Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 131 The mastermind who was almost caught

"Tsk tsk tsk... Senior Uchiha Madara, your performance is really too embarrassing. Can't you bear it just like that?"

With a somewhat sarcastic tone, looking at the embarrassed opponent, Uchiha Feiyu spoke lightly.

The aging Uchiha Madara stood up tremblingly. When he met the unethical kid in front of him, the old man finally understood what it meant that a phoenix with feathers plucked is worse than a chicken.

"Little brat... If I were 20 years younger, you would be dead now!"

"Haha, senior, please stop saying such harsh words. I have only heard that you should not bully the poor young, but I have never heard that you should not bully the poor old. I am still a young man with unlimited potential. In another 20 years, I may be able to suppress you, the Shura of the Ninja World, with one hand..."

"But if you are 20 years younger... I can only sigh that the dead are the greatest!"


Uchiha Madara was so angry that he bleed. After a long time, he suppressed his anger and looked at Uchiha Feiyu, saying coldly:

"Little brat, it seems that you don't want to trade with me! When you really feel the power of the Mangekyō disappear completely and your eyes go blind bit by bit, you will know what despair is! "

"Sorry, there are few people in this world who can force me to use the Mangekyō. As long as I don't use the Mangekyō, I won't go blind naturally."

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and then looked at Uchiha Madara with sarcasm:

"Besides... isn't it just Hashirama's cells? Old senior, you don't think you are the only one in the world who can study this kind of thing! "

As soon as the voice fell, Uchiha Feiyu's hands were clasped together again, and an incredibly huge amount of active chakra gushed out of his body.

"Wait... this chakra... this chakra full of life... could it be Wood Release?"

The expression on Uchiha Madara's face changed drastically, but Uchiha Feiyu said with a chuckle:

"Yes, it is indeed Wood Release, and it is not just an ordinary Wood Release..."

"I think that since you are the nemesis of Hashirama Senju, you must have a deep impression of this move - Wood Release - Buddha on the top - Really thousands of hands!!"

The earth began to tremble again, and countless branches on the ground stretched out, coiled together, and continued to expand, forming one bulge after another.

At the same time, a head like a mountain peak slowly grew out from the ground, and the bulge on the ground was just the hair on that head.

As the vibration became stronger and stronger, in front of Uchiha Madara, the entire mountain was covered by shadows, and the huge Buddha statue slowly poked out from the ground. In just a short one or two minutes, the incredibly huge Buddha statue, which was thousands of meters high, appeared in front of him.

"Impossible... How is it possible?... Hashirama cells can never do this!"

Uchiha Madara was completely confused. Is this the effect of Hashirama cells? Don't be ridiculous. Even if you replace all the cells in your body with Hashirama cells, you can never develop Wood Release to this extent!

Only Hashirama Senju himself has truly used the True Thousand Hands! No matter how others get the power of Wood Release, they can only use degraded Wood Release.

Could this kid actually be the result of the relationship between Senju and Uchiha...

In the face of this incredible change, even Uchiha Madara's mind has gone astray, and he even thought of the combination of Senju and Uchiha.

But before the old man could think about anything else, Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on the giant Buddha statue in the sky, had already waved his hand:

"It's over, Madara... Lao Deng, it's time to get the gold coins!"

At this moment, each hand of the huge Thousand-Handed Buddha statue formed a treasure bottle seal, and the chakra flowing in the Buddha statue formed a beautiful shadow of the Great Dao Treasure Bottle in the sky, sucking it down.

Yes, Uchiha Feiyu created the Thousand-Handed Buddha statue just to bless the Great Dao Treasure Bottle of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, and by doing so, he could absorb everything in Uchiha Madara's body.

With Uchiha Feiyu's Heaven Devouring Demon Art, even if Uchiha Madara was at his peak, he could suck everything out of him, and it would only take some time at most.

Only the Indra Chakra hidden in the deepest part of Uchiha Madara's soul is something that Uchiha Feiyu dare not guarantee can be absorbed by the Devouring Heaven Demon Art 100%. This is not a defect of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art secret technique, but it is just that Uchiha Feiyu himself has not practiced it well enough.

