Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 260: Battle with Luqi

"So what are you going to do in the future? Will you return to the World Government?"

"How is that possible? We are all wanted criminals now, how can we return to the World Government?"

Kalifa shook her head helplessly, with a bit of worry on her face.

You know, her father is still an agent of the World Government. Now that she has become a wanted criminal, she doesn't know how the World Government will deal with her father.

"It doesn't matter. Alabasta is one of the member states of the World Government anyway, and it is still the one with the most weight among all the member states. It is not difficult to talk to the World Government to lift your wanted order."

"But Judicial Island..."

"Didn't Spandam do that? Even if Spandam can put the blame on you, anyone with a discerning eye can actually see the problem."

"At least the admiral Aokiji personally handed the Golden Den Den Mushi to Spandam. Just based on this point, we can determine who called the Demon Slayer Order to bomb Judicial Island."

"Many of you are from a family of agents, You are not completely helpless in the World Government. As long as Alabasta provides you with a channel to connect with the World Government, it is not difficult to vindicate your crimes. "

"After all..." Uchiha Feiyu looked at Kalifa meaningfully: "For the World Government, this is not an important matter, right?"

"Agents are tools of the World Government. As long as they show enough power and make the World Government realize that the tools are still valuable, they will not abandon the tools."

If it were before, Kalifa might have refuted it, but now the agent was silent and acquiesced to Uchiha Feiyu's "slander" of the World Government.

As for getting rid of betrayal, or even revenge on the World Government, this group of agents have never thought about it. First, it is Uchiha Feiyu's mental suggestion, and second, they have a thousand connections with the World Government-it is impossible to get revenge and even abandon your relatives who work in the World Government!

"Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Feiyu..."

"It's okay, this matter is also good for me."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand, his face calm:

"Alabasta is also my country, and as long as it is a member of the World Government, it is inevitable to deal with the World Government. When you return to the World Government, it is equivalent to having more channels to understand the situation of the World Government and communicate with the World Government."

If it were in the past, hearing such "disloyalty", these World Government agents would have to jump up, but now these agents nodded, looking like they agreed deeply.

Seeing their performance, Uchiha Feiyu also calmed down. It seems that the World Government, which originally belonged to the supreme faith in the hearts of these agents, has now turned into an ordinary company boss who exploits them.

It is almost impossible to let these agents sell out their beliefs, but selling out the company boss...that is a question of whether to add money.

As the descendants of the 20 kings, the royal family of Alabasta is easy to contact the World Government while being vigilant by the World Government.

Just like Doflamingo, the former Celestial Dragon, although he is always under the watch of the World Government and may be killed by the World Government if there is any problem, he can also exert some influence on the World Government on some non-principled issues.

The same is true for Alabasta today, and the problems of these agents are non-principled issues.

After all, to put it bluntly, these agents did not make any mistakes except that they did not defeat the Straw Hat Pirates. The one who really messed up the situation was still the idiot Spandam. As long as the World Government investigates it seriously, it can draw a conclusion.

So soon, the wanted orders for these agents were cancelled. At the same time, they also contacted the World Government and were transferred back to the agent organization.

"Congratulations, I heard that you have been promoted. This time it seems that you will be promoted to members of the CP0 organization?"

"It's not that easy. The CP0 organization is the shield of the Celestial Dragons. If you want to become a real agent who can go on a mission, you have to have extremely high strength. Otherwise, you can only perform the kind of garbage missions that protect the Celestial Dragons."

It was Lucci who answered Uchiha Feiyu. He looked serious at the moment, and there was a hint of worry.

Although CP0 is a higher-level agent organization than CP9, in fact, because of the Celestial Dragons, the average strength of this organization may not be comparable to that of CP9.

The top strongmen are definitely stronger than CP9, but it is hard to say how strong those CP0 bodyguards who protect the Celestial Dragons every day and are domineering with the Celestial Dragons are. Anyway, when the Straw Hat Boy beat the Celestial Dragons, he didn't see what role those bodyguards played.

If Lucci and others are really assigned a few Celestial Dragons to protect them, it would be better to become CP9 agents! At least they will be freer and have more time to practice.

It must be said that after his loyalty to the World Government was shaken and he was able to examine the World Government more calmly, the Celestial Dragons in Lucci's heart were directly downgraded from descendants of God to brainless garbage.

"Mr. Feiyu, I have an unkind request, I wonder if you can agree to it?"

Looking at the fighting spirit in Lucci's eyes, Uchiha Feiyu knew what this unkind request was without him saying it:

"Tell me about it!"

"I want to test my strength and see how close I am to the top level of Dahai!"

"Well, as expected...the desert outside is quite spacious, let's go there and fight!"

After a few words of conversation, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a ball of blood and rose into the sky. Lu Qi, without saying a word, turned into a half-human, half-leopard form and followed behind Uchiha Feiyu.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the desert far away from the capital of Alabasta. Uchiha Feiyu descended immediately and turned to look at Lu Qi who was rushing over:

"Would you like to take a break? The pressure on your legs from shaving so many times in a row must be considerable."

Lu Qi's leopard face showed a high fighting spirit, and he spoke excitedly:

"No need. Rather, it's just good as a warm-up, allowing me to exert more power!"

"Then you are quite powerful."

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile while slowly pulling out the third generation Kitetsu.

However, no matter how bright the smile on his face was, after the Sandaike Tetsu was unsheathed on his waist, Lu Qi felt a chill from his forehead to the tail of his neck, and the leopard's fur exploded in an instant!

