Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 212 Naval Branch No. 16

"Is this something that should be praised?!"

A group of navy officers couldn't stand it and started to complain, but Garp didn't care at all and laughed while grabbing his head.

"Asshole, idiot, go to hell!"

Just as the atmosphere on the ship was gradually developing into a funny one, with a shout, the escorted navy captain Monka suddenly broke free from his restraints, raised his huge axe hand, and chopped directly at the grinning Garp.

With a slight clang, the giant axe chopped Garp's chest, but with a layer of black armed color domineering spreading on Garp's chest, Monka's axe was directly broken into two pieces.

Obviously, facing the sober Garp, Monka was not qualified to be the Axe King, and it seemed that Monka's attack made Garp come back to his senses slightly, reminding him, and the navy hero clenched his fist and punched out instinctively.

With a loud bang, poor Monka was hit in the chest, his eyes bulged out, blood gushed out of his mouth, and a terrifying fist force surged out from behind, directly creating a storm channel on the sea, making the sea restless for a long time.

And this Monka hung on Garp's fist, and his whole body went limp, his eyes rolled up, his mouth was crooked, and blood flowed out. Garp threw his fist, and this guy fell on the deck like a pile of rotten meat.

After seeing Garp's punch, Nami's legs trembled, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her teeth were chattering. She forced out a smile:

"That... we probably recognized the wrong person, hehe... the guy who damaged our ship must have lied to us. He actually has nothing to do with Mr. Garp..."

Garp pinched his nose, flicked out the booger, and wiped it on the unconscious Monka, and said carelessly:

"How is it possible? Except for that kid Luffy, there is no other guy in the East China Sea who wears a straw hat and can get into trouble!"

Why are you so confident in your grandson's ability to get into trouble! You are a naval hero, and your son is the most vicious criminal in the world. Your grandson wants to be the Pirate King. How can you put on such a proud expression!

Nami felt that her mentality completely collapsed, and finally recalled what Uchiha Feiyu said to her:

When you really see that guy Garp, you will know why I said he has no airs at all.

No matter how noble and distinguished one's status is, no matter how powerful one's strength is, if the owner has a funny personality, then people will not feel that he has any dignity.

"You know your grandson can get into trouble! Why don't you pay me the money quickly! That's the money to buy back the Cocoa Village from the Arlong Pirates!"

Nami was still there in a mess, and Uchiha Feiyu had already walked in front of Garp again to attack him. Garp scratched his head and showed a distressed expression:

"Okay, how much money is it? I'll help that kid pay... Wait!? What did you say? You want to buy back the Cocoa Village from a pirate group!??"

"Yes, is there any problem? Isn't that a good thing done by your navy? The rat colonel from the Navy Base 16 said that Arlong is a subordinate of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and they have no right to govern, so we just need to pay the money honestly."

"What's going on? ! ! Tell me!"

At this moment, Garp's face completely darkened, and he stretched out his hand and patted Uchiha Feiyu on the shoulder, making him feel half of his body numb.

The dog-headed warship, which was supposed to return to the Navy Headquarters, made another big turn in the East China Sea and headed for the East China Sea Navy Base No. 16.

On the warship, after hearing about the No. 16 Navy Base and Arlong, the angry Garp was now training Uchiha Feiyu.

Although everyone thinks of Zefa when talking about the most famous training teacher in the Navy, in fact, the old man Garp also has a bit of a teacher's personality.

Cold knowledge-In addition to Zefa, Garp is also a famous instructor in the Navy training camp. It can be said that except for his two grandsons, many other navy officers were trained by him.

"Very good, very energetic!! You still have a little potential!"

The blood in Uchiha Feiyu's body on the deck flowed rapidly, and his figure flashed, and he kept attacking around Garp, but Garp just casually swung a few punches and sent Uchiha Feiyu flying back again.

"Tsk, you have mastered the Six Styles of the Navy so quickly. I didn't expect you to be a genius."

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu who got up again after being knocked to the ground, Garp was laughing on the surface, but in fact he was shocked.

As the basic physical skills of the Navy, the Six Styles of the Navy are not difficult to learn as long as the physique is good, but it is definitely not that easy.

Especially Uchiha Feiyu's physique has just reached the passing line for practicing the Six Styles of the Navy, and is not the type of physique that is much stronger than ordinary Six Styles. This is even more precious.

Although there are often pirates who learn the Six Styles of the Navy after just one look or one battle on the sea, it is because their physical fitness is too strong and their strength is so strong that the difficulty of learning the Six Styles of the Navy is greatly reduced.

For people whose physical fitness just meets the conditions for practicing the Six Styles of the Navy, generally speaking, they must fully understand the skills of the Six Styles of the Navy, and practice hard for a long time before they can really use them freely.

Uchiha Feiyu was able to break this convention. It can only be said that his understanding of his own body is far beyond ordinary people. At the same time, his learning ability and cultivation talent have definitely reached a shocking height.

This kid seems to have great potential! If you exercise more, you might become a naval admiral again!

Thinking of this, Garp looked at Uchiha Feiyu who stood up and asked:

"Hey kid, do you want to join the navy?"

Regarding Garp's question, Uchiha Feiyu seemed to be well prepared and shook his head directly:

"I don't want to join. The navy has too many rules and restrictions."

"What are you talking about? As a young man, you should exercise more in the military camp so that you can shine for a just cause in the future..."

"Then you become a piece of meat like you? I heard that the Warring States Marshal of the Navy has a very good relationship with you. He must have taken a lot of antihypertensive drugs!"

"Uh...does Warring States take antihypertensive medicine?"

Garp turned around and asked the deputy beside him. The naval swordsman named Bogart blinked and looked hesitant.

