Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 224: Fight with Sauron

Although Leo looks fierce and huge, he is actually at the bottom of the food chain in the One Piece world.

After all, the normal-sized, or even larger, lions in this world have long been outdated.

The more powerful animals in the One Piece world are often more than ten or twenty meters tall, and this is only on land. If it is on the sea, there are hundreds of meters of sea kings, and only thousands of meters of sea kings can dominate the sea. The most terrifying monsters have a size of ten thousand meters.

In comparison, Leo can only hang out in the circus. He can still scare people a little in the East China Sea. In the Grand Line, his status is probably similar to that of food reserves.

Uchiha Feiyu and Nami slightly scared the stupid lion, and the lion immediately turned against them and became Uchiha Feiyu's pet.

"But Feiyu, what do you want to do by taming this lion? This guy's fighting ability is ordinary, he is timid, and he has no loyalty at all. He eats a lot... It seems to be completely useless?"

"It's okay, I plan to do a little research on this lion. If it succeeds, maybe I can develop something very powerful."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly, looking at the lion Li Ji, which made the lion shudder all over and show a trace of fear on his face.

Unfortunately, no matter how timid he is at this time, it is too late. Uchiha Feiyu will not change his mind because of this lion.

"Take this lion with you and let's go back to the ship! The Straw Hat Pirates have already arrived in Rogue Town. I wonder if they have done anything to our Golden Merry?"

Hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, Nami, who was originally smiling, suddenly froze and clenched her fists:

"That's right. If these dangerous pirates attack our Golden Merry, it would be too bad. Let's go back to the ship!"

This bandit and thief combination has long regarded the Golden Merry as their own, and it is obviously impossible for them to allow the Straw Hat Pirates to take back their ship.

The two of them rushed to the port with a lion, but when they were halfway there, they saw Dashiki with a serious face. The two navy officers she had taken away were now knocked to the ground and unconscious.

The one who did it was not the pirate Buggy that Dashiki had been chasing, but a green algae-headed swordsman.

Although Buggy is much stronger than Dashigi, he was injured by the Straw Hat Pirates and wanted to escape. He did not fight with Dashigi and ran away without a trace.

Dashigi chased for a distance, but did not find Buggy. Instead, he met Zoro who was lost. Seeing the Wado Ichimonji in this guy's hand, Dashigi immediately understood Zoro's identity and wanted to fight Zoro with a knife.

It was also because Dashigi looked very similar to Zoro's childhood sweetheart that the green algae head showed mercy and only knocked down two of Dashigi's followers, and did not chop Dashigi together.

However, Dashigi is tenacious and unyielding, but to put it bluntly, she is a stubborn character, which also makes Zoro very troubled.

"I will never let a famous sword like Wado Ichimonji stay with a pirate! I can hear the famous sword crying!"

"Asshole, what a joke! This sword was given to me by my teacher, and a famous sword is a famous sword, how can it have the idea of ​​crying?"

"A sword is used to cut people, it can't distinguish between good and evil, woman, don't keep pestering me, or I'll cut you!"

"Even if my swordsmanship is not your opponent, but I absolutely can't..."

"Miss Tashiki, what are you doing? What? "

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind, startling Dashiki. Dashiki, who was originally serious and facing Zoro, quickly turned around and bowed:

"Sorry, it's Mr. Uchiha Feiyu, I didn't see you just now... By the way, I'm fighting now!"

Then the female swordsman quickly turned around again, and then took a defensive posture and aimed at Zoro. However, after such an interruption, the original serious and even tragic atmosphere disappeared without a trace, and only an awkward atmosphere permeated.

Zoro blinked and couldn't help but say:

"You woman...are you an idiot?"

" rude! What a rude pirate!"

Tashigi's face flushed with anger...or maybe she was angry and was about to attack, but at this time, Uchiha Feiyu held her shoulder:

"I told you a long time ago, Tashigi, you are no match for this guy, just leave him to me!"

