Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 76 Obtaining Materials

"I'm back, this is the head of Hattori Ichiro."

In the dark root base, Shimura Danzo still had such a cold and ruthless expression. After seeing the head handed to him by Uchiha Feiha, he just nodded slightly.

Behind the root leader, a ninja from the Yamanaka clan quickly walked over. He respectfully picked up the head and began to use ninjutsu to dig out information from Hattori Ichiro's brain.

Fortunately, ninjas possess chakra, and even corpses rot very slowly. Uchiha Feiyu processed the head again, so now Hattori Ichiro's brain tissue has not rotted into tofu, and a lot can be dug out of it. secret.

After a moment, the ninja from the mountain clan raised his head and nodded to Danzo.

The expression on Danzo's face relaxed a little and he said:

"Well done. I still have a lot of backlogged tasks here at my root. As long as you are willing to carry out them, you will be indispensable for both ninjutsu and money."

While talking, Shimura Danzo also took out a scroll and handed it to Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu opened it and looked at it, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched slightly.

At the top of the scroll, there is written the task of assassinating the third Raikage, the third Tsuchikage, the fourth Mizukage and other village shadows, as well as the task of assassinating the jinchūriki of these ninja villages who fought with Konoha.

In addition, there are also missions to plunder dust escape, thunder escape chakra mode, magnetic escape, and ice escape training methods-the difficulty is not much easier than assassinating the shadow of a village.

After passing through those missions that were simply a fantasy to him, the rest were bounties offered by some famous ninjas from major ninja villages, basically including all jounin.

In addition, there are also some missions to hunt down traitors, plunder intelligence, and even assassinate some small ninja village leaders and plunder the secret skills of some ninja families. These mission targets also include some Konoha ninjas.

But Uchiha Feiyu is not surprised. It would be strange if Danzo didn't take action against the Konoha ninjas. Although Genbe can't be said to be an outsider in foreign wars, he is definitely a first-rate expert in civil wars.

However, Danzo's arrogance was beyond Uchiha Feiyu's expectations. He actually directly wrote the names of Konoha ninjas on the task list without fear of Uchiha Feiyu's reporting.

"Hey, hey, hey, Elder Danzo, are you right? Can you show me the content of these missions?"

"It's just some hidden dangers in Konoha. Cleaning up these dead branches and leaves will be more conducive to the development of the village."

Danzo's words were so calm that Uchiha Feiyu secretly rolled his eyes. I'm afraid it would be the most beneficial thing for the development of the village to dig out your rotten roots!

Of course, even if Konoha explodes on the spot, as long as the blood does not fall on Uchiha Feiyu, Uchiha Feiyu will not care, so he just complained about Danzo's mission goal.

"Okay, as long as you have enough ninjutsu and so on, I can help you with ordinary tasks, not to mention those too perverted tasks."

Uchiha Feiyu put away the scroll and said, in fact, he was not very interested in the basic ninjutsu. After mastering the magnetic release ninjutsu, he no longer looked down on the small money of three melons and two dates.

But Uchiha Feiyu was still very interested in the corpses and souls of those mission target ninjas. Anyway, Danzo's name was already a scapegoat. If he were to have a few more scapegoats on his head, it was estimated that this ninja would be The darkness of the world doesn't care much either.

After reporting the mission to Danzo, Uchiha Feiyu immediately went to find his cheap teacher Orochimaru. A month had passed, and the human body materials should have been collected by now. Uchiha Feiyu couldn't wait to enjoy them. The effect of the blood pool is gone.

In the root laboratory, Uchiha Feiyu found Orochimaru who was doing human experiments. After the latter heard his request, he channeled a huge scroll without saying a word and handed it to Uchiha Feiyu.

"I'm not asking you what you want to do with so many low-level human materials, but no matter what you do, it's best not to do it here in Konoha. The third generation old man is still a little afraid of human experiments."

"Teacher, while you are talking, could you please stop the human experiment in your hands?"

"And you told me that Konoha is afraid of human experiments in this damn place at the root. Do you want to laugh me to death directly?"

"Haha, even if I were to conduct the largest human experiment, it would still be less than one percent of the number of scrolls you have in your hand. The corpses of 2,000 ninjas cannot be hidden at all in Konoha."

"That's true..."

Uchiha Feiyu murmured, frowned, and began to worry a little about where to build the blood pool.

If he was the only contractor in Ryūchi Cave, he could build the blood pool in Ryūchi Cave. However, there is a mad scientist like Orochimaru in Ryūchi Cave. If he dares to build a blood pool there, Orochimaru will probably be there the next day. I have to go and do some research.

This old poisonous snake is not a good person. Regardless of the relationship between the two of them as master and disciple, in fact, neither of them cares about this. As long as it is profitable, backstabbing is simply a normal thing. .

If it doesn't work, you can only dig underground. As long as you dig deep enough, there will be no obstacles from the earth, and no sensory ninjutsu can detect it.

It just so happens that the magnetic escape that Uchiha Feiyu has learned is even better than the earth escape in digging holes. It can also dig deeper into the ground. When the time comes, find an inaccessible place and dig deeper to create There was a pool of blood.

"Okay, I've given you what you asked for, but what about the remaining ninjutsu?"

Orochimaru watched Uchiha Feiyu think for a moment and seemed to get some answer. Then he stretched out his hand with a smile and asked for reward.

"It has been prepared for Teacher Orochimaru a long time ago. This is the remaining half of the secret technique. Teacher, please take a look first."

Uchiha Feiyu did not hesitate and took out the remaining Lich Transformation Ritual Scroll from his body and handed it to Orochimaru.

He really wanted to see what Orochimaru could create by combining the techniques of Lich Transformation and Immortal Reincarnation. Maybe Orochimaru could transform into the Lich King in the future and give the ninja world a bit of a shock from the undead disaster!

After Orochimaru got the scroll, he ignored Uchiha Feiyu, opened the scroll and started reading eagerly. The expression on his face kept changing, and there was a hint of ecstasy.

Uchiha Feiyu saw that Orochimaru was fascinated. After waiting for a moment, seeing that he had no answer, he shrugged and exited the laboratory.

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