Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 217 Ending and Banquet

The confrontation between the two sides had just begun. Luffy was panicked by Uchiha Hiba's words. He picked up Zoro and called Usopp to prepare to retreat. He was also preparing to take Sanji away with him. The chefs at the Sea Restaurant, All of them suddenly looked ugly:

"Straw Hat kid, what are you doing?"

"If you're afraid of your grandpa, just go home and drink milk. Why do you want to go to sea and become a pirate?"

"Aren't you going to be the Pirate King? The Pirate King is not afraid of grandpa, show off your ambition to be the Pirate King!"

When Luffy heard these words, he blinked and looked at the chefs:

"But...One Piece is really afraid of grandpa..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I've never heard of Roger being afraid of his grandfather!"

A chef started to complain, but Uchiha Feiyu suddenly interrupted him:

"He said that the Pirate King is afraid of his grandfather, not that the Pirate King is afraid of his own grandfather."

"Huh!? Is there any difference? Could it be that his grandfather is some big shot?"

The chefs at the sea restaurant had strange expressions on their faces. The Pirate King was afraid of Straw Hat's grandfather. Who was his grandfather?

Zhepu's expression changed slightly. The uninvited guest in front of him seemed to have said that Straw Hat's grandfather was called Garp...

No way? ! The name Garp is very common. There are not even 100,000 people with this name in the world, but there are also 80,000 people...

But Garp, who scares the Pirate King...does this straw hat kid actually have such a big background? He obviously looks like a stupid boy.

Zhepu had already thought of Grandpa Luffy's true identity, but he wasn't too sure yet, so he asked directly:

"Luffy...what's your full name?"

Luffy blinked:

"Full name... Let me think about it, it should be Monkey D. Luffy!"

"Then your grandpa isn't named Monkey D. Garp, is he?"

"Hey, store manager, how do you know my grandfather's name! Do you know my grandfather?"

"Haha... The pirates who don't know your grandfather on the sea are probably not born yet... But your grandfather definitely doesn't know me. If he had known me, I would have gone to jail by now and wouldn't have had the chance to go to the sea. The thief retires..."

Zhepu said with a speechless face. Now it was confirmed that this kid was the grandson of Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, the naval hero who once captured Roger the Pirate King.

"Monkey D. Garp!? Isn't this the naval hero? It's over, I have a disease that will kill me if I become a pirate... Luffy, you should go sailing alone!"

The long-nosed Usopp's legs became weak, his eyes rolled up, and he immediately fainted and fell to the ground with his tongue hanging out.

"It can't be a lie, right? Is this brat the grandson of that naval hero?"

"Liar? Do you think this rubber-headed kid has such a deceptive mind?"

Zhepu sighed and said to his chefs.

Through this period of getting along with each other, Zhepu has already understood Luffy for a long time. Although this kid is careless and stubborn, it is precisely because of this that he has no concept of lying at all.

Since he said he was the grandson of that naval hero, he must be the grandson of that naval hero.

If that naval hero really wants to come over, it will be really difficult... You must know that Zhepu himself is also a pirate. Although he has retired from the world now, generally speaking, ordinary navy will not cause trouble for him. .

But is the person coming an ordinary navy? I don't know the character of that naval hero at all, but looking at Luffy who is fearless and fearful, I'm afraid his tolerance for pirates will not be too high - especially when he is When the grandson also ran to become a pirate.

There is no bounty on the Straw Hat kid, and after all, he is Garp's grandson. Garp will definitely not be able to do anything to him. Don't just throw yourself into Impel Down to vent your anger, that will be bad.

The former old pirate was still thinking, but Uchiha Feiyu had already bypassed him and a group of cooks and walked towards Clark and Akin.

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu who was gradually approaching, Akin picked up two weird abduct-shaped weapons and said coldly:

"It's not that easy to exchange me for a bounty..."

With a swipe, a flash of sword light flashed, and a flying slash wrapped with armed domineering power struck directly at Ajin's chest. The ghost man who had been speaking indifferently just now spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately Jump on the street.

