Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 65 Return to Konoha

"Finally home……"

Uchiha Feiyu looked at Konoha Ninja Village and let out a long breath.

Most of the ninjas who stayed on the Suna Ninja front in Kawanoguni have now returned, and only a small number of ninjas are left to perform border patrol and security missions.

The team of more than a thousand ninjas was huge, but after seeing the Konoha Ninja Village, countless ninjas burst into tears. Although in Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, he seemed to have fought this battle easily, But in fact, Konoha Ninja Village also suffered heavy losses.

Not to mention other things, in the decisive battle with the Suna Ninja alone, Konoha lost more than 2,000 ninjas due to poison gas, accounting for almost half of Konoha's initial large force.

Coupled with the number of people lost in other miscellaneous battles, there were only about three levels of ninjas left on the entire front.

This is only the beginning of the war in the ninja world, and it may become even more brutal as it goes on.

After returning to Konoha Ninja Village, many relatives of ninjas ran out of the village and began to look for their relatives. Some people found their relatives, and some people could only find an urn.

For a moment, I burst into tears of joy, burst into tears, and all kinds of life situations were all staged in the small Ninja Village.

Uchiha Hiba was undoubtedly one of the outliers. Not to mention his parents, he didn't even have a few friends in the whole of Konoha, so naturally he couldn't empathize with these people.

"Come to the Hokage's office with me, Feiyu-kun. You have made great achievements this time, and the Hokage needs to summon you."

Orochimaru, who had the same indifferent expression, spoke to Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu nodded. In addition to having made great military exploits, on the other hand, he now worshiped Orochimaru as his disciple. Of course, the Third Hokage also You need to get to know his situation.

Following Orochimaru, he arrived at the Hokage's office. As soon as he opened the door, Uchiha Feiyu was slightly startled.

In addition to the Third Hokage, there was also a blond and fierce beauty in the office, who was listening to the Third Hokage's chatter with an impatient expression.

"That's enough, old man, do you still expect me to go to the battlefield?"

The blond beauty slammed the table and shouted loudly. At this time, Orochimaru and Uchiha Feiyu walked in. The blond beauty was stunned for a moment, then snorted and walked out of the door.


The Third Hokage sighed, picked up his pipe and took a puff, then looked up at Orochimaru, with another smile on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work, Orochimaru. And our little hero, Feiyu, you probably don't know that you already have the title of Little White Fang."

Little White Fang...what the hell kind of title is this? Worse than the Konoha ghost called by the Suna Ninja!

Uchiha Feiyu complained a few words in his heart, but remained calm on the surface, while Orochimaru frowned:

"Isn't Tsunade still unwilling to participate in the war? This time when we deal with Suna Ninja Village, if Tsunade is here, we won't have such huge losses."

The Third Hokage shook his head and sighed:

"Not yet. You know, Tsunade hasn't gotten over the knot in her heart yet."

The Third Hokage's words were a bit cryptic, but Orochimaru knew very well. What he meant was that Tsunade's anemia has not recovered yet.

Tsunade's hemophobia can be said to be Konoha's top secret. Now that there is an "outsider" like Uchiha Hiba in the Hokage's office, it is certainly difficult for the Third Hokage to explain it clearly.

Orochimaru nodded clearly and did not talk more about Tsunade. Instead, he spoke to the Third Hokage:

"Feiyu is now my disciple. His military exploits on the front line are enough to exchange for several S-level ninjutsu. This time I brought him here because I wanted him to choose a few ninjutsu from the book of seals."

The Third Hokage took a puff of cigarette and nodded:

"This is also what it should be. With Feiyu's achievements now, you can choose three S-level ninjutsu from the Book of Sealings. Of course, these ninjutsu are not easy to practice. According to my opinion, you'd better only choose one S-level ninjutsu. Level ninjutsu is the main direction of attack, and some A-level ninjutsu can be used to make up for the remaining shortcomings.”

Uchiha Feiyu nodded. Even if the Third Hokage's words were a bit selfish, they were indeed mature words.

Kakashi in Shippuden claims to have mastered a thousand ninjutsu, but in fact when he really fights, he still uses the same old Chidori Garakiri. Almost all of the Uchiha clan's three magatama can be copied 180 times. For Ninjutsu, when fighting, you basically use Fire Release and Sharingan Genjutsu.

For the top ninjas, ordinary ninjutsu is only used to make up for shortcomings. They themselves often have a certain series of powerful ninjutsu that they are best at as a real combat template.

Even the Third Hokage, who seems to have the most complex studies, has his best side, which is the Taijutsu stick technique matched with the monkey demon, and the mixed Ninjutsu performed through the combination of five attribute Ninjutsu. It is just because of this Ninjutsu must be based on a large number of attribute ninjutsu, so he learned so many ordinary ninjutsu.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen's selfishness, he probably doesn't want more S-level ninjutsu to be exposed. After all, Uchiha Fei is also an Uchiha. If he reveals these Konoha's hidden ninjutsu to the Uchiha clan, , for Konoha, it is definitely not a good thing.

In the ninja world, there are some magical techniques that can set a seal in the brain to prevent others from stealing the ninjutsu, but if the owner of the ninjutsu takes the initiative to reveal it, there is no way to stop it.

This world is not a world of immortal cultivation. There is no such thing as a Daoxin oath. Although the ninja village has rules such as high-level ninjutsu cannot be taught privately, the effect depends entirely on personal moral integrity and attention to rules.

Fortunately, Uchiha Feiyu doesn't care much about the ninjutsu in the Sealed Book. Anyway, the Third Hokage will definitely not put forbidden techniques such as Impure World Reincarnation and Shiki Sealing in the Sealed Book. If he can find Flying Thunder God there, Uchiha Feiyu has to praise the Third Hokage for his broad mind.

The Third Hokage made seals with both hands, and with a bang, a huge scroll was summoned. Uchiha Feiyu stretched his head and took a look, and he was sure that the Sealed Book stolen by Uzumaki Naruto in the original work must be a fake.

Because this Sealed Book is densely packed, and it is unknown how many kinds of seals are placed on it. It would be strange for Uzumaki Naruto, who is so careless, to be able to open the Sealed Book. If it were his parents, they would have to spend a long time to solve it without being disturbed.

The Third Hokage was obviously familiar with removing the seal, but it took him three or four minutes to remove most of the seal on the Sealed Book. He handed it to Uchiha Feiyu and said at the same time.

"There is still a small part of the content left in this Sealed Book, which is really against the harmony of heaven, so it is still sealed. Unless Konoha's life and death is at stake, it will not be passed on."

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