After Uchiha Feiyu arrived near Hegu Town, Konoha quickly gained the upper hand in this small-scale regional conflict.

Within three days, the two of them successively killed seven teams of Sand Village, causing heavy losses to the entire Sand Ninja, and finally had to withdraw from Hegu Town.

Yamanaka Chengyi determined the location, and Uchiha Feiyu started killing people. The whole thing was extremely easy, as if taking something out of a bag.

When some Konoha ninjas in Hegu Town saw Uchiha Feiyu taking action, they almost suspected that the former Konoha White Fang had resurrected again. They worshipped him like a god, which made Uchiha Feiyu understand how powerful Hatake Sakumo was back then.

On a small hill near Hegu Town, Uchiha Feiyu looked at his men:

"How is it? Chengyi, is there any chakra reaction nearby?"

Yamakatsu Chengyi shook his head:

"Except for the chakra reaction of some Konoha ninjas, there is no strange chakra nearby. The ninjas of Sand Village should have completely left."

"Well... it seems that the prey here has been killed."

Uchiha Feiyu sighed softly, and the expression on his face was still a little unsatisfied, which made Yamanaka Chengyi's expression slightly stiff.

(Orochimaru also said that this Uchiha was born afraid of death. Now it seems that he is clearly a killer!)

Uchiha Feiyu is certainly not a killer star who has descended to earth. The reason why he likes to kill so much is, on the one hand, to accumulate some souls, and on the other hand, it is because the black air obtained by killing can be used for sacrifice.

He didn't have much sense of belonging to this world. At this moment, he got the golden finger of killing and exploding gold coins. Naturally, he regarded these hostile ninjas as experience points, without any mercy.

"In that case, let's go back to the camp first, rest a little, and then continue the mission."

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the soul balls surrounding him with a vague look. These souls were naturally the souls of the Sand Ninjas he killed. Unlike Hatake Sakumo, the Sand Ninjas were unwilling to pass on their unique skills to Uchiha Feiyu.

But it didn't matter. Uchiha Feiyu could use these souls to perform skills, and then infer the principles and methods through the ninjutsu performed. It was more difficult than the other party's soul possessing and teaching in person, but it was much faster than learning slowly.

And running around and killing outside, although a lot of "gold coins" could be exploded, it also delayed the growth of Uchiha Feiyu's chakra, leaving him with too much time to devour and refine the soul of the Dragon Earth Cave Snake.

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Yamanaka Chengyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In the past three days, Uchiha Feiyu had swept the entire River Valley Town, but he, the hero behind the scenes, also made great contributions. Especially since he did not have the overwhelming strength of Uchiha Feiyu, he was under great pressure.

Now that he can go back to rest, he is naturally very happy.

At the Konoha camp headquarters, Orochimaru looked at the pile of blood-stained Sand Ninja forehead protectors in front of him, and couldn't help but smile:

"Although I have known that Feiyu-kun is very powerful, I am still a little surprised that he can do this!"

"The power of Konoha White Fang back then can now be seen in Feiyu-kun!"

Most of the ninjas who can conduct guerrilla warfare on the front line in the form of a team during the war are elites among the ninjas. Among these more than 20 ninjas, at least half are Chunin.

After Yamanaka Chengyi searched his brain, he found three special Jonin in it. This level of loss is enough to make the Sand Ninja feel distressed.

The most important thing is that this is only the harvest of Uchiha Feiyu's killing in three days. If he keeps this killing efficiency, the whole Sand Ninja will probably be killed to death in two or three months.

"Senior Orochimaru, don't just talk and don't practice, right? After completing the task, are there any rewards?"

Uchiha Feiyu ignored Orochimaru's chicken soup and directly spread his hands to ask for benefits.

Orochimaru's mouth twitched, this guy... is so thick-skinned, no, it should be said that he is completely shameless!

"Of course there are rewards. First of all, congratulations to Feiyu for becoming a special jonin. As the leader of the front line, I can only promote you to this level. If you want to become a formal jonin, you must be promoted by the Hokage himself."

"In addition, according to the number of people you complete the task, you can get two A-level permissions and learn two A-level ninjutsu. Although I don't have the Book of Sealing here, I also have a ninjutsu learning catalog. You can take a look at it first."

"If there is nothing you like, you can return to Konoha to learn the ninjutsu in the Book of Sealing. The ninjutsu there is more comprehensive."

"Also, you killed more than 20 ninjas, and the total mission reward is 2 million taels. This is the monetary reward for you."

Special jonin, it sounds like it is similar to jonin. In fact, as I said before, power and other things are much different from jonin, and it is no different from chunin.

Two A-level ninjutsu sound great, but unfortunately Uchiha Feiyu's current accumulation is shallow. Apart from Hatake Sakumo's White Fang swordsmanship and the accompanying ninjutsu, the others are just some ordinary C-level ninjutsu. For the time being, he has no intention to learn more and can only put it down in the account.

Two million taels of money, converted into RMB, is almost 1 million (1 tael = 10 yen), which is a huge amount that Uchiha Feiyu has never seen before. However, after thinking carefully, this money is at most one-tenth of Asuma, and Uchiha Feiyu's excitement calmed down.

After receiving the reward, Uchiha Feiyu first distributed part of the task bonus to Yamanaka Chengyi, and then plunged into the training ground.

During this period, he killed a lot of people and harvested a lot of souls. Uchiha Feiyu is ready to completely squeeze out the ninjutsu that these souls know and improve his hard power again.

Due to the influence of the environment, most of the ninjas in the Sand Village practice wind escape, earth escape, and fire escape, and some practice puppet secrets. The puppet technique practices chakra control and is also closely related to Yin escape.

After a month of rest and training, Uchiha Feiyu's wind escape chakra has caught up with the lightning escape chakra. The skills and experience of more than 20 sand ninjas have made him progress rapidly. The shortcomings of Hatake Sakumo's white fang swordsmanship in wind escape have also been completely made up.

In addition, he has also learned some skills of the sand ninjas, including two wind escape ninjutsu worth learning, Wind Cut and Wind Blade, several B-level and C-level illusions, and a close-range perception ninjutsu that releases chakra lines like spider webs, which is a puppet master's unique close-range perception ninjutsu.

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