"You turns out that you two are the thieves who stole the Golden Merry!"

Zoro frowned slightly. When he was in the restaurant on the sea, Zoro was seriously injured and hardly paid attention to the outside world. He didn't have a deep impression of Uchiha Feiyu.

But anyway, the two had met after all, and Uchiha Feiyu stole the Golden Merry in the later period, which made the Straw Hat Pirates remember it in their hearts. Even Zoro immediately remembered the identities of Uchiha Feiyu and Nami after taking a look at them.

After remembering their identities, Zoro immediately pointed the tip of the knife at the two:

"Hey, let me tell you, the navy over there, compared to pirates like us who don't even have a bounty on their heads, the male and female thieves over there are obviously more dangerous people!"

"Stop joking! Mr. Hiba Uchiha and Ms. Nami stole your ship in order to make you go on the right path and stop being pirates. How can you treat them as thieves!"

Zoro: "o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)......"

Do you want to hear what you are saying? Is this really what the Navy should say? Double standards are going too far!

We are a chivalrous pirate group who have never done anything bad and don't even have a bounty. We are just evil. But the two bastards opposite us who stole our ship are the embodiment of justice?

Not to mention Zoro, even Nami couldn't help but blush when she heard this. Only Uchiha Feiyu, a shameless guy, stepped forward directly:

"That's right. If you can understand my painstaking efforts, you might as well get rid of the pirate group and join my adventure exploration group!"

"Young man, if you go to the sea and become a pirate, you have no future. Haven't you heard a saying? That is, if you go out to fool around, you will always have to pay back!"

"Damn you guy! Stop talking to me! Eat my sword, three-sword style - three thousand worlds!"

The three blades in Zoro's hand formed three storms and struck at Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu hooked up his lips and stretched out his hand to hold the third generation of Kitetsu. The moment the sword light approached him, he drew the sword out of its sheath. , aiming at a tiny flaw at the intersection of three storms, and pierced it instantly.

The storm composed of three long knives collapsed instantly, and the two figures staggered. Uchiha Feiyu easily sheathed the knife, while Zoro directly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, adding new wounds to the old wounds on his chest.

"Tsk... You haven't recovered from your injuries from the battle with Hawkeye, so you're rushing here to die?"

Uchiha Feiyu said in disgust. With Zoro's current strength, although he is not his opponent, he is definitely not something he can kill with one move. However, Zoro's three-sword style was not very good in the battle just now. Coordination, thus creating a flaw.

Against a weak opponent like Dasqi, this kind of swordsmanship is still unmatched, but when facing an opponent of the same level or even stronger, the flaw caused by this incoordination becomes a fatal flaw.

Obviously, the injury that Hawkeye left to Zoro has not fully recovered, which led to Zoro's mistake.

"Damn it... don't underestimate me!"

Zoro gritted his teeth and turned his head away, still maintaining the posture of the three-sword style. Although his body became weaker and his aura became weaker, the sharpness that belonged to a swordsman became even more sharp and shining.

The Straw Hats, and even people in the Pirate World, have some ability to do sit-ups. The more seriously injured they are, the more they can exert their fighting power.

Zoro was just not excited just now, so his body movements were pulled by the old injury, causing slight deformation of his swordsmanship. But now that he is completely excited, the more serious the injury, the more powerful his attack power will be!

However, Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of getting entangled with Zoro. He stretched out his hand and waved, and the domineering energy that filled the air fluctuated in some strange way and hit Zoro.

This domineering energy didn't seem to have any destructive power, but the moment it came into contact with Sauron's body, the wound on his chest suddenly spurted out blood, and the crimson blood rushed out seven or eight meters.

The famous Iron Man of the Straw Hat Pirates turned pale in an instant, and his whole body gave people a withered feeling. He fell to the ground and could not get up.

