely disappointed, he would definitely come to him for a deal.

By then, his cheap teacher will have to become his tool no matter how unwilling he is.

After collecting the elixir, Orochimaru handed the information about the curse seal to Uchiha Feiyu, and then he waved his hand:

"If nothing happens, don't look for me. I'm still going to do experiments!"

"Then I really have something to do. The matter of the elixir and the curse seal is just a bonus. The real purpose of my visit this time is, first, I hope that Teacher Orochimaru can give me some information about Konoha. I believe that the teacher should still have a lot of spies and team members in Konoha."

Orochimaru was slightly stunned, looked at Uchiha Feiyu and asked:

"You are looking for me for Konoha's information and informants? Why? Are you going to take action against Konoha?"

While talking, Orochimaru was also guessing in his heart that with the strength of his cheap apprentice, plus the Sand Ninja who has recovered a little bit now, maybe he can really flatten Konoha in one wave!

"Of course not... It is not in my interest to flatten Konoha now. Besides, although I don't have much affection for Konoha, I don't have any hatred after all."

The ones who really have a grudge against Uchiha Feiyu are Shimura Danzo and the Root who killed his parents. The others are the Third Hokage who may know something about this matter, which is slightly related.

Although the Uchiha clan forced him to become a ninja, they at least taught him some basic ninjutsu. When his strength improved greatly, they paid a lot of secret techniques to win him over, so he actually had no grudge against the Uchiha clan.

The main reason why he targeted the Uchiha clan was because of Uchiha Feiyu's own greed, not because the Uchiha clan offended him.

"Tsk, forget it, it seems that you have your own plans, but in exchange for an equal value, I will give you the information of Konoha, what can you give me?"

Orochimaru glanced at his apprentice, and seeing his smiling face, he knew that he probably couldn't ask anything, so he waved his hand and simply asked for benefits.

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, took out a Hunyuan treasure box, and said lightly:

"Teacher, haven't you always wondered why I can improve my strength so much in the war? This is the answer!"

"The Hunyuan treasure box can transform living ninjas into blood and qi pills, greatly improving the ninja's physical strength and physical talent. At the same time, the increase in physical strength will also increase the amount of chakra. As long as you eat enough, even a pig can become a shadow-level ninja!"

Orochimaru took a look with interest. This kind of blood and qi pill is not worthless to any ninja. Although Orochimaru is not very interested in physical skills and feels that his own chakra is enough, he can never refuse the temptation of physical strength and chakra growth.

Not to mention that when Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation technique is developed, this kind of pill can also be used to cultivate containers to make the containers more perfect.

Licking his tongue slightly, Orochimaru looked at the Hunyuan Treasure Box and asked:

"You are really direct. It seems that you are very confident in your current strength. Do you no longer need to hide secrets? I wonder how many Qi and blood pills can you provide me, Feiyu?"

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head directly:

"I am not providing you with pills, but giving you the Hunyuan Treasure Box directly!"

Orochimaru widened his eyes, looked at Uchiha Feiyu, and took a breath of cold air:

"Ahem, my disciple, if you have anything to say, just say it, otherwise you can give me this thing directly, and I dare not take it!"

"Konoha's intelligence is not worth the Hunyuan Treasure Box in your hand!"

Uchiha Feiyu looked at his cheap teacher's vague panic and showed a speechless look. Did he leave such a big psychological shadow on his cheap teacher?

Usually, he called himself Feiyu, but now he even called his disciple!

However, Uchiha Feiyu still explained to Orochimaru carefully:

"Teacher, don't worry, I have four Hunyuan Treasure Boxes in my hand, I just put one here with you."

"And this Hunyuan Treasure Box can only be used by my clone. If other ninjas want to use the Hunyuan Treasure Box, they will be completely sucked dry by the Hunyuan Treasure Box!"

"If Teacher Orochimaru doesn't believe it, you can find a way to do research. Of course, don't try it yourself. I don't want you to be sucked dry by this Hunyuan Treasure Box."

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment and said in a low voice:

"In that case, you are going to leave a clone here with me? But how long can a clone last?"

"The clones I created can exist for a long time with the special sealing formation, so there is no need to replenish them repeatedly."

Uchiha Feiyu said, with the secret technique of Devouring Heaven Demon Art, as long as the natural energy is gathered to a sufficient concentration, the clone can also rely on absorbing natural energy to transform energy and exist for a long time.

When he was in Kusagakure Village, Uchiha Feiyu used this trick to artificially create a "holy land" with high concentration of natural energy to absorb natural energy and maintain the existence of the clone.

In fact, the human experiment materials that Orochimaru had practiced before were all handed over to Uchiha Feiyu for processing, otherwise Uchiha Feiyu would not have given him a large amount of funds to squander every day before he produced any results.

Now with the Hunyuan Treasure Box, at most the processing is more efficient.

Orochimaru took a look at the Hunyuan Treasure Box, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, and asked:

"Is that kind of soul elixir also related to the Hunyuan Treasure Box?"

"It's not bad to say that it is related. The Hunyuan Treasure Box can store souls, but to refine it into elixirs, I still have to rely on my unique soul refining method to extract the energy in it."

That's not bad. Although the Hunyuan Treasure Box can be regarded as an automatic alchemy furnace, it doesn't have a good way to deal with soul energy. It just inherits the ability to store souls from the Bliss Box.

The real way to refine soul energy into elixir is Uchiha Feiyu's soul refining method.

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's explanation, Orochimaru nodded slightly. Although there was still a bit of greed in his eyes, he didn't say much in the end.

However, Orochimaru also knew the character of his apprentice very well. Some ordinary ninjutsu and treasures were fine, but things like the soul refining method would definitely not be easily handed over to him by this cheap apprentice.

There is no hope of forcibly seizing it. The strength of his apprentice in the past few years has become more and more unfathomable. As for exchanging it with other things, Orochimaru doesn't have any equivalent ninjutsu and treasures on hand.

"Okay... your clone stays here. I will give you the information and informants of Konoha when the time comes. You just said that this is the first thing. Is there anything else?"

"Yes... The second thing is that I want to ask you for someone!"

"Ask for someone?!"

Orochimaru blinked. He didn't remember that there was anyone under his command that Uchiha Feiyu would care about... No! The living people under his command were indeed not worthy of Uchiha Feiyu's attention, but if it was a dead person, it was indeed worth enough for Uchiha Feiyu to take seriously.

"The person you are looking for is the Impure World Reincarnation of the Second Hokage!?"

"It seems that I don't need to tell you, Teacher Orochimaru, you also know who I am looking for."

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled. He has now made some modifications to the Impure World Reincarnation, and can directly control the reincarnated soul in his hands through the Soul Binding, instead of turning it into an Impure World Reincarnation.

Although the Soul Binding Summoning can only allow one soul to possess the body at a time, the power it displays depends not only on the soul, but also on the basic qualities of the body. However, there is one thing that the Soul Binding Summoning is much stronger than the Impure World Reincarnation, that is, the control over the soul!

The top powerhouses reborn by the Impure World Reincarnation are basically uncontrollable by anyone, but once the Soul Binding Summoning Summoning is performed, even the first generation Hokage, Uchiha Madara, is directly and completely controlled.

After completing the transformation, Uchiha Feiyu wanted to summon the second generation Hokage as soon as possible, but in the end, he could not find the soul of the second generation Hokage.

At that time, Uchiha Feiyu knew that the soul of the second generation Hokage was probably taken by his cheap teacher first.

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