Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 250: Taking down Valpo

"As for the other kind of incense and refreshing oil, if used for a long time, it may make people more focused, more energetic, and more flexible. However, there are not many things that can nourish the brain. In terms of preciousness, it is probably not much worse than these prescriptions."

"But... your prescription should be missing a part! In order to nourish the body, these prescriptions must be broken and then rebuilt, so there is still a part missing that destroys the body... No, it is a training method! Absorb the medicinal effect by training the body!"

"And it should be a very clever training method. Could it be that it can only absorb the medicinal power in conjunction with the return of life?"

"In this case, incense and cooling oil are to develop the brain and strengthen the domineering of observation?"

Papapapa, Uchiha Feiyu clapped his hands, and his face showed admiration:

"You are worthy of being a witch doctor who has lived for 140 years , just by looking at some prescriptions, you can guess the efficacy of the medicine and even the exercise methods..."

"Yes, those prescriptions are used to exercise the body, wash the marrow and replace the blood, and the incense and cooling oil do have the effect of developing the brain. So Dr. Kuleha, are you willing to help me develop these prescriptions?"

"If you are willing to help, I can also provide you with specific methods to exercise the body and mind. With your medical technology and understanding of the human body, it is very hopeful to extend your life by dozens or hundreds of years."

Hearing this, Kuleha sighed:

"It seems that this business is going to lose money."

There is no way. The other party's prescriptions and exercise methods can be said to be priceless treasures. I just read them for nothing. Even if Kuleha is thick-skinned enough, he can't shout out words like asking for money.

"However, I can certainly help you research the prescription, but you have to wait a little longer, let me clean up the mess, after all, I am the only doctor in Magdrum now."

"Doctor Doriel, am I not a doctor?"

"Stupid son, you are just a reindeer! It's 100 years too early to be a doctor!"

Kureha habitually knocked her stupid son, the little deer Chopper. In fact, Chopper's medical skills have naturally passed the test, but Magdrum is only the first country in the first half of the Grand Line, and it has no great acceptance of devil fruits, let alone a reindeer who has eaten the human-human fruit.

With Chopper's appearance, if it were in the New World, it would have been captured by Kaido and joined the Beast Pirates, but in Magdrum, it would only be regarded as a big snowman monster by the civilians, and would be chased and driven away by the villagers when looking for some food.

It was also thanks to Chopper's kind and innocent nature, otherwise, if it were someone with a slightly worse temper, those villagers would probably have been beaten into small pancakes.

Don't look at Chopper's small size and cute appearance now. In fact, after transformation, he can turn into a form more than three meters tall. He can slap ordinary people into meat patties with a slap. He is really very restrained not to do so.

"To put it bluntly, the problems of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom should be caused by that Wapol! Can't I just deal with him when the time comes?"

Uchiha Feiyu said very seriously. Although Wapol is also the king of a member country of the World Government, he knows everything as a king. Compared with Alabasta, it is a world away. For Uchiha Feiyu, killing such a small king is no pressure.

"Haha, young people are full of energy... Let you deal with that bastard king! I just don't know when he will come back..."

"Don't worry..."

Uchiha Feiyu looked into the distance and chuckled:

"It won't take too long, this guy should be back!"

Originally, because of his experience in spiritual cultivation, Uchiha Feiyu's observation Haki range is extremely wide.

After getting the vampire fruit and evolving into a mythical vampire, Uchiha Feiyu's observation Haki at the limit state is almost more than 100 kilometers away, which is several times the diameter of the Drum Kingdom!

So when everyone was at a loss, Uchiha Feiyu had already discovered a pirate ship heading here - the White Iron King, a combination of a submarine and a sailboat, which is the White Iron Pirates of Wapol.


"Finally returned to my country! I can't wait to see the panicked faces of my people when they see me back!!"

The one who spoke was a man with a strange appearance, like a hippopotamus. The most eye-catching thing was the man's huge mouth and chin made of steel.

"Valpo?! Valpo is back!!"

"It's really that bastard king! Why is this bastard king back?! Hasn't he already abandoned our kingdom?!"

Valpo's appearance was too easy to recognize. As soon as the ship docked at the dock, the civilians on the dock had already recognized his identity and immediately showed a horrified expression.

Of course, most of the civilians were horrified, but there were also some strong young men with indignant faces, holding weapons and walking out.

"Valpo, why are you back?!"

"Hahahaha! This is my country, you ask me why I'm back? Of course I'm back to rule you!"

Valpo, who looked like a hippopotamus, laughed loudly, which immediately made the young people on the dock furious:

"You have made so many messy laws. You are very thoughtful when exploiting us, but when the pirates come, you run away faster than anyone else. We can't afford a king like you!"

"That's right! We don't need a king who burns our houses every day!"

"Hmph!! A bunch of unruly people!! Do you think you can escape from my clutches?!"

After a few words, Valpo ordered his men with an angry look on his face:

"Fire for me, give these unruly people a taste of power!"

The pirate ship behind him stretched out many cannons, and Valpo's men also picked up their guns, rumbling and bombarding, and the people on the dock screamed.

"Hahaha!! Unruly people, now you know how powerful this king is! This king can't deal with pirates, can't he deal with you?!"

Wapol laughed wildly, looking at the burning dock, couldn't help but suck and drool.

"Grilled house! Delicious grilled house!! I haven't eaten grilled house for a long time!! What kind of life is it at sea? Hahahaha! Finally, it's time for my favorite meal again!!"

Ignoring the port residents who suffered heavy casualties and fled in all directions, Wapol looked at the burning buildings, opened his strange big mouth, and bit them.

