Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 198: Change of cultivation and cultivation techniques

For this sacrifice, Uchiha Feiyu chose "a cultivation system that suits him and has the greatest potential", but the book of the inheritance of the magic way gave him a whole page of paper, which contained the initial stage cultivation methods of several magic cultivation systems.

Blood nerve: It comes from the practice of the leader of the Styx in the prehistoric world. When it is cultivated to perfection, it can be transformed at will, changing into the Asura state and the Blood God Son state. In the Asura state, it has extremely powerful combat ability. In the Blood God Son state, it can turn into blood light, swallow the soul and turn it into blood, and refine the skin of others.

Heavenly Demon Secret: It comes from the secret cultivation method of the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Lord, that is, the Lord of the Desire Realm, Bo Xun, which can cultivate oneself into an invisible and traceless outer demon who wanders in the heavens, senses the changes in the minds of all worlds, sneaks into the darkness of people's hearts, leads people into demons, and seizes people's Tao fruit.

Yuan Mo Gong: From the demon ancestor Luo Hou, it absorbs the energy of the decline and destruction of all things in the world, cultivates the evil spirit that is completely opposite to the orthodox immortal cultivators, and continuously improves its own cultivation by destroying all things.

Yin Shi Hua Pi Jing: From the ancestor witch Hou Tu after reincarnation. In the initial practice, it can only be like the Hua Pi Xiao Dao, with skins and changes, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. However, the deeper the practice of this method, the more unfathomable it is. It can directly plunder the existence of the changer and obtain all his memories, cultivation, and even the luck and status.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the four classics he had obtained, took a long breath, and his heart was hot.

Although the four classics he got were only basic ones, and the Blood God Son, Heavenly Demon Secret, etc., easily made people think of turning themselves into leeks, but to be honest, the potential of these skills is indeed far beyond the chakra system.

No matter which skill is mastered, at least one can become an immortal in the prehistoric world, and in the future, it can be seamlessly connected to the true inheritance of these Daluo Jinxian Quasi-Sages, which can be said to have full strength and potential.

There is also the Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra, although it is not a specific practice method, but just a secret technique, but to some extent, this thing is more terrifying than the Devouring Heaven Demon Art, completely replacing a person, not only the cultivation memory, but even the existence will be directly replaced, which is simply abnormal.

Of course, this secret technique is definitely not able to replace others infinitely. Uchiha Feiyu only had a simple understanding and knew the limitations.

After practicing the Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra to perfection, even if only a little hair or blood is obtained, it can easily replace others, but there are naturally some taboos.

First of all, this kind of replacement is limited to people with lower strength than oneself. If it is a master who is stronger than oneself, it is not replacing others, but making wedding clothes for others.

If you use the Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra on a living person who is stronger than oneself, it is very likely to turn oneself into a clone of others. As for using the corpse of a dead person to practice, if the other party is too strong, it is also very likely to borrow the body to be reborn and turn oneself into the nourishment for the resurrection of others.

So this is just a deceptive secret technique that can increase one's own accumulation, but it cannot improve one's own strength, and it is not a practice method.

Not to mention, it is not so easy to practice the Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra. With Uchiha Feiyu's current strength, it can only be regarded as a small way of "changing skin".

Uchiha Feiyu estimated that even after the modification, as long as he has not become an immortal, he can only replace some dead guys whose cultivation is far inferior to his own.

"But now is not the time to consider the Yin Corpse Painting Skin Sutra... The most important thing is that the requirements for sacrifices have also been raised... This is not so good!"

The information from the Demonic Path Inheritance Book stated that the fundamental cultivation method of the mortal stage can be sacrificed with the soul of a mortal, but to obtain a higher level of fundamental skills, a life of the same level must be sacrificed!

In other words, when Uchiha Feiyu has mastered these three entry-level skills and wants to find a higher level of superior cultivation methods, the sacrifice he needs must be a life of the immortal level.

According to Uchiha Feiyu's estimation, in the entire ninja world, the only one who can be clearly a life of the immortal level is probably Kaguya Otsutsuki sealed in the moon, and other pure-blooded Otsutsuki clans.

