Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 145: Death of Mizukage

Mist Ninja Village, Mizukage Office.

The Third Mizukage is a young-looking ninja with long black hair and a few tiny ice crystals. His face has soft lines. It is completely impossible to imagine that this ninja is the murderer who proposed the blood mist policy. .

Even if the blood mist policy is due to Uchiha Madara's spiritual suggestion, Uchiha Madara's spiritual suggestion is very clever. Its essence is to amplify the thoughts in people's hearts. In other words, this Mizukage himself has this kind of The cruel thoughts were just used by Uchiha Madara.

"Mizukage-sama, all the seven Ninja Swordsmen have returned, and they have just entered the Ninja Village!"

The ANBU suddenly appeared, half-kneeling in front of the Third Mizukage, and reported the situation, which made the Third Mizukage frown:

"All the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are back? It's really beyond my expectation... I thought only half of them would be back!"

The undisguised tone of disgust made the ANBU, who was half-kneeling in front of the Third Mizukage, lower his head even lower, pretending not to hear anything.

"Okay, let's call in those problem ninjas! I don't know how they performed their mission..."

"Yes, understand!"

The ANBU ninja responded and disappeared into the Mizukage's office.

The task of assassinating Naruto was personally arranged by the Third Mizukage, but obviously the Third Mizukage had no confidence in this task. Like the Iwa Ninja Village, this task was just to test the strength of the fifth Hokage.

Of course, if a few disobedient members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were killed, it might be a better outcome for the Third Mizukage.

The elite jonins of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are different from the ordinary elite jounin. Only when the sword and the sword are integrated can one truly be called an elite jounin. Without the sword, many members of the Seven can only be called elite jounin. The above is an ordinary jounin.

Therefore, the loss of the third generation Mizukage is not distressing. Anyway, as long as the ninja sword is still there, it is much easier to train this kind of pseudo-elite jounin than to train a real elite jounin!

Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​and Loquat Juzo, even without the Ninja Sword, can still be regarded as elite jounin. However, these two people have always been very eye-catching, and the Third Mizukage does not think that they are Both will sacrifice.

Among the seven ninja swords in the past, the strongest are usually the Great Sword Samekari and the Broken Sword Beheader. These two are the strongest and weakest swords among the seven swords respectively, but the sword master has always been very strong.

The reason for this is because the Great Sword Samehada has amazing effects and is extremely picky about chakra. It is impossible for a ninja with a slightly weaker chakra to be recognized by this sword.

As for the Broken Knife - the decapitating sword, to put it harshly, the blood-sucking and resuscitating effect of this knife has no practical significance at all. The sword masters in the past have relied on their own strength to stand among the seven, and are naturally better than those who rely on the sword. Ninjas are stronger.

The door of Mizukage's office opened, and the seven Ninja Swordsmen walked in one by one. The third Mizukage glanced at the seven people casually, and suddenly his face became solemn:

"Who are you? What a brilliant illusion. Are you the Uchiha who controlled me back then?"

"Tsk, do you need to be so careful? There are so many sensory barriers placed in the entire Mizukage office, and the chair under your butt is also equipped with sealing techniques, constantly disrupting your body. Chakra - you are not afraid of chakra chaos and killing yourself!"

The one who spoke was naturally Uchiha Feiha. To be honest, he had guessed that the Third Mizukage had a shadow on genjutsu and would definitely have some arrangements, but being cautious to this extent still opened his eyes.

On his own chair, he arranged sealing techniques to continuously disrupt the chakra in his body. This method was comparable to ancient scholars' hanging beams on their heads and stabbing their buttocks. It was definitely very painful, but the effect was also amazing.

Even Uchiha Hiba's five senses manipulation illusion is ultimately controlled by the five senses, making it impossible for people to actually sense the chakra in the body, so it cannot be cracked. But now the chakra in the third generation Mizukage's body is already in chaos, even though Even Uchiha Feiyu couldn't pull him into the illusion.

Moreover, the third generation Mizukage also condensed a layer of water film in his eyes, specifically reflecting the pupil power of the Sharingan - this is definitely a ninjutsu developed specifically for the Uchiha clan.

