
Looking down from the sky in the Sahara Prairie at this moment, you can see a long procession.

This team is mainly composed of Yamei and Qiluo, and they are marching towards the Qiaoqi tribe.

There was only one purpose for their trip, and that was to take down the entire Qiao Banner tribe, so everyone's face was full of fear.

Even though it was already the third day out, they still looked very motivated.

I didn't complain at all because of the hot weather or the fatigue of the journey.

At the front of the team were Yami and Qiluo. They rode forward on their horses and chatted.

"We must help Your Highness take down the entire Sahara Prairie this time." Yami said seriously.

When she hadn't set off from the tribe, that was what she was thinking, whether it was sleeping or eating, there was only one sentence in his mind.

"That's necessary, Your Highness. This is to revive the glory of Brutus' kingdom of good people. The biggest obstacle is the Qiao Banner tribe." Qi Luo said firmly.

"Don't worry, we will take down the Qiao Banner tribe after today." Yami said confidently.

They brought a total of 10,000 people this time, and their weapons were much better than those of the Qiao Banner tribe.

This time they brought a lot of food, so they are bound to win this time.

"We will be able to reach the vicinity of that tribe tonight, we must let the soldiers rest well tonight." Qi Luo said softly.

"Well, you can fight better after resting." Masami nodded.

"Tap Tat Tat...

The sun in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, they took a break in the middle, and continued on after having lunch.

There was no deviation in their goals along the way, and the marching team was like a straight line.

As time passed by, night began to fall quietly, and a round of bright moon hung high above the grassland.

Tonight's moon is particularly round, without a trace of incompleteness, as if it is also praying for tonight's victory.

Elsa's tribe has already arranged for people to set up tents and burn bonfires, but their bonfires did not burn a lot.

There are only a few piles of one or two, and the location is in the middle of the tent, because if too many bonfires are lit, the curling smoke will cause the economy of the Qiao Banner tribe.

One or two bonfires is nothing. After all, people in the Sahara prairie are used to living everywhere. It’s nothing to go out to sleep by yourself or light a bonfire. Yami looked at the bright moon in the sky and sighed, "Today's moon is really round."

She can rarely see such a round moon, and most of the moons are incomplete.

"Yeah, it should be celebrating for us. I can't remember the last time I saw such a round moon." Qi Luo also raised her head.

Monkey Erniang remembered that the last time she saw such a round moon was probably during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year.

She is full of curiosity about this festival, and she doesn't understand why moon cakes are eaten in this festival, and why people appreciate the moon.

But she only knew that she liked this kind of feeling. It was very pleasant for a few people to sit around the campfire eating moon cakes, watching the moon and chatting.

But this time the full moon is different. The last full moon was for festivals, but this time the full moon is for war.

"Haha.. I haven't seen the night of the full moon for so long, but I saw it tonight. It must be a blessing for us." Yami smiled heartily. "Of course, we must win." Qi Luo also laughed. As the night was getting late, they had already finished their dinner and were about to rest, because they wanted to take a rest first, anyway, it was still early before the time to attack that tribe.

And there are special people watching over there, as long as it is confirmed that the people of that tribe have started to rest, they can launch an offensive.

Therefore, before launching an offensive, they still have enough time to rest, and waiting until they have enough sleep can greatly improve their winning rate.



At night, some insects and frogs croaked very loudly, but this did not baad at all to break the tranquility that should belong to the night. Except for the patrolling people in Elsa's army, the rest of the people began to close their eyes and the time passed by. It was three o'clock in the morning, and the patrolling personnel came back.

The patrol team also came back and reported to Yami and the others that another tribe had begun to rest.

"Get ready, we'll set off right away." Qi Luo was already fully dressed.

"Yes." The patrol officer immediately went out to report the order.

There was a burst of preparation sounds, and all the soldiers were ready. Because they closed their eyes and rested first, they all seemed to be in high spirits.

"Tonight! We must take down the Qiao Banner tribe." Yami shouted on the horse, with a very serious expression.

"As long as you take down the Qiao Banner tribe, you will all be rewarded, and the Sahara Prairie will be even better!" Qi Luo was also inspiring.

All the soldiers' morale was soaring, and they raised their weapons high and shouted passionately.

"Take down the Joe Banner Tribe! Unify the Sahara Prairie!"

"Take down the Joe Banner tribe! Unify the Sahara prairie!

Yami raised her hand and pressed it, and asked loudly, "Are you all ready?"

"All ready!" The soldiers shouted again in unison.

"Let's go!" Qi Luo took the lead and rode in front on the horse.

"Tap Tat Tat...

Those with horses followed closely behind, while those without horses ran quickly to keep up.

After a night's rest, everyone was in a very good state of mind, and the advancing team was as orderly as it was during the day.

"Get the fire spear ready first, and shoot it when it gets close." Yami ordered.

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison.

The team has advanced for more than an hour, and has come to the outskirts of the Qiao Banner tribe.

The people from the Qiao Banner tribe who were preparing to tip off the news were quickly eliminated.

A dozen people were all wiped out in an instant, and because the speed of the killing was very fast, they didn't let out the slightest scream.

"The spear is ready!" Yami raised her right hand high and shouted, "Throw it for me."

"Yes!" The soldiers said in unison, and threw out the ignited spears in their hands.

Fire spears are actually ignited spears, borrowing the strength of the soldiers, and throwing these flaming spears into the enemy's tent one by one.

Because the tents are all made of animal skins, they will be ignited immediately when they encounter a flame.


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