Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 134 Uchiha Feiyu Arrives

Just when the Second Hokage and Orochimaru were in a stalemate, two figures walked over from outside Orochimaru's secret base.

As the two figures gradually approached, their full faces were revealed. One was a woman with a hot figure and fair skin, wearing an old-fashioned green coat. There was also a big word "GAM" written on the coat behind her.

The other girl was fifteen or sixteen years old, with a delicate face, short hair, and a somewhat timid look on her face.

"This is the place that Second Grandpa mentioned. Orochimaru's stinky snake should be staying here."

The blonde woman glanced at the surrounding terrain and murmured.

At this time, the short-haired girl came forward:

"Tsunade-sama, how should we find the Second Hokage? There must be many traps in Orochimaru's base!"

Tsunade shook her hair, snorted softly, and said:

"Don't worry. Traps and other traps will have no effect as long as you open up all the mouse holes!"

"Shizune, please stay a little further and see how I smash this snake hole!"

After hearing this, Shizune immediately withdrew a hundred meters away, while Tsunade moved her wrists and ankles, gathered all the chakra, and punched the ground hard.

With a loud bang, the ground trembled, and countless huge cracks suddenly appeared. The ground with Tsunade as the center was directly smashed into a huge spider web-like pit, as if an earth-shaking earthquake had erupted. earthquake.

At this moment, Orochimaru and the Second Hokage, who were hurting each other, also felt waves of tremors. Orochimaru's expression changed, while the corner of the Second Hokage's mouth showed a smile.

"What's going on? Why would someone attack the secret base at this time?"

Orochimaru was puzzled, shocked and angry. You must know that this secret base was originally intended for reincarnation. In order to prevent others from taking advantage of him during his weak period, Orochimaru did not even tell his ninjas.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru turned his head sharply and looked at the Second Hokage.

Apart from himself, the only one who knows where this base is is the Second Hokage!

Orochimaru was also very guarded against the Second Hokage. At least in his monitoring, he did not see the Second Hokage leaving to look for reinforcements. However, it was obvious that the Second Hokage was able to hide it from Orochimaru's eyes. There is contact with the outside world.

"Second did you pass on the information? Even if it is the Flying Thunder God Technique, you should not have external coordinates!"

"Not to mention that the monitoring barrier in the entire base has been paying attention to your chakra, and there is no record of your departure!"

"It's not just time and space ninjutsu that can move quickly. Soul ninjutsu can also do this!"

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that the moving speed of the soul in a short distance is not much slower than the time and space ninjutsu, and after the soul leaves the body, because the body still remains in the base, it is During the exploration of the base boundary, the chakra still remained in place.

"Then I don't know, Mr. Second Hokage, who is the helper you are looking for? It shouldn't be the Konoha Ninja Village, otherwise, a large force would have come by now."

Although Orochimaru was quite confident in himself, he didn't think that the strength of himself and his men could really compete with that of the Konoha Ninja Village.

Orochimaru in the Konoha Ninja Village just doesn't want to suffer losses, but if news of the Second Hokage comes out, Konoha will definitely go out in force and try every means to suppress him to death.

"Want to get some information? But it doesn't matter. I can tell you directly that even if the soul ninjutsu seems to be able to reach far, it actually still needs an anchor point."

"And the best anchor point is to have the same bloodline as your own - speaking of this, you should know who I am looking for!"

As the external vibrations became stronger and stronger, countless cracks appeared in the entire secret room, and the various seals originally arranged by Orochimaru in the secret room also completely collapsed. Not only the Hunyuan Treasure Box Technique could no longer be used, but also the Flying Thunder God's The suppression of art has also disappeared.

In other words, the current second-generation Hokage can already feel the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Kunai. Although he did not leave the coordinates outside, he can easily teleport within the base and leave directly.

However, the Second Hokage was obviously not willing to leave like this - with his ability, if he really wanted to leave, he would have been able to leave long before he and Orochimaru really started fighting.

