Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 124 Frontline Situation

In addition to the invasion of external enemies, there are definitely many problems within Konoha.

When Uchiha Feiyu left Konoha, he threw out a lot of black material about the roots and Konoha, which almost caused Konoha's top management to lose all prestige.

If Konoha hadn't been in the middle of a war, it would have been either that the Third Hokage would have stepped down, or that the whole of Konoha would have started a civil war!

Even at this critical moment, the various forces within the Ninja Village are only superficially in harmony with each other, barely coping with the enemy's offensive. It is absolutely impossible to support the top leaders of Konoha like before without any second thoughts.

Among them, the one who reacted the most was naturally the Uchiha clan. You must know that among the dirty information about Danzo, the Uchiha clan was definitely the most ruthless.

Not to mention other things, the fact that Danzo captured several ninjas from the Uchiha clan and sent them to Orochimaru as materials for human experiments was enough to make the Uchiha clan gnash their teeth with hatred.

Although Danzo is dead, everyone knows that this matter must have the tacit approval of Konoha's higher-ups. In this case, the Uchiha clan did not directly attack the Hokage Building. This is because Uchiha Fugaku has a soft character. .

As for expecting the Uchiha clan to continue to contribute to Konoha's bleeding, there is no need to think about it in a short time. If they don't stab Konoha, they are already thinking about the overall situation.

Originally, in the Third Ninja War, the Uchiha clan was supposed to be the group of ninjas sent to deal with the Mist Ninja. Although it was a bit annoying to let the Uchiha clan, who were good at fire escape, deal with the ninjas from the Kingdom of Water, in fact, the Uchiha clan The Bo clan did contribute a lot to Konoha.

Due to environmental factors and the barrier of the ocean, it is almost difficult for the Mist Ninja Village to invade the mainland. Therefore, every time the ninja world wars, the Mist Ninja Village's intention to invade is not strong. It is more about taking advantage of the situation and basically only sends out one person. Two thousand ninjas.

But if you consider that there are only a few hundred ninjas in the Uchiha clan, you know that the Uchiha at that time definitely tried their best to resist the Mist Ninja's offensive.

Nowadays, due to the lack of the Uchiha clan, if Konoha wants to withstand the attack of the Mist Ninjas, it must mobilize more ninjas from other battlefields, which makes Konoha's situation even worse.

However, this is actually not much different from the Third Ninja War in Konoha in the original work. At most, it is just a little more difficult because there are no Uchiha clan and Orochimaru.

What really surprised Uchiha Feiyu was another thing:

"You mean, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki also went to the front line of the Iwa Ninja Village? Jiraiya was transferred to deal with the Mist Ninja?"

Looking at Orochimaru's men in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is said that the golden flash on the front line and our Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki of Konoha are a couple. The two teamed up to fight against the invasion of the entire Iwa Ninja. By the way, they also took care of the Thunder Kingdom front line and deterred the Cloud Ninja. "

"As for Jiraiya-sama, he is currently sitting on the coastline of Konoha, leading Konoha's troops to confront the Mist ninja led by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

Sure enough, the plot has changed. I remember in the original work, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen made a surprise attack into the hinterland of Konoha. In the end, because they continued to pursue Metkai, they were opened eight doors by Metkai's father. The Dunjia Formation directly turned into three auspicious treasures.

It was precisely because of Metadai's sudden outburst that the Mist Ninja's invasion caused no harm and was quickly and completely repelled.

As a result, now, although Jiraiya stopped the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, he also turned the original surprise and crushing situation into a long-term tug-of-war. In the long run, the losses caused may be even greater.

However, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about the Kiri Ninja and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. He waved his hand and told Orochimaru's Anko to retreat, and he touched his chin and started thinking.

Judging from various signs in Naruto's original work, the current Mist Ninja Village is probably controlled by Uchiha Madara. Before he directly raided Uchiha Madara, he did not want to contact the Mist Ninja Village, lest Uchiha Madara's Lao Bangzi was alert.

"Or... I can do the opposite, use the power of Sharingan more, directly attract Uchiha Madara's attention, and let Uchiha Madara use me as his back-up to summon him?"

