Starting With 100 Trillion Spirit Stones

Chapter 402 The two worlds will show up! [3 more seeking subscription! 】

The vast Tailu and the Dark Tailu suddenly began to appear in the West Taiworld at this moment. All the creatures who shook the two Tailu felt an unusual danger. It's as if there is some change in the world that makes all existences that are afraid of beasts, beasts, humans or flowers and trees are about to appear.

Before going to the Immortal gate. The gathering of creatures is getting more and more, and there are countless Tailu Taisheng in the dark realm. The Little Sacred Realm is even more unfamiliar, at least reaching the level of 100 million.

The ancient Taoist saints even came to three or four hundred. These certain people are even the ancient Taoist sages from the Wushuang era.

There are also Taoist sages of the early days. Each of them is the supreme Taoist sage.

But their Qiguang now casts their attention on the person in front of Immortal. Of course, they are very familiar with Xia Yan, so even as the Supreme Dao Sage, they dare not act rashly.



Suddenly, two abnormal fluctuations spread slowly, and instantly all the Supreme Sages, the Little Sages and even the Ancient Dao Sages who had gathered at the gate of Immortal.

Suddenly they felt that something throbbed in everyone's soul, even Xia Yan was no exception.


"Familiar breath!"

Xia Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of Immortal No. 1, opened his eyes for an instant. 507__ In his eyes, a glint flashed past his mouth, and a smile appeared. He knew exactly what was going on.

I also guessed what task was able to arch my soul throbbing.


Suddenly = a loud noise rang from the vast and emptiness.

The mysterious fluctuation is no less than the one that feels the fluctuation by going to the gate of Immortal.

The violent fluctuations in the hearts of countless Supreme Saints and the 2 Saints were astonished.

Because of this feeling of being above the level, they only felt the Dark Land Tailu from the highest creatures in a creature, while the vast Tailu felt it from the people of the Dark Land Tailu.


There was a loud noise again soon_ The Void Land began to tremble.

In countless eyes, I saw two giants with incomparably indifferent expressions and faces as high as two to thirty thousand inches, suddenly walking over.

The two giants have no faces, but everyone feels a sense of majesty for some reason.

Even many Tai Sages have a feeling of kneeling down and worshipping, which can't help turning their hearts up against the stormy sea.(Read more @

What is the existence of these two people (cjai) _ actually can give them the feeling of _ worms.


You must know that they are the sages who stand out among the billions of creatures, step up to the station and open the gate of Immortal!"

Lingmo's divine thought resounded in everyone's ears, but the heart didn't open his mouth, but the voice appeared in every male's ear.


The giant who was speaking was traveling from the direction of Tailu in the Dark Realm, and his body was so majestic that he couldn't see what it was made of.

The Dark Territory Tailu had just finished talking to the giant for a ten-year period, and the same indifferent voice without any emotion came.

"If you let the door of Immortal be opened, Dark Domain and I won't be held accountable!"

The tone did not fluctuate in the slightest _ but it made people feel extremely cold inside. I want to go to all the Taishengmian around. Although I don't know who these two make them feel terrifying.

But it was obvious that these two people were helping themselves, many sages who had already entered the gate of Immortal hopelessly.

A hint of surprise appeared on his face. Someone took the lead, and then natural tsunami-like waves began to appear.

"Yes! Xia Yan, why don't you let us enter the gate of Immortal!"

"Hurry up and let us get away from our billion-fifth sage, but it's a joke. Even if you are strong, you can stop our billion-five sage


The clamoring voice kept appearing and none of them were not accusing Xia Yan. They had endured Xia Yan for too long, and Erzhi was suppressed in their hearts. Especially the people in the dark realm, they can't wait for Xia Yan to die directly. It's better to fall.

Seeing the roar of the countless Tai Sages in the dark realm in front of her, Xia Yan ignored the faintly glanced at the extremely tall giant in the west. "The two world consciousnesses appear together! "Tsk tusk this scene is really spectacular, it makes my little heart almost unbearable","

Xia Yan said aloud, there was no hidden meaning in the words. Two subtle ironies are mixed in. However, Xia Yan said this.

All the Supreme Saints who came to Immortal, whether they were in the Little Saint Realm or the Grand Saint Realm, they were all in one room, and their brains were a little too difficult to digest.

_"Two world consciousness?"

_ "Wait, the giant who came from the vast continent just now called the giant behind us _Darkland l"

"The vast continent, the dark continent!_sizzle"

Someone who understands Taisheng immediately took a breath, since someone had guessed it.

Needless to say, just a few seconds later. All the creatures before the gate of Immortal know it.

Why do I have a feeling of a different life level?

"It's actually world consciousness!"

"Time consciousness has already appeared, Xia Yan will not let you open? I don't believe it!_" "Huh~ stop us from going to the Immortal gate. It's a damn shame!" The sages all helped their faces when they saw the world consciousness of the two tais. A touch of surprise appeared on it.

Qiguang looked in the direction of Xia Yan and his eyes flickered, and his heart was full of confidence at this moment. "Oh? I actually saw it!" "But I didn't hide it!_" The tone of the dark realm Tailu world consciousness finally sent a trace of fluctuations.

But the tone only has a slight ups and downs, and it sounds indifferent to others.

"There is not much time left to open the gate of Immortal. It will only be open for five days!"

"It's been almost a day now, why didn't you ask you when you stood in the door of Immortal|"

"Get out of the way, or you will die without a place to bury you!"

After two decades of casual talk, Tai Lu suddenly changed his tone to a strong murderous aura and looked at Xia Yan's direction. The tone is Bingling extremely. Many Taisheng even trembled all over.

"What if I won't let it?" Xia Yan smiled faintly_ directly replied to his statement that the system task is to make himself defend Immortal.

Get out of 3 unless Xia Yan doesn't want to live anymore. And although they are two world consciousnesses.

But Xia Yan doesn't believe they have no limits. And he is the immortal body. "No, then are you ready to face us?"

"Although your enchanting evildoer is as powerful as the little ancestor. But after all, you are still an unparalleled Hongsheng."

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