Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 28 How Marginal People Live

"Is it really okay to treat your own kind like this?"

Seeing Uchiha Yashiro and Uchiha Tekka limping away while supporting each other, Uchiha Feiyu's spiritual body appeared next to Hatake Sakumo, and he asked confusedly.

In the world of Naruto, ninja families are a very united group. Among them, the blood family is the most united. Rebellious ninjas who rebel against the village are very common in the entire ninja world, but ninjas who betray their own family are very rare. This is also No wonder Hatake Sakumo felt that Uchiha Hiba's behavior was a bit excessive.

"There is no other way. If it were another ninja clan, then I would join as well, but the Uchiha clan should keep a little distance."

"As an Uchiha, are you so wary of your own family? Don't you believe the evil Uchiha theory spread in Konoha Ninja Village?"

"Huh!? By the way, is Uchiha's evil reputation spread so widely?"

"Ordinary chuunin and genin must have never heard of such words, but jounin have indeed heard of such rumors, but I don't think there is anything evil in the Uchiha family."

"I have also gone on missions with ninjas from the Uchiha clan. At least during the missions, these ninjas were just a bit arrogant and actually not difficult to get along with."

After listening to Hatake Sakumo's words, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head:

"That's because you are Hatake Sakumo, so you don't think Uchiha is difficult to get along with."

"Actually, the Uchiha clan is certainly not an evil clan, but because of the Sharingan, the more powerful the clan is, the more mentally abnormal the ninjas at the top are often!"

"And when the kaleidoscope is turned on, they are basically severely mentally ill!"

Most ninjas are potential mental patients because they have been slashing and being slashed for a long time. The Uchiha clan has reached the pinnacle in this regard. Feiyu thought about the Uchiha who had turned on the kaleidoscope. He looked around and found that The most normal one is actually that Uchiha Sasuke! ?

Although Uchiha Sasuke also has the unique arrogance and arrogance of the Uchiha clan, and even fell into the name of "Haru Tiansuke" because of this, at least most of his actions and thoughts are still within the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

In comparison, the brain circuits of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Itachi are all things that should be sent to Arkham for a lifetime of further study.

Being with these lunatics, you never know when you will be stabbed in the back. In comparison, even the rigid and degenerate high-level officials of Konoha are much safer than these Uchiha!

It is true that Uchiha are not so crazy now, but the Uchiha who have opened the three magatama are not good things. To a certain extent, Konoha can exterminate the Uchiha clan, which is completely the result of comparison. Obviously, Uchiha is better than Uchiha. The one with the worse Konoha.

Regarding Uchiha Hiba's words, Hatake Sakumo, who had never seen the Mangekyo Sharingan, had no way to refute, but in the end he still advised Uchiha Hiba:

"Even if you don't want to get too close to Uchiha, you don't have to completely fall out with the Uchiha clan! Not only will this kind of news spread, it will be bad for your reputation, but it will also make the Uchiha clan regard you as an enemy."

"Don't worry, the Uchiha clan sees me as their enemy, so just treat me as their enemy! They won't come over to kill me anyway. Even if they want to teach me a lesson, I can just admit defeat!"

"As for reputation, do I still have a good reputation in Konoha now?"

"But now that you are neither close to the top leaders of Konoha, nor have you fallen out with your own people, I'm afraid you will be ostracized."

"No, I won't be taken seriously at most, but based on my strength alone, they won't blatantly exclude me - unlike you, I don't have any so-called bonds in Konoha. So I always have a way to escape directly!”

"While I still have a way out, my strength cannot be called weak, and I have not shown any threat to Konoha, at most I will be marginalized, but it will not completely push me into a corner."

Hatake Sakumo was stunned for a moment, then sighed:

"You are right, jounin is already a very valuable fighting force. No one will force a jounin to defect just because he is unpopular - especially if this jounin is really likely to defect. ”

"Yes, if you had behaved more unruly back then, no one would have dared to talk to you in person!"

Hearing this, Hatake Sakumo's face darkened, and his whole body turned into a small black soul ball, which merged into Uchiha Hiba's body.

After driving away the two Uchiha, Uchiha Feiyu still lived a life similar to before, exercising and practicing every day, and at the same time performing some tasks intermittently.

Three months passed by in a flash. On this day, when Hinata Hizashi was taking the first team to receive the mission, he suddenly said:

"With your current strength, C-level missions have no training significance for you. Next, we will carry out B-level missions."

"Great. I've long been bored with these tasks of driving away thieves and wild boars and black bears. Are we finally going to fight other ninjas?"

"Don't be careless, Asuma. B-level missions are the most accident-prone stage."

As she said this, her little red face was also flushed, showing a somewhat excited expression. Obviously, she was also looking forward to performing higher-level tasks.

B-level missions are missions that are likely to involve fighting with ninjas. They are also the most difficult to define and the most likely to cause accidents.

Because it involves ninjas, even with the intelligence capabilities of Konoha Ninja Village, it is difficult to find out what level of strength the hostile ninjas interacting with the mission are.

It is very likely that in the mission intelligence, the opponent is just an ordinary Genin, but in the blink of an eye, he shows the strength of the Jonin level. It is also possible that you thought you were dealing with a few rebel ninjas from a small ninja village, but you turned around and found that the opponent was actually a Jonin disguised as a Jonin sent by a large ninja village to inquire about the mission.

There are too many B-level missions, and Konoha cannot find out the information of these ninjas one by one. On the contrary, when it comes to A-level missions, it will involve hostile Jonin. At this time, Konoha will be extremely cautious in inquiring about intelligence.

As for S-level missions, it goes without saying that there is no upper limit to the difficulty of the mission. If you are lucky, there may be only two or three Jonin gathered together, or you may encounter a well-known elite Jonin. If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to encounter the shadow of a village wandering with his shadow guard.

However, with the configuration of their first team, even if there are two drags, the chance of failing in the B-level mission is about the same as winning the lottery.

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