The buildings near the port are basically made of stone because they are afraid of corrosion from sea water and sea breeze. After long-term wind and rain, they are harder than metal. However, facing Wapol's huge mouth, they are like biscuits, which are directly bitten to pieces and swallowed after two chews.

"It's so delicious! So delicious!"

Wapol was breathing rapidly, panting, with greed in his eyes:

"These damned unruly people! Let me eat up all their houses!!"

Just at this moment, a trace of light red blood suddenly flashed in the sky, and then Wapol heard a voice behind him:

"Although I have long known that many kings in the pirate world are not human, it is really rare to be as inhuman as you."

"Although the king is greedy and vicious, at least he is not as stupid as you. It's really a waste of the god-level fruit of the Swallow Swallow Fruit."

"Who is it! Who are you?"

Wapol was furious after hearing the voice, turned his head, and saw a bloody fog.

In the bloody fog, Wapol's group of men opened their mouths, struggled wildly, and wailed silently, but eventually melted into a pool of mud in the blood mist, and then the vast blood mist merged into Uchiha Feiyu's body, like a blood-red cloak.

"Wow, you, you, you... who are you?"

Seeing such a weird and terrifying scene, Wapol was almost scared to death. He rolled and crawled back, his face full of horror.

There was no way. Wapol in the original book was not a courageous guy. He could fight with Luffy, but when facing Blackbeard, who was much stronger than him, he didn't say a word and ran away directly.

The terrifying ability shown by Uchiha Feiyu was even more terrifying than that guy Blackbeard. Seeing such a situation, Wapol was naturally scared to death.

For Wapol's question, Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of answering it. He just stretched out a hand, and the blood mist behind him condensed into a black and red blood blade in his hand, and flicked it out casually.

The black and red blood blade flashed and disappeared. Before Wapol could react, he felt his arms and legs cool, followed by a burst of severe pain.

"Wooooooooooooooooo! My hands, my legs!! What have you done!!"

Looking at his fallen limbs, Wapol howled and cried loudly, and opened his mouth wide to eat his hands and feet.

With the ability of the Swallow Swallow Fruit, if he really wanted to eat his hands and feet again, he might be able to reconnect them, but Uchiha Feiyu would certainly not give him this opportunity.

"Too noisy, idiot!"

Uchiha Feiyu easily reached out and grabbed, and Wapol, who was still crying, suddenly became quieter. His skin wrinkled and his body shrank, turning into a white-haired old man, who looked like he only had one breath left.

This is the most primitive ability of the vampire fruit, which directly extracts the lifespan of others to replenish his own strength. Wapol himself has not even awakened his domineering aura, so naturally he can't resist this ability.

He casually stopped the bleeding of the unconscious Wapol to prevent him from bleeding to death, and then Uchiha Feiyu directly put seastone handcuffs on this guy. Because he had no hands or feet, the handcuffs were worn on his neck.

Now that Wapol was caught, there was no longer any hidden danger on Magnetic Drum Island. Uchiha Feiyu found Wapol's pirate ship again and found Doctor 20 from there.

"From now on, you are free. If you want to continue to be a doctor, then continue to be a doctor here!"

Although Doctor 20 was Wapol's subordinate, he had snatched them all from the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. He had no loyalty to the king and of course he would not have any opinions.

These people were the best doctors in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. They originally had a very high social status. After being snatched away by Wapol, a brainless man, their lives were naturally not as good as before. Now that they heard that they were free, they immediately got off the ship happily.

Just seeing the blood on the dock made the doctors' legs tremble a little. They didn't expect that the young man who looked gentle could be so cruel. Fortunately, although this man was cruel, he was not evil-minded, otherwise... Hai... In the black market of the world of thieves, qualified doctors can still pay very high prices.

Killed Wapol's men, captured the idiot king, and then let Doctor 20 go. After doing all this, Uchiha Feiyu had a somewhat heroic demeanor of killing and not burying, and directly grabbed Wapol. Just left this pier.

After returning to the castle, Uchiha Feiyu directly threw Wapol to the ground. This user with the swallowing fruit ability was already dying under the triple torture of aging, serious injuries, and the Sea Tower Stone. Throwing it to the ground would only snorted.

"Eh - so scary!!"

Chopper the Fawn saw poor Valpo for the first time. He was so frightened that his hair stood on end. He hid behind Doctor Dori with a swish sound, and then stuck out his head:

"He seems to be dying! Doctor Dori, let's save him!"

Dr. Kuleha frowned and said in a cold voice:

"Who is this old man? You are too cruel!"

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged his shoulders and explained:

"This is not an old man. If you take a closer look at his clothes, I think you should be able to recognize his identity."

Dr. Kuleha was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look at the disabled "old man" on the ground, and then stared at the big iron chin for a long time before he realized:

"This guy... this guy is Valpo? You can't be wrong. Although he has become an old man, this guy's skeleton structure and that big iron jaw have not changed at all. He is really a bastard Valpo!"

Hearing this, Chopper, who was hiding behind Doctor Doriel, also jumped out and looked at the old man lying on the ground in shock:

"Is he actually the big bad king?! How did this guy become like this? Has he been punished by God?!"

Dr. Kuleha was not as naive as his idiot son. He rolled his eyes after hearing this:

"How could there be any kind of divine punishment?! This guy must have been made like this by his Devil Fruit ability!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really miserable. Whether it's appearance or internal organs and bones, she is almost the same as an old woman like me! It's like dozens or even hundreds of years have been taken away in an instant."

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