Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 156 Byakugan and Sharingan

The foreign hotel in Konoha is very large. For ninjas, it is never difficult to build infrastructure, so the entire foreign hotel consists of four buildings.

Iwa Ninja Village and Yun Ninja Village each occupied a building, and after entering the building, they directly cast barriers and seals.

This is a normal thing in the ninja world. There has never been such a thing as trust between ninja villages.

Ever since the Second Hokage and the Second Raikage signed an armistice agreement, only to be overturned by the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers, even if the Ninja Village leaders negotiated, both sides had to find a permanent neutral country.

In this case, the negotiators who come to other ninja villages will naturally set up barriers as soon as possible, which can at least prevent other ninjas from eavesdropping.

Night fell quietly, and the ninjas of the two villages who were now in the sealing barrier were all called together by their leaders and began to have a secret discussion.

"You are all the elites of Yun Ninja Village, so this time, I will not hide anything from you."

"Coming to Konoha to sign a peace agreement is just one of our missions. Our real mission is actually to provoke disputes between Konoha and Iwa Ninja!"

Coincidentally, the same scene happened in the building of Iwa Ninja Village at this moment:

"The peace agreement is absolutely not credible. Konoha is most likely a delaying tactic. In order to avoid the weak period of the Iwa ninja in a few years, Konoha must turn its target to the Cloud Ninja Village!"

"So, although we came to Konoha with the Kumo ninja this time, seemingly as one, the actual purpose is to provoke a war between the Kumo ninja and Konoha!"

"Lord Huoguang, how should we provoke a dispute between Konoha and Kumo ninja? Are we going to pretend to be Kumo ninja and kill people in Konoha?"

"Are you stupid?! If it is such a non-technical thing, does it really need everyone to conspire?!"

"With the strength of Konoha's Tsunade-hime, if something like this happens during the peace negotiations between the three ninja villages, Tsunade will definitely turn all of our heads upside down!"

"If you think you can keep the secret under the mental ninjutsu of the Yamanaka clan, I can give you this privilege and let you go out and kill people!"

The speaking ninja shrank his head and suddenly stopped talking. Who in the entire ninja world doesn't know the tyranny of the spiritual secrets of the Yamazaka clan? Unless he creates a seal in his mind that can blow his brain into pieces, no ninja will be able to keep secrets under the spiritual secrets of the Yamanaka clan.

In the building of Yun Ninja Village, the leader of Yun Ninja who seemed to have only muscles during the day was talking:

"Directly transforming into a rock ninja to attack the Konoha ninja. Not only is it easy to be exposed, but the effect method is too crude. If the ninja kills the wrong ninja and does not let it go, neither of our ninja villages will be able to please the two ninja villages."

"So the target of our attack must be carefully selected. We must choose the kind of ninja who is very closed and has an indifferent relationship with Konoha."

"Besides... we can't be stupid and attack directly. We are not fools. Who would do something that does no good? At least we have to find an excuse that can really bring benefits to the Ninja Village!"

"There is no need to consider the three major ninja clans in Konoha and the Senju clan rebuilt by Tsunade. We definitely cannot provoke them."

"Only Uchiha and Hinata are left. In comparison, Hinata's Byakugan strategy is more effective and is more in line with the interests of group ninjas like Iwa Ninja!"

"So this time, our target is the Hyuga clan!"

"Boss, did you make a mistake? Go to Baiyan's lair and steal... Those cataracts, if one of them is a little wary, then we all have to play hard! The transformation technique cannot be hidden from those cataracts."

"It doesn't matter, I've already inquired about it. This is Konoha. In order to prevent seeing something that shouldn't be seen, the Hyuga clan will not turn on the Byakugan here in Konoha!"

"Just this time we can catch him off guard! After we collect the Byakugan, we will secretly send the Byakugan to the envoys of Iwa Ninja Village. No matter how they explain it, it will be useless!"

The envoys from Iwa Ninja Village are also discussing at the same time:

"This time our target is those Uchiha Sharingan!"

"Think about Konoha's rookie Uchiha Obito. He was originally just a chuunin, but after his Sharingan evolved into the three magatama, he could even fight against Kage-level warriors. Several Jonin died at his hands. ”

"With the characters of those barbarians like Cloud Ninja, it is quite normal for them to fall in love with such a powerful blood successor!"

