Beihai City-State.

Military Base.

This is a huge coastal city in the North Sea!

There are many soldiers stationed around it, and the defense here is even more strict than those troops in the secret realm!

"Mr. Gojo Satoru, thank you for participating in this battle. This time we are facing the Kraken, a seventh-level beast! Although you are powerful,……"

President Yang also kept talking behind Chen Tianyu, but was soon interrupted by Chen Tianyu.

"I know, no need to say more."

Chen Tianyu held the phone and looked at the screen.

At this moment, he was asking Mo Ningxue to protect Xia Yutong and Uncle Xia to avoid any accidents.

Yes, Chen Tianyu just told Mo Ningxue that he wanted to help"Gojo Satoru".

He looked at the screen of the phone, and on it was the message Mo Ningxue replied.

「Ice Rabbit: OK, no problem, please go with the teacher, brother!"

Seeing that the other party had replied, Chen Tianyu was relieved.

He just raised his head and stopped.

At this time!

A man who seemed to be only in his twenties passed in front of the two of them. The man had sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes and looked extremely cold and arrogant.

Chen Tianyu was also attracted to this man with a unique temperament, but the reason why he was attracted... was that this man was seven points similar to Yan Yu.

"This is……"

Chen Tianyu seemed a little confused

"Oh! That's... Yan Li from the Zhejiang Yan Family! He was summoned this time to fight against the Kraken!"

Yang Baxiong saw Chen Tianyu was confused, so he explained.


Chen Tianyu murmured.

I didn't expect to meet Yan Yu's brother here?


A faint smile appeared on his lips.

Yang Baxiong said to Chen Tianyu seriously:"Mr. Gojo Satoru, can you please go to the rest area first?"

"Besides... don't you have the identity of a superpower? I need to take you to see the general of this military base."

Hearing this, Chen Tianyu also retracted his gaze and nodded slightly, saying,"Okay, let's go."

Yang Baxiong smiled and made a gesture of invitation, saying,"Mr. Gojo Satoru, please come this way."

The two of them walked towards the huge military area in front of them.


On the city wall

"Are all the Super S-class here?"

The man with the mouth was wearing a military uniform, with a dignified look and a hideous wound on his cheek.

""Captain! There is another Super S-Class... However, that Super S-Class is not registered with the Super Power Association! He is not a member of the Super Power Association!"

The Super Power soldier wearing glasses next to him looked at the notebook in his hand and said

"What? Not registered? Not even registered with the Psychic Association? What the hell! It may not be Super S-level! How many Super S-level people are there?!"

The commander frowned and asked immediately

"Report to the commander! There are six super S-levels!"

"「Deep Sea King」——Auror, can transform into half-man, half-shark, strengthen the whole body, can make teeth and nails harder than iron, and have strong recovery ability, and can also reconnect broken limbs!"

"「Thunder King」——Lian Ye, who controls lightning, can produce up to 200 million volts! He can also solidify lightning! Terrifying!"

"「Warhammer King」——Zhang Kuang, wearing heavy armor, holding a hammer weighing 800 tons. Only he can lift this hammer."

"「Mech King」——Liu Xie controls an 8-meter-tall mecha that can fire cannonballs, lasers, etc. Its weapon is a huge axe."

"「Giant Vine King」——Wang Zha can make huge vines grow on the ground. The tallest vine is 3 meters thick and 100 meters long. Its hardness is comparable to that of steel!"

"「Xuanyuan King」——Yan Li, the Yan family swordsman, not only has the Xuanyuan Sword Heart, but is also a master! He is a genius who practices both heaven and martial arts! Rumor has it that there is a sword... that can cut the sky!"

The extraordinary person immediately reported all the information of the six super S-levels.

In the information in this speech, the six super S-levels are obviously extremely powerful!

"Good! Six Super S-class are here! I want to see what that Kraken can do!"

"The general said! Once everyone is here, we can start the battle!"

"Prepare 50 giant torpedoes to be launched into the sea! Blast that guy out of the seabed for me!"

The commander opened his mouth and shouted, slowly putting his hands behind his back, his face solemn.

"Then... what about the unregistered Super S-level? Should we wait until everyone is here?"

The Superhuman asked cautiously.

"Damn it! If that person wants to come over, he still has to get past the general! Whether he can come over is still a question!"

"Damn it! If you drag it on any longer, that damn octopus will get the upper hand... Can you afford it?"

The commander shouted at the extraordinary person.

"Ah... yes! I understand, Commander!"

"I'll have them launch giant torpedoes right now!"

The extraordinary man shuddered and ran down quickly.


Below the city wall, six super S beings stood there, and there were also many elite super beings around them!

Among them, there were two super beings who looked very familiar.

"Oh...Wolf Team, you are here too! Damn it! This thing suddenly appeared in the North Sea, and my vacation is ruined!"

The person who opened his mouth was Team Niu!

And next to him was the Wolf Team he mentioned!

"Don't mention it. I was halfway through my vacation when I was forcibly called back to reinforce the troops. Damn it... The enemy is a sixth-level enhanced mutant beast. Are top-quality extraordinary people like me coming here to seek death?"

"My wives just got pregnant! Damn... I didn't expect to be called here! I don't even know if I can live to see my son being born.……"

The wolf team cursed and looked very annoyed.

"Wow...! Team Wolf, you are so lucky to have so many wives?"

Team Bull smiled and praised

"No, Brother Wolf is licking... ahem, I am still good at chasing girls, as long as I chase enough girls! Rejecting those girls I don't like, doesn't it mean that I like girls I can get along with?"

The Wolf Team raised his head proudly, smiled proudly and said

"OK, OK, OK... forget about my experience in chasing girls. Damn, they are going to launch a torpedo!"


The eyes of the Bull Team were filled with solemnity, and then he turned to look at the Wolf Team and said,"Don't die! Wolf Team!"

In front of the two of them were the six Super S-Class beings!

Yan Li held a sword in both hands, standing at the forefront of the Super S-Class, his eyes full of coldness and arrogance looking at the coast ahead

"Is that Yan Li from the Yan family?"

"How arrogant! Standing at the front of all the super S-class?"

A man in a noble suit with big gold teeth in his mouth said.

However, this man's hair was almost gone.

As he spoke, he grinned.

Several green vines as thick as steel bars, one meter wide, grew out of the ground around him!

This level... can't be compared with ordinary vine ability users at all!!!

However, Erli just turned his head slightly.


The sword light flashed!

A majestic sword aura spread throughout the venue like a gust of cold wind!

In an instant... the several vines as thick as steel bars turned into powder!

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