Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 188 Pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone

Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Itachi, these three people can be said to be the three strongest ninjas in the Uchiha clan today. Among the entire Uchiha clan, only the three of them feel this terrifying momentum. the true source.

But when the three of them arrived at the gate of Minagawa Shrine, they all seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to take a step closer inside. Under the suppression of the terrifying aura, the three of them all revealed the three Magatama Sharingan. Eyes wide open, but he still feels the bones all over his body creaking, which is an auditory hallucination that occurs under the huge pressure of momentum.

"What's going on? What's wrong inside?"

Uchiha Shisui looked at Uchiha Itachi with a somewhat surprised expression. Uchiha Itachi just smiled bitterly. In theory, as the son of the Uchiha clan leader, he should know many secrets.

——But his father died when he was eight or nine years old, and he didn’t know what was wrong with this shrine!

"Don't we usually hold meetings at Minagawa Shrine? Is there really some kind of god here?"

Uchiha Obito blinked his eyes and made an ignorant declaration, which made Uchiha Shisui just roll his eyes:

"How is it possible? The ancestors of our Uchiha clan are enshrined in the shrine. It is impossible for our ancestors of the Uchiha clan to cause such a big thing! Besides, how can there be any gods in this world?"

Uchiha Shisui felt that he was naive enough among the Uchiha clan, but compared to Obito, he felt that he was too Uchiha.

"Uh... So this shrine is dedicated to our ancestors? Hahaha, I really don't know!"

As an Uchiha, he didn't even know the shrine where his ancestors were enshrined. Uchiha Obito's performance made Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui sigh. He was truly worthy of the legendary Kenji.

"Okay, no matter what, let's wait here for a while! I have already asked someone to notify the Hokage, but the suppression of momentum alone will prevent us from entering the shrine. Ordinary ninjas may not be able to come here. It doesn’t make any sense.”

You must know that the three of them are all Kage-level ninjas. Because they do not have the kaleidoscope, they are not considered to be strong in the Kage-level, but they are definitely not mediocre. Even the strong ones in Konoha Ninja Village over the years It's almost a blowout, and there are only ten experts who can compete with them.

But now they can't even enter Shinsha. Even if the Hokage comes to support, what's the use?

But at this moment, the overwhelming momentum that was getting stronger and stronger like a huge wave suddenly subsided. The momentum changed so fast that the three Uchiha were unable to control themselves for a while, and almost died. He fell to the ground.

"Be careful... I feel that the other party did not leave, but restrained his momentum..."

Uchiha Itachi said cautiously, but at this time Uchiha Obito stretched out his hand and directly pushed open the door of the shrine. Only then did he hear Uchiha Itachi's words, and his whole movement froze. , turned his head:

"Uh... how about I go in and take a look first?!"

Uchiha Shisui reached out to cover his face, and sighed after a moment:

"Everyone, let's go in together! We can take care of you if anything happens!"

After finishing speaking, he followed Obito into the gate of the shrine courtyard, and Uchiha Itachi also followed Uchiha Shisui.

After pushing open the gate of the shrine courtyard, the three of them didn't find anything, and then they all looked at the ancestral hall in the center of the shrine.

Ninjas in the ninja world actually have no concept of ghosts and gods. The art of reincarnation in the dirty land can directly pull the dead out of the pure land. It is really fanciful to expect these guys who have extraordinary powers to be in awe.

They know that there is a pure land in this world, and they also know that there are immortals in this world. Some who are more knowledgeable also know that there are various monsters and evil gods.

But as far as I know, it is impossible to expect them to have any awe. In the eyes of ninjas, these things are just creatures that are more powerful than them - maybe not even more powerful than some ninjas!

Naturally, although this shrine is quite large, there are no priests or shrine maidens. It is just a place where Uchiha people remember their ancestors.

