"Stop sitting on the mast blowing the wind, let's come down and have a chat, Miss Nico Robin?"

Robin pursed her lips. The mysterious atmosphere that had been occupied by her sudden appearance was directly broken by Uchiha Feiyu. This made the royal sister a little uncomfortable. Now she heard Uchiha Feiyu suddenly call out her real name. , and even more confused.

It's just that she has been wandering in the underground dark world since she was eight years old. She has experienced countless betrayals and been chased by countless people. She is used to seeing the warmth and coldness of people, and she has already developed a good psychological quality, so even if she has a small heart, It was a huge mess, but the expression on his face didn’t change at all:

"This gentleman knows me really well. I wonder what your name is?"

While saying this, Nico Robin jumped directly from the mast with a polite smile on her face.

"My name is Uchiha Hiba, I'm just a nameless person on the sea."

Uchiha Feiyu crossed his arms and said flatly, looking directly at Nico Robin:

"Nico Robin, called the Son of the Devil by the World Government, was rewarded with an 81 million bounty by the Navy for sabotaging five naval battleships when he was eight years old. Am I right!"

Robin put away the polite smile on his face and said slowly:

"It seems that Mr. Uchiha really knows me very well! What, are you planning to arrest me to redeem the reward?"

As he spoke, Robin's hands slowly clenched into fists, ready to take action if the situation went badly.

The current Nico Robin is extremely wary and self-destructive. On the surface, she is mature and cunning. She is just a protective layer. In fact, her mental problems are very serious. It is difficult to say what her next step will be. do what.

And after Uchiha Feiyu's introduction, it wasn't just Nico Robin whose expression changed.

"81 million berries!! Sunk five battleships at the age of eight!!"

Everyone on the deck gasped and looked at Robin with expressions as if they were looking at some monster. Princess Vivi tremblingly took out the peacock feather, and Nami took out the weather stick with a pale face. Lion Leaky immediately hid at the edge of the deck, and Usopp made himself a candle championship cup without saying a word.

The group of people looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, which made the air on the deck almost freeze. However, Uchiha Feiyu just shrugged and said calmly:

"Of course I'm not going to exchange the bounty money, so you don't have to be so nervous, Miss Robin."

"In addition, you people don't need to be on guard. Although Miss Robin's current strength can almost meet the requirement of 81 million berries, in fact, her achievements and crimes are all just forged by the navy and the world government. ”

"The real reason is that in order to cover up the history of 800 years ago, the World Government ordered the navy to launch a demon-slaying order to destroy Miss Robin's hometown and O'Hara Island, where a large number of archaeologists gathered."

"Thanks to some of the navy's uneasy consciences, who either resisted head-on or let their subordinates commit suicide, Miss Robin, the last orphan of O'Hara, escaped."

"who are you?!!"

After hearing this, Nico Robin finally couldn't hold back anymore. He crossed his hands and activated his fruit ability. He stretched out two hands directly on Uchiha Feiyu's shoulders and caught his neck.

"Don't be so anxious, Miss Robin!"

Uchiha Feiyu's body shuddered, and with the vibration of the armed domineering energy on his body, the colorful arms that grew out of his shoulders instantly shattered into petals on the ground. Under the transmission of pain, Robin only felt a pain in his hands, and he couldn't bear it. Zhizhu groaned.

The Blossom Fruit is actually a very powerful Devil Fruit, with the ability to extend its limbs anywhere. If replaced by some monsters with powerful physical skills, it can be used as a trick.

It's a pity that although Nico Robin did some training when she was in the dark world, and she is not considered to be incompetent, her physical ability is obviously far behind when facing the real masters in the sea.

Feeling the gap between the two sides, Robin did become quiet, but the alert expression disappeared, and what appeared on her face was a kind of indifference as if she was lying flat.

"Haha, does Mr. Uchiha need me to do anything? If so, please give me your instructions!"

Tsk, look what happened to this child. She is being used every day. Now she has a psychological shadow. Everyone thinks that others are going to take advantage of her.

Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that it was not easy to gain Robin's trust, and it was even more difficult to get her on the ship - yes, after all, he had intercepted so many members of the Straw Hat Pirates, and there were no more. There is no problem in intercepting a historian. Uchiha Feiyu did have the idea of ​​Nico Robin.

As for Nico Robin's troubles... To be honest, Nico Robin's appearance is very different from what she looked like when she was a child. In the original work, it was because of some strange coincidences that she was killed by agents of the World Government. It was found that as long as Uchiha Feiyu paid a little attention, it was enough to avoid these problems.

Even if he is unlucky enough to be discovered, with his current strength, he is not afraid of ordinary navy and world government agents.

Green Pheasant "chases" Robin every day. To put it bluntly, it is to protect his "daughter"! How can an ordinary admiral have so much time to catch a criminal with a bounty of less than 100 million berries?

And Uchiha Feiyu also knew very well how to break through Robin's cold shell and gain her trust.

"Miss Robin, you misunderstood. I don't have anything for you to do. On the contrary, I have some good news that I want to tell you."

Robin's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a polite smile. Over the years, I have seen too many different kinds of people. Do you think this disguise can hide it from my eyes? He must be another careerist looking for the text of world history!

Just the next moment, Robin heard the words whispered by Uchiha Feiyu.

"Sauro is alive."

"What did you say!!!"

Robin's expression immediately changed. She was in disbelief, anxious and surprised, and various expressions of worries about gains and losses appeared alternately on her face. Then she couldn't care about so much anymore. She rushed in front of Uchiha Feiyu and grabbed it with both hands. She touched his shoulders and said with a trembling voice:

"You just said, what did you just say...are you telling the truth? Sauro, he is really alive!!"

