Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 253: Such a Weak God

"It's a good thing you don't know enough. Otherwise, if this guy really has the strength of a navy admiral, I should be the one who should run away."

To a certain extent, the Thunder Fruit is more restrained than the Vampire Fruit.

Users with natural fruit abilities have elemental abilities and are not restrained by forces such as blood control. The powerful lightning also weakens all the abilities of vampires. At the same level of strength, Uchiha Feiyu really dare not say He can defeat those with thunder fruit abilities.

After all, this is in the natural system. It is also known as the invincible devil fruit ability. Both the lower limit and the upper limit are astonishingly high. Even for the natural system, it also includes basic power abilities. The actual potential is greater than the three demons of the admiral. The fruits are much stronger.

"It's a golden finger is a magic inheritance system, and it is not very compatible with the ability of lightning. Otherwise, I would definitely choose this devil fruit."

Although the book of inheritance of magic is all-encompassing, and magic skills related to thunder and lightning can certainly be found in it, there is no doubt that the one that can truly develop the power of lightning to its limit must be the right way skills. This is why Uchiha Feiyu does not have Reason for selection.

A bloody ray of light flashed over Sky Island, and soon Uchiha Feiyu saw the fragments of Gaya Island on Sky Island, which was the golden land that was washed up on Sky Island by the sky current.

In the palace of Golden Village, Enelu had just gone to inspect the construction of the Golden Ark, and he was still a little excited at the moment.

"After the Golden Ark is built, I can truly search for the infinite land... Do I want to leave a souvenir for Angel Island? Just like Bika did..."

Well, the so-called memorial is a huge thunderstorm, and Bika, the hometown of Enero, was destroyed in this way.

While Anilu was still thinking, the domineering aura that enveloped the entire island suddenly seemed to feel a faint touch, making him suddenly raise his head:

"It's strange. This feeling... makes people care. Is it some special animal?"

"It's so fast... It doesn't feel warm at all, and the breath is a bit like a human being, huh?! It's already here!"

Bloody light fell from the sky, revealing the figure of Uchiha Feiyu. He raised his head and glanced at Eniru, who had a curious look in his eyes and was dressed as a thunder god with a thunder drum on his back. A smile appeared on his lips.

"Hey, hey, kid, are you really a human? Why do you feel your breath is a little weird?"

"And boy, what's your expression? You should be more humble when facing the gods!"

Looking at the smiling Uchiha Feiyu, Eniru suddenly felt dissatisfied. However, driven by curiosity, he did not take action directly, but planned to chat with Uchiha Feiyu first.

It's just that Eniru wanted to chat with Uchiha Feiyu, but Uchiha Feiyu didn't have that intention. Enelu, who had never experienced a severe beating, always thought of himself as a god, had an arrogant personality, and did whatever he wanted, so there was no value in chatting.

So in response to Eniro's words, Uchiha Feiyu's response was to hold the third generation Kitetsu in his hand!

The light of the sword was unsheathed, and it was like a ghost crying. Even with Anilu's heart network ability, he felt a hint of fear and wavering in an instant, and the heart network failed instantly.

But despite this, Enelu was not panicked. How could a mere ordinary attack be able to resist the God of Thunder and Lightning? No attack can leave any scars on God's body!

Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and blood spurted out wildly. He almost didn't get split in half - if Uchiha Fei hadn't coveted the thunder fruit and used the sword to absorb some of his strength, he would have been killed instantly. .

"Wow, cough, cough! How is this possible? could you hurt me? What kind of ability is this?"

Covering the wound on his chest, he aggressively used thunder and lightning to stimulate the internal organs, control the bioelectricity to contract the muscles, and suppress the blood flow. Although he was seriously injured, Enel suppressed the injury in the shortest possible time without directly losing combat effectiveness.

It's just his own injuries that are far more devastating than the fact that he was injured. Enelu thinks he is a god, and his biggest reliance, besides the terrifying attack power of the Thunder Fruit, is the nature system. Completely immune to normal attacks.

There is no armed domination spread on the sky island, and the Sea Tower Stones are so rare that they are almost non-existent. Even the White Sea's restraint on fruit ability users is far inferior to that of real sea water. In this case, the natural-type Aini Lu is almost invincible, which makes him develop an arrogant character.

But now that his invincibility is broken, the impact on Enelu will naturally be huge. If he is a possessor of domineering domineering, his domineering power will probably decline by one or two levels.

"The frog at the bottom of the well only knows that the sky is as big as a bucket, but doesn't even know how domineering it is. It's such a pity that you have that powerful thunder fruit!"

In Uchiha Feiyu's words with a bit of a sigh, his voice disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of Eniru. Eniru's face showed an expression of fear and anger, and he shouted loudly. road:

"Don't underestimate the power of gods! Mortals! God's sanction!!"

The terrifying thunder pillar blasted towards Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu did not dodge and was directly hit by the lightning pillar. A smile suddenly appeared on Eniro's face:

"Turn me into ashes! Ridiculous mortal! This is what happens if you provoke the gods...Nani!!! How is this possible?!"

The lightning gradually faded, revealing Uchiha Feiyu, who was unharmed and gleaming with black metallic luster all over his body. Then a black and gold big hand directly grabbed Enel's ankle.

"Wait... what are you going to do..."

Enel, who was still in shock, suddenly had an ominous premonition, and was then directly pulled up by Uchiha Feiyu - the heaven and earth return of the blind man!

In order to restrain Enel's elemental ability, Uchiha Feiyu also directly let the armed color domineering shine from his feet, and covered the nearby ground with a layer of armed color domineering. There was only a burst of bangs, and poor Enel was like a broken doll, broken bones and blood spurted out, his eyes rolled back and lost his mind.

"Tsk, what a weak god!"

