Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 226 Twin Gorges and Baroque Workshop

Golden Merry gradually approached the Upside-Down Mountain in the East China Sea. The sound of the surging waves reached her ears. The speed of the ship was getting faster and faster, rushing towards the high mountain waterway in front of her.

After a while, the ship entered the rising waterway, and the speed suddenly increased rapidly. The strong wind came towards her, making it almost impossible to open her eyes.

"What a fast speed... Even if you are racing on the highway, I'm afraid it won't be so fast!"

It is a terrifying thing that the ship can drive at this speed. The buoyancy of the water surface will cause the entire hull to rise, almost floating on the water like a skipping stone, which makes it more difficult to control the direction.

Usopp shouted that he was going to die, die, die, but he held the rudder in his hand steadily. This guy is also a god of war in desperate situations. The more critical the situation is, the more super god he will perform.

Of course, the people in the Straw Hat Group have some characteristics of going against the wind and following the wind and waves, but in Usopp, this characteristic is more obvious.

With Usopp at the helm and Nami in command, the Golden Merry reached the top of the Upside Down Mountain without any danger.

But just after reaching the top, Usopp looked down and his face suddenly changed:

"Oh no, oh no, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!! There's a ship coming from the opposite side!!"

Before Uchiha Feiyu came to the deck, he saw a huge pirate ship colliding with the Golden Merry from the side, and frowned slightly:

"Is this a pirate from the West Sea?? Really unlucky..."

The Upside Down Mountain and the sea currents connect the four seas, and the ships from the four seas will converge here synchronously. Therefore, when riding the countercurrent waterfall, you may collide with pirate ships coming from other seas.

Of course, the Upside Down Mountain is very large, and the countercurrent waterfall is also very long. The possibility of colliding with each other by bad luck is actually not much - but obviously, the Golden Merry's luck this time is not very good.

This is because the Upside-Down Mountain is the gateway to the Grand Line, and there are many ships coming and going. Otherwise, there may not be a single ship that will collide with each other for a year or two.

However, luck is like this. Seven or eight out of ten ships heading to the Grand Line from the Upside-Down Mountain will be directly smashed on the stone wall of the Upside-Down Mountain. Among the remaining two or three percent, about 1/100 ships will collide with ships in other seas. Obviously, Uchiha Feiyu and others have this 1/100 chance of bad luck.

At this moment, the pirate group on the opposite side was also screaming, but unfortunately, under the impact of the sea water, the ship had no power to resist at all and rushed directly to the Golden Merry.

Uchiha Feiyu was not in a hurry and said lightly:

"Long Nose, you just need to steer the helm well, and leave the rest to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Sandai Kitetsu on Uchiha Feiyu's waist was instantly unsheathed, drawing a bloody arc, riding the wind and waves and rushing towards the opposite ship.

A crack was cut open on the sea in an instant, and the pirate ship that was rushing over was immediately split in half by the sword light, and was completely shattered under the impact of the sea current with a bang.

The pirates in the pirate ship turned into fireworks in the sky in an instant, scattered all over the ground, some directly hit the Upside-Down Mountain and turned into a ball of blood mist, and some fell into the countercurrent waterfall, only showing their heads for a moment and then disappeared.

"Damn guy... Die for me!!"

With an angry shout, a bald Mediterranean pirate flew out of the pirate ship, his hands turned into wings in mid-air, and flew directly over.

"This guy... is the captain of the West Sea Vulture Pirates, with a bounty of 29 million berries... his name is..."

Usopp was still shouting, and at this moment, a flash of knife light appeared, and the captain of the Vulture Pirates screamed and fell from the air. Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed by and appeared behind the captain. Then he held his neck with one hand and stepped on the air to return to the deck of the ship:

"Be careful, long nose! Don't hit the mountain wall!"

"Ah!? Oh oh oh..."

The stunned Usopp came to his senses and quickly agreed to a few words. Occasionally, he looked up at Uchiha Feiyu, and was full of fear.

For the timid Usopp, the strength of Uchiha Feiyu's sword to split a large pirate ship was enough to intimidate this guy.

(Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, when will you come to save me!!)

After catching the vulture birdman, Uchiha Feiyu stuffed him directly into a wooden barrel filled with seawater. This is also the usual practice of some pirate groups without seastone to capture devil fruit users.

This is the first devil fruit user that Uchiha Feiyu has captured, so he naturally has to study the power of the devil fruit.

Even if he himself does not need the power of the devil fruit, which is full of flaws, it is also very good for cultivating his subordinates.

After experiencing the danger of colliding with ships in other seas, the rest of the journey was smooth sailing. The ship rushed down along the current of the Upside-Down Mountain and entered the Grand Line without encountering the whale Lab.

In fact, the appearance of the whale Lab is an event with a lower probability than the collision of ships from the four seas. You must know that the pirates from the four seas are not all weak, and there are also some strong ones among them.

If Lab often appears at the foot of the Upside-Down Mountain, it is estimated that he would have been hacked to death by some powerful pirates from the four seas!

For example, the red-haired man once wandered around the East China Sea for a while. When he went back and passed the Upside Down Mountain, if he suddenly encountered this giant whale blocking his way, he would probably cut it into two pieces on the spot!

Except for such strong men who have re-taken the great route

, the other sea areas are not the weakest sea like the East China Sea. There is no shortage of powerful pirates who have realized Haki or have powerful Devil Fruit abilities. Although Rabu is big, his combat power is actually ordinary. If it happens frequently, If there is an obstruction to the channel, there have already been accidents.

He didn't meet the big whale, and Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much. This can only be said to be that the big whale was lucky, not that he was lucky, because he was the kind of person who could make the big whale have an accident. Strong.

"Finally...we have arrived at the Grand Line!!"

"Wuhu!! This place is great, okay?! It's great!"

Looking at Nami and Usopp with happy faces, Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand:

"Don't be so happy just yet. The climate of the Grand Line is not so easy to adapt to, and we still need to get the recording pointer."

The recording pointer is a must-have item for traveling between islands after entering the Grand Line. The recording pointer can record the magnetism between the islands of the Grand Line and point directly to the direction of the island.

This thing is a must-have item when sailing on the Grand Line. In fact, when she was in Rogge Town, because of Uchiha Feiyu's reminder, Nami also bought some at that time, but they were all blank record pointers.

Uchiha Feiyu estimated that there should be a memory pointer filled with magnetism in Rogge Town, but obviously it would not be sold openly. Don't look at Smoker's execution of the "catching the big ones" against the pirates in Rogge Town. policy, but when it comes to contraband such as recording pointers, he is very strict.

In fact, it was Uchiha Feiyu and others who left too early. Otherwise, it would not be difficult to get a recording pointer filled with magnetism from Rogge Town or the Navy.

As for now, Uchiha Feiyu turned his gaze to the lighthouse under the Upside Down Mountain.

"Go to the lighthouse and take a look. The towerkeeper there might have a recording pointer filled with magnetism."

Although Uchiha Tobi also knew that this tower guard was the Pirate King's ship's doctor and was not easy to mess with, but he just bought a record pointer and didn't intend to kill people directly, so of course he had no scruples.

"Standing at the beginning of the Grand Route, selling record pointers... This is actually a good business!"

Nami, look at her eyes. When it comes to business, this little thief cat who cares a lot about Berry will always be very sensitive.

Uchiha Feiha was not sure whether Crocas who was squatting in the Twin Gorges was in the business of recording pointers, but considering that he easily gave the recording pointer to the Straw Hat Pirates, he wanted to do it. The possibilities for this kind of business are great.

Otherwise, if he only has one record pointer and gives this pointer to the Straw Hat Pirates, what will he use for himself?

Soon the Golden Merli arrived at the Twin Gorges, and Uchiha Feiyu jumped off the ship, but did not see the fashionably dressed ship's doctor.

"Aren't you here? Could it be that you took the Labu submarine...or went hunting in the sea?"