"That's right. The admiral is far less ruthless than you think. Even you, O'Hara's orphan, was secretly released. Naturally, he didn't kill his friend."

Although Sauro was frozen and sealed by Aokiji, in fact Aokiji's actions at that time were probably more to protect his friends.

Robin, a little girl, could sneak away while the navy was not paying attention. How could a giant like Sauro escape from O'Hara?

On the contrary, after being frozen and sealed, Sauro was truly unnoticed, and finally escaped with his life when the ice melted.

"Sauro is still alive. That's great. You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Of course not. If you don't believe it, you can go to Elbaf, the kingdom of giants, and see where Sauro lives now. Moreover, he also took away the books that the scholars threw into Lake O'Hara for protection. Those books are now in the land of giants."

"By the way, the World Government's scientist Vegapunk also knows this news. He once went to Elbaf to read those O'Hara books. If you have the chance, you can also ask the world's number one scientist. "

Robin took a deep breath and reluctantly calmed down. Although she was still a little afraid that Uchiha Feiyu was just deceiving her, but seeing that Uchiha Feiyu said he had a nose and eyes, she decided to believe him.

The most important thing is that she has been alone for too long. After hearing the news, she hoped it was true no matter what, even if it was a little self-deception, not to mention the logic of Uchiha Feiyu's news. Smooth, no flaws.

"Okay, I believe what you say, Mr. Feiyu Uchiha, you have told me so much news, do you need me to do anything?"

"Well, my ship is still short of some members. I think you, the Flower Fruit user, will be a good crew member."

"It just so happens that our sailing route will also reach the giant country in the new world. You can follow us to verify whether what I said is true, and you can also collect some world history texts along the way."

After hearing this, Robin had a constant smile on his face and thought secretly in his heart: The other party's conditions are very good, and it seems that he is completely considering himself, but he doesn't know if he will have any more requests in the future.

But no matter what, it is certain that the other party has identified his weakness and agreed to the other party's request.

"Okay, but first, we should figure out how to deal with my original boss, the hero of Alabasta. Otherwise, Captain, I'm afraid your journey will only end here."

"By the way, Shakrok Farr has been hiding behind Baroque Works for these years. I usually contact the members of the studio. Except for Mr. 1, who I'm not sure about, no one else knows about it at all. As the boss of Baroque Co., so as long as we can deal with Shacklebolt, Baroque Co., Ltd. will not be an obstacle to us. "

After making the decision to change bosses, Robin revealed everything about his original boss without saying a word, and even made a plan to stab him in the back.

Uchiha Feiyu nodded and touched his chin:

"In this case, you should be able to mobilize Mr. 1. First call out this member of the Baroque Working Group who may know who the boss behind the scenes is, and deal with him first."

"After you deal with him, you can cooperate with Princess Weiwei and directly integrate Baroque Studio."

Anyway, Baroque Studio only has a single line of communication with Robin, and except for Mr. 1, no one in the entire studio can defeat Robin. Although it is a bit difficult to control, with Robin's brains and the combination of Ala It is not difficult to control the Baroque Studio, the signature of the Bastan royal family.

Robin also nodded. She had already had this idea when she first reported the intelligence. It was even hard to say whether Robin had planned to control Baroque Works from the beginning.

——This son of a devil has no ambitions, but she can use the convenience of the studio to explore ancient historical texts, or use the power of the studio to make people happy when she is having a fight with her boss. These are all things she will do.

"So the question now is, Captain, do you have the confidence to defeat my original boss? Natural Devil Fruit abilities are not that easy to deal with, especially in this desert country."

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Robin, who looked calm on the surface but was actually a little uneasy, and said calmly:

"I may not be a match for Shaklockfar in his prime, but now this Shaklockfar, who can only bully some rookie pirates in the first half of the Grand Line, will have a hard time surviving in my hands for half a day!"


Alabasta, Rapeseed Port.

The Golden Merry stopped at the port, and Nami and others got off the ship and started shopping and strolling.

However, Uchiha Feiyu followed Robin, walked out of the port city, and came to the edge of the desert.

"Is it here?"

On the edge of a desolate desert, a small wooden house that looks a bit shabby stands here. According to Robin's information, this is the place where she will meet Mr.1.

"Yes, it seems that he should not be here yet."

Robin looked around and said, but Uchiha Feiyu shook his head:

"No, he is already here, just a little far away."

Robin raised her eyebrows and didn't say anything. During this period of sea voyage, she has already had some understanding of her new boss.

Apart from what the members on the ship said about defeating the giants, the aftermath of the battle changing part of the terrain of the small garden, and other situations that she did not see with her own eyes, just from the intensity of Uchiha Feiyu's training, the huge weight he used, and his performance in the battle with the sea king, she could almost estimate that her boss's strength was unfathomable, and it was not surprising that he could find Mr. 1's position earlier.

Sure enough, a moment later, a tall figure slowly walked from the desert in the distance.

The visitor had a monk's hairstyle and wore clothes that gave him a monk-like feeling, but his well-developed muscles, scars at the corners of his eyes, and his indifferent and cold eyes showed that this guy was not an easy person to deal with.

This was the trump card of Baroque Studio's Mr. 1, and the strongest person besides Shakrock Fal, the user of the Zan Zan Fruit ability, Dazbonis.

When Uchiha Feiyu and Robin saw Dazbonis, he also saw the two of them. He frowned and whispered:

"Miss Sunday, who is this person?! Why did you bring a stranger from outside the work agency to see me!"

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