Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 236 The Defeated Sand Crocodile

The sound of footsteps came slowly. Uchiha Feiyu, who was sitting on a chair, turned his head and looked at the visitor who came out, and said lightly:

"You are too slow, Crocodile."

At this moment, most of the gamblers and waiters in the casino had already run away, leaving only some guys who were too timid and fainted directly. The originally lively casino looked messy, which made the man who came out of the secret room frown.

A black coat, a scar across the whole face, an arm with a golden hook, a cigar and a big back hair, this look that seemed to be a combination of a gangster and a pirate, is the current Seven Warlords of the Sea, Sak Rockfar.

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's condescending tone, the veins on Sand Crocodile's forehead bulged, and the cigar in his mouth was directly bitten off by him, and he sneered:

"Hahahaha..., kid, you are the one who came to my territory to mess things up?!"

"Your laughter is quite normal, but it's really unremarkable. No wonder you ask such a meaningless question."

Uchiha Feiyu raised his eyebrows, answered the question irrelevantly, pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu from his waist, and a shrill and tragic breath instantly spread.

Sand Crocodile felt cold all over, and tiny goose bumps appeared on his skin. He squinted his eyes and looked at Uchiha Feiyu, with the golden hook in his hand ready to go.

Now Shaklockfar finally knew how the other party fainted and scared away the people in the casino. This pure killing intent and momentum can actually exert the power comparable to the domineering color domineering. I don't know how many people this young man in front of him has killed?

However, even though he was extremely apprehensive, Shaklockfar could not lose face and dignity, and still spoke with a savage face:

"Heh, meaningless? Indeed... Since you dare to come to my casino to cause trouble, then be prepared to turn into a mummy!!"

"Desert Diamond Sword!"

The fine yellow sand condensed into a huge diamond sword, shining with a golden luster, and chopped directly at Uchiha Feiyu.

Uchiha Feiyu's hand also flashed with a knife. He did not roar, and the momentum of the knife was far less than Shaklockfar. However, the Desert Diamond Sword that was originally chopped at Uchiha Feiyu collapsed halfway and was directly cut in half.

Shaklockfar's chest collapsed into yellow sand in an instant, but there was still a faint blood seeping out of the yellow sand. When his body was reorganized, a long knife mark could be seen on his chest.

"Armament Haki... I didn't expect that you have cultivated Haki to this level in just the first half of the Grand Line."

The Sand Crocodile reached out and gently wiped the wound on his chest. Just now, Uchiha Feiyu's sword not only defeated the Desert Diamond Sword, but also almost split him in half.

If it weren't for the fact that Sakrokfar had been through hundreds of battles and the remaining Observation Haki took effect at the critical moment, I'm afraid he would have been killed instantly.

Even if Sakrokfar finally reacted and took the initiative to evade the element, he was still a little slow, resulting in some injuries.

(No, this wound is only a few centimeters deep, why is there no sign of hemostasis? Is the opponent's weapon special, or other skills?)

Frowning, Sakrokfar's face became even uglier. You know, although this guy's physical fitness is not as good as Luffy's, he can still escape unscathed in the New World. No matter how bad his body is, it's not that bad.

Basically, pirates who have been to the New World all know more or less about life return. Ordinary wounds can be cured in a short time, but at least the muscles and blood vessels can be controlled to stop bleeding easily, instead of being unable to stop the bleeding like now.

Feeling the abnormality of the wound, Shaklockfar was a little anxious, and no longer prepared to use tentative attacks. The whole person turned into a terrifying sandstorm:

"Heavyweight sandstorm!!"

With a loud bang, Shaklockfar's casino was completely blown up, and the terrifying sandstorm surged out like a tornado and began to wreak havoc in the city.

Then a blood-colored half-moon light flashed in the sandstorm, directly cutting the sandstorm in half. The subsequent weak sandstorm gradually died down. At the same time, in the center of the endless sandstorm, Shaklockfar, who had another wound on his body, was also revealed.

