Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 55 Distributing Enemies and Magical Weapons

The seemingly no-sparing approach of the Suna Ninja Village is also out of helplessness. Who makes the Country of Wind a desert and the Suna Ninja the poorest village among all the Ninja Villages?

Without enough logistics, Suna Ninja had no other choice but to play a wave of speed push flow.

It's just that although the speed push flow is weak, the first wave of attacks is indeed fierce enough. Hagura, Rasa, and Chiyo are not strong among the Kage level. Even if they join forces, in terms of Konoha's overall strength, It's not really a threat.

But the key is that the people facing them now are not the whole of Konoha, but only a small number of ninjas in Konoha!

The Uchiha Feiyuren were sitting in the command post, thinking secretly in their hearts:

"By the way, how would Konoha fight this battle without me? Orochimaru is definitely no worse than the Fourth Kazekage, but it is no problem for the Fourth Kazekage to entangle Orochimaru. As for Chiyo, Akimichi Tofaze is now in his prime. , it can be entangled with a few jounin, but how should Ye Cang deal with it?"

"No, if it weren't for me, Ye Cang would probably still be at war with the Mist Ninja Village! It would be impossible to rush here directly."

And if it weren't for himself, Iwa Ninja probably wouldn't have left the scene so quickly. The prisoner Loess was now sent to Konoha Ninja Village. This kind of thing never happened in the original work. Thinking about it, if it weren't for him, the battlefield at Platycodon Mountain would still be in a three-party melee situation.

Konoha went through a war with the Iwa Ninja, and then the field hospital was destroyed. In the following months, it has been troubled by the poisonous tactics of the Suna Ninja, and a lot of ninjas were lost. The number of ninjas is now less than 4,000.

Judging from the overall strength of basic ninjas, Konoha is a little worse than Sand Ninja, but of course not by much.

"So the key to victory is to defeat Luo Sha, Ye Cang and Chiyo?"

Orochimaru frowned and said, during the Ninja World War, ordinary ninjas are certainly not unimportant, but the ones who really decide the outcome are often those Kage-level ninjas.

If the difference in individual strength is too large, ordinary ninjas can often only affect the outcome of the top battle, but cannot determine the outcome of the top battle.

"The Fourth Kazekage can leave it to me. As for the Burning Release Envoy, Akimichi-senpai will leave it to you."

Qiudao Qifeng nodded, and then said:

"Send some Jonin to help me when the time comes. I've also read the information about that girl's Burning Escape. She's very restrained against melee ninjas. I don't want to be fattened."

Orochimaru chuckled:

"Don't worry. Although this Burning Release is very dangerous, she also has great shortcomings. She doesn't seem to be very good at defensive ninjutsu."

Indeed, this sand ninja hero is one of the very few in the original work. A top-level ninja who was killed by a kunai. As long as he knew how to escape, he would not be smashed into a sieve by the kunai.

Uchiha Feiyu was thinking secretly when he saw Orochimaru's eyes looking at him, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

However, Uchiha Feiyu pretended not to see it at all. Just kidding, Orochimaru sees what good things he can do now, doesn't he just want to deal with that old woman Chiyo?

Compared to dealing with the old woman, Uchiha Feiyu felt that it would be more enjoyable for him to go to the battlefield and torture her.

Even if he kills the old woman, what can her soul do for him? I don't want to play puppet.

"Feiyu-kun, do me a favor, that old woman should be eradicated!"

It was not Orochimaru who spoke, but the soul of Hatake Sakumo who had been paying attention to the outside world. This made Uchiha Feiyu slightly stunned.

There doesn’t seem to be any hatred between Hatake Sakumo and Chiyo, right? If she really wanted to have a grudge, it would be the old woman Chiyo who hated Hatake Sakumo. After all, her son and daughter-in-law were all killed by Konoha White Fang.

"I can't leave such a hidden danger for Kakashi. It is precisely because I am dead that the targets of these enemies will focus on Kakashi."

"I'm not worried about the others yet, but Chiyo is stubborn and vengeful, and he is also the powerful elder of the Sand Ninja. For Kakashi, this enemy is too dangerous!"

Uchiha Feixin said that in the comics, Kakashi was not found by any enemy. Is Hatake Sakumo's worry a bit too much?

But after all, it is his real main battle plug-in now. Hatake Sakumo still needs to pay attention to his thoughts, and Uchiha Hiba is really not that afraid of Chiyo.

You must know that Hatake Sakumo is the nemesis of the puppet master. He has dealt with Chiyo before. After several interactions, he has never suffered a loss. If Chiyo hadn't been experienced and slippery, he would have died at the hands of Konoha White Fang. On.

Now that Hatake Sakumo has possessed Uchiha Hiba, he is only stronger than he was before he was alive. If this is the case, what are you afraid of her for?

The only problem is that if we deal with Chiyo, the collected sacrificial black energy will be greatly reduced, and we may even get nothing. However, there will definitely be opportunities for this kind of thing in the future, and it is nothing to suffer a slight loss this time.

"Okay, Orochimaru-sama, don't look away from me. In the worst case, I'll deal with that Chiyo!"

"Oh!? Mr. Feiyu is really active this time!"

"But I also have conditions..."

Uchiha Feiyu raised the short sword in his hand. The sword in his hand was not a White Fang short sword. That sword was a relic left by Hatake Sakumo to Kakashi.

And the short sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand... well, he bought it from a ninja shop for two hundred taels, which is one hundred yuan when converted into RMB.

Of course, what you bought with one hundred dollars is definitely not a magic weapon, but just an ordinary standard short sword. The whole sword is made of the most common steel without any precious metal.

Even though Uchiha Feiyu inherited the White Fang sword technique, which is to penetrate the gap with nothing, and the damage to the knife is not great, after chopping so many people, the knife has been scarred and looks like it will break at any time.

"Speaking of which, Lord Orochimaru, can you give me a good weapon? There are not many people who use short swords in the camp, and it is not easy for me to find a replacement."

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment and chuckled:

"I see, Feiyu Jun should have told me this earlier. I just happen to have a sword that can meet Feiyu Jun's needs."

As he spoke, Orochimaru opened his mouth and spit out a long snake. Then, the long snake came in front of Uchiha Feiyu and spit out a long sword with cold light.

"This is a Kusanagi sword (Japanese swords are not differentiated) in my collection. Its greatest feature is that it can be extended or shortened at will. At its shortest, it is about the same length as the White Fang short sword. At its longest, it can stretch to a length of 20 to 30 meters."

The Kusanagi sword is not a sword, but the name of a type of sword. In addition to their own special powers, these swords are definitely not inferior in quality to sophisticated chakra weapons.

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