The ninja's leg strength is far superior to that of ordinary people. It is not as fast as the high-speed rail in the city, nor is it much slower than ordinary trains.

The ninjas of Konoha set out in the morning and had traveled almost half of the distance by the evening.

However, since they were going to the battlefield, it was obviously impossible to travel overnight. After walking halfway, Orochimaru issued an order requiring all ninjas to rest in a team.

A group of ninjas used tents and ninjutsu to build a temporary camp. After leaving some ninjas to guard the night, the others were ready to rest.

Uchiha Feiyu, who was also ready to rest, was called over by Orochimaru and entered the tent of the camp with a helpless look on his face.

As soon as he entered the camp, Uchiha Feiyu was slightly stunned. In addition to Orochimaru and a dozen senior ninjas, there was also a young man with blond hair standing in the camp. The young man looked tired and his eyes were full of bloodshot. However, when he saw Uchiha Feiyu coming in, he still smiled politely.

"Fei Yu, let me introduce you to this person, Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya's disciple. It is because of his existence that the group of Cloud Ninjas did not enter the Land of Fire and wreak havoc during this period."

"Now, he has also made a name for himself on the battlefield, and the Cloud Ninjas call him the Golden Flash."

Hafen Minato showed a bitter smile on his face and shook his head:

"What kind of Golden Flash am I... The entire Cloud Ninja front has been annihilated, and I can only fight guerrilla warfare and delay the Cloud Ninjas a little."

"If killing more than 800 Cloud Ninjas in three days is still considered to delay the Cloud Ninjas a little, then I think if there are two or three more delaying ninjas like you, the Cloud Ninjas will probably be wiped out."

Orochimaru's voice was still so cold, and only Uchiha Fei Yu, who was very familiar with him, could hear the amazement in this guy's tone.

Of course, let alone Orochimaru, Uchiha Feiyu was also amazed - killing 800 cloud ninjas in three days, unless the opponents were all ordinary chunin and genin, Uchiha Feiyu himself could not do it.

Not to mention that Namikaze Minato was still alone, and the opponent had the Third Raikage and AB combination - Uchiha Feiyu had already run away when he saw this situation, so how could he have the courage to stay and fight guerrilla warfare!

It can only be said that the golden flash with the flying thunder god is an eternal god when fighting alone, but letting him fight with a large army has tripped his hands and feet, making him unable to exert his full strength.

It can be said that letting this golden flash lead a large army to the field at the beginning was a tactical mistake in itself. This kind of person should act alone and fight guerrilla warfare to play a perfect role.

"This time, Minato-kun came here to report intelligence to us..."

Orochimaru then introduced a lot of information about the movements of the cloud ninjas, but unfortunately Uchiha Feiyu did not pay attention to it. As a typical lone ninja, he had no idea of ​​commanding the battle.

It was not until Orochimaru started talking about the strong men of the Cloud Ninja that Uchiha Feiyu perked up. These strong men who could threaten him were what Uchiha Feiyu really needed to pay attention to.

"Among all the strong men of the Cloud Ninja, the most difficult one to deal with is naturally the Third Raikage. Regarding the Third Raikage, let Minato-kun talk about it first!"

Orochimaru's words made everyone look at Minato Namikaze. Minato Namikaze smiled bitterly and slowly said:

"The Third Raikage... How should I put it? He is a ninja completely different from normal ninjas!"

"Compared to the ordinary ninjas who like to conceal their own information, then test the truth, find flaws, and kill with one blow, the Third Raikage will not conceal any of his information!"

"In battle, the Third Raikage will use the Lightning Chakra mode to form the Lightning Armor to protect his body, and then use Ninjutsu to kill the enemy. His characteristics are only There are three..."

"Incredibly high attack, incredibly fast speed, incredibly strong defense!"

"High attack, so high that defenses like water wall and earth formation wall can be penetrated with one strike even if they are stacked up for seven or eight layers!"

"Strong defense, so strong that the mixed ninjutsu released by more than ten ninjas together did not hurt the opponent at all!"

"Fast speed, the opponent's speed is equivalent to activating the instant body technique all the time. Except for me, no one in Konoha can keep up with the opponent's speed!"

The third generation Raikage's lightning chakra mode is known as the strongest spear and the strongest shield. In the original work, even the S-level wind ninjutsu spiral shuriken that specifically restrains lightning can't penetrate his strongest spear. You can imagine how strong his defense is.

The only thing that can penetrate the strongest shield is the guy's own strongest spear, a one-handed hand. It can be said that this guy is absolutely super S-level in both defense and attack.

As for speed, even though he can't beat his son, the speed difference between them is only a little bit. For ordinary Chunin, Genin and even Jonin, this speed makes no difference to them.

After these words, the tent was already silent. Not to mention those ordinary Jonin, even Orochimaru had a gloomy face and a helpless look.

However, before Minato Namikaze finished his words, he continued:

"In addition, this Third Raikage may also know some space-time ninjutsu!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present couldn't help but let out a soft "ah", and Uchiha Feiyu was even more shocked.

When did the Third Raikage learn space-time ninjutsu? Could this guy have also traveled through time? !

"Minato, you are not mistaken, are you? The Third Raikage... I haven't heard that he has a talent for time and space?"

"This Third Raikage is already abnormal enough. If he really knows time and space ninjutsu, how can we fight?"

Faced with everyone's discussions, Minato Namikaze also smiled bitterly:

"I am not sure whether the Third Raikage knows time and space ninjutsu, but the first time, he did appear in the center of our camp after a sudden flash of light, and then let go of killing."

"It was because of the sudden attack without any signs from the other party, coupled with the full deployment of the Cloud Ninja outside, that our camp was completely lost and almost wiped out."

"If you think about it carefully, there seems to be no other explanation except time and space ninjutsu, and I did feel the violent time and space fluctuations at that time."

After Minato Namikaze's voice fell, the entire tent was suddenly silent, and everyone's expressions were a little ugly. Only Uchiha Feiyu seemed to have thought of something and breathed a sigh of relief.

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