That's why he needs to rely on the Buddha statue of the Thousand Hands of the Real Tree to bless the Avenue Aquarius. With this tricky method, he forced the Avenue Aquarius to a higher level, hoping to completely drain Uchiha Madara.

The aging Uchiha Madara had no power to resist at all, and was directly sucked into the Avenue Aquarius. At the same time, the white Zetsu and the huge outer demon statues scattered around were also twisted and absorbed by the power of the Avenue Aquarius.

"Hey! Has the black Zetsu guy been hiding in the shadow of Uchiha Madara all along?"

Uchiha Feiyu looked down with a little surprise, and saw a group of black shadows below constantly twisting and trembling, which was exactly where the original shadow of Uchiha Madara was.

However, facing the suction force of the Avenue Aquarius, even a special life form like Black Zetsu did not have much resistance. In the end, in order to save his life, this guy directly separated part of his body, and most of it was sucked into the Avenue Aquarius, leaving only a little black smoke that disappeared underground.

Uchiha Feiyu's hands were flying with hand seals, and the thousand-meter giant Buddha below also waved countless arms, forming thousands of different hand seals. The treasure bottle in the sky flashed with a burst of rays of light, and finally turned into reality. , condensed into a real treasure vase.

"The Yin Escape creates matter... Fortunately, there is this technique that can completely seal Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu, and the heretic demons into the vase, and spend time slowly refining and absorbing them."

"Hmm... Uchiha Madara, this guy didn't use Izanagi? Is it because he is too old? No... probably because he knows very well that he has no chance to escape!"

Only then did Uchiha Feiyu let out a long breath.

It is easy to kill Uchiha Madara. Not to mention that Uchiha Madara has lost the Rinnegan Eye and is in a very old state. Even at his peak, as long as he has not awakened the Rinnegan Eye and became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, Uchiha Feiyu is confident to kill him. win.

But for Feiyu, the most important thing is not to defeat Uchiha Madara, but to completely absorb his origin.

This requires Uchiha Feiyu not only to capture Uchiha Madara alive, but also to completely seal him. Otherwise, with Uchiha Feiyu's current level of Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique, it will be difficult to obtain Indra Chakra.

As for the small part of Black Zetsu that escaped, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much. Without Uchiha Madara, it would not be easy to stir up trouble in the ninja world with only black things.

After killing Uchiha Madara and the heretic demons in one fell swoop, Uchiha Feiyu didn't want to waste any more time. He used the flying thunder god technique along the way and returned to the Sand Ninja Village in less than a day.

After that, Uchiha Feiyu fell into a state of seclusion, holding the treasure bottle he created, slowly absorbing the inner source bit by bit.

The Ninja World War is still going on, but it has nothing to do with the Suna Ninja who have withdrawn from the war. It took Uchiha Feiyu two full years to get the origin in the vase without being disturbed. Absorb cleanly.

Apart from Uchiha Madara, the most important big head is actually the Outer Golem. Although the chakra inside the Outer Golem has been drained, its essence has not changed at all. It is still the one that can drain the planet's energy, and will The sacred tree that transforms everything into chakra.

The origin of Uchiha Madara allowed Uchiha Feiyu to directly awaken the Samsara Eye, while the origin of the Heretic Golem gave him the magical power to absorb the energy of all things in the world.

That is the most essential power of the sacred tree, and even to a certain extent, it is the most fundamental power of all Otsutsuki. However, although the Otsutsuki clan can rely on the sacred tree for grazing, they themselves do not have such terrifying abilities.

Otherwise, the Otsutsukis would not need to search for the planet with the sacred tree, nor would they need to plant the sacred tree. Waiting for the sacred tree to bear chakra fruits, they themselves can suck out the planet's energy.

"It's a pity... Hei Zetsu, the Otsutsuki, has too many defects. There is no way for me to have the same physique as Otsutsuki... Now I probably belong to Indra who is like Otsutsuki's ancestor. At the same time, I also have The characteristics of the sacred tree.”

Of course, this level of power is quite abnormal, but it is still far from invincible. At least Uchiha Feiyu has not reached the level of Six Paths in terms of pure energy.