"Lord Huoguang... Uchiha is not easy to deal with. Although those red-eye patients have high eyesight, their strength is really nothing to say. I'm afraid we may not necessarily..."

"Don't worry, I have already obtained the information. The Uchiha clan and Konoha have never dealt with it very well, so inside their station, there happens to be a blind spot for Konoha's perception barrier!"

"And those Uchiha didn't stay in their bases to set up barriers. I really don't know what they think. They are so arrogant. Let us Iwa Ninja teach them a lesson today!"

"But it's difficult to deal with Uchiha who has awakened his Sharingan..."

"I have received specific information. The son of the Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Itachi, who is now only nine years old, has awakened the three Magatama Sharingan!"

"No matter how talented Uchiha Itachi is, what level of strength can he have at the age of nine? He is just a special jonin - when Kakashi Hatake was nine years old, he was just a Ordinary chuunin!"

"Can't the elites of our Iwagakure even deal with an ordinary Chunin?"

The current Konoha ninjas naturally know nothing about the thoughts of the Iwagakure and Kumogakure envoys.

Therefore, after nightfall, the ninjas in the two ninja village envoys left quietly, and were also not discovered by Konoha's Anbu.

The ninjas have a variety of ninjutsu. These ninjas selected into the envoys are all elites. If they are determined to conceal it, it will be difficult for those ordinary Chunin Anbu to find out the clues.

Late at night, in the Hyuga clan's clan territory, several ninjas wearing Iwagakure forehead protectors on their heads walked in quietly.

"I wonder if this will really work? Just putting makeup on your face or something..."

"Don't worry, the Hyuga cataracts have the ability to see through chakra, so this makeup technique that doesn't use any chakra can deceive them."

The Cloud Ninja leader spoke in a low voice. Of course, if the Hyuga clan really used their Byakugan to look carefully, they would definitely be able to see the clues with their perspective ability, but they are generally not as idle as the Hyuga clan. When fighting, their focus is always on chakra.

To put it bluntly, this is a problem of darkness under the lamp.

'I hope it will be smooth all the way and not meet any adult Hyuga ninjas! '

Perhaps God also heard the prayers of these people. This time their actions were surprisingly smooth and they soon found the target.

Under the moonlight at night, a three-year-old girl who looked quite immature was practicing in a baby voice.

Next to this little girl, there is a short-haired Hyuga ninja who is taking care of her. However, judging from the chakra emanating from the ninja, she should be an ordinary Chunin.

The Hyuga clan's Byakugan is easy to awaken, but in terms of combat power, it is far inferior to the Uchiha clan. The Soft Fist, a ninjutsu, can only be said to be very unique, but it is not really the top inheritance.

Therefore, most of the ninjas in the Hyuga clan are still at the Chunin level, at most because the Byakugan is stronger than the average Chunin.

"This is the heir of the main family of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata!"

"A Chunin of the Hyuga branch? It's really lucky..."

The Cloud Ninja had already heard about the departure of the Hyuga Hiashi couple, otherwise they would not dare to go directly to the Hyuga Hinata family. The title of the three major ninja clan leaders in Konoha is still a bit scary.

Although compared with Uchiha Fugaku and Senju Tsunade, who are suspected of being Mangekyō, Hyuga Hiashi is undoubtedly a big fake, and it is not necessarily possible to beat the several elite Jonin of the Cloud Ninja who infiltrated the Hyuga clan.

"Okay, don't discuss here, get ready!"

The Cloud Ninja made a few gestures, and then without saying anything, several ninjas rushed into the small courtyard!

"You are..."

The young Hyuga female ninja didn't even finish her words, and she felt her feet empty, and was directly dragged underground by a Rock Ninja.

"Earth escape, the art of beheading in the heart!"

Another Cloud Ninja pressed her head lightly without saying a word, and the female ninja of the Hyuga clan fainted with her eyes rolled up.

"You...what do you want to do? What did you do to Xia?"

Hyuga Hinata, who is only a little over three years old now, was shocked to see this scene, but even though she was trembling with fear, she still didn't run away directly, but put on a soft fist posture.

