Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 232 End and Harvest

"You're ready to fight, so I'll attack first!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, looking at the two giants who were facing a formidable enemy, without any fuss. Instead, he waved the Third Generation Kitetsu and slashed a huge flying slash!

The huge flying slash even covered the range of the two giants. The two giants laughed and took Uchiha Feiyu's attack with their weapons.

It's just that their weapons were already very broken, and the flying slash made the broken weapons even worse, with many cracks appearing faintly.

But the two giants didn't care, waving their broken huge weapons and slashing directly at Uchiha Feiyu.

Although the giant's sword is a sword, due to its large size and wear, this giant sword is more like a huge blunt weapon for races other than giants, falling like a pillar of heaven.

Facing this attack, Uchiha Feiyu did not dodge, but also condensed all his armed color domineering on the third generation of Kitetsu. At the same time, the blood in his body flowed rapidly, and the surface of his body appeared faintly with scales. The veins all over his body were bulging, and the blade collided with the two huge blunt weapons!

With a loud bang, a violent wave of air spread out, blowing a burst of sand and rocks, and spider-web-like cracks appeared on the ground. Uchiha Feiyu stalemated with the two giants for a moment, and was directly knocked back and broke three or four big trees like stones.

The two huge giants were also shocked by the reaction force and retreated continuously. They retreated three or four steps directly, almost sitting on the ground, and their wrists were vaguely numb.

This is not that Uchiha Feiyu's strength is not as good as the giant in front of him, but that Uchiha Feiyu's weight is too light, and he can't stabilize his center of gravity in this confrontation.

Brushing off several branches and gravel on his head, Uchiha Feiyu slowly stood up, and the Armament Haki on his body surface faintly glowed with a dark red luster. Not only did it not weaken because of the collision just now, but it became much stronger.

During this period, Uchiha Feiyu transformed his body through exercise and borrowing the power of blood nerve Haki. His physical strength has made great progress, but Haki has been stuck at a stage because there have not been enough battles.

Even if the quality of Armament Haki has been improved to a certain extent through the rendering of blood nerve mana, it is still far worse than those experienced strong men.

So at the beginning of the battle, the Haki potential accumulated in Uchiha Feiyu's body began to erupt violently, and in a short period of time, the Armament Haki showed that it was used more and more.

"Ka-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa, Donli, it seems that the opponent is not simple! Our weapons can't bear it."

"Hehehehehehe! Broki, do you want to use that move? Our weapons can only play one more move!"

"Then use that move, let this villain see the long-standing skills of our giants!"

"Ah, I really miss it! We haven't used this move for 100 years, Elbaf's spear is about to flash again!"

The two giants spoke rumblingly while standing side by side, each raising the broken weapon in their hands.

Uchiha Feiyu suddenly felt a chill in his body, and a slightly stiff smile appeared on his face:

"Hey, hey, hey... Don't use your ultimate move as soon as you meet! I feel that your move is really dangerous!"

As soon as the voice fell, Donli and Broki had already raised their weapons high, one from left to right and the other from right to left, and the two weapons were swung at the same time!

Wrapped in the huge weapon, the two equally powerful domineering auras began to collide and entangle as they approached each other, and their power increased exponentially, instantly erupting with an attack power that was almost like a natural disaster.

"The Spear of Elbaf - Hegemony!"

"Is this the Spear of Heroes?" Uchiha Feiyu looked cautious and focused, looking at the violent attack in front of him like a storm, and cold sweat faintly appeared on his vest.

In this world, the energy attacks that burst out from this non-devil fruit ability can actually be counted into the domineering system.

Among them, the moves of the giants that are condensed by cooperating with the giants, exerting domineering aura and a huge height of 22 meters are called "Hero Spear" and "Hegemony".

Although Dongli and Broki are only two giants with bounties of over 100 million, that was 100 years ago. Not to mention how much their strength has increased in the past 100 years of fighting, the Berry a hundred years ago is much more valuable than the Berry after inflation now.

So the specific strength of these two giants is at least above 500 million Berry! In the original work, the combined attack of the two Four Emperors, Big Mom and Kaido, directly penetrated the giant goldfish that could eat an entire island. From the performance point of view, even pirates with a bounty of 1 billion could not launch such an attack.

The "Baguo" launched by the two Four Emperors, Big Mom and Kaido, was even called "Bakai". Although there was no outstanding record in the original work, from the performance point of view, it was obvious that the attack was definitely very strong. Anyone who dared to block it under the Four Emperors would die.

Although the shock waves wielded by Dongli and Broki were only Baguo and not Bakai, Uchiha Feiyu also did not dare to directly use the armed color domineering to resist.

He saw the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand waving continuously, and slashed out seven or eight flying slashes in one breath, slightly deviating the direction of the terrifying energy torrent. At the same time, the whole person exerted force on his feet, using the combination of shaving and instant body movement to quickly avoid the center of the energy attack.

Despite this, this large-scale energy attack is still not something that can be avoided with such a small trick. Avoiding the center of the attack is already the limit. Uchiha Feiyu was still swept into the energy torrent at the edge.

The huge shock wave directly flattened the mountains and the beaches, set off a terrifying tsunami on the sea, directly split the sea in half and rushed to the distant horizon.

Through the separated sea water, you can almost see the seabed at the bottom of the sea. After more than ten minutes, the originally turbulent sea finally calmed down.


The two giants exhaled, followed by a crackling sound. The cracks in the axes and swords in their hands gradually spread, and finally completely shattered, falling to the ground with a clatter.

"What about that villain... he won't die just like that?"

"I don't know, he's too small... if he really died, it's because he's too fragile."

"No, this villain is already a powerful warrior among villains, and dying on the battlefield is the best fate for a warrior!"