The reason why he stayed here to engage in this dangerous battle with Orochimaru was, of course, for the improved version of the Undead Reincarnation Technique, and secondly, and most importantly, to kill Orochimaru once and for all.

In the eyes of the Second Hokage, the evaluation of Orochimaru is:

I will never stay in this category!

"Haha... It must be Tsunade. I didn't expect that the Second Hokage's back-up man was actually my old classmate..."

"But as far as I know, Tsunade is still suffering from hemophobia and has not fully recovered. How did the Second Hokage persuade your granddaughter to come and help?"

With a loud bang, the door to the secret room was smashed open. Tsunade with blond hair walked directly in and looked at Orochimaru and the Second Hokage who were collapsed on the ground.

"Second Grandpa, guys fought so fiercely!"

After taking a look at the two of them, Tsunade couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Whether it was Orochimaru or Senju Tobirama, their personalities and temperaments were both cold and stern. Lying on the ground exhausted like this really made Tsunade feel uncomfortable. Seen at hand once.

This also shows that the two people have really fought to the end. If he hadn't appeared, the second grandfather would have died together with Orochimaru.

"As expected, it's you, but what I didn't expect is, Tsunade, have you completely overcome your hemophobia?"

The pale-faced Orochimaru whispered, you must know that his original body had been blown to pieces when the White Phosphorus Yamata no Orochi appeared. Not only was there a river of blood in the secret room, but there was blood and pieces of meat everywhere.

If this were the original Tsunade, her legs would have been weak just after entering the secret room door, let alone talking with a calm expression now.

"It's just a little ninjutsu. It modified her eyes. Now all the red has turned into green in her eyes."

The second Hokage said calmly, which made Orochimaru slightly stunned, and then he reacted:

"It was a very easy eye surgery. As expected of the Second Hokage, Tsunade regained her abilities with just a small change of thinking."

"Now is not the time to talk about these things, Second Grandpa!"

"Orochimaru, you guy... you dare to disturb the second grandfather's soul. I will never spare you this time!"

Tsunade clenched her fists and walked over in a swaggering manner. Each of the three ninjas had their own strengths, but in terms of combat ability, Tsunade was undoubtedly the last.

It's a pity that Orochimaru is now suffering from tuberculosis and seven injuries, and he may not even be able to stand up. Let alone Tsunade, even the little girl Shizune next to him can easily control him.

"Tsunade, don't kill Orochimaru directly. This guy should have a lot of back-ups left behind. Let's seal him now!"

The Second Hokage sat up from the ground and gave instructions slowly.

In the battle just now, the second-generation Hokage had already consumed all the evil spirit, and there was no good way to deal with the soul in a short period of time. He could only seal Orochimaru first.

And there is indeed a lot of research information in Orochimaru's brain. After others are sealed, Senju Tobirama will naturally have a way to search out all these information from his brain.

But at this time, Orochimaru smiled strangely:

"Isn't it too early to treat me as meat on the chopping block now?"

"Second Hokage-sama, you are not the only one who knows how to call for reinforcements!"

As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, there were ripples in the void. The second Hokage's expression also changed slightly.

A strange hole soon opened in the space of the base, and then, a young man with a smile walked out of it.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you look so embarrassed, teacher, but it's quite a sight to see a mad scientist being reviled by his own work."

Orochimaru was paralyzed on the ground. The Infernal Corpse Painted Skin rolled his eyes and said:

"Be careful, don't capsize in the gutter, Tsunade and the Second Hokage are not that easy to deal with."

"Are you Orochimaru's apprentice, that Uchiha brat?"

The Second Hokage frowned and asked, but while this guy was speaking, he also formed a hand seal with one of his hands behind his back.

Before Uchiha Feiyu could answer, a highly targeted illusion was already casually cast by the second-generation Hokage:

"Illusion - the art of darkness!"

It's just that this illusion technique developed specifically for Uchiha has just been used. Uchiha Feiyu said nothing. On the contrary, Senju Tobirama's eyesight went dark. Not only the vision, but also the other pure five senses were deprived.

"Tsk... using illusions to control the five senses in front of me is really a big deal in front of Guan Gong."