Seeing the Third Mizukage who was so cautious, Uchiha Feiyu finally felt that his caution was not in vain. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the Third Mizukage:

"Seven Ninja Swordsmen, your target is him, hit me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the seven people each held a ninja sword and rushed forward.

The Third Mizukage's eyes moved and he didn't take action at all. Instead, an ice crystal mirror appeared behind him. He stepped back directly and entered the ice crystal mirror.

"Ice Escape Blood Succession Limit? Is this guy a ninja from the Snow Clan?"

Uchiha Feiyu was a little surprised, but at this moment, the attacks of the seven ninja swordsmen had hit the ice crystal, shattering the mirror.

The mirror shattered into ice crystals, but the third generation of Mizukage had disappeared without a trace. Uchiha Feiyu sneered:

"You want to escape...can you escape?"

The Magic Mirror Ice Crystal of the Snow Clan looks very similar to the Flying Thunder God Technique, but both in terms of moving distance and the preparatory work required, it is much worse than the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The Third Mizukage escaped from the Mizukage's office, but he only appeared at the door outside the office, unable to escape Uchiha Hiba's perception.

Before the seven Ninja Swordsmen could react, Uchiha Feiyu had already waved back, and several kunai with flashing cold light pierced the door directly.

With a clank, the Third Mizukage condensed an ice blade to block the stabbing kunai. At the same time, he opened his mouth to speak. However, at this moment, Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed and appeared in front of him. .

"Time and Space Ninjutsu?! Not good!"

There was a look of surprise on the third Mizukage's face, but before he could react further, he saw the three magatama in Uchiha Feiha's eyes:

"Do you think you can prevent the real Kaleidoscope Eye Technique with just a few tricks? You are so naive! Tsukuyomi!!"

Compared to Momo's silent illusion of controlling the five senses, Tsukuyomi's kaleidoscope illusion is not only simple and crude, but most importantly, it cannot be stopped by ordinary methods of dealing with illusions!

The water film in the third Mizukage's eyes may be able to prevent the ordinary illusions cast by Mangekyo, but it can never stop Tsukuyomi's exclusive illusions!


The Third Mizukage groaned, rolled his eyes, and passed out immediately.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen had already rushed over at this moment, and Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand:

"There are still a few ANBU little mice here, I'll leave them to you to deal with!"

After saying that, Uchiha Feiyu directly stretched out his hand, and a strange suction force enveloped the third Mizukage, and in an instant, all the energy, blood and spirit of this Mizukage were drained away.

The three-generation Mizukage, who was originally tall and slender, gradually shrank under the strong attraction, and his arms and legs turned into a shape like a baby's mummy.

Feeling the trace of his increased origin, Uchiha Feiyu nodded. With his current strength, he could only feel the trace of increased origin when he absorbed the essence of a shadow-level powerhouse.

At this time, several screams were heard around Mizukage's office. After a while, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen came back, carrying four heads in their hands.

This is the ANBU who was on duty around the Mizukage office, but now they have been killed. It can be said that there are no ninjas who know the existence of Uchiha Hiba in the entire Kiri Ninja Village.

"The next thing... we should go find Terumi Mei. As for you guys, let's try to control the entire Mist Ninja Village first!"

With the strength of the seven Ninja Swordsmen, there is definitely no hope of controlling the Mist Ninja Village. After all, they are seven people, not one, and their individual strength is still insufficient.

Even the strongest Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​holds a large sword, the same shark, and his strength is only at the quasi-kage level. It’s not like all the strong men in the Mist Ninja Village are dead, so it’s not his turn to give orders.

However, it was enough to cause a commotion in the entire Mist Ninja Village and make the entire village a mess. The strength of the seven of them was enough.

Only when the Mist Ninja Village is in enough chaos, Uchiha Feiyu can ensure that his people can take over, so these seven people are just Uchiha Feiyu's cannon fodder.

The Third Mizukage died very quickly, and he didn't make any big noise until his death, but as the leader of the Mist Ninja Village, his death was an out-and-out big deal!

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen did not hide what they had done at all. Although the bodies of the third Mizukage had turned into shrunken mummies, it did not prevent them from showing off this thing as a trophy.