The sound of clicking came from the ancestral hall. The three of them glanced at each other and were all ready to be alert. Even Uchiha Obito, Kenji, was on the battlefield full of dead people during the Third Ninja War. Those who have rolled around are usually a bit stupid, but when they are really in danger, this guy is also a Konoha Jonin.

The clicking sound was like the sound of the floor being pushed open, followed by a burst of brisk footsteps. Amidst the creaking sound, the door of the ancestral hall was pushed open, and a man with a smile on his face who looked no more than seven years old walked out. An eight-year-old boy.

However, when they saw this boy, the Uchiha trio only felt trembling all over, as if there was a unique suppression in their blood, which made them step back and take precautions.

"You...who are you?!"

Obito looked at the young man in front of him and shouted loudly, not to mention the suppression coming from his bloodline, just from the appearance of the young man in front of him, Obito was sure that this guy was not an ordinary person.

He has pale skin, two small horns on his head, long snow-white hair hanging down his back, and three blood-colored magatama in his dark eyes, which is exactly the opposite of Uchiha's Sharingan with red eyes and black magatama.

Although the boy's appearance was very delicate, this unique appearance, coupled with the completely non-human aura, told the three Uchiha in front of him that this guy was definitely not a human.

Most people in the ninja world look the same, but there are a very small number of ninjas who either have genetic mutations, practice some special ninjutsu, or have their bodies modified, and their looks are completely different from ordinary people, such as Kisame Kisaki, Ninjas like those close to the left and right, golden horns and silver horns.

But no matter what, they are not like the seven or eight-year-old boy in front of them. Just by looking at them, they give people a strange and alien feeling. In any case, there is no way to compare him with ordinary humans.

"Does the cultivation method of the Shenzong Demon Sect have such sequelae? Or is it the result of combining it with the local inspection system? I remember that the ordinary Otsutsuki clan does not seem to have such a strange temperament. This is someone who was directly expelled Ji!”

The strange boy did not answer the Uchiha trio's questions. He just muttered twice, then raised his head and looked at the three of them.

Black pupils and blood-colored magatama, which were completely opposite to the Sharingan, made the Uchiha trio unable to stop thinking about it. Obito, who had the most reckless personality, took a step forward and shouted:

"You guy, don't talk to yourself, you haven't answered our questions yet!"

" answer your questions..."

The young man raised his head, magatama spinning in his eyes. Before the three Uchiha could react, they felt the world spinning and fell into unconsciousness in an instant.

After seeing the three people unconscious, the young man withdrew his eyes and stretched out his hands to look at his hands:

"Is this what pure-blood Otsutsuki feels like? He knocked down these three guys easily... But the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone I separated is a bit too small. It seems to absorb more chakra. Used to grow.”

Obviously, this boy who is only seven or eight years old is the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone separated by Uchiha Feiyu. According to Uchiha Feiyu's estimation, he could separate the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone within five years. , but later in order to better develop the blood potential of the Otsutsuki clan, he spent three more years settling down.

Facts have proved that his three years of accumulation are not without effect. Although the Otsutsuki clone in front of him is only a teenager, or even in the form of a child, the quality of chakra in his body has reached the level of blood-stained snare, which is far higher than the original Uchiha Feiyu.

"It's just that the basic physical quality of young Otsutsuki's body... is worse than the original body..."

Not to mention things like strength, speed, and defense that were reduced due to his youth. Just the fatal flaw of short hands and feet can reduce his combat effectiveness by 30% in the same level of combat.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the current Otsutsuki clone has not improved much compared to the original body. At most, it has changed from the original magic warrior to an existence closer to a pure master.

However, there is no need to worry about the pollution of your future cultivation path. The Otsutsuki clone in front of you can completely use a large amount of chakra elixirs for cultivation. According to Uchiha Feiyu's estimation, it will only take a few months to complete his cultivation. The strength of Otsutsuki's clone can be doubled again.

And this kind of bloodline clone does not mean that it cannot come back and fuse after being separated. In the bloodline fusion state, Uchiha Feiyu's combat effectiveness is much stronger than a few years ago!

