"You... are a little weird."

Elder Ye frowned and looked at Gojo Satoru, his face feeling a little strange.

Because even he couldn't sense this person's cultivation.

Generally speaking, if you can't sense the other person's cultivation, there are only two possibilities.

First, the other person has no cultivation...

But judging from the current situation, it is basically unlikely.

Second, the other person's cultivation is higher than yours!

But this is the mortal world!

How could there be such a thing!

This idea... Elder Ye really couldn't accept it.

"Hehe, good afternoon, everyone~"

Chen Tianyu squinted his eyes and smiled at the people in front of him, then turned to look at Yan Yu and said,"Little brother Yan Yu, you are really down and out~"

"It seems that you still need to continue practicing~"

He finished speaking.

Yan Yu was also slightly startled, and then hurriedly said:"Mr. Gojo Satoru, be careful……"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

The great elder of the night had appeared in front of Chen Tianyu, holding a hand knife, and slashed at him.


The hand and the air made an explosion, and when it was about to touch"Gojo Satoru"...

At this moment, everyone was watching this scene!

Zi Yun, who had retreated, smiled inadvertently, and then said:"In front of a cultivator in the Qigong period, a guy like you... is simply useless.……"

She was stuck in the middle of her words.

Not only her, but also the two people behind her who had not paid attention to her at first, suddenly widened their eyes.

"What's going on?"

The long-haired boy with a ponytail was startled, then frowned.

"Hey...are you kidding?"

"Blocked... Blocked?!"

The other boy with dark circles under his eyes was also confused. He rubbed his eyes as if he hadn't woken up yet, feeling very strange.


"Are you really that shocked?"

Chen Tianyu asked casually.

When the great elder saw his calm appearance, he suddenly became angry!


A huge force attacked Chen Tianyu from his hand, but the hand just kept moving forward slowly.

After a few seconds……


Chen Tianyu yawned lazily.

This attack did not pose any threat to him at all, and even made him feel a little bored.

"Immortal cultivator...?"

"So weak~"

He took off his glasses with one hand, and pointed his other finger directly at the Night Elder in front of him.


Chen Tianyu said lightly, his mouth curled up.

A red light flashed.

Elder Ye was unable to avoid it, his eyes widened.

"This is……"

Then, he felt a violent impact!


After a loud noise, he was knocked out in an instant!

"Damn... this impact……"

Elder Ye was a little surprised.

But this kind of impact didn't seem to cause much damage to him.

"Yo, that's good"

"You are indeed an immortal~"

Chen Tianyu said with a smile

"Humph... Immortal?"

Elder Ye grinned, and then continued,"Immortal is just a name you call it in the mortal world, and we are just"immortal cultivators""

"It's still a long way to go to"become an immortal."

Chen Tianyu stroked his chin and suddenly remembered the immortal cultivation novels he had read in his previous life.

There was also the description of the peak of the Qi Refining Stage in"The Record of the Blood Immortal".

"Cultivating immortals, it seems to be about the golden elixir, the primordial infant, etc.? By the way... can a thing like you that eats people become immortal?"

"Oh my, this world is really full of wonders~"

Chen Tianyu couldn't help but sigh.

But these words surprised the people on the opposite side!


"You actually know about the Golden Core Yuanying! ?"

"Impossible, how do mortals know about this kind of thing?"

The great elder Ye frowned immediately and started to ask.

After all, generally speaking... it should be impossible for them to know.

Even if they knew that they ate people, it might be that the younger generations of the Ye family were discovered. But even if it was the younger generations of the Ye family, he had only told them about the Qi Refining Stage, the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Bigu Stage.

Logically speaking, there is no way they could know about the higher stages of the Golden Core and the Nascent Soul.

Then where did the man in front of him get his information from!?

At this time, the great elder Ye was really confused, and looked at"Gojo Wu" with confusion."

"Golden elixir? Yuanying?"

Yan Yu murmured at this time, and then looked at"Gojo Satoru" in confusion, his eyes full of confusion.

"Hmm? Is this kind of thing so secretive?"

Chen Tianyu also raised his eyebrows.

He just said it casually. After all, he read a lot of immortal novels in his previous life.

"Well, I just know it."

"By the way, do you know Suzaku?"

Chen Tianyu suddenly asked again.

At this time, Yan Yu was also confused, not understanding why"Gojo Satoru" suddenly mentioned this.

"Suzaku!? The mythical beast… Suzaku, one of the Four Spirits!"

"You... Impossible, how could a mortal know such a thing!"

Elder Ye swallowed his saliva.

His eyes gradually changed from the original confidence to confusion and panic.

Because of the existence of the divine beast, even their entire alien race can only pay homage when they see it!

If they are not careful, they will be killed in an instant!

"Well~ I met that guy's clone a few days ago and beat him up"

"That little turkey was so angry that he asked me to go to the upper realm to find him and wanted to PK with me. What do you think?"

Chen Tianyu grinned and asked

"Looking for...Looking for Suzaku-sama……PK!?"

Elder Ye was shocked and asked,"You kid, are you going to die?"

"Lord Suzaku is a true immortal beast! His power should not be underestimated!"

"Just you? You want to compete with Lord Suzaku?"

"Boy...you have to know that the clone and the original body are completely different concepts!"

"If you go to the upper realm, you don't know how you will die!"

Elder Ye said in a serious tone, but his eyes showed a little more respect for Chen Tianyu.

After all, just these words were something that almost no one dared to say.


Chen Tianyu grinned and laughed,"Hahahahaha——!"

"Do you think I'm going to die!?"

"Hey, you idiots... How can you make a conclusion without knowing the other party's true strength?"

As he said this, he disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked!

Even the eyes of the Ye elder could not catch a glimpse of this speed!

"This is——"

"Space teleportation! ?"

Elder Ye exclaimed.

Then he looked around

"Elder Ye!"

""Be careful behind!"

The two young men behind shouted suddenly.

Elder Ye seemed to have sensed something.


His body quickly jumped to the side!

Chen Tianyu turned his head to look at him, and then continued:"Wow, not bad!"

"The reaction was quite fast. If it was a little slower... you would be dead."

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