"Armament Haki is released... Even the flying slash can be wrapped with Armament Haki. I still underestimated you, kid, what's your name?"

"Heh, are you still calling me kid? The waves behind the sea push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach. Please remember, this wave in front, my name is Uchiha Feiyu."

Sand Crocodile's pupils shrank, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"You are so arrogant! Do you think you can really beat me now that you have a little advantage? The cruelty experienced by the older generation of pirates is unimaginable to you."

"You'd better stop bleeding before you talk to me harshly,"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes, and he no longer wanted to argue with Shaklockfar. The whole person flashed and moved for the first time.

So fast! The moment Shaklockfar saw Uchiha Feiyu's figure disappear, he immediately took the initiative to elementalize. Even so, he still felt a chill on his back, and the coat behind him was cut in half.

"Tsk, you said the harshest words and fought the most cowardly. Is this the style of the older generation of pirates?"

"Asshole... you forced me to do this! Erosion of Samsara!"

Shakrokfar put one hand on the ground, and immediately from the ground he touched, endless yellow sand spread.

This move is a large-scale attack unique to the Sand Fruit. After touching the ground, it will suck up the moisture from the ground and the creatures or objects it comes into contact with, and gradually spread to the surroundings, turning everything into yellow sand, whether living or dead. Objects, even rocks and buildings, will be completely deserted.

If he had a choice, Shakrok Farr would definitely not want to use this trick in his own city. The spreading erosion of reincarnation can turn the entire Yuyan and even the city of Rainland into yellow sand. It can be said that The city and reputation he had built over the years had been completely lost under this move.

But now that Shakrok Farr is worried about his own life, he naturally doesn't care about the so-called city and reputation. At worst, after killing the bastard in front of him, he will kill everyone. Naturally, no one will know that he sabotaged it. Killed everyone in the city!

I have to say that Lao Sha and Doflamingo are the most similar Qibukai, with similar personalities and ideas.

The only question is, can this move really deal with Uchiha Feiyu?

Shakrok Farr raised his head and looked at his opponent. The ferocious smile on his face suddenly froze, revealing a look of horror:

"How is it possible? How on earth did it?"

In the endless yellow sand, Uchiha Feiyu walked slowly over. Not only did he not sink into the desert, his muscles were even full of moisture and luster, without any symptoms of dehydration, let alone being sucked into dry yellow sand.

"Maybe it's because my Armed Color Haki is somewhat special and can be directly integrated with my blood. After the Armed Color Haki merges with my blood, your Shasha Fruit seems to have no effect on me."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly with a smile on his face. There is still some benefit in merging armed color haki and blood nerve mana for a long time. Armed color haki can now be fused with the blood in Uchiha Feiyu's body. When used, it can not only By increasing external defenses, internal defenses will also be greatly increased.

Haki is inherently capable of resisting Devil Fruit abilities. Although Uchiha Feiyu's level of Haki is not at its peak, it can be reliably integrated with the blood in his body, but it can easily resist the most dangerous ability of the Shasha Fruit to drain water.

"Asshole! Go to hell! Desert Great Sword! Wow, cough, cough, cough..."

The move was useless. Shakrok Fardun suddenly fell into a state of incompetent rage, and directly struck the desert sword. However, Uchiha Feiyu also struck back with the sword, and immediately sent him flying directly. He hit the back with a bang and was half turned into sand. was buried in the building.

After a while, the building debris gradually turned into sand, and Shakrok Farr, clutching his chest, stood up again:

"Damn it...why are you coming to trouble me? Are you a new pirate who wants to become famous?"

"Tsk, sorry, I'm not a pirate."

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the puzzled Shakrok Farr and decided to make him understand:

"As the boss of Baroque Works, you should know about Princess Weiwei who is undercover under you!"