The sound of clattering footsteps came, and another person walked out of the ancestral hall, it was Uchiha Feiyu's true form.

One day ago, Uchiha Feiyu's training reached a critical juncture. He felt that he was about to break through, so he hid in the underground secret room of Minamigawa Shrine. He finally broke through the fifth level of the training method of Shenzong Demon Gate and separated the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone. .

After completely stripping off the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone, Uchiha Feiha no longer has chakra energy in his body. However, relying on his strong foundation, his physical fitness and mental strength are still far superior to ordinary ninjas, but it is not completely Become a soldier.

And as long as he has a thought in his mind, he can extract part of the chakra from the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone, and even let the pure-blood Otsutsuki clone directly return to his body, so he doesn't have any sense of crisis.

Even during the time when Uchiha Feiyu walked near his clone, he had secretly used the chakra refining method to re-synthesize his own mental energy and physical energy into chakra.

It's just that without Otsutsuki's genes, even the physical energy and mental energy are many times higher than ordinary people. The chakra that Uchiha Fei can extract is not much, it is just about the same as an ordinary Kage-level ninja. .

Now Uchiha Feiyu is not afraid of what impact chakra will have on his future training system. Anyway, no matter how much chakra he has, he can stuff it into Otsutsuki's clone.

"Very good, I will strengthen my clone to the limit in a short period of time, kill Nagato, and then find a way to harvest a big one. Then I can switch to the training system!"

"Thanks to Nagato, who has maintained the stability of the entire ninja world over the years, the population of the ninja world is now close to saturation, and it can already be harvested once!"

With a thought, the pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone turned into a stream of light and entered Uchiha Feiyu's body. Uchiha Feiyu did not undergo much change, only his hair turned into silver-white, but his momentum was incomparable to the previous one.

With a move of his figure, accompanied by a ripple of space, Uchiha Feiyu's figure disappeared without a trace.

The Hunyuan Treasure Box was placed by Uchiha Feiyu in the four ninja villages under his control for waste utilization and as a tool for executing the death penalty.

Although there was no large-scale war, because the jurisdiction of the four major ninja villages has expanded thousands of times and now includes four countries, and almost everyone in the four countries now has chakra, even if it is only used to deal with death row prisoners, the four Hunyuan Treasure Boxes have absorbed tens of thousands of people in the past few years.

The world of Naruto has entered the modern era, but as a world with extraordinary power, all kinds of criminals are emerging in an endless stream, especially in recent years, when the national chakra policy has been implemented, the crime rate has almost increased by dozens of times, which has also made the four Hunyuan Treasure Boxes full.

In addition to the large amount of chakra, soul energy and blood energy that Uchiha Feiyu had stored in the Hunyuan Treasure Box before, it can be said that the power of the four Hunyuan Treasure Boxes is almost no less than that of a sacred tree fruit.

Relying on the powerful space-time ninjutsu, Uchiha Feiyu quickly arrived at the place where the Hunyuan Treasure Box was kept in the Konoha Ninja Village, that is, the Konoha Prison.

There was no way. Although the Hunyuan Treasure Box was a secret that could not be told in the ninja village, it was known to the upper-level ninjas, and it was impossible to use it openly because of this.

Putting it in the Konoha Prison is naturally the best place. As long as it is determined which ninja in the prison is worthless, it can be thrown in directly to make pills.

At the bottom of the dark prison, Uchiha Feiyu casually stretched out his hand to make a seal and opened a layer of barrier. As the barrier door was opened, a box as big as a coffin was revealed inside.

As a refined magical weapon, the Hunyuan Treasure Box also has a certain ability to change size as desired. However, the reason why the Hunyuan Treasure Box became so large is not because Uchiha Feiyu mobilized its ability, but simply because there is too much energy inside. Even with the space compression function, it will expand the entire Hunyuan Treasure Box.

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