Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 229 Princess Weiwei's Decision

Although there are many bounty hunters and they can escape very quickly, it is of little significance to Uchiha Feiyu. If it were not for the purpose of better absorbing blood, he would only need a few flying slashes to kill these bounty hunters. Hunter group destroyed.

Although most of the hundreds of bounty hunters were mediocre in strength, that is, at the level of one or two million pirates, this energy and blood was enough for Uchiha Feiyu to do many things.

Uchiha Feiha's domineering aura enveloped the entire island. No matter where the bounty hunters fled, it was only a matter of a few minutes before they died.


"No, please spare my life!!"

"I'll fight you!!"

The shrill screams, the frightened begging for mercy, and the angry and desperate cries echoed throughout the Whiskey Mountain for more than ten minutes before gradually calming down.

When Uchiha Feiyu came out again, although there was no trace of blood on his body, Nami, Princess Vivi and the others seemed to smell the smell of blood that was so strong that they couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing the bounty hunters who died tragically and turned into mummies, Princess Vivi and Nami were so frightened that they almost hugged each other. The others were also trembling and did not dare to look up at Uchiha Feiyu.

"Get rid of all these mummies on the island! Although I have drained the blood, the bodies left behind may still cause the plague."

"Tsk, after all, it can only exert the effect of entry-level blood nerves. It cannot truly destroy corpses and eliminate traces. It can only absorb the essence of blood."

"Okay...ok...I'll do it right now!"

The egg roll head didn't say anything, and agreed like a yes-man, and went to clean up the mess while his butt was wet. Mr. 9, the muscular girl looked at each other, and said cautiously:

"Then let's go help too... let's go help now!"

After saying that, the two of them ran out as if there were dogs biting their butts behind them.

"Tsk...the murderous intention is leaking out a bit!"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the few of them. Although his killing act just now looked scary, it was actually common in the pirate world and should not be scary.

At most, everyone was mummified, so it looked a bit scary. However, the people of the Grand Line are well-informed. Among other things, Shakrok Farr often mummified his enemies, so he was still the patron saint of Alabasta.

The reason why Princess Weiwei, Nami and others looked extremely scared was because Uchiha Feiyu had not restrained the remaining breath of blood nerves. In addition, the third generation Kitetsu with dark red light shining in his hand was also a big reason.

The Third Generation Ghost is a perfect match for the spirit of breaking evil, so Uchiha Feiyu used the souls of those bounty hunters to strengthen the Third Generation Ghost while he still had blood nerve mana. Now the Third Generation Ghost is stronger. It is not inferior to the 21st-level swordsman in the world.

Not only that, as a demon sword, the potential of the Third Generation Kitetsu is still higher than that of the Kusanagi Sword in the ninja world, and it should be even stronger in the future.

However, it is precisely because the Third Generation Kitetsu has been strengthened that the sharp and bloodthirsty aura cannot be concealed at all. It is even much stronger than the aura on Uchiha Feiyu. These people will not be able to bear it. So cringeworthy.

After sheathing the sword of Sandaike Tetsu, the bloody smell in the air suddenly disappeared a lot, and Princess Weiwei finally came back to her senses:

"It's actually killed all of these people, but will this alert others? Baroque Studio will definitely know the information!"

"It doesn't matter...ordinary agents from Baroque Studio are no match for me anyway."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly, in fact, relying on these ten minutes of killing and the continuous transformation of the blood nerve mana before dissipating, his Shura body at this moment was one step closer, and his physical strength increased again.

Coupled with the hard training during this period, even if you can't win against Shakrok Farr, you can escape without any problem.

Moreover... the armed color haki thing really needs to be better honed in combat. Even though Uchiha Feiha's armed color haki has begun to show some changes under the influence of the blood nerves, that only affects the function. .

For example, the Armed Haki also has a certain blood-sucking ability, and can be integrated into the body's blood, limbs, and bones to strengthen the body. However, this is ultimately a difference in use. In practice, one still has to follow the rules of the One Piece world.

What are the rules for practicing hegemony in One Piece World? That's fighting! Not to mention the sight and color, whether it is the armed color or the overlord color, it can only become stronger through constant fighting and collision. Uchiha Feiyu now feels that the armed color has reached a bottleneck and needs a hearty battle. .

In fact, Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that Princess Vivi said this because she wanted to confront Shakrok Farr.

However, although Uchiha Feiyu has chosen Shakrok Farr as his whetstone, what he is after is not business. He has to make the other party beg him before he can take action.

"Okay, everyone is almost killed. Let's pack up and go to Alabasta! I will also ask Princess Weiwei to give me some record pointers then."

Princess Weiwei forced a smile, nodded, and walked to the side in silence to think, wanting to see what chips she had left in her hand to retain this powerful fighting force.

The island of Whiskey Peak is not too big, and the corpses were quickly cleaned up. After the blood was sucked out, the corpses themselves lost a lot of weight, making it much easier to handle.

After these corpses were burned by a fire, it was night time. Uchiha Feiyu and others planned to stay here for one night, and then set sail for Alabasta the next day.

Although almost everyone on the island is dead, people in the pirate world don't care about this, and the houses on the island are still habitable.

Uchiha Feiyu directly chose the largest and most luxurious house and moved in, and everyone else also chose their own rooms.

At night, Uchiha Feiyu suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the door.

The door was quietly opened, and a blue-haired head came in quietly. He took a look at the situation in the room, and then his eyes met Uchiha Feiyu who was sitting on the bed.

With a click, the head retracted, and the door was closed directly. After about half a minute, the door was opened again, and Princess Weiwei bit her lower lip and walked in quietly.