After searching around, Uchiha Feiyu had to confirm one thing, that is, the lighthouse keeper of the Twin Gorges was not here now.

"It seems we have to wait for a while... I don't know when the old man will come back. If there is no record pointer, it will be very troublesome in the Grand Line."

"Feiyu, there is a ship coming from the other side!"

At this moment, Nami, who was standing on the bow of the ship, shouted loudly. Uchiha Feiyu was slightly startled, turned his head, and saw a small ship in the distance.

"The ships coming from the Grand Line...that's strange. What are the ships from the Grand Line doing here?"

Upside Down Mountain can only be entered but not out. It is not completely impossible to leave the Grand Route, but it is absolutely impossible to walk through Upside Down Mountain. Therefore, generally speaking, only other pirates from the Four Seas who came down from Upside Down Mountain have never seen the Grand Route. Ships from the shipping route come to this side of the mountain.

"Could it be a supply ship delivering goods to this guy who's keeping the lighthouse?"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and had a guess. If Crocas wanted to live here in the Twin Gorges, he would definitely not be able to rely on fishing to eat. He also needed to communicate with the outside world. There should be ships within a fixed time. , come here to deliver supplies to him.

But soon, Uchiha Feiyu knew that he had made a wrong guess, because he had already seen the two spirited boys and the spirited girl on the bow.

A man was holding two baseball bats in his hands, wearing a crown on his head, and wearing strange green clothes. He was walking around on the deck, doing somersaults from time to time.

Another girl with blue hair, dressed like a spirited girl, with strange patterns on her clothes, was looking here with a telescope.

"It turned out to be people from Balot Studio, and it was Princess Vivi and her partner. I remember they came here to hunt down the whale Rabu and obtain Rabu's meat as bounty hunters on Whiskey Island. food……"

To be honest, Uchiha Feiyu didn't know how to describe this behavior. Although the island whale has a gentler personality, it is considered to have the lowest combat power among sea beasts of the same size.

But that refers to a sea beast of the same size! With Princess Vivi's two moves, plus a useless Barlot Studio agent, facing Lab, will they really not be killed by a sneeze?

Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu didn't know why these two people were so bold and dared to come here to cause trouble for Lab.

The small sailboat was very fast and soon arrived at the dock of Twin Gorge. Princess Vivi's partner Mr. 9 was the first to come down, holding two metal baseball bats, and swaggered to Uchiha Feiyu.

He first looked at Uchiha Feiyu, then rummaged in his bag for a while, and finally frowned:

"Huh? You are not a pirate!"

"So you are looking for a bounty order. I'm sorry, I'm not a pirate. My specific profession should be an adventurer and a bounty hunter."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly, but he didn't expect that Mr. 9's face became even uglier after hearing this:

"Bounty hunter? Isn't that a colleague? Really, you actually ran from the four seas to the Grand Line. Is the bounty hunter business so competitive now?"

"Hey, kid, which sea area did you come from? ? "

"That... we are from the East China Sea!"

It was not Uchiha Feiyu who spoke, but Usopp who had just run off the ship. Mr. 9 raised his head and snorted:

"The East China Sea, is it the weakest sea? I heard that there is a pirate hunter named Zoro there who once refused our Baroque Studio's recruitment. Could it be you!"

"Zoro? Has his name spread to the Grand Line? What kind of force is Baroque Studio?"

Usopp murmured, and now he realized that his former companion was so awesome! Why didn't he realize it... Well, in fact, he knew that Zoro was awesome a long time ago. After all, not just any swordsman can be praised by Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman.

"Hmm!? Are you really the pirate hunter Zoro? Isn't your hair green? Did you dye it black because you were afraid of the power of our Baroque Studio?"

Mr.9 obviously misunderstood Usopp's words. He turned over several times and took a stance with two baseball bats, which made Uchiha Feiyu's mouth twitch.

"What's going on? What happened, Mr.9?"

"Is there going to be a fight? Feiyu, are the people on the other side pirates?"

Princess Vivi and Nami saw that there seemed to be a conflict, and they ran over and looked at each other with a wary expression.

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