In an instant, the feeling of almost all the blood in the body being drained is not very pleasant. This is because people in the pirate world have strong vitality. In the ninja world, even the Uzumaki clan or the Senju clan will die immediately. It’s warped.

This is also the blood nerve effect simulated by Uchiha Feiha using Armed Color Haki. It is a more delicate operation than internal destruction. As long as there are wounds on the body, the blood of the opponent can be squeezed out from the body surface in an instant. !

However, the effect is so good because Sauron doesn't have any domineering skills. Otherwise, if he has domineering defense in his body, the effect of this move will be somewhat compromised.

", Mr. Hiba Uchiha, you killed him?"

"No, this guy's vitality is still strong. Send him to the hospital for treatment and add some water and nutrition. He should be able to recover in three to five days!"

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head and told him that there is no bounty on Zoro now. Although he is a pirate, in fact, for the navy, it is still within the scope of being caught or not.

That's why Dasqi asked Sauron a few questions after seeing Sauron's miserable appearance. If it were an ordinary pirate, no one would ask him if he died.

At this time, the two follower marines behind Dasqi almost got up from the ground. Dasqi simply asked the two marines to carry Zoro, who was almost like a human, to the hospital.

But at the same time, Zoro's Wandao Yimonji and the snow he just got from Rogge Town were all taken down by Nami happily.

Dasqi looked at the two famous knives reluctantly and said:

"Mr. Feiyu, and this lady, what are you going to do with these two knives?"

"Of course I'm going to sell it! A good sword can probably be sold for a million berries, and it can only be regarded as a supplement. But if this big sword and Dao Yiwen work well, it can be sold for 100 million berries. It’s also possible!”

The little thief Nami immediately issued a statement that was very consistent with her identity, which immediately made Dashigi a little anxious:

"How can this be done? We can't let these famous swords fall into the hands of bad pirates again!"

The so-called operation is generally an auction, and people who buy famous swords and are not short of money are most likely pirates.

"Hey, hey, hey, I know, I will select the buyer a little bit."

Nami said indifferently, but it is obvious that the little thief cat was just a polite remark. Although Nami is not a bad person, her moral bottom line is not that high. As long as there is money, she doesn't care who the buyer is.

"Okay, it's time to go. Only three people from the Straw Hat Pirates have appeared now. Isn't there still a long-nosed guy who hasn't appeared yet? Maybe he's ready to drive away our Golden Merry now!"

Uchiha Feiyu's words finally brought Nami back to her senses. She quickly clenched her fists and said:

"That's right, Feiyu, let's go to the dock quickly, but we must not let these people from the Straw Hat Pirates steal our ship!"

After that, Nami pulled Uchiha Feiyu to the port. Dashiqi opened her mouth and wanted to say something more, but didn't say anything in the end.

On the Golden Merry, a long-nosed crew member was carefully checking the ship at this moment.

This small sailboat was given to the Straw Hat Pirates by the long-nosed crew member, that is, Usopp's childhood sweetheart Kaya. Naturally, Usopp was most concerned about it on weekdays. In the original book, he even quit the Straw Hat Pirates once because of the Golden Merry.

Now that the Golden Merry has been recovered, Usopp naturally has to check it carefully.

"Really, where did Luffy and the other three go? After finding the Golden Merry, shouldn't they drive the ship away immediately? Why did they go to Rogue Town to find those two people?"

There were only two people, Uchiha Feiyu and Nami, so after the two of them went to Rogue Town, there was naturally no one on the Golden Merry.

After the Straw Hat Pirates arrived in Rogue Town, they saw the Golden Merry immediately. At that time, Usopp's suggestion was that everyone should just drive the ship away and ignore those thieves who stole the ship.

But Sanji said he wanted to go to Rogue Town to purchase food, Luffy said he wanted to see the execution platform of the Pirate King, and Zoro said he wanted to find these two thieves to compete. No one listened to Usopp's opinion.

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