"There is so much nonsense, stop adding drama to yourself... Do you know how many pirate fans you have deceived by saying goodbye to the Grand Line?"

Of course, poor Akin must not know anything. He was already at the end of his strength after suffering multiple tortures such as poisoning and injury, and Uchiha Feiyu's current strength is far above him. Under normal conditions, He might not even be able to take the next blow, let alone now.

According to Uchiha Feiyu's idea, he could just cut off the head and take it with him to collect the bounty. However, considering Nami's ability to accept it and the impact of doing so, Uchiha Feiyu still endured it.

Anyway, they are just two little shrimps, which will not be of any help to his cultivation. Just trouble him, and Uchiha Feiyu is too lazy to make extra trouble.

The iron chain in his hand first tied up Akin, and then Uchiha Feiyu took the chain and prepared to attack Creek.

Just when he reached Creek, the "Admiral of the East China Sea" who was unconscious on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, took out a rather advanced-looking firearm from his arms, his expression twisted, and he shouted loudly:

"It's not that easy to catch me, Admiral Creek of the East China Sea!!"

Bang bang bang bang, continuous gunfire sounded, and then there was a clanging sound, and bullets fell to the ground from Uchiha Feiyu's body.

" is this possible? Damn it, is he a Devil Fruit user again?"

Click opened his mouth with a look of shock on his face, and Uchiha Feiyu snorted softly:

"Idiot, this is not a Devil Fruit ability at all...not even Haki. It just speeds up the blood flow in the body and strengthens the body's strength."

To put it bluntly, the principle of this move is exactly the same as that of the iron block, except that the move simplified by Uchiha Feiyu through the blood nerves is much stronger than the ordinary iron block in terms of flexibility and power. Not only is the defensive power It is stronger, and the explosiveness is further enhanced by the accelerated flow of blood, instead of just being a target like the iron block cultivator.

"Wha...what!? Speed ​​up the blood flow in the body..."

"At this level, you still dare to go to the Grand Line. I really don't know where you get the confidence?"

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head. To be honest, it is normal for pirates heading to the first half of the Grand Line not to understand Haki.

Even among the pirates who have been around for a while in the first half of the game, many have never heard of Haki.

However, if you don't even understand the Sixth Form of the Navy, you would be a bit ignorant.

This can only show that Creek and the others have never encountered real naval elites at all. In fact, because the East China Sea is too peaceful and there are Kapp fish ponds, there are indeed not many naval elites staying here.

With the knowledge and strength of the Creek Pirates, even if they don't encounter Hawkeye Mihawk, a stronger pirate group or a naval colonel can directly annihilate them.

"Okay, I've cleared up your confusion, so now - can you please be quiet?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Feiyu raised the scabbard in his hand, wrapped the scabbard around Haki and gently placed it on Creek's chest. A clicking sound was heard, and Creek spat out a mouthful of blood. The bones were broken into seven or eight pieces, and he immediately fell to the ground.

"'s finally quiet."

Uchiha Feiyu said with emotion, but everyone who saw his atrocities complained in their hearts:

"Is this quiet? If you add a little more strength, your opponent will just sleep forever?!"

At this time, Zhepu didn't want to care about these messy things. After all, whether it was Ajin or Creek, these people came to the Haihai Restaurant to cause trouble, and even caused certain losses to the Haihai Restaurant.

After defeating them, Sea Restaurant did not kill them directly or use them to collect the bounty, which can be called a great mercy. Later, they were captured by others, and they had little relationship with Sea Restaurant in the first place.

It was just that Zepp and Sanji, considering the reputation of the restaurant, coupled with some chivalry and pirate spirit, stopped Uchiha Feiyu a little.

Now that he saw that the deal was done, and with the pressure from the great master Garp, he had no intention of caring about these two unlucky pirates anymore.

"Okay, I've caught him. By the way, cook, hurry up and serve us food!"