Suddenly, with the tragic death of the third Mizukage and the news that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were defeated, the entire Mist Ninja Village was boiling.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are considered the most famous figures in the entire Mist Ninja Village, and their power to intimidate ordinary Mist Ninjas is unparalleled. However, to the real masters, these seven guys are just that.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen claim that seven people can conquer a small country by working together, but the Red Sand Scorpion has actually conquered a small country by itself, not to mention the strength of the seven people, half of which relies on the Ninja Swords. The power of most of the real strength is the stronger group of Jonin. How can it be possible to overwhelm the strong men of the Mist Ninja Village?

Almost as soon as the news of this group of people's defeat spread, someone had already knocked on the door, and the leader was the Snow Clan of Mist Ninja Village!

The third Mizukage was a member of the Snow Clan. If he could become a Mizukage, he must be the leader of the Snow Clan. Since the leader was killed for no apparent reason, this group of people would naturally come to take revenge.

Similarly, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen also have a group of ninjas that they have conquered. Their combined strength is not much worse than that of the Snow Clan. They have been summoned by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen a long time ago.

Right in front of Mizukage's building, the two gangs of ninjas looked at each other with cold expressions, almost starting a fight.

"Seven Ninja Swordsmen! You are clearly the direct subordinates of Mizukage, but you dare to rebel and assassinate Mizukage!"

"Hmph... What Mizukage is not Mizukage? A Kage who has been manipulated by illusion for so many years is simply a shame to our Mist Ninja Village. We killed him to wash away the stain on the entire Mist Ninja Village!"

"What nonsense!! I think you just want to restore the cruel system in the blood mist, so you assassinated Lord Mizukage!"

"Haha... Is there anything wrong with the blood mist system in the village? It is precisely because of this system that the current Mist Ninja Village can cultivate so many elites!"

Just when the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were arguing with the Snow Clan, Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed and came to a corner of the Mist Ninja Village.

"The Terumi clan..., it turns out that there is such a clan in the Mist Village! However, this small ninja clan is famous for its fire escape, and I have never heard of any bloodline limit."

"Practicing fire escape in the Land of Water, no wonder the Terumi clan is not famous at all, and there are not many members... In the environment of the Land of Water, the power of fire escape will naturally be weakened by two or three levels."

The escape techniques of the five major ninja villages have a lot to do with their national environment. For example, practicing fire escape in the Land of Water will not only weaken the power, but also make training more difficult.

Of course, if you can hone your fire escape ninjutsu in such a harsh environment, your ability to control chakra will be unparalleled. Perhaps this is why Mei Terumi will become a genius with two different bloodline limits.

In the original work, the shadows of the five major ninja villages basically rely on the inheritance of their predecessors. Even Tsunade, her medical ninjutsu also benefited a lot from her two grandfathers, and she also has the special physique of the Senju clan.

Only Mei Terumi has developed two different bloodline limits by herself. If we don't count bloodline and only talk about talent, perhaps this Mizukage with the lowest strength is the first genius among the five Kage.

As a small ninja clan with a low presence in the Mist Village, the Terumi clan obviously has no intention of getting involved in the current chaotic situation in the village.

In the original work, the biggest reason why Mei Terumi can become the Mizukage of the Mist Village is not only her own talent, but also that the blood ninja clan had already been killed by the fourth generation Mizukage. The Terumi clan has become a general among the dwarfs. As an ordinary ninjutsu inheritance family, it has highlighted its strength.

But now the Snow Clan, the Hozuki Clan, and the Kaguya Clan are all fine. The strength of the Terumi clan is really not enough in front of these three blood ninja clans, so naturally they have no intention of getting involved in the replacement of the Mizukage.

"Maybe it's because Mei Terumi's own strength is not enough! She is only sixteen or seventeen years old now, and she should only have the strength of an elite jonin."

"And I've never heard of a ninja with double bloodline limits in the Mist Village. Either her bloodline limit has not been developed yet, or she has been hiding her abilities. No matter which idea it is, Mei Terumi will definitely not be able to join this high-level change now."

While thinking in his heart, Uchiha Feiyu walked into the clan land of the Terumi clan, and his perception ability swept through it, and walked towards a very young and most powerful aura he felt.

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