Of course, the Cloud Ninja didn't want to answer her question. With a snap, little Hinata was knocked unconscious, and then a medical ninja walked up directly, took out the eyes, put them in test tubes, and stopped bleeding for Hyuga Hinata. A series of actions can be said to be done in one go.

There was no reason to kill Hyuga Natsu and treat Hyuga Hinata. In fact, it was just to prevent the smell of blood from escaping. Ninjas who have experienced the battlefield have always been very sensitive. Once the smell of blood spreads, it is easy to be discovered.

"The action was successful... Let's withdraw quickly!"

To be honest, a group of people did not expect the plan to succeed so easily. From head to toe, they only dealt with a three-year-old girl and a Hyuga Chunin with little combat experience.

Well, although Hyuga Natsu is a member of the Hyuga clan, she has never been on the battlefield. Just from the maid uniform she wears, it can be seen that this is not a combat type of ninja.

Don't look at her practicing soft fists and being able to open her eyes. In fact, this kind of Chunin who has not seen blood can't even beat the experienced Genin old oil!

Several ninjas left the scene very quickly and disappeared without a trace.

Just when these cloud ninjas had come to the courtyard wall and were about to leave the Hyuga clan, a loud bang came from the distant direction of Konoha!

"What's going on!?"

"Someone attacked... that's the Uchiha! Someone attacked the Uchiha clan?"

"Are you kidding me? Who dares to provoke those crazy red-eyed people? They are not going to have a civil war among themselves!"

"Wait, that's not right... Miss Hinata is in trouble!!!"

After the explosion, a group of Hyuga's Byakugan ninjas opened their Byakugan and scanned the surroundings. They easily saw the unconscious Hyuga Natsu and the blind Hyuga Hinata.

The Hyuga clan, who were originally in the mood to watch the Uchiha's excitement, were really blown up!

"Damn it, what's going on? Who attacked the Uchiha clan?"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja hurriedly fled from the Hyuga clan. Fortunately, they had already arrived at the edge of the Hyuga clan's territory. They just climbed over a wall and left.

Moreover, the Hyuga clan's attention was attracted to Hyuga Hinata, so they naturally did not notice these fleeing Cloud Ninjas.


"Why did you, Rock Ninjas, come out of my Hyuga clan's territory!"

A group of Cloud Ninjas secretly cried out in bad luck. The ninja in front of them had long flowing hair and a pair of white eyes that were wide open - the most important thing was that this guy didn't wear a forehead protector on his head!

As we all know, the Hyuga clan has the main family and the branch family. If you want to tell whether a Hyuga ninja is from the main family or the branch family, you just need to look at his head.

Those who wear forehead protectors on their heads are 80% of the branch family ninjas, and those who wear forehead protectors on their waists are 100% of the main Hyuga family ninjas!

The ninjas of the Hyuga clan are okay. After all, although the ninjas of the Hyuga clan can learn more secret techniques, they basically have no combat experience and their strength is not necessarily stronger than that of the ninjas of the branch clan.

However, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan are not necessarily stronger than those of the Hyuga clan. However, the appearance and dress of the man in front of him are obviously the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi!

"Exposed - the Byakugan is already in hand, everyone scatter and flee!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja shouted, and several people immediately made a gesture of escape. When Hyuga Hiashi heard this, his eyes widened:

"What!! The Byakugan is in hand... What did you do?!!"

There are not many members of the Hyuga clan. To be precise, there are only two or three people in a generation. The total number of people in the entire Hyuga clan will not exceed ten.

Among these less than ten ninjas, most of them are adult ninjas. Even if their strength is a little worse, it is difficult to be killed silently. The easiest Byakugan to get is the Byakugan of his daughter, Hyuga Hinata!

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hiashi was extremely anxious. He closed his hands, opened his Byakugan, and prepared to catch the leader of the Rock Ninja.

At this moment, the leader of the Rock Ninja showed a sinister smile and also made seals with his hands:

"Thunder Release - Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar!"

Oops!! Hyuga Hiashi was shocked. The veins around his eyes bulged. The moment he opened his eyes, the dazzling lightning flashed and caused a sharp pain in his eyes. Hyuga Hiashi screamed:

"No, you are Yun..."

"You know too much!"

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