Uchiha Madara chose Uchiha Obito in the first place, partly by chance and partly out of helplessness. To say that he had chosen Obito from the beginning, Uchiha Feiha would never believe it.

Even Uchiha Madara knows that the more emotional an Uchiha is, the greater the possibility of awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan, but in fact the awakening of the Mangekyo still depends on luck, otherwise, there is no such thing in the Uchiha clan. Why did a person who looked cold on the outside but valued love and justice on the inside choose Uchiha Obito?

The biggest reason is that when Obito awakened the two Magatama Sharingan, he had already shown some kaleidoscope abilities. The body that was originally suppressed was partially weakened by the power of the divine power, so that he could avoid being crushed to death by the boulder.

This same performance also attracted the attention of Bai Zetsu who was nearby at the time, which convinced Uchiha Madara that Obito had extremely high potential.

Another point is that there was no one in the Uchiha clan at that time who could awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan. There was only one Uchiha Fugaku who had the possibility of awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he kept hiding it. Uchiha Madara couldn't pick one even if he wanted to. Find the right person.

In this case, Uchiha Madara had no other choice but to cultivate him himself, so Obito fell into Uchiha Madara's eyes.

Although this is Uchiha Feiyu's guess, he also believes that it should be close to ten. If in this case, he showed abilities such as Susanoo, wouldn't he immediately attract Uchiha Madara's attention? ?

In addition, Uchiha Feiha is a defected ninja from Konoha and does not have a complicated relationship or relationship with the Uchiha clan. From this point of view, he is simply the person who was born to replace Uchiha Madara and implement the Eye of the Moon plan!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu immediately made up his mind to perform well with Susanoo on the Iwa Ninja battlefield.

As for which side we should deal with then, let’s see which ninja village offends us when the time comes!

On the front line of Konoha, Namikaze Minato glanced at the information in his hand and handed it to his staff of the Nara clan.

Although the future Fourth Hokage is definitely not a fool, he is not a person who is good at battlefield planning.

Having an unimaginable time and space ninjutsu like the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, rather than letting him command from the rear, is not as valuable as supporting the teams on the front line, it is precisely for this reason that Namikaze Minato has nothing Commanding experience.

Not only Namikaze Minato, sitting next to Namikaze Minato at the moment, Konoha's other Kage-level combat power, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina, is also not a person who is good at commanding. Therefore, the current command authority has long been It fell to Nara Shikaku, the staff officer.

The Nara clan's staff officer seemed to have been used to Namikaze Minato's methods for a long time. He glanced at the information in his hand and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? Is it difficult to handle? Shikaku?"

Namikaze Minato asked curiously, and Nara Shikaku shook his head:

"Iwa Ninja Village has increased its troops again. It feels like this bunch of country rats will never die."

Namikaze Minato chuckled:

"Don't worry, wasn't the situation in the past just as difficult? We still managed to survive. Although there are not many troops in the rear, the current Konoha ninjas have also been trained."

"That brat Kakashi is already a quasi-kage-level ninja. If this battle continues like this, I think he will become a kage-level ninja directly on the battlefield. Then the battle will be easier."

Nara Shikaku patted his face and smiled bitterly:

"I just feel that the strategy has failed. The strategy of diverting disaster to the east has no effect at all."

The so-called strategy of diverting trouble to the east is to turn the current target of Iwa Ninja Village to Yun Ninja Village.

It stands to reason that the Kumo ninja suffered heavy casualties. The only candidates for the Third Raikage and the Fourth Raikage were all dead, leaving only the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki alone to support them. It was absolutely difficult to face the invasion of the Iwa Ninja.

Faced with such a big fat man who had no power to resist, Nara Shikaku always felt that Onoki would not be able to withstand the temptation. However, the fact is that Onoki ultimately set his target on Konoha and did not turn to Iwa Ninja Village. .

"Perhaps this is also related to the complete destruction of the root... I have to admit that although the root is very disgusting, it is indeed a very useful poison blade when exposed to the outside world."

