Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 21: Team Leader Jōnin Hyuga Hizashi

For ordinary ninjas with no background, the team leader is almost the only way to obtain high-level inheritance, but for family ninjas, the team leader can only be regarded as their superior.

In this case, family students will not have too many teaching requirements for teachers, and will not require teachers to be of the same type of ninja as themselves. On the contrary, they hope that their teachers are as strong as possible - the stronger the team leader, the safer the ninja team will undoubtedly be.

Uchiha Feiyu believes that the team leader who can be assigned to him and others will definitely not be an ordinary person - the third generation Hokage will always be more concerned about the safety of his son.

"Is this the first team?"

Just as the three were still discussing, a light voice came from the door. The three looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young ninja in his 20s with long hair and white eyes walking in.

"We are the first team! I am Uchiha Feiyu, and the other two are Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai!"

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand directly, sat up straight, and said with a smile on his face.

"Hello, I am your team leader, Hyuga Hizashi! From today on, the three of you are my students and subordinates!"

Asuma and Hong were surprised, their eyes wandering between the smiling Uchiha Feiyu and the expressionless Hyuga Hizashi. What is going on? Did they find a Hyuga to be the teacher of the Uchiha?

Hyuga and Uchiha, as the best ninja clans in Konoha and even the entire ninja world, coincidentally, both sides are also eye-jutsu families. It would be really strange if these two families were in harmony.

However, Uchiha has always been superior to Hyuga - the effect of Sharingan in combat is to surpass Hyuga's Byakugan, which is an ironclad fact, not to mention that the Hyuga clan has almost castrated their own potential because of the caged bird.

In addition, the Uchiha clan is arrogant, and the Hyuga clan is not very polite to the Uchiha clan because they have always been the second. The members of the two clans have always disliked each other, and there has never been a teacher-student relationship between the Hyuga and Uchiha!

Besides, what can the Hyuga and Uchiha learn from each other? The Uchiha cannot learn the soft fist, and the Hyuga will not learn fire escape and illusion. Both are independent ninja clans in Konoha Village, and there is no possibility of mutual attachment. That is why the two families have never had any contact with each other.

Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai were still a little worried, afraid that there would be some conflict between Uchiha Feiyu and his teacher, but Uchiha Feiyu was full of joy, looking very happy:

"Great, I didn't expect that I would have a Hyuga teacher, it's great!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention his two companions, even Hyuga Hizashi couldn't hold back his cold expression, and asked in confusion:

"Although we are both eye-jutsu families, the Byakugan and Sharingan are completely different systems, I can't guide you Uchiha's practice."

"It doesn't matter, at least there is a captain of the Hyuga clan, the survival rate is definitely guaranteed!"

"The Hyuga clan has the highest survival rate in the entire ninja world!"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile, the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan is definitely not the most powerful bloodstain, but it is definitely the most life-saving bloodstain in the entire ninja world. Ninjas with Byakugan will not be ambushed, and their escape level is absolutely first-class.

With such a human radar as his teacher, what would Uchiha Feiyu not be unwilling to do? As for the dirty things between Hyuga and Uchiha, Feiyu, an extra-staff Uchiha, doesn't care.

Anyway, with Hyuga Hizashi's identity and status, it is impossible for him to really make things difficult for Feiyu. At most, it is because of his Uchiha identity that he is a little colder. How can it be compared with the importance of his own life?

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Hyuga Hizashi always felt a little weird, and Asuma even complained directly:

"You guy, are you from the Uchiha clan? You are so strong and have opened the Sharingan, but you are still so afraid of death!"

"Isn't it normal to be afraid of death? If it weren't for these two Sharingans, I wouldn't have been found by the Uchiha clan and forced to be a ninja!"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and said, at this time, Hyuga Hizashi coughed twice, and the discussion of several people stopped.

"Okay, let's introduce ourselves to each other! Otherwise, I'll go first."

"I've already said it before, my name is Hyuga Hizashi, my position is a jonin, and I'm good at soft fist and white eyes."

After saying that, Hyuga Hizashi showed a self-deprecating smile:

"Of course, I guess you should know what I'm good at when you see my eyes."

"Uh, don't you want to talk about your dreams?"

Asuma said without any expression, and after being glared at by Hong, he didn't say a word.

The people who show up in the Hyuga clan must be ninjas from branch families. Can a ninja from a branch family speak out his dreams?

The self-deprecating look on Hyuga Hizashi's face became stronger, and he spoke softly:

"It's better not to speak out my dreams, but you can talk about your dreams, what you like and what you hate."

"Let me start, I'm Sarutobi Asuma, I'm good at fire escape and fist sword, I don't like or dislike anything, as for my dream, in the short term, I want to surpass Uchiha Feiyu, in the long term, I hope to surpass my father!"

Hinata Hiashi nodded. Although Asuma didn't say who his father was, his instructor must have known it long ago. Wanting to get rid of the label of being the son of someone is also the ideal of many second-generations. Hinata Hiashi was not surprised.

"My name is Kurenai Yuhi. I am good at illusion. My dream is to become an outstanding female ninja like Tsunade-sama!"

Hinata Hiashi was not surprised by Kurenai Yuhi's words. At least half of the female ninjas in Konoha Village have the same dream as Kurenai Yuhi.

Then, he looked at Uchiha Feiyu standing on the edge. Uchiha Feiyu scratched his head and spoke very comfortably:

"My name is Uchiha Feiyu. I have double magatama Sharingan. I am good at instant body technique and swordsmanship. My disadvantage is that I am very afraid of death. My dream... For the time being, I hope I can live in peace."

Hinata Hiashi's mouth twitched. His disadvantage is that he is afraid of death, and his dream is to live in peace... Is the boy in front of him really Uchiha? Are you sure he is not a descendant of the Nara clan?

Even among the Nara clan, those who can be as bad as the boy in front of him are rare, or even unique!

Fortunately, Hyuga Hizashi doesn't care about this - because of the caged bird, five out of ten members of the Hyuga clan have bad personalities.

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