After knowing the new round of battlefield intelligence, Uchiha Feiyu also received a new task commission, which was to find out the information about the current Iwa Ninja Village. It was best to find out the location of the Iwa Ninja Camp.

The Suna Ninja and Konoha have been fighting for a long time, and they already know the basics, but the Konoha Ninja Village has no idea where the new Iwa Ninja's camp is.

On the contrary, Iwa Ninja has now touched the Konoha camp. To a certain extent, Konoha's intelligence has fallen behind and is at a disadvantage.

This task is neither difficult nor easy.

Even if Iwa Ninja Village strictly defends its camp, with such a large camp and so many supplies and ninjas coming in and out, it is only a matter of time before they are eventually found.

But again, because the camp must be heavily guarded, it would be difficult for ordinary ninjas to escape unscathed even if they are found. In order to reduce losses, strong and fast ninjas are needed to investigate.

Obviously, Uchiha Hiba is this type of ninja.

After leaving the camp, Uchiha Feiyu followed the information given by Orochimaru in the direction of the Iwa Ninja's retreat.

This time, he didn't call for Yamanaka Seiichi again. Although this sentient ninja had strong support ability, his combat power was very weak. If all the Iwa ninjas were to attack, even if Uchiha Feiyu was not afraid, he would not be able to protect this loser.

Moreover, the current Uchiha Feiyu's own perception ability has also expanded a lot. Searching within a 200-meter range is a bit reluctant, but it is enough as long as he runs more diligently.

"Senior White Fang, are you sure this is the direction?"

"Don't worry...I've dealt with a lot of earthen pots in Iwa Ninja Village, so you're right to listen to me!"

In the dense woods, under the command of Hatake Sakumo's soul, Uchiha Feiha traced some insignificant traces and was tracking the group of Iwa nin who escaped in the first place.

The Iwa ninja who dared to attack Konoha were all above the special jounin level. Even if they were exposed at the beginning, only two ninjas were left behind in the end, and all the other ninjas fled.

Among the two remaining ninjas, one was killed by Uchiha Feiyu, and the remaining one also died in the battle after being left behind.

There are certain seals in the brains of these high-level ninjas. The intelligence ninjas in Konoha camp are limited and there is no way to extract information from their heads. They can only rely on Uchiha Feiyu to slowly track them.

If Uchiha Feiyu alone could not bite the tails of those Iwa ninjas, fortunately, there was also the experienced Konoha White Fang, who was once the sharpest tooth sword in Konoha. At the beginning, he mainly dealt with the Iwa ninjas and Sand Ninja is an old rival.

One person and one ghost are extremely fast. Even on the way, Uchiha Feiyu still had the mind to control the soul of the Iwa ninja he killed and dig out the ninjutsu he knew.

Gradually, while running away, Uchiha Feiyu's body would suddenly disappear without a trace, and then reappear far away. This was the camouflage hidden technique he got from the Iwa Ninja.

Although the Iwa Ninja's Camouflage Hidden Technique is very effective, it can generally only be used for evasion and sneak attacks. Once the movement is too large, the entire camouflage will completely deform and collapse.

However, after the fusion of Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Feiyu combined the wind escape changes in the White Fang sword technique with the camouflage hidden technique, and this looming effect appeared during the action.

"It would be great if I could acquire this ninjutsu when I am alive. In that case, I should be able to fully integrate the camouflage invisibility technique into my White Fang sword technique."

Hatake Sakumo looked at Uchiha Hiba with some envy. In terms of learning ability, General Jureishun was almost as good as a bug. Any opponent who died in Uchiha Hiba's hands would become him and become stronger in the future. of nourishment.

"It doesn't matter. In the worst case, after White Fang-senpai develops this ninjutsu, I will also hand it over to Kakashi, and it will be considered to be carried forward."

Uchiha Feiyu said very easily, causing Hatake Sakumo to show a wry smile. Kakashi can't learn such advanced ninjutsu now. The current White Fang sword technique alone is enough for Kakashi. It took two or three years to digest.

"I feel the strange soul breath, we seem to have found a place?"

As soon as the chat between the two ended, Uchiha Feiyu sensed the enemy's location. He immediately slowed down and used the ability of the Soul-Resister General to control the soul of the Iwa Ninja, and the whole person gradually disappeared into the air.

Compared with Uchiha Feiyu, who is just a beginner, this Iwa ninja has achieved a lot in the art of camouflage. He can even conceal his chakra aura. Uchiha Feiyu is like an invisible ghost, slowly He touched the strange soul he sensed.

It was a seemingly desolate hillside, with several boulders exposed messily on the hillside. Several souls that Uchiha Feiyu sensed were inside a boulder on the top of the hillside.

"It should be the secret sentry of the Iwa Ninja. What these pots like most is to secretly hollow out this kind of stone, and then hide inside to observe the external situation."

The experienced Hatake Sakumo immediately told Uchiha Hiba. Of course, even if he didn't say anything, Uchiha Hiba, who could sense the soul breath, could still determine the location of those Iwa ninjas.

"Hiding in the stone? Then stay in the stone forever and don't come out!"

"Earth Escape—Heaven descends the cover!"

The huge stone cap fell from the sky and hit the boulder with a loud bang. The boulder was completely shattered immediately. The screams stopped abruptly, and traces of blood slowly seeped out from the pile of rubble. blood.

"Did one escape? These guys from the Rock Ninja are really a bunch of rats. They are really good at the Earth Walking Technique. It should be the Fish Reflection Technique in the Earth!"

Originally, there were four soul breaths hiding in the boulder. Now three of them have completely disappeared. Only one soul breath has turned into the underground and is retreating from underground at a very fast speed.

Generally, the ninjutsu that can sneak into the underground and move underground is called the Earth Walking Technique. However, the most brilliant Earth Walking Technique is basically in the hands of the Rock Ninja. These guys are also the ninjas who like to use this kind of underground warfare the most.

However, although the Earth Walking Technique is very concealed, once it is discovered, the result will be...

"Earth Escape-Splitting Earth Palm!"

As Uchiha Feiyu slapped the ground with his palm, the whole earth made a rumbling sound, mixed with a hint of muffled screams.

After a while, a faint blood stain oozed from the ground. Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand, and a soul light ball rose from the ground and fell into his hand.

Three balls of light also appeared at the place where the huge rock was smashed by the Skyfall Cover and flew into Uchiha Feiyu's hands.

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