The old man didn't think so much, and then turned his head to look at Uchiha Feiyu:

"Look at me, I don't have any restrictions in the navy..."

"Haha...Then why don't you become an admiral?"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Garp with disdain, which made Garp scratch his head:

"Young people nowadays are really hard to deceive... Ahem, they really have no heart for justice. I think back when I was young..."

Uchiha Feiyu doesn't care at all what Garp was like when he was young. Anyway, if you teach me how to practice, I will learn it. It is absolutely impossible for you to ask me to join the navy.

However, Garp doesn't seem to have any obsession with this aspect. Just looking at his education of his two grandsons can be seen. The old guy himself has no idea of ​​forcing others - although he has nothing to do, eats, sleeps and beats children every day. They want to train them into the strongest navy, but in fact, Garp's actual approach is closer to laissez-faire.

Otherwise, take the two little ones directly to the Navy Headquarters, and after a few years of training, they will naturally become the Navy. Is this really difficult?

The reason why Garp doesn't do this can only be said that he actually doesn't care much about the choices of the younger generation. Many times, this naval hero's approach is quite contradictory.

There is no way, who made the navy a profession that is inherently a loser to the world government?

When he was young, Garp had a low military rank and strong strength, so this feeling was not very clear.

By the time Garp became famous, his status in the Navy had been rising steadily, and he had been more constrained by the World Government. To say that he had no objection to the stance of the World Government and the Navy would be the real thing. strange things.

This contradictory feeling is also the root of the naval hero's extensive education of his grandson. At the same time, facing the stranger Uchiha Feiyu, although Garp had the idea of ​​​​pulling him into the navy, he was not very active in his actions.

After a little study with Garp, Uchiha Feiyu completely learned the Sixth Marine Style in the battle - in fact, he had some experience in training blood nerves, and with his current talent, he wanted to learn the Navy The Sixth Form was easier than Uchiha Feiyu imagined.

Even the armed Haki and the Haki of knowledge, the current Uchiha Feiyu has also understood it, but he has not displayed it in front of Garp.

After all, Garp had received several iron fists of love, and each punch contained a certain amount of domineering power. Uchiha Feiyu just had no idea about this thing before, so he couldn't use it. After receiving two punches, he naturally understood it immediately. out.

"Vice Admiral Karp, Naval Branch No. 16 has arrived!"

Just when Uchiha Feiyu was still studying and exercising hard, the sound from the observation post interrupted his practice. He raised his head and saw a tiny black dot appearing in the distance. That was the Navy The location of branch 16 base.

"We're almost there...are we finally going to have closure?"

Next to Uchiha Feiyu, Nami clasped her hands tightly, with an expression of excitement and a bit of fear on her face. Uchiha Feiyu patted her shoulder gently twice and said:

"Don't worry, a mere naval branch, plus the Arlong Pirates, together, are not enough for Lieutenant General Garp's two fists."

Just kidding, let alone a loser like Mouse and a mere Aaron. Even if he pulls Kai Xia Jinbei over, he can only receive one punch from old man Garp. Two more punches would be disrespectful to old man Garp. .

Although the One Piece comics have been drawn so far, the myth of old man Garp's invincibility has long been shattered, but at least this guy's strength is definitely at the level of an admiral. As we all know, the strength of admirals and Yonko-level experts is as high as that of those below. There are some huge faults.

The dog-headed warship quickly approached the 16th Navy Branch. At this time, the 16th Navy Branch seemed to have discovered the warship coming from a distance. There were already many navy on the pier, setting up a welcoming queue.

After all, Garp's return to the East China Sea was not a secret mission, and the old man had often patrolled the East China Sea before. Although the 16th Navy Branch was a little surprised by the sudden arrival of this naval hero, it was not completely unprepared.

——Well, a certain rat colonel with sweaty forehead and trembling legs was indeed not mentally prepared. Unlike Nami, who was ignorant, as a member of the East China Sea Navy, rat colonel was very clear about Vice Admiral Garp's character.

As long as the things he did were exposed a little bit, he would have a GG ending, and maybe he could even get into the IF route of a one-round tour of Impel Down!

In fact, it was not just rat, some of his naval officers were also terrified. Compared with the 153rd naval branch, the 16th naval branch was actually more rotten.

Monka of the 153rd naval branch was once a passionate navy. Later, he was hypnotized by Baiji Kro's men, which led to a drastic change in his personality. But to be honest, his personality change was like being overwhelmed, and he almost became a psychopath who did whatever he wanted.

Therefore, Monka was not only hated by the residents of the island, but also by the navy under him. This is why Monka was directly imprisoned by his men as soon as he was defeated.

However, Colonel Mouse is different. Compared with Monka, Colonel Mouse is much more normal. Although he is cunning, greedy and vicious, he is very clear about his abilities and actions.

So while he used the Arlong Pirates to suppress the residents on these islands and collected bribes from Arlong, he also treated them equally, dragging the officers of Branch 16 and many navy officers into the water.

After all, Mouse's strength is ordinary, and he does not have the suppression power of Monka on his navy. What's more, even Monka was also locked up by his navy who found an opportunity, and his troubles were directly reported to the Navy Headquarters, right?

Luffy's arrival is just a catalyst. With Monka's style, it is almost a matter of time before he is arrested.

Mouse is different, because his officers also get the soup and water. Even if the incident broke out, as long as it was not reported to the top, Mouse could still suppress it. In the original book, after this guy was beaten up, he was not imprisoned like Monka, but took the opportunity to blame him and gave the Straw Hat Pirates a bounty of 30 million Baileys.

Therefore, the 16th Naval Branch can be said to be completely rotten from top to bottom. Even if ordinary navy members did not go along with the corruption, they were considered to be hiding and shielding the criminals. As long as they are investigated, no one will end up well.

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