Seeing her second grandfather being knocked down with one move, Tsunade took a breath of air and released her Yin seal without hesitation.

The strange spell spread from Tsunade's forehead to the whole body in an instant. Feeling the surging chakra in her body and the power growing to the limit, Tsunade clenched her fists and finally gained a little confidence.

Then when she looked up at Uchiha Feiyu, she happened to see a pair of blood-red Sharingan eyes, and the color of the world changed in an instant.


This is an illusion that Uchiha Feiha rarely uses to fight enemies. Instead, he often uses it to train himself. However, this does not mean that this illusion is not powerful. It is just that Uchiha Feiyu has too many tricks. , so this powerful illusion has no sense of existence.

After looking at Uchiha Feiyu, Tsunade was knocked down by Tsukuyomi almost instantly. Uchiha Feiyu didn't even take action on her spiritual body at all, but just kept reincarnating her in the Senju Nope Tree and Kato. The period of time that cut off his death caused this famous kunoichi to suffer a mental breakdown.

"Tsunade-sama! What did you do?"

Shizune who was standing aside was shocked. She actually knew Uchiha Feiha. They both went to the ninja school in Konoha. Even if they were not in the same class and grade, they were not much different in age after all, so they were barely acquaintances.

But although she knew that Uchiha Feiyu was extremely talented and powerful, and had made great contributions in the Ninja World War, she didn't kill the Second Hokage and Tsunade-sama in such an instant!

It can only be said that Uchiha Feiyu, the mastermind behind the scenes, has done a pretty good job. Few people in the entire ninja world know much about his strength. Even his old club Konoha, those high-level officials do not know much about Uchiha Feiyu. His strength is only limited to the understanding that he is a very troublesome Kage-level Uchiha.

Facing Shizune who had drawn out Senbon and was about to take action, Uchiha Feiyu also waved his hand, and the five sense control instantly deprived Shizune of all her senses, instantly calming her down.

There was silence in the air, and Orochimaru, who had just warned Uchiha Feiyu to be careful, had a slightly embarrassed smile on his face.

I know that my apprentice is making rapid progress, but he can’t progress so fast!

If you do this, I, who just suffered a loss with the Second Hokage, are really stupid!

"Teacher Orochimaru, since you have no way to control the Second Hokage, these people are now my trophies. What do you think?"

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu's smiling expression, Orochimaru could only roll his eyes to show that he recognized it - otherwise, what could he do?

Regardless of the fact that he is Uchiha Hiba's teacher, in this hellish place in the ninja world, after a student becomes a teacher and feels that he is awesome, his favorite thing to do is to give the teacher a blow first, which is called cutting off the bond!

Orochimaru told himself that he could not withstand the Grass Pheasant Sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand, so it was better to be obedient, otherwise if his apprentice wanted to cut off the non-existent bond, he would be the unlucky one. .

"Very good... We have reached the first consensus, so it's time to move on to the second item. I worked so hard to come here to save you. Orochimaru-sensei, you won't have no feelings for me, right?"

"You can express whatever you want! The sound ninja village I founded, or the ninjutsu I developed, can all be given to you directly!"

Orochimaru waved his hand and said that these are all external possessions. Since he has no son anyway, wouldn't he have to pass them on to your cheap apprentice in the end?

"The teacher is so generous!"

Uchiha Feiyu smiled and stretched out his thumb. Orochimaru's research can be regarded as supplementary to Uchiha Feiyu, whether it is a curse seal, the art of turning around without corpse, or the transformation of the soul. The art of Baqi has entered the deep taboo realm.

"Then there is one last point...Teacher, your current situation seems to be very bad! Do you need me to provide you with some help from my students?"

As he spoke, Uchiha Feiyu took out a few soul pills and waved them in front of Orochimaru's eyes.

Orochimaru smiled bitterly and sighed:

"Tell me, what else do you want to do?"

"Of course I hope Mr. Orochimaru can help me. After all, who doesn't know that you are the best researcher in the entire ninja world?"

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