After all, he only absorbed the heretic demon. Although his essence and potential have increased significantly, the chakra in his body has not increased much. If he absorbs all the tailed beasts later, he will almost become a big tube. Mu Feiyu is gone.

Now... it's not a big deal. After more than ten years, the powerful medicines he released alone would be enough to gather enough chakra for him.

In the final analysis, after Uchiha Feiyu ate the heretic demon, his essence had already reached the level of the Sixth Path, and what he lacked was just the supplement of chakra.

Even if you don't do anything, it will take a hundred years to fully replenish your own strength just by absorbing the natural energy.

Slowly walked out of the room. Although he was said to be in seclusion, Uchiha Feiyu obviously didn't find a deep mountain and old forest to hide in and practice endlessly.

On the contrary, he lives in the most luxurious house in Sand Ninja Village. On weekdays, he does not study hard all day long, but combines work and rest, and has dedicated people to take care of his food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Two years have passed, and the Kingdom of Wind, which has been undergoing the transformation of Wood Escape, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the climate and environment of the entire Kingdom of Wind have not yet reached the level of the Kingdom of Fire, most of the original deserts have been turned into savannas. The area of ​​the former oasis has expanded more than ten times, and the overall environment is no less than that of the Kingdom of Earth. The country and the country of thunder.

Due to the changes in the country's environment and sufficient funds, today's Suna Ninja Village has recovered most of its strength in the few years after the war.

Even in terms of high-level combat power, it may be even better than when the Great Ninja World War first started. The Suna Ninja Village now has three Kage-level ninjas: Hayakura, Garura, and Natsuhi Hoshi, as well as Uzumaki. Kana, the perfect Jinchuuriki, is close to more than 40 elite jounin-level ninjas.

Among them, the vast majority of elite jounin are women, and they are also the cauldron of Uchiha Feiyu. As his strength improves, the bonus to the female side during dual training also increases.

Among the more than 40 elite jonins, there are less than ten male ninjas. Although men still dominate the lower levels, when the Sand Ninjas hold a high-level meeting, they will find that all the people sitting in the main seats are women.

In this regard, the male ninjas of the Sand Ninjas can only sigh. Who let the "enhanced ninjutsu" developed by the Kazekage-sama only work for women?

Some Sand Ninjas even discussed privately that if this continues, should the Sand Ninja Village be renamed the Female Ninja Village?

Uchiha Feiyu, who left his residence, turned around, looked at the scenery, and then walked towards the Kazekage Building.

Pushing open the door of the Kazekage's office, Ye Cang, who was processing various documents, was stunned when he heard the door open. He quickly raised his head and saw Uchiha Feiyu smiling at the door.


Ye Cang rushed over excitedly, squeezed into Uchiha Feiyu's arms, and raised his head directly to give a sweet kiss.

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and patted the thick part of Ye Cang's back twice with one hand, and began to pinch it.

Ye Cang's face flushed slightly, and he moaned softly, and his whole body softened.

"Don't... don't do this... there are others..."

The Fifth Kazekage lay in Uchiha Feiyu's arms, panting softly, but Uchiha Feiyu just chuckled and increased the strength in his hands:

"Knowing that someone just ran over to kiss me? You stoked this fire yourself!"

"Woo... I... I can't help it~, Feiyu, you haven't come to see me these days..."

"Hehe, so I'm here now, right? Feed you, little greedy cat!"

"Wait... don't be here... someone is watching..."

"Don't worry, those irrelevant people have long been trapped in my illusion, and can't see anything at all... Don't you think this is more exciting?"

Ye Cang, who had already collapsed in Uchiha Feiyu's arms, felt as if his body was burning after hearing this.

Holding the confused Ye Cang in his arms, Uchiha Feiyu directly placed her on the desk of the Kazekage. Then he snapped his fingers, and the two men in the Kazekage's office walked out with confused eyes.

In addition to the two men, the remaining people in the Kazekage's office were four young female ninjas. Seeing Uchiha Feiyu put Ye Cang on the desk, these female ninjas not only did not mean to stop him, but walked over with red faces, first helped Uchiha Feiyu take off his clothes, and then came over with a smile.

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