After paying tribute to the classic scene of the Avengers, Uchiha Feiyu was also a little bored. There was no way, Enel was really a little too fragile, and he fainted directly, which reduced the fun of his dirty talk by half.

Without paying attention to the other people on Sky Island, Uchiha Feiyu first sucked most of Enel's vitality, leaving him in a dying state, and then took Enel back to the ship and put seastone handcuffs on him.

"Okay, the biggest obstacle on this island has been removed, and everyone can go to Sky Island for a stroll!"

"By the way, the Golden Village where gold is hidden, as well as historical relics and historical texts, are all on the fragments washed up on that piece of Gaya Island. There should be a few so-called priests left there, and Nami and Robin should be able to deal with them."

Those priests only look fancy. If they really fight, it is not a problem for Nami and Robin to fight four alone. Moreover, although the two women do not look like the fighting type, they have actually been rolling and crawling on the sea for so long, and they are not lacking in combat experience. Uchiha Feiyu is not worried about them.

After hearing this, Nami cheered excitedly, and directly pulled Micita off the boat, and then Robin followed, leaving only Uchiha Feiyu alone.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much. Without Enel, Sky Island would be just like that. Even if the people of Sky Island had any bad ideas, Robin and Nami could still play through it.

When the next morning came, Uchiha Feiyu, who was sitting on the deck, opened his eyes and saw the huge golden ship floating from the sky.

"Even this thing was pulled over? Without Enel's Thunder Fruit, it's not very convenient to transport this thing by Michita alone."

The biggest power of the Golden Ark made by Enel comes from his own Thunder Fruit power. Without the electric drive of the Thunder Fruit, I'm afraid no one except the Golden Lion can drive such a golden ship.

Even in the sea below, given the weight of gold, it is probably more likely to sink to the bottom of the sea. Even if it can barely sail - how many people can a golden ship attract?

Not to mention pirates, even if the World Government, the Celestial Dragons or even the Navy see such a golden ship, they probably can't bear the greed in their hearts. Do they let him attack them one by one?

The golden ship slowly descended from the sky. Seeing the things piled up on the ship, Uchiha Feiyu showed a helpless smile. The whole ship was filled with all kinds of gold, even some golden buildings.

At the top of the ship, there was a golden bell and a slate with ancient historical texts - the entire Golden Country was emptied!

"Feiyu Feiyu!! I didn't expect it! The gold of Shandora was actually made into such a big ship!"

"The wealth of the Golden Country really surprised me. It is roughly estimated that there are several million tons of gold. It is simply unimaginable. It feels like it can easily buy the entire Alabasta!"

"If this amount of gold flows into the sea, it is estimated that the price of gold will drop by half!"

Nami jumped off the golden ship and chattered beside Uchiha Feiyu, her little face flushed, and the whole person was extremely excited.

Uchiha Feiyu also understood why Nami was so excited. You should know that in the real world, the total global gold reserves are less than 400,000 tons, not even half of the gold reserves in the Golden Country. You can understand how much wealth this is.

Even if the gold in the Pirate World is much more than that in the original Earth World, the value of this gold is definitely an astronomical figure. As Nami said, even buying a big country like Alabasta is easy.

"Okay, Nami, stop dreaming there... For the time being, we can't transport all the gold down."


Hearing this, Nami was stunned for a moment and looked at Uchiha Feiyu:

"Why can't we transport all the gold down..."

"Such a large amount of gold, if it is transported on the sea, what will happen, you should be able to imagine it, as for transporting it in the sky all the time... Do you want to tire Micita to death?"

Hearing this, the joy on Nami's face was restrained, and she turned her head to look at Micita.

Micita had just been immersed in the golden light. Although she was not as greedy as Nami, she was obviously also a money-grubber. She only came to her senses after hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said.

After looking at Nami's eyes, Micita shook her head without hesitation:

"I definitely won't be able to move all this gold. The other gold can be transported completely in several batches. But as for the gold ship - unless the entire ship is divided, I definitely won't be able to take it away. "

When he heard that the golden ship was to be divided, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head immediately:

"The Golden Ark is not just a pretty thing to look at, it is a spaceship designed by Enel. Although I don't know where he got the blueprints from, but with the help of people with the Thunder Fruit ability, this Golden Ark can indeed fly in the sky. , even flying in space.”

"Separating the entire ark just for the sake of gold is like buying a casket for a pearl and giving away the natural resources."

"Well... well, let's leave the Golden Ark here for now..."

"But these Skylanders won't steal our Ark!"

Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin. What Nami said did make sense. Should he give these Sky Islanders some warning and ask them to look after the Ark for him?

No... Actually there is another way, that is to directly find a host for the Thunder Fruit and stuff it into the Golden Ark to serve as the core.

Since it only serves as the core, then you don't have to worry about the selection of the host, or you can just find an obedient animal or even an object.

And after obtaining the Vampire Fruit, Uchiha Feiyu's ability to extract souls has taken a step closer, and now he has begun to challenge the ability to extract the Devil Fruit from other people's souls without injury.

Once successful, his subordinates will not need to worry about regretting after eating a Devil Fruit and seeing a more powerful Devil Fruit. They can exchange for as many Devil Fruits as they want.

Although I feel that I should be able to do this kind of thing, I must first find a few Devil Fruit users to practice my skills. Isn’t the current Thunder Fruit user the best training tool?

"Leave it to me to try! Let's see if we can integrate the Thunder Fruit into other objects. Then we can use it as the core and put it into the Golden Ark. We will use the Golden Ark to fly back to Alabasta."

Uchiha Feiyu made the final decision, and the other people would naturally have no objections. As for the poor experimental subject, the Thunder God Enero on the Sky Island, even if he had objections, it would be of no use.

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