Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 98: Hunting and Harvesting


With screams one after another, the Kumo ninja team behind them turned into corpses in an instant after a bolt of lightning struck.

Only the last Kumo ninja also had a dazzling electric light flashing on his body. Apparently he also learned part of the thunder escape chakra mode and blocked the first strike of the thunder.

But then, the lightning quickly retreated, revealing Uchiha Feiyu's figure and his raised arm.

I saw his arm stretched forward, his thumb curled up, forming the shape of a palm knife, and dense lightning danced all over his body.

Having just used the Thunder Escape Chakra Mode, Yun Ninja looked horrified and shouted:

"No, this is impossible..."

"Hell's Thrust—Four Pen Hands!"

With a puff, the fierce lightning condensed into an indestructible thunder sword, which instantly pierced the chest of the ninja in front of him.

Slowly pulling his arm out of the ninja's chest, Uchiha Feiyu shook the blood in his hand, with an ugly expression on his face:

"Tsk... I've just reached the fourth level and I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed. It seems that the Thunder Release Chakra Mode of the Cloud Ninja cannot be learned in a short time."

"And these father and son brothers are practicing ninjutsu so much that they only think about their muscles? Why do they have to use their fists and fingers to attack? Will you die if you hit someone with a knife?!"

Possessing the souls of two Raikages of the third and fourth generations, Uchiha Feiyu immediately began to borrow their souls to learn the Kumo ninja's most famous thunder escape chakra mode. He had the foundation of White Fang swordsmanship and previous skills. With half of the thunder escape chakra mode as a base, his progress is indeed not slow.

It's just that Uchiha Feiyu has always liked to use knives, but those muscular brother's thunder escape chakra modes are all with bare hands, which makes him very uncomfortable, and he plans to improve it in the future.

Secondly, in addition to chakra usage skills, the Thunder Release Chakra Mode also requires a lot of physical strength. Even though Uchiha Feiyu's physical strength is good, it is still a step behind those two muscular brothers. Big cut.

At least in a short period of time, it is impossible for Uchiha Feiyu to develop the Thunder Release Chakra Mode to the level of two Raikages.

However, the current Uchiha Feiha is still young and already has Orochimaru's cell activation technique, Hatake Sakumo's White Fang sword technique, the thunder escape chakra mode of the two generations of Raikage and other things that others can only meet but cannot ask for. Ninjutsu.

After spending two years thoroughly digesting and integrating these things, his strength will inevitably improve by leaps and bounds, and he will become the strongest ninjutsu ninja.

After reaching out, soul-binding, and fusion, and feeling the skills of these ninjas, Uchiha Feiyu casually abandoned some weak souls, and then summoned a big snake to clean up the corpses of all the cloud ninjas.

"I wonder if my cheap teacher has prepared all the corpses for me? So many corpses are enough for me to push my bloodline up one or two steps. I just don't know if I can open a kaleidoscope?"

"Speaking of which, how many cloud ninjas have I killed? I feel like this wave of cloud ninjas will really weaken their vitality."

This was already the third day after the Kumo ninja retreated from the battlefield. In these three days, Uchiha Feiyu either attacked or plotted, killing countless Kumo ninjas along the way.

At this moment, the only top strong one among the cloud ninjas is Kirabi. However, although Kirabi can also use the thunder escape chakra mode, he is not the kind of dedicated ninjutsu ninja. In terms of speed, he is faster than Uchiha. Yu is far behind.

This makes it impossible for Kirabi to pose any threat to Uchiha Feiyu even if he has the power of a tailed beast. Uchiha Feiyu cannot deal with Kirabi, but he can deal with ordinary Kumo ninja as much as he wants.

In addition, the defeated Kumo ninja had almost lost their formation and organization, and could not form a large ninja force to intimidate Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu was really killed in a bloody storm along the way.

"It's a pity... the Kingdom of Thunder is further ahead, and the remaining materials can only be discussed later!"

Looking at the country border in the distance, Uchiha Feiyu stopped silently. After entering the Kingdom of Thunder, the danger of pursuit will greatly increase.

After all, someone as powerful as the Third Raikage would be beaten to death by tens of thousands of ninjas. Now, even though Kumo ninja suffered heavy losses, he could still squeeze out 10,000 ninjas.

With the frontline defeated, Kumo Ninja's supporting ninjas may have reached the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Turning around, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from the battlefield.

It took three days to hunt down the Kumo ninja, but it only took a few hours to return to the Konoha camp.

After returning to Konoha Camp, Uchiha Feiyu directly approached his cheap teacher without saying anything.

Orochimaru in the command room was arranging the ninjas to evacuate. At this moment, his image was no longer as embarrassed as he was on the battlefield. Instead, he looked in high spirits, and even his originally pale face had a hint of blush.

Seeing Uchiha Feiyu entering the door, Orochimaru showed a smile on his face and said:

"How was it? What was the result?"

"I probably killed thousands of Kumo ninjas. By the way, I also killed two blood-stained limit ninjas. Then I can hand over the bodies to the teacher."

"What is the limit of the blood successor of the cloud ninja? I remember that except for one Lan Dun, these barbarians don't seem to have any other blood-stained ninjas."

"There is also a magnetic escape ninja, but it is much worse than the sand ninja's magnetic escape. It feels like a copycat version."

Uchiha Feiyu did meet a magnetic ninja named Troy. This guy's ability is also quite weird. He can impart magnetism through contact with others, and then let the iron objects he throws track the other person.

It's just that Uchiha Feiyu's speed was much faster than the shuriken he threw. Before the shuriken could touch Uchiha Feiyu, his own throat was cut.

If Uchiha Feiyu hadn't habitually collected his soul afterwards, he wouldn't even have known that this guy was also a blood successor ninja.

In comparison, the blood successor ninja with Arashi Dun performed more outstandingly. At least it took a while for Uchiha Feiyu to kill the Arashi Dun ninja.

The external performance of Lan Dun's blood succession limit is like a laser that can turn and track. It is quite restrained for speed-type ninjas like Uchiha Feiha.

It was just that the ninja's own strength had just reached the level of an elite jounin, and he was killed by Uchiha Feiyu.

After talking to Orochimaru, Uchiha Feiyu took out a scroll from his arms. After opening the scroll, there was a bang and two corpses appeared on the ground.

"These are the bodies of the two blood successor ninjas. They should be very useful to you, sensei, right?"

Orochimaru chuckled, looked at Uchiha Fei meaningfully, and whispered:

"After cleaning the battlefield, the corpses were placed in the scrolls. They are now in the third camp behind, and they are just under your care..."

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