Immortal, immortal... From the perspective of the life level, it is not an exaggeration to call those truly pure-blooded Otsutsuki immortals.

In different worlds, immortals also have different standards. For example, the Red Dust Immortals in a ghost place like Zhatian can never be at the same level as the immortals in those ordinary immortal worlds.

Even the lowest level immortals in the prehistoric world are probably much stronger than the Otsutsuki clan, but if we only look at the life level, the two are indeed at the same level - just like monkeys and humans are primates.

"I don't know how many Otsutsuki there are in this world. If I sacrifice all of them, can I get the next stage of cultivation methods?"

These thoughts turned slightly in Uchiha Feiyu's head. He has not yet become an immortal, or a demon. When he has achieved success in cultivation, it will not be too late to think about the next step.

Similarly, the hidden dangers in the skills such as the Blood Nerve and the Heavenly Demon Secret are not something Uchiha Feiyu should think about.

To put it bluntly, even if he has cultivated the Blood Nerve and the Heavenly Demon Secret, it is equivalent to the level of the most common Heavenly Demon and Asura in the Great Freedom Heaven or the Netherworld Blood Sea. Even if he wants to be a leek, it is estimated that the Styx Patriarch and the Demon Buddha Bo Xun will not look down on him.

Those who can be favored by the Styx Patriarch, or the Demon Buddha Po Xun, and become an incarnation, must be at least a celestial immortal, if not a golden immortal!

Wait until I reach that level, then consider those problems. Maybe by then I will have already switched to cultivation.

In this way, Uchiha Feiyu gradually immersed himself in the three new techniques and one secret technique, and began his own cultivation.

The techniques given to him by the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance seem to have certain rules. The Heavenly Demon Secret mainly cultivates the soul and mind, the Blood and Nerve Technique mainly cultivates the essence of the flesh, and the Yuan Demon Technique mainly cultivates the true energy, which just corresponds to the three elements of essence, spirit and spirit.

And these three techniques, although only the basis of higher-level techniques, in addition to the basic cultivation methods, there are also all kinds of supplementary magical cultivation, weapon refining methods, alchemy methods, and array formation methods - but most of them are not serious stuff.

Anyway, most of them require human skin, human bones, human blood, and human souls to cultivate, and you can tell at a glance that they are full of the breath of the demon path.

Uchiha Feiyu was a little reluctant to accept this. I might not even be able to gather enough materials for my own cultivation, so why should I care about these things?

Of course, there are some skills that can be cultivated without these materials, but either the treasures required are unknown, or the difficulty of cultivation is extremely high.

"It seems that this time, I have to retreat for a long time again..."


Three months passed in a flash, and when Uchiha Feiyu opened his eyes again, he no longer had the energy of chakra.

All the chakra was now condensed on the pure-blooded clone of Otsutsuki who had been guarding him, and he himself did not care - because at this moment he was already a cultivator.

The four Hunyuan treasure boxes, which were originally like large coffins, have now returned to their original small appearance, and the blood, soul, and chakra energy gathered by more than 2 million ninjas and chakra soldiers have been completely absorbed by Uchiha Feiyu.

If it were a chakra system, this much energy would be enough to push Uchiha Feiyu to the Six Paths level, and he would be only one step away from synthesizing the Otsutsuki of the bloodline net. However, in the magic arts, Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that his current level was probably just the level of a newly cultivated Nascent Soul.

Although none of the three major magic arts had such a realm as the Nascent Soul, the principle was similar. It was probably in the halfway stage of cultivating to become an immortal. The previous stage was Qi training, foundation building, and golden elixir. The latter stage was the transformation of spirit, refining emptiness, and crossing the tribulation. The goal was to become an immortal, which was exactly half of the cultivation.

It sounds like it is not as good as the chakra system, but in fact, if it really came to a fight, an orthodox Nascent Soul cultivator would definitely be able to press a normal Otsutsuki to the ground, which was the advantage of the cultivation system.

It was precisely because of the stronger combat power, greater potential, more solid foundation, and more energy required that Uchiha Feiyu's progress in the cultivation system was so slow.

