The tail of the black tentacle was like a sharp mouth, inserted into the Auror's brain, as if it was constantly absorbing nutrients from the Auror's body.

As it continued to devour the Auror's body, the Auror's body gradually shrank, while the tentacle continued to grow larger!

Things happened so fast that the people around didn't even react!

""This... this is a parasite!"

Wang Zha shouted hurriedly.


He quickly controlled several vines to surround the parasite!


Wang Zha turned his head to look at the eight-meter-tall black mecha and shouted,"Liu Xie! Use lasers! Blast it to pieces for me!!!"

The black mecha had already flown into the air, and Liu Xie's voice came out of it.

"I know without you telling me!"

The bead in the center of the mechanical breastplate suddenly flashed red!


A red laser burst out from it!

This laser has extremely strong penetrating power, and it penetrated the vines in an instant!

And penetrated the violently growing black tentacles in it, and then began to cut!

A strong smell of burning also spread all around.

"Oh my god, it smells so good? Can I eat this thing?"

The smell really made Lian Ye a little greedy, and he couldn't help smacking his lips.

"Idiot, this is contaminated by"superpower mutated wastewater"! You still eat it? Do you want to die?"

"Or do you want to be mutated too?"

The cursing voice of Liu Xie came from the mecha in the sky.

"Ah... I'm just saying it casually……"

Lian Ye immediately pretended to be dumbfounded, and then laughed,"How could I not... not……"

His tone suddenly froze, and a huge shadow covered him.

A bad premonition came over him, and he saw the huge tentacle in the sky smashing down directly!

The black tentacles were so huge that everyone gasped for air!


The eight-meter-tall black mecha pressed against the huge tentacle, and the jets under its feet burst out with full force.

"Drink ah ah ah——!"

Liu Xie in the mecha felt this unprecedented pressure and used all his strength to push it up.

But it was still not enough. This force made the mecha retreat step by step!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mecha was constantly pressed to the ground by this force.

"Damn it! Ahhhhhh——"

Liu Xie shouted angrily.

The transparent bead on his chest turned red again!


The red laser suddenly shot towards the tentacle on his head!

"Gurgle Gurgle——!!!"

As if feeling pain, the Kraken screamed.

But upon closer inspection, the damage caused by the laser to the Kraken was similar to being pricked by a needle.

The Kraken's skin was only slightly sunken, but... the energy of the laser was almost exhausted!

"Bastard! How can this guy be so strong!"

Even if Liu Xie used all his strength, it was still a one-sided situation!

""The vines are coming out!"

Wang Zha shouted from behind!

Dozens of two-meter-thick green vines burst out from the ground and pushed towards the huge tentacle above!


"Damn it! Give me a push!——!!!"

Liu Xie shouted.

Looking from a distance, he found that the black mecha controlled by Liu Xie seemed to be overloaded, and jets were erupting from the elbows of the mecha!

But... the black mecha was still pushed back by the huge tentacles!

Even these two-meter-wide green vines were constantly twisted and pressed down by it!

After all, the black tentacle was more than ten meters wide!

""Ten thunder balls!"

Lian Ye raised his hands, and ten thunder balls flew into the sky, surrounding the tentacle that was more than ten meters thick. Then his eyes condensed, and he continued,"Link - ten links!" Zizi...


The Kraken screamed loudly, as if it was furious at Lian Ye's attack!


Another huge tentacle rose up from the sea!


"Damn, the second tentacle is coming——!!!"

Lian Ye was so shocked when he saw this scene.

But... now three of the four surviving Super S-class were fighting against the first tentacle, so there was no way they had any spare time to fight against the second one!

""Shit! I'm not going to die here, am I?"

Wang Zha shouted.

He looked extremely terrified, as if he would die here today!

But at this moment, a lone figure came from the side.

This person was Yan Li.

His face was calm and composed.

He had already drawn the sword in his right hand, and looking at the two tentacles in front of him that were more than ten meters thick, he just opened his lips and said softly:


As the words fell, he had already swung the sword without anyone noticing!


, a golden sword energy several dozen meters long appeared out of thin air!


The golden sword energy cut through the air at an extremely fast speed and flew towards the two tentacles!


A huge sound rang out, and the two black tentacles broke off, with very neat cuts.

The tentacles that were about to swing towards the three people broke off directly!


The tentacles smashed into the ground, shaking the entire ground.

""Shit! What's going on!"

Liu Xie felt relieved instantly.

He looked around and found that the huge black tentacle on his head had been cut off!

"Broken... Broken? What happened?!"

This scene made Wang Zha a little dumbfounded. He turned his head quickly and saw Yan Li with his sword drawn.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

"Is it... is it that man?"

Lian Ye's words seemed to tremble a little, and then a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said,"As expected of a man who has practiced both heaven and martial arts... He is obviously only S-level, but this power has even surpassed our general super S-level!" Hearing this, Wang Zha also turned his head and looked at Lian Ye.

"That won't work... That man has already reached that level!"

Wang Zha asked nervously.

"That realm naturally refers to the realm above Super S level!

That is the realm that everyone wants to step into!

"No... I think it's not so easy to enter that realm... even for geniuses."

Lian Ye shook his head, and then continued,"Even if it's earlier... we have to wait until the gate to the fairyland is fully opened... and the spiritual energy is fully revived before this is possible."

Liu Xie on the side also threw the first broken tentacle that he was holding in both hands to the ground, and was greeted by a loud bang and the shaking of the ground!

Then he looked at Yan Li not far away, and then whispered,"It's so scary that he can easily cut off the tentacles of a seventh-level alien beast.……"

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