Shakrok Farr's eyes moved, revealing a look of surprise:

"Are you a strong man found by the Alabasta royal family?"

"No, I am the strong man found by Princess Weiwei!"

"What did that woman give you? No matter what she gave you, I can give you double it. You should know that Alabasta is now in my possession. Whether it is the princess or the useless king, they are all We can no longer control this country!”

"It sounds like you can control this country. As the king of Alabasta, Cobra, no matter how downcast he is, can still easily control this country as long as he has great justice and the support of force. nation!"

"Are you going to use force to support him? What conditions has he given you?"

"Princess Weiwei, you are now my fiancée."

Shacklebolt was speechless. This condition was equivalent to sending Alabas away. Sand Crocodile really couldn't do such a thing.

"So now that you understand everything, let's hit the road!"

"You brat, do you think you've got me?"

Facts have proved that Uchiha Feiyu was indeed able to defeat Shakrok Farr. Although he struggled in every possible way, he used the rustling fruit and the poisonous golden hook to the limit. In the fierce battle, he even reawakened a certain amount of two-color domineering, and finally But still, half an hour later, he was completely defeated by Uchiha Feiyu.

The original rainy city has now completely turned into a desert ruins. What was once a bustling and noisy market is now only the sound of the strong wind mixed with yellow sand and the crackling sound blowing through the ruins.

Occasionally there will be some moaning and crying in some places, which are the sounds of the lucky ones who managed to escape with a small life in the aftermath of the battle.

Seeing and hearing Haki swept across the land, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head. The original rainland city had a population of at least hundreds of thousands, but now there are probably not even a few thousand survivors left here.

Not all of them died. A small number of people were swept away by the aftermath of the battle. Most people simply fled the city and entered the desert. I don’t know how many people could escape in the end? The desert is not that easy to cross.

No matter what the final result is, Crocodile's reputation in Alabasta is ruined. After all, most of the aftermath of the battle was caused by the natural system of Shaklockfar. He killed at least 8,000 ordinary people.

Moreover, once the so-called Shichibukai failed, they would lose any deterrent power. The World Government and the Navy would directly abandon them. In addition, Shaklockfar himself was not very clean, and with the help of the Alabasta royal family to testify, Uchiha Feiyu was not worried about attracting the hostility of the World Government.

Pulling out the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand, looking at Shaklockfar lying on the ground and dying, Uchiha Feiyu directly chopped the sandy ground.

That direction was the underground secret room of the original casino. Uchiha Feiyu remembered that there should be a lot of seastone items there. Sure enough, when the ground cracked, he found a lot of seastone handcuffs and even a seastone prison.

Put seastone handcuffs directly on Shaklockfar. This is a living devil fruit. Uchiha Feiyu has not thought about killing him yet, otherwise he would not know where to put the soul of the Sand-Sand Fruit.


Just as Uchiha Feiyu won a great victory, the Baroque Studio employees who were summoned on the other side were also conquered by Robin and Princess Vivi.

There is no way. Most of the employees of Baroque Works don’t know who their boss is. They only know Robin, the boss’ secretary. Of course, Robin’s words are what they say.

Moreover... ordinary members may not be very loyal to Baroque Works. After all, even the boss has played mysticism and never showed up. It would be strange to expect these Baroque Studio employees to really believe in the studio’s pie in the sky.

In the final analysis, the relationship between the agent members of the work agency and the entire work agency is that you pay and I work. It’s just that Baroque Works pays enough money and has a cruel tradition of hunting down traitors, so it maintains a shelf.

Even so, these agents are still unambiguous when it comes to betrayal. For example, Mr. 9, the partner of Princess Vivi, and his relationship with Princess Vivi can only be regarded as ordinary good friends, but when Baroque Studio wanted to deal with Princess Vivi, he did not hesitate to turn against her.

Although the single cells in the world of One Piece do pay more attention to companions and friendship, it also shows that they don't really care about Baroque Studio.

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