Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 78 News from the Front Line

Uchiha Feiha, who returned to the Konoha Ninja Village, was in a good mood, but he soon discovered that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the Ninja Village.

Some time ago, although all the ninjas in Konoha Ninja Village had serious faces and came and went in a hurry, they were at least confident and high-spirited. This was the confidence of victory accumulated by Konoha from having no defeat in the war for decades.

And now...

The ninjas who were also coming and going in a hurry now gave people a feeling of panic. The ninjas' originally serious and slightly confident expressions now seemed to be a bit stiff and panicked.

"It seems that something happened in the Konoha Ninja Village... Well, it's probably something happened on the frontline battlefield?"

Just when Uchiha Feiyu was still thinking about this, his eyes suddenly glanced at the five young ninjas.

"Kakashi, Asuma...are you all here? Long time no see!"

"You are... Feiyu!!"

Those who were stopped by Uchiha Feiyu were these young ninjas around ten years old, who were also Uchiha Feiyu's classmates.

On the streets of Konoha, a group of young teenagers who had just escaped from the concept of children looked at the young man in front of them, all showing expressions of surprise.

Uchiha Feiyu is now over 15 years old. In addition, he has been running on the battlefield for half a year, and has experienced blood succession boundary synthesis and bloodline evolution, making him look like a boy of 17 or 18 years old.

But his group of little classmates were only ten or eleven years old. Although they had a lot of fights during the war, as underage ninjas, they did not go up until Konoha was at the end of its rope. On the front lines of the battlefield, it seems that there is still some innocence left.

Therefore, the two sides seemed to be a generation apart, as if Uchiha Feiyu was their leading teacher.

At Konoha's BBQ q, Uchiha Feiyu ordered more than a dozen plates of various BBQ dishes. He looked at a group of young classmates in front of him and asked:

"Is that enough? Do you need more?"

"No, no, we're not from the Akimichi clan, so we can't eat that much."

Hong waved her hands and said, her expression slightly excited.

The current Uchiha Hiba is not the former ninja companion, let alone the older classmate who was laughed at, but a powerful ninja who is also famous throughout Konoha and is called Little White Fang, the ghost of Konoha.

Even the former teacher of the three of them, Hinata Hizashi, was far behind in fame and strength compared to the current Uchiha Hidashi. Watching his former companion soar into the sky, Yuhi Kurenai and Ah Sima felt a little bit like he was dreaming.

On the contrary, Hatake Kakashi, Obito, Akai and others didn't care much. These people were either calm and unfazed by changes, or else they were careless and had big hearts and didn't care much about Uchiha Hiba's changes.

"Speaking of which, I have just returned to Konoha Ninja Village. I feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere in the Ninja Village. And why are you little ninjas gathered together? Did something big happen?"

"Why are we called little ninjas? Aren't Fei Yuqian and us classmates? We all started to learn ninjutsu at the same time, so why do we become little ninjas?"

Obito yelled loudly, with a dissatisfied look on his face. Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes slightly and said calmly:

"Okay, okay, let me ask this elite ninja to tell me what happened recently?"

Obito was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and then looked at Kakashi:

"Kakashi, what happened recently? I don't feel anything different!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes and said helplessly:

"Obito, you are really slow."

"We just met by chance this time. Obito, Lin, and I are now members of the same team. We happened to meet Asuma and Kurenai while shopping, so we chatted with each other about the current situation."

"As for the recent major events... I only know that the front line is not optimistic. It seems that there is something wrong with the Kumo ninja front. If you want to know more about the situation, you should ask Asuma!"

Although Hatake Kakashi is also a famous young genius in Konoha Ninja Village, and his strength is very close to that of a real jounin, he has never been on the front line, and his status in Konoha Ninja Village is not high, and the information he knows is still very sparse. of.

Although Asuma is much weaker than Kakashi and has not even become a chuunin now, as the son of the Hokage, no one will really think that he knows nothing about frontline intelligence.

After listening to Kakashi's words, Asuma suddenly showed a wry smile and put down the chopsticks in his hand:

"Kakashi, you guy...don't you know what the confidentiality policy is?"

"If you really count the confidentiality regulations, there is no way you, a genin, know more than I, a special jounin, do you?"

"Since even you know about it, obviously the confidentiality regulations have been broken long ago!"

Kakashi said half sarcastically, half self-deprecatingly, causing Asuma's face to turn red:

"Okay, okay, I understand, I just said that!"

"It is said that on the frontline battlefield, we in Konoha suffered a huge defeat. The entire Kumo ninja front was completely penetrated, and at least more than 3,000 ninjas were sacrificed!"

"The battlefield on the front lines is very tight now. We never know when it will be time for our group of ninjas who have just graduated a year ago to go to the front line!"

As soon as he said this, the entire dining table fell silent. After a moment, Nohara Lin spoke timidly:

"Why didn't we receive any news about this matter?"

"Yes, why didn't we receive any news at all..."

Asuma's voice was a bit depressed and helpless, and he muttered to himself.

"Tsk, this is not simple. This is news of defeat, not news of victory. How could Konoha's high-level officials easily reveal it?"

"What if it affects Konoha's morale? What if it affects other battles? What if it affects... what if they recruit cannon fodder?"

There is no doubt that the one who can say such a thing must be Uchiha Feiyu. As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of the young ninjas present were different.

Most of the young ninjas looked surprised and disagreed, but Asuma froze after hearing this, revealing a bit of shame.

Kakashi still had a cold and calm expression, but he said something like a warning or a complaint:

"Feiyu, you just like to talk nonsense! Be careful that the Anbu ninja will chop you down for disturbing the morale of the army!"

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged. He didn't care about the crime of disturbing the morale of the army. The Konoha high-level officials would definitely not have a conflict with the Kage-level ninja because of such a crime. However, such words could easily affect these little ninjas, so in the end he laughed:

"Sorry... sometimes I just like to talk nonsense."

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