In fact, it is not difficult to improve the cultivation to the state of great success in a short period of time, or even directly become an immortal or a demon. Just find two big countries and sacrifice all the people. With hundreds of millions of people, Uchiha Feiyu can be pushed to the state of immortals in the shortest time, and it is even more than enough.

If he is more ruthless and directly destroys the entire Ninja World planet, Uchiha Feiyu is estimated to be able to make one or two more steps in the state of immortals!

"But forget it... Sacrificing ordinary ninjas and chakra soldiers is different from sacrificing civilians..."

Although Uchiha Feiyu's bottom line is unfathomable, and he even regards other people in the entire Ninja World as NPCs, but at least no matter how unfathomable the bottom line is, it still has a bottom line, and it is still a little distance away from the real world-destroying evil demon.

If he sacrifices civilians now, he will probably sacrifice the whole world if he can't pass it. The key is that he is not an Otsutsuki who can run around the universe. If the Ninja World planet is gone, where should he go?

After stretching, Uchiha Feiyu slowly pushed open the door of the underground secret room. At this moment, at the door of the door, there was a figure in white, with a calm face and very similar appearance to him.

This is naturally Uchiha Feiyu's Otsutsuki clone. When the main body was practicing, the Otsutsuki clone had been guarding his safety outside. Now that the practice is completed, Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand, and the entire Otsutsuki clone turned into a stream of light and re-entered his body.

The practice method of the Shenzong Demon Sect is quite magical. After the Otsutsuki clone entered Uchiha Feiyu's body, the chakra in his body did not conflict with Uchiha Feiyu's mana.

In theory, although the mana cultivated by magic skills is far less pure than that of the righteous skills, it is more fierce and vicious. As long as the regular chakra energy enters Uchiha Feiyu's body, it will be directly swallowed up.

Of course, the so-called purity also needs to be compared. The three magic skills that Uchiha Feiyu practiced are all of great origin. Not to mention the comparison with chakra, which is a special energy for leeks, most of the righteous skills are not as pure as the magic skills he practiced.

Even if the chakra in the body of a pure-blooded Otsutsuki has undergone an absolute qualitative change in quality compared to ordinary chakra, Uchiha Feiyu believes that it will eventually be devoured. That is, the practice method of the magic sect of the Shenzong is quite magical, and the two energies can coexist peacefully in Uchiha Feiyu's body without interfering with each other.

"Next, we should further cultivate and explore whether we can find other worlds."

Walking in the somewhat desolate Konoha Village, feeling the warmth of the bright sunshine shining on his body, Uchiha Feiyu began to think secretly in his heart.

"Or...should I find a way to release that Kaguya Otsutsuki? Apart from other things, I should at least learn about the information about the Otsutsuki clan and this universe. If I can't go to other worlds with my current strength, then if I want to continue to improve after becoming an immortal, I can only think of these Otsutsuki and cosmic creatures."

"Tsk...I don't know what the rules of the universe in the Naruto world are? Don't run into King Frieza at that time, that would be really interesting."

But it's unlikely to be possible. If this is really the Dragon Ball universe, how can the Otsutsuki clan have the courage to plant trees all over the universe? Any planet with a higher combat power probably has a lot of monsters that can clean up the surface!

As soon as Piccolo appeared in Dragon Ball, he could easily destroy a large city. He ignored all modern weapons and had a combat power of at least the Six Paths level. The combat power of this demon king was only more than 200.

A combat power of more than 200 is nothing in the universe. The Earth was the planet with the lowest combat power at the time, otherwise the Saiyans would not have sent Goku to destroy the Earth.

According to this calculation, the combat power of the strongest people on the planets in Dragon Ball is probably generally above 500, and there should be many planet guardians with combat power of more than a thousand points.

As for the combat power of the Otsutsuki clan, if they were not the most powerful race in the universe, or at least one of the strongest races, they would dare to plant trees so rampantly, which would be a way to death. They would be destroyed by those universe strongmen in minutes, and the end of all the sacred trees would be taken away.

So in theory, the Otsutsuki clan should have approached or reached the ceiling of the Naruto universe.

"If you think about it this way, it is really necessary to release Kaguya Otsutsuki. Of course, before that, I must at least complete my life transformation and enter the level of immortals and demons, so that I can be sure to deal with all the Otsutsuki."

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