"Okay, about the topic of roots, Minato, please don't say any more."

Nara Shikaku interrupted Namikaze Minato. Since Orochimaru's defection, Namikaze Minato has been appointed as the fourth generation Hokage. The smart people of the Nara clan have naturally attached themselves to him early.

It is precisely for this reason that Nara Shikaku does not want Namikaze Minato to say some nonsense. You must know that in the entire Konoha, criticism has become a kind of political correctness.

Namikaze Minato only said a few words. In fact, he didn't have a good impression of the root. After all, his wife was a personal chūriki. With Danzo's disgusting character, it would be strange if he didn't make up his mind. .

Under this situation, Namikaze Minato had already cultivated himself by not spitting at his roots, and what he just said was just something he felt.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. The key issue now is to discuss how to deal with Iwa Ninja."

"What's there to discuss?"

A crisp voice sounded, and the red-haired Uzumaki Kushina waved the small fist in her hand:

"Minato and I join forces, no matter how many ninjas come to support the Iwa Ninja Village, we can knock him down!"

Seeing Uzumaki Kushina's confident expression, Nara Shikaku also showed a smile.

"That's right. With Minato's Flying Thunder God and the power of the Nine-Tails, no matter what, we in Konoha reserve the right to flip the table!"

Although the current Uzumaki Kushina is not a perfect Jinchuuriki, she can still exert most of the power of the Nine Tails with the Uzumaki clan's huge chakra and suppression of the tailed beasts.

Namikaze Minato, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, is the most mobile ninja in the ninja world, and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, who possesses the strongest tailed beast, is also the most destructive ninja in the ninja world.

The strongest mobility, coupled with the strongest destructiveness, if you really let go of your hands and feet, it is enough to make any ninja village drink a pot.

If it weren't for the fear that the opponent's Jinchuuriki would also break the pot and cause heavy losses to Konoha, this young couple could have ended this war in an instant!

Of course, the consequences will definitely be serious. If the Iwa Ninja also chooses to use the tailed beast to attack suddenly, Konoha may also be completely annihilated, and then the two sides will have to fight a bad battle.

But as long as the two of them are here, no matter what, Konoha will not really be destroyed. At most, they will suffer some losses in this battle, but no ninja village will dare to push Konoha to the limit.

In fact, this is the role of the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki. Although in the original comics, when the Akatsuki organization collected the Jinchuriki, the performance of those Jinchuriki was indescribable, and few of them could stand up.

But in fact, the jinchuriki itself is positioned as an anti-village weapon. The great ninja village that is pushed to the limit can completely use ninjas to protect the jinchuriki, and then rely on the super attack range and huge destructive power of the tailed beast jade, and other The Ninja Village perished together.

However, there are so many weird ninjutsu in the ninja world. This tactic is only a deterrent after all, and the possibility of success is not very high.

Just the jinchūriki and the flying thunder god are really difficult to guard against. Just thinking about it can make people's scalp numb.

"Tsk, if you think about it this way, even I think this couple is a bit outrageous!"

Uchiha Feiyu, who was also sitting in the tent, touched his chin and said with some emotion.

Yes, Uchiha Feiyu had already arrived at the Konoha camp ahead. Relying on the illusion of manipulating the five senses, he went directly to the command center and read all the information carefully.

Even though they were looking at the information in the command center openly, walking around, and even whispering to themselves, a bunch of Konoha ninjas seemed to turn a blind eye and not hear.

Even Namikaze Minato, who is known as the golden flash, or Uzumaki Kushina, who is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, found nothing at all.

"The Bridge of Kannakun, it turns out that there really is such a mission! But this time without Minato Namikaze, will it be entirely up to Kakashi and his three men to carry it out?"

"Huh!? Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, and one is Metkai?! When did such a team appear?"

Although he was a little confused about this, Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that it was probably his butterfly effect that caused Kakashi to stand out earlier.

After all, he had stored Konoha White Fang's soul on the White Fang dagger. In other words, when Kakashi was in danger, Hatake Sakumo could possess his son at any time and perform what it means to be a portable dad. Fight on behalf of others.

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