Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 74 Incomplete Lightning Chakra Mode

In a small town on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Frost, Uchiha Feiyu walked in easily.

"This is it...the so-called traitor of Konoha, Hattori Ichiro!"

This so-called Hattori Ichiro, according to the intelligence, is a civilian jounin who has stolen many secrets of Konoha. He is quite proficient in thunder escape and sword skills. His fighting style is very similar to Konoha White Fang.

Of course, in Uchiha Feiyu's view, this fighting style is not so much similar to Konoha White Fang as it is very similar to those ninjas in Yun Ninja Village. Even Uchiha Feiyu suspected that this guy might simply be Yun. The nail in the development of the Ninja Village in Konoha.

The soul's perception ability spreads. Although Uchiha Feiyu had never sensed Hattori Ichiro's soul before, as a jounin, the strength of his soul itself was much stronger than that of ordinary people. In today's town full of ordinary people, he can be said to stand out from the crowd.

"Found it, right there!"

Uchiha Feiyu turned his head and looked at a rather shabby church in the town.

In the ninja world, there is a mix of east and west, and there are also churches, but they are far less mixed than the monks. The church in front of you must have been abandoned.

Arriving in front of the dilapidated door of the church, Uchiha Feiyu slammed the door hard twice and shouted:

"Hey, hey, is anyone there? Check the water meter!"

There was a panicked sound from behind the door. After two bangs, there was no movement. Uchiha Feiyu patted the door a few times and saw no response, so he simply kicked the two broken doors away.

With a bang, the kicked-off door directly hit the statue in the church, knocking down the remaining half of the statue with a click.

A harsh scream came. Uchiha Feiyu covered his ears and glanced inside the church. Five or six children who looked seven or eight years old were hiding under a table.

In front of the table is a tall man with a cold face. That is the Ichiro Hattori Uchiha Feiyu is looking for.

When he was in the town, Uchiha Feiyu also inquired about it. There were several orphans living in this dilapidated church. Obviously, those children should be the orphans living in the church. As for why Hattori Ichiro stayed here, Uchiha Feiyu is not sure.

The soul perception spread, Uchiha Feiyu sneered, the light of thunder and lightning flashed on his body, and with a whoosh, he rushed straight like Hattori Ichiro.

Without saying a word, Hattori Ichiro grabbed the two kiddos under the table and threw them at Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu snorted coldly and dodged slightly. He didn't pick them up at all and directly avoided the two. A little devil who was thrown over.

With a loud bang, mixed with slight screams, the two poor children were directly blown into pieces by the detonating charms attached to their bodies. Blood and broken bones flew away. For a moment, the entire church was It's like a hell inside.

"The kid from Konoha is really cruel!"

Hattori Ichiro said in a cold voice, causing Uchiha Feiyu to slightly raise his eyebrows:

"From your tone, it sounds like you are not a rebellious ninja of Konoha?"

"Hmph! There is nothing to hide now. I am a ninja from the Cloud Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Thunder!"

"So it's not a defection, but he was originally a spy? It's a shame that the Kingdom of Thunder can find a guy with your looks."

People in the Kingdom of Thunder are either white or black, a bit like Western whites and blacks in the real world. Ninjas with this kind of appearance come to Konoha Village just to deliver food. They can't even enter the gate and have to be beaten by ANBU. Ninja takes it.

It is estimated that Yun Ninja Village had a hard time finding such a ninja who met the requirements in terms of strength and appearance to serve as a spy - you must know that a jounin is not a cabbage. In any ninja village, a jounin can be regarded as a spy. A small high-rise.

After saying a few boring words, Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed rapidly and turned into a stream of light, heading straight for Hattori Ichiro. However, this spy from Kumo Ninja also flashed with lightning, waving a long knife in his hand, and two swords. The light suddenly tinkled, drawing shining arcs one after another in the church.

The tables, chairs, benches, and window statues in the church were instantly swept away by the sword light and turned into pieces. More than ten seconds later, Uchiha Feiyu retreated in a flash and returned to the door of the church.

Hattori Ichiro had a look of surprise and pain on his face, and he covered his neck. A thin stream of blood flowed out, from thin to thick, turning into a bright red stream.

"Such fast...swordsmanship...I can't believe that after White Fang died...Konoha still has such...swordsmanship...masters."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hattori Ichiro fell to the ground and died, while Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand and withdrew a shining soul.

"This guy must have retained a lot of strength in Konoha. The average jounin doesn't have this kind of swordsmanship...and what the guy just used...could it be the thunder escape chakra mode of the cloud ninja?"

The Thunder Release Chakra Mode of Kumo Ninja is famous in the entire ninja world. In comparison, the method of Thunder Release Chakra created by Konoha White Fang to stimulate the physical body can be regarded as a copycat version of the Thunder Release Chakra Mode.

It is certainly impossible for a normal spy ninja to have such a high level of ninjutsu, lest he be tortured directly when discovered, resulting in the loss of ninjutsu in the ninja village, but it is hard to say for guys like Kumo ninja.

Compared to other ninja villages, although the Kumo Ninja is more greedy and brutal to the outside world, at least the internal atmosphere is much stronger. The loyal Raikage is more like a leader than the leader of the ninja village. He may give his ninja village spy more advanced ninjutsu.

And as a spy ninja, Hattori Ichiro's mind must have been restricted by many restrictions. Under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to get the ninjutsu in his mind.

However, no matter how advanced the restrictions are, facing the unconventional and direct soul-summoning moves of the Soul-Keeping General, it is obviously meaningless. Uchiha Feiyu directly began to search the memory through the soul of Hattori Ichiro.

"So that's it, only learned part of the most basic lightning chakra mode? Or is it a reward for his talent and determination..."

After searching, Uchiha Feiyu only found a semi-finished lightning chakra mode in the soul of this spy, which greatly reduced both speed and defense. In Hatake Sakumo's opinion, it should be only the first half of the complete ninjutsu.

However, even if it is only the first half of the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, it is already far beyond the general Lightning Release Ninjutsu that stimulates the physical body. Even if you look at the entire Cloud Ninja Village, there are probably no more than 20 ninjas who can be taught.

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