"What's the matter? Princess Weiwei?"

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the princess up and down. Her dress at the moment was different from that during the day. She was wearing a white dress with long blue hair, and she was beautiful without any makeup. She was much more beautiful when she was a girl.

Princess Weiwei lowered her head and was silent for a moment, then raised her head, two blushes appeared on her face, and her voice was slightly trembling:

"Mr. Hiba Uchiha...see if I can be used as a reward for dealing with Baroque Co., Ltd..."

Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin and said with some confusion:

"If I guess correctly, Princess Vivi, you should be the sole heir of the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

"Are you using yourself as a reward to give me the entire Kingdom of Alabasta? To be honest, this price is a bit too high. I can't figure out why you would do this."

It is definitely not bragging to say that Princess Vivi is equal to the Kingdom of Alabasta. To be honest, if Shakrok Farr had the appearance and age of White Horse Cavendish, he would definitely choose another very easy method to steal Alabasta. Kingdom of Bastan.

But there is no way, why is he a middle-aged uncle, but he still looks like a gangster? The possibility of inheriting the kingdom on soft rice has long been blocked.

Princess Weiwei took a long breath and said:

"The Baroque Working Group can use dancing powder to bring about years of drought in order to seize Alabasta, killing countless people. No matter what, the country cannot be handed over to them!"

"Comparatively speaking, Mr. Feiyu actually doesn't have much idea about power! Otherwise, he wouldn't have just gone to sea with two people."

"At least with your strength, Mr. Feiyu, if you really want power, it should be easy."

Uchiha Feiyu's current performance can be regarded as a master even in the first half of the Grand Line. Isn't he killing casually in a place like Shikai? If you really want power and you can get it easily, why bother to go to the great sea route?

"Mr. Feiyu, it would be best if you could govern Alabasta well, but if you are not interested in Alabasta, then as long as you don't harm the citizens of Alabasta, there is actually no problem."

Having said this, Princess Weiwei looked at Uchiha Feiyu with expectant eyes. Uchiha Feiyu changed his mind slightly and understood her thoughts.

He has no ambitions for power. Even if he gets Alabasta, it will not actually interfere with the country's internal affairs. On the contrary, with his own strength, Alabasta can be regarded as a backer.

Even if Princess Weiwei doesn't know much about her current strength, Uchiha Feiyu's performance in front of her is already close to that of a vice admiral. This kind of strength can be regarded as top-notch in the first half of the Grand Line, at least There is absolutely nothing wrong with protecting the peace in Alabasta.

From this point of view, Uchiha Feiyu can get the support of a country, Alabasta can also get a patron saint, and the certainty of driving away Shakrok Farr is also greatly increased. Except for the sacrifice of Princess Vivi herself, there is no Nothing is lost.

"Okay...I have to admit, I can't refuse the price you're offering."

Uchiha Feiyu said calmly, saying that he could not refuse, but his expression was very cold. Princess Weiwei was also in a daze.

My charm isn't that bad, right? It should be clear what it means to come here in the middle of the night. Why can the other party be so calm?

In fact, Uchiha Feiyu didn't move much because this physical body was not his true body, and he was still a bit taboo in this regard.

However, Alabasta can indeed provide Uchiha Feiyu with a good identity, so there is no problem in recognizing him first. At worst, he will be his fiancé first. He still trusts the credibility of the Alabasta royal family.

Let's talk about other things when one day the real body comes over. Anyway, due to the transformation of blood nerves, Uchiha Feiyu's body looks very similar to the real body, so no one can mistake it. Then he can enjoy this princess.

"I agree to your conditions. It's dark now, so you should go back and rest!"


"Or do you want to sleep with me now? Although you are indeed beautiful, you are still a bit young. Let's talk about this kind of thing in two years!"

"I...I know, I'm leaving first!"

Princess Weiwei blushed. She had exhausted all her courage to find Uchiha Feiyu's room alone in the middle of the night. At this moment, she was flustered by Uchiha Feiyu's teasing and ran away.

Uchiha Feiyu yawned, turned around and lay back on the bed to sleep.

The next morning, when Princess Weiwei came out of the room and saw Uchiha Feiyu, her face was still red and she dodged. Most people in the pirate world were careless and didn't see anything wrong. Only Nami felt something was wrong.

As the ship was heading to Alabasta, Nami approached Uchiha Feiyu and asked, "Hey, Captain, what happened between you and that princess? I see that the way she looks at you is not right!"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that she is my fiancée now. You will always feel a little shy when you look at your fiancée!"

"So that's the case..."

Nami nodded, and suddenly reacted, her face full of shock, her mouth wide open:

"What did you say! Captain? Princess Vivi... Princess Vivi is your fiancée? This... What's going on? How come I don't know about this!"

"This was confirmed last night. Princess Vivi found me and was willing to use herself as a price to let us help him deal with Baroque Works."

"Hey, Captain, don't you discuss this with me?"

" What do I need to discuss with you? Why should I discuss with you when I marry a wife? "

"Didn't you say you would take me to visit the Grand Line? You can't just trick me into the Grand Line and then go and be the king!"

"Don't worry, I'm just your fiancé now. It won't be too late to come back after visiting the entire Grand Line."

Nami left with a little worry. After a while, Princess Vivi appeared beside Uchiha Feiyu with an uneasy look on her face and asked:

"Um... did I make Nami angry?"

"It doesn't matter. After we kill Shaklockfar, you just need to give her a little treasure and she will be happy immediately."

Uchiha Feiyu said nonchalantly. He knew this little thief too well. This guy can get 100,000 Baileys for just a look of welfare.

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