Dongli and Broki chatted for a while. The attack of the Tyrant Kingdom was not so easy for them, not to mention that they were not in full condition at the beginning. After this move, their physical strength and domineering were almost exhausted.

But at this moment, a terrifying breath mixed with blood rose slowly from the sea, and then Uchiha Feiyu walked out in the waves of the sea.

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu only had a pair of shorts on his body, and the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand was flashing a faint dark red light, as if blood was flowing on it.

"This kid is not injured?! Are you kidding?"

"No, look carefully, Broki, he is not uninjured, but his wounds are healing... Strange, is this a special race?"

Uchiha Feiyu stepped onto the shore, shook the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand, turned his head to look at his waist, but found that the scabbard was gone.

"Tsk... Forget it, I'll make a new scabbard later!"

At this moment, a giant's thunderous voice came from above:

"What's your name, little man? How did you block Baguo just now?"

Uchiha Feiyu raised his head, looked at the two huge giants, and wiped the sea water off his face:

"Name? Just call me Uchiha Feiyu... As for how I blocked Baguo, I didn't block it at all. The move of the two of you broke more than a dozen of my ribs, and my internal organs and muscles were a mess. Fortunately, there are many huge sea beasts in the sea nearby. I recovered from the injury with these blood packs."

Yes, the previous one had already seriously injured Uchiha Feiyu, but after all, Uchiha Feiyu was also a demon cultivator. This kind of physical injury can be easily recovered as long as there are enough blood packs.

The power of blood nerves cannot be stored in the body for too long, but there is no problem in using it immediately. He killed a giant sea beast directly, and repaired his body with the blood in his body. Uchiha Feiyu then walked out of the sea.

Not only that, the so-called breaking and then building, after this repair, Uchiha Feiyu can even feel that his body strength has soared by 50% to 60%, and his domineering power has doubled, which is even more progress than using blood nerves to transform the body.

It is no wonder that the pirate supernovas in this world, after being hammered, as long as they are not dead and not beaten, their strength will advance by leaps and bounds. This kind of breaking and then building may be the best way to practice in the pirate world!

From this point of view, the pirate world is simply a Saiyan per capita. Every time they struggle from the line of life and death, their strength will be greatly improved-the only problem is that it is a bit life-consuming. If you don’t have the aura of the protagonist, you will probably die miserably.

"It looks like both of you have almost exhausted your physical strength and domineering aura. Then, it's my turn!"

Uchiha Feiyu slowly raised the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand. The demon sword made a crisp and sharp sound, as if it was longing for blood.

"Ka Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba! Not bad, let's continue fighting!"

"Hehehehehehehehe! To die on the battlefield is the greatest honor for a warrior!"

The two giants did not show any fear. Even though their weapons were shattered, their physical strength was weakened, and their domineering aura was exhausted, they still showed the fearless side of the giant warriors.

Uchiha Feiyu nodded slightly, and the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand drew a blood-red arc, and a flying slash that split the sky and the earth flew out in an instant.

A fierce battle broke out again in the small garden. The whole island was shaken by the battle. The forest was flattened, and the volcano erupted again. The animals on the island, as if they had encountered a natural disaster, madly moved away from the direction of the battlefield.

Time gradually turned from day to night, and the chaos on the island gradually subsided.

On the Golden Merry, a group of people looked at the forest in the distance with eager eyes. Whether it was Nami or Vivi, they all looked anxious.

Usopp, who had been guarding the ship, had now returned to the cabin. When he was guarding the ship, he was attacked by a pterosaur and almost lost his life. In the end, he relied on luck and sniper skills to drive away the pterosaur that fell from the sky, but he was also seriously injured and was still recovering.

Golden Week had her seasoning and paintbrush confiscated and was locked in a cabin. As an 18-year-old girl with a 12-year-old physical strength, she had no ability to escape even if the cabin door was locked.

In addition, Mr. 3 was soaked in the seawater barrel again this time. This Devil Fruit user is still in a limp state.

"Princess, can you stop spinning? I feel so dizzy!"

The drum head said with a grimace, and Princess Weiwei turned her head. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly heard a movement in the forest.

After a moment, accompanied by a tragic smell of blood, Uchiha Feiyu, who was wearing a pair of torn shorts, slowly walked out.

Part of that ferocious aura came from Uchiha Feiyu himself, and part of it came from the Demon Sword Third Generation Kitetsu in his hand. At this moment, the dark red color on the sword was even more obvious, as if it was dried blood.



A group of people finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Fei Yu coming back.

"I made you worry, don't worry, I'm fine."

With a leap, Uchiha Feiyu jumped directly onto the boat, waved his hands, and had a somewhat excited smile on his face.

After Uchiha Feiyu jumped on the boat, everyone on the boat was a little surprised. When they just walked out of the forest, they couldn't tell. Only when they got closer did they realize that Uchiha Feiha seemed to have grown 30 centimeters taller. .

The original Uchiha Hiba was about 1.78 meters tall, the most common type of normal person in the pirate world. Now he is over two meters tall. Although he is still within the scope of normal people, compared to pirates The monsters in the world are quite different in height, but they can be said to be taller than others.

"Captain, why have you become so tall? The muscles on your body seem to be fuller."

Nami asked with a curious expression on her face. Uchiha Feiyu shrugged slightly:

"This is the contribution of those two giants. Not only are they rich in blood and energy, but their body structures are also very interesting. Learning from their body structures will also be a great inspiration for me to transform my physical body."

This is the reason why Uchiha Feiyu's height suddenly increased by 30 centimeters. Even this is because Uchiha Feiyu compressed his muscles. Otherwise, let alone 30 centimeters, he would directly become a three-meter-tall general, which is very normal.

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