Crying ghosts and howling, bloody storms, earth-shattering tremors, sun and moon without light... Countless terrifying signs appeared in Lu Qi's eyes, until he bit his tongue and used the pain to expel the illusion, He found that he was still in the sunny and warm desert, but the cold sweat all over his body told him how real everything just happened was.

"This many people have been killed?"

"Huh!? I forgot, it's probably more than a hundred thousand! The main reason is that after I got the vampire fruit, I used the knife a lot less often, otherwise I might be able to make up 200,000 heads!"

Lu Qi only felt that his mouth was dry and his forehead was fried. Even though he was known as a cold-blooded person in the secret service organization, when he heard Uchiha Feiyu say the terrifying number of hundreds of thousands in an indifferent tone, he wanted to say: "You This guy is so extreme.”

He now felt that he was a bit too hasty in making a fight with the killer star in front of him? The other party won't make a single slip of his hand and chop himself to death!

He took a deep breath and expelled all the distracting thoughts from his mind. No matter what, Leopard Head was known as a genius who only appeared in eight hundred years as a CP agent. Even though his mind was shaken just now, he stabilized it as he breathed. Thoughts.

No matter who the opponent is, just do it!

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Qi rushed straight towards him. The Sixth Form of the Marines was already operating like an instinct, allowing him to use the razor and maintain extremely high flexibility even if he remained in an iron state. He could also continuously use the flying finger gun while in motion. Conduct testing.

The condensed air bullets bombarded Uchiha Feiyu's whole body. The opponent seemed unable to react and generally did not move at all, which made Lu Qi's face show joy.

"Very good, that's it, take this opportunity... where are the people!"

The air bullet streaked through the illusory afterimage, and the standing figure disappeared without a trace like a mirage. Lu Qi's heart immediately sounded an alarm.

"The speed is very good, and the strength is also good. You must have put a lot of effort into the six postures! The skills have almost been polished to the point where they are almost instinctive."

A faint voice sounded behind Lu Qi. No matter how he spun and jumped, or performed Moon Step and Shave in the sky or on the earth, the voice still sounded unhurriedly behind him, causing cold sweat to flow from Lu Qi's forehead.

(Is this... is the speed difference too big? No, we can't be so pessimistic. Maybe it's because the other party has some special devil fruit ability...)

"Have you finished exercising? Then it's my turn now."

Uchiha Feiyu's calm voice sounded again. Feeling the biting coldness behind him, Lu Qi roared wildly, increased his speed to the limit, and used Shao continuously to escape the blow.

However, there was still a tearing pain in his back. Lu Qi roared and turned around quickly. He thought he would not be able to see Uchiha Feiyu this time, but found that he was standing beside him with a smile on his face. opposite.

Just when he saw Uchiha Feiyu's smile, the third generation of Kitetsu turned into two sword lights, crossing his chest!

It wasn't that the opponent's weapon could be split into two, it was just that the speed was so fast that the two slashes seemed to be sent out at the same time. Lu Qi felt a coldness in his chest and a pain similar to his back.

When Lu Qi reacted and reached out to cover his chest, he discovered that the opponent's sword had only cut the fur on his chest. It seemed like a big wound, but in fact it only penetrated an inch or two into the flesh.

Lowering his head, Lu Qi saw a cross wound mark on his chest. Even without looking back, Lu Qi knew that the same cross wound should be left on his back.

Slowly raising his head, with a hint of confusion in his eyes, Lu Qi whispered:

"I knew there was a gap between the two of us...but I didn't expect the gap to be so big!"

"I thought I couldn't match the top experts in terms of dual-color domineering and fruit abilities, but I didn't expect that there is such a big gap even in my best speed!"

"Ha, I didn't expect that the result of the challenge would be like this. I really overestimated my abilities!"

When he said this, Lu Qi had only a depressed smile on his face, as if his energy had been knocked out of him.

"It's not just speed, it's also mixed with some illusion factors... Of course, in terms of speed, I am indeed much faster than you."

Uchiha Feiyu sheathed his sword and explained openly:

"But don't think that the top warriors in the sea have such speed. My own nerve reflexes and speed are my own strengths. The vampire fruit I ate is a fantasy devil fruit that is more agile."

"Compared to ordinary top experts, it's hard to say in other aspects, but in terms of speed and reflexes, I am definitely second to none. Perhaps only those with the Shining Fruit ability like Kizaru can compare with me."

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's explanation, Lu Qi finally showed some relief on his face, but he still couldn't raise his energy and looked very lack of energy.

"If you want to increase your strength in the short term, I have a good way."

After glancing at the listless Lu Qi, Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"any solution?"

Lu Qi raised his head, with no trace of his desire for strength in his eyes. Looking at the eyes that yearned for strength, Uchiha Feiyu suddenly smiled:

"I have a strengthening method. Although it is not dangerous, it will cost a lot..."

"No matter what the price is, I accept it!"

"Including your freedom?"

"Agents themselves have no freedom! Only with strength can you have the right to choose!"

"That's true... I'm overthinking it."

Uchiha Feiyu said in a self-deprecating way that being transformed into a vampire servant does require a high price, but think about the guys in the Beast Pirates, even those who want to eat ghost things like artificial devil fruits have to wait in line , my own abilities are much more reliable than artificial devil fruits anyway!

As for the issue of being controlled by him, it seems that Lu Qi can resist him if he is not a vampire servant.

In fact, this CP agent's genius, which only appeared in 800 years, is indeed very high. Unfortunately, after eating a cheetah fruit, and being sent by Pansdam to perform latent missions for so many years, he cannot practice openly and is already useless. Half, it is impossible to enter the first echelon again.

If you want to catch up now, you have to either continue to fight to the death with powerful enemies to stimulate your potential, or you can only rely on external moves.

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