After tying up Akin and Creek, Uchiha Feiyu threw them directly onto his boat, then turned around and spoke to the cook at the sea restaurant.

"Hey, hey...he obviously came to our restaurant to cause trouble..."

Sanji, who had just broken away from Luffy, looked a little unhappy and said a few words, but at this time, Uchiha Feiyu interrupted him directly.

"That's wrong. I didn't cause trouble in your restaurant. On the contrary, I arrested the pirates who made trouble in your restaurant."

"These pirates have already been defeated, so prepare to leave!"

"But they did cause trouble in your restaurant, and I finally arrested them!"

"You you want to fight?!"

"Haha... If you want to fight, I will accompany you, but you have to prepare the food first! I don't think the cook at the sea restaurant only knows how to fight, not even how to cook!"

"How dare you say that, you guy...just wait for me! What do you want to eat?"

Sanji said something angrily, and just when Nami thought he was about to take action, this guy unexpectedly prepared to cook for them.

"I'm sorry... the restaurant on the sea will be closed for a few days. You should go somewhere else to eat. If not, our restaurant can give you some supplies."

At this time, Zhepu stopped Uchiha Feiyu and Nami who were about to enter the restaurant, and said with a very serious face.

Although this guy's face was serious, Uchiha Feiyu saw the sweat on his forehead and immediately understood what he was thinking.

This guy believed Uchiha Feiyu's shoes and really thought that Garp was behind him. He was preparing to run away!

There was no way, other ordinary chefs didn't matter, but Zhepu really had a wanted order, and theoretically, if he was taken to the naval base, he could receive a reward.

Except for the navy in this area who are already familiar with Zhepu, other navies may not necessarily believe that Red-footed Zhepu has retired from the world and only wants to be a cook.

Not to mention that the person who came was the famous navy hero Garp. It would be really strange if Zhepu didn't feel guilty.

"Don't worry, I just lied to you. Although I did meet that guy's grandfather, he has returned to the navy headquarters now and didn't follow me at all."

Uchiha Feiyu slowly told the truth of the matter, which immediately made everyone's eyes widen. Luffy, who just shouted to leave quickly, also stopped.

"So you lied to me! Hahahahaha, I said, how could grandpa run over so quickly!!"

Luffy laughed twice, Uchiha Feiyu glanced at him and said lightly:

"Don't worry, with Grandpa Garp's personality, you will be beaten when you arrive at the Grand Line."

"What? It won't be so easy for grandpa to catch me!"

Luffy immediately relaxed after knowing that Garp would not chase him. He looked indifferent and said foolishly while picking his nose.

"It's more important to have a party now! Didn't we win?!"

The word "party" seems to have magical power in the pirate world.

For pirates, this is a really interesting word.

After doing a big job, hold a party. Eat until your belly is round and your wallet is thin, then set sail again to find the next boss with explosive gold coins.

Luffy is the man who wants to become the Pirate King. Although Zeff is a cook, he has also been the captain of a pirate ship in the past, so he naturally has to follow this excellent tradition.

Well, so Uchiha Feiyu was also invited in directly. Even though the two sides almost didn't fight just now, in a blink of an eye, these people seemed to have been hit by a trick of "forgetting everything" and served Uchiha Feiyu a luxurious meal.

The corners of Uchiha Feiyu's mouth twitched slightly. He was still a little uncomfortable with the rhythm of these pirates in the One Piece world turning enemies into friends and holding a party together.

However, seeing Nami already eating and drinking, Sanji, with loving eyes, circling around her, being played around, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, he could only sigh and also started eating and drinking.

After eating and drinking, the Straw Hat Pirates started to run and play again. Even Zoro, who was originally seriously injured by Hawkeye, recovered a little bit of energy after bandaging his wounds and eating and drinking, and was also in the quarrel.

At this time, Nami sneaked up to Uchiha Feiyu and quietly asked:

"By the way, Feiyu, what do you think of this group of guys' pirate ship?"

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