At this moment, there were several brightly colored wreaths placed in front of the large and simple mansion.

They read:"Deeply mourning Mr. Huang Tianming."、"Rest in peace, Mr. Huang Tianming."

And Huang Tianming... is Mr. Huang's real name.

In front of the mansion, there were two young men standing. One of them was crying and the other looked very ugly.

"Woo woo woo……"Yan Yu cried heartbreakingly, and he kept muttering,"Why, Mr. Huang clearly hasn't seen the world he expected, why did he leave like this?……"

"At least take a look at that time when everyone was cultivating immortals and flying into the sky and hiding in the ground! I really want to talk to you again!!"

His words were filled with endless sadness. It was really painful for such a close friend to pass away.

The leaves of the maple trees around him also fell leisurely, and the maple leaves on the ground were like a red carpet.

"When the maple leaves turn red, there are always more farewells"

"Brother Yan, there is no other way.……"

Chen Tianyu shook his head.

He was inexplicably sad about Mr. Huang's death.

"But... Mr. Huang... he hasn't contacted me in the past few days. I thought it was probably because his phone was broken or something.……"

"Unexpectedly... Mr. Huang fell down just before the spiritual energy was revived.……"

Yan Yu gritted his teeth, his face full of grief and indignation, feeling extremely powerless, he punched the wall of the mansion and shouted,"Damn it! It was so close... so close to seeing the spiritual energy revival." I didn't expect that Mr. Huang... would collapse just before the spiritual energy revive, and he didn't see any news of the spiritual energy revival before he died.

Mr. Huang... left with regrets, right?……


Chen Tianyu also sighed helplessly, and then continued,"Brother Yan, I really didn't expect Mr. Huang to pass away so soon... I thought he could live for at least a few more years and have a few more drinks with us."

"Hmm... now that I think about it, maybe... when he bought that 4 million box of Longqi tea, he knew that he didn't have much time left.……"

I wonder what Mr. Huang would think if he knew that the people from the immortal world he was expecting were all man-eating monsters?

"Brother Yan, Mr. Huang doesn't seem to have any relatives, right? Who put these wreaths there?"

Chen Tianyu asked solemnly.

He hoped that there would be a chance for this matter to turn around. What if these wreaths were put there by someone else? Was it a prank by someone else?

After all, Mr. Huang didn't have any family, so he passed away... who found out?

"Woohoo…Brother Chen, why are you talking about this at this time?……"

At this moment, Yan Yu couldn't stop crying, he was extremely sad. This was the first time he cried to someone like this since he was a child...

But, he quickly reacted.


He paused for a moment, wiped away his tears, gritted his teeth and said,"This... Brother Chen, you are right... We haven't seen Mr. Huang's body, otherwise... should we go in and take a look?"

After all, if he is alive, we have to see the person, if he is dead, we have to see the body. Mr. Huang can't just die inexplicably like this, right?

"Brother Yan, let's go in and take a look first and we'll know."

Chen Tianyu opened his mouth directly.

Then, he strode to the front.

Creaking - he pushed open the heavy door effortlessly.

""Wait for me! Brother Chen!"

Yan Yu quickly adjusted his state and walked forward, keeping up with Chen Tianyu's pace.

The two walked into the courtyard, which was as quiet as ever.

Mr. Huang always liked quietness.

""Mr. Huang! Are you there?"

Yan Yu walked forward and shouted loudly.

He still held on to the last glimmer of hope in his heart... hope... Mr. Huang was still alive

"That is……"

Chen Tianyu's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his face was silent.

In the middle of the courtyard - a black coffin was placed in it, surrounded by colorful bouquets of flowers, and a skinny old man was lying quietly in it with his eyes closed.

Seeing this, Yan Yu felt cold all over.

The last ray of hope in his heart was shattered.

Bits and pieces of memories with Mr. Huang kept emerging in his mind.……


"The pinnacle of ancient martial arts is not ancient martial arts!"

"What we really want to pursue... is immortality!"


"Immortals... definitely exist!"


"I have been studying ancient martial arts since I was 17 years old. I am 82 years old now, which means I have been doing it for 65 years."


"If spiritual energy is revived, then perhaps everyone can cultivate immortality……"

"Everyone can fly and hide.……"

"It's a pity for me, an old man, I probably won't see that day."



"Yes, this is Longqi tea, but tea of this quality is quite expensive... It cost me four hundred thousand yuan just for this!"


"Four... four hundred Ws, Mr. Huang, you are really extravagant. Even our Yan family doesn't dare to make such a lot.……"


"Alas, I, an old man, don’t have much time left. I have saved up most of my life. If I don’t use it... will it be left to gather ashes?"

"After living in poverty for most of his life, it would be a shame if he could not enjoy a little luxury before he died.……"


"No, no... Sorry, I didn't think about it that much.……"

"A pillar of China like you, Mr. Huang, should indeed live like this!"


"Mr. Huang, please don't say that! You have been studying ancient martial arts for 65 years and have made such a great contribution to China. You must live a hundred years! Live as long as the country!"


"Hahaha! Great! Brother Yan, I really owe everything to you!"

"If I could really live that long, I would definitely have tea and chat with you guys again.——!"


Tick-tock - the tears from Yan Yu's eyes fell to the ground.

At this moment, many images flashed through his mind, and he thought of many possibilities.

He even thought that the person in front of him was not Mr. Huang, maybe he saw it wrong... But the reality was unexpectedly bleak.

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and his feet trembled as he walked step by step to Mr. Huang's coffin.

Click-- he knelt in front of Mr. Huang's coffin, his eyes full of tears.

"Mr. Huang... why did you leave just like that... didn't you say you wanted to have tea and chat?"

"Why...why did you leave like this?……"

There was endless sadness in Yan Yu's eyes. He took a deep breath and shouted to the coffin,"Mr. Huang! The spiritual energy has begun to recover! You are right... Immortals do exist.——!!"

"One day... the world you've been waiting for! The world where everyone can fly will finally come!!!"

"That world——! That world where everyone can practice Taoism and martial arts!!!"

"Mr. Huang!! Did you hear that?——!!!"

He shouted.

But... the kind and gentle old man would never respond to him again...

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