After a long time. At the top of

Luomu Snow Peak

, in front of the Apocalypse Military Base.

White snowflakes were falling around, as light as angel feathers.

They danced and intertwined, covering the whole world with a layer of white gauze.

A white-haired man was standing at the top of the mountain with a girl tucked between his waist.

"Is this the entrance to the fairyland?"

"Luomu Snow Mountain is really high~"

Chen Tianyu looked up.

In front of the gate of the military base, there were four soldiers standing on both sides, obviously guarding

""Hey, hey! Bastard, put me down!"

Ziyun, who was tightly clamped by"Infinity" around Chen Tianyu's waist, began to yell.

She didn't know why, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't escape, and no matter how she hit Chen Tianyu, it didn't work.

"Oh, it's so noisy~"

"I'll need you to show me the way later~"

Chen Tianyu scratched his ears speechlessly, and then walked straight towards the military base in front.

This military base is different from the military area he had seen before. It can be said that... it is more massive and spectacular.

Sand, sand, sand...

He stepped on the snow step by step, leaving a long trail of footprints behind him, and kept approaching the military area.

At this time, the guards of the military area seemed to have seen Chen Tianyu's figure

""Who is coming?"

One of the soldiers shouted.

Facing Chen Tianyu in front of them, everyone became alert.


Chen Tianyu greeted the four people

"This man……"

One of the soldiers frowned.

He seemed to have some impression, but suddenly he couldn't remember it.

A soldier immediately stepped forward and stopped Chen Tianyu.

"Front Military Area...……"

He was halfway through his speech.

Suddenly his eyes widened and he looked at the girl on Chen Tianyu's waist.

"This is! A guy from the fairyland!"

He immediately raised the rifle in his hand and pointed it at the girl

"Who are you?"

The soldier opened his mouth quickly.

The four soldiers around him heard the sound and quickly raised their guns, pointing the black muzzles at Chen Tianyu.

But Chen Tianyu slowly opened his lips and said:

""Gojo Satoru."

His words fell.

One of the soldiers' eyes lit up.

"Gojo Satoru! Is that the Gojo Satoru from Zhejiang Hai?"

"Put down your guns!"

The soldier opened his mouth quickly, and then his face became happy, and he walked forward and exclaimed,"Did you solve this immortal?"

Seeing this, Chen Tianyu nodded slightly.

"Bastard! Let me go, I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing Chen Tianyu's indifferent expression, Zi Yun felt unhappy and started to shout

"Shut up."

Chen Tianyu frowned.

He put his arm around her waist and pinched Ziyun's throat.

Ziyun couldn't make a sound.

"I want to go to the fairyland, can you arrange it?"

Chen Tianyu looked at the soldiers and said bluntly.

Hearing this,

Ziyun also frowned.

Is this man really going to the fairyland? Does he really understand what he is doing!

Aliens... are one of the most powerful immortal cultivation races!

"Fairyland...Are you sure?" the soldier asked hurriedly.

"Otherwise, what am I here for?"

"Anyway... can you go? Give me an answer."

Chen Tianyu did not hesitate and asked directly.

The four soldiers looked left and right, but they could not be sure. After all, they did not have the power to do so.

"We will inform the base commander, please wait a moment."

The soldier looked at Chen Tianyu with a serious expression.

"" Okay."

Chen Tianyu nodded naturally and did not refuse. The man trotted and pushed open the small door next to the base and went in quickly. The small door was a personnel passage. Generally, the big door was used by the material transport vehicles and was usually not opened.

"Please wait a moment."

Another soldier also said to Chen Tianyu


Chen Tianyu felt a little troubled.

But this place is now guarded by the military base, and the rules still have to be followed by the military base.


After a while

, a man wearing a military-style cotton jacket came out.

When he saw the girl on Gojo Satoru's waist, he was even more surprised.

"Are you...the recently famous Gojo Satoru?"

"I didn't expect to subdue this fairy girl.……"

"It's really amazing."

The man in military uniform shook his head in surprise, looking as if he couldn't believe it.

After all, the person under his elbow was an immortal!

"Well... after all, I need someone to know the way to the fairyland."

"By the way, I heard that I wanted to tell you before I go to the fairyland?"

"Now you know, I'll leave first."

Chen Tianyu said, and walked slowly inside.

"What! Go to the Xiantian Realm!"

"Mr. Gojo Satoru, you are kidding me!"

The man in military uniform quickly walked up to Chen Tianyu and said,"Wait a minute, the guy inside is……"

Chen Tianyu frowned as he watched the man in front of him start to talk nonsense to the Immortal Realm.

Without saying anything, he interrupted him.

"Shut up!"

Chen Tianyu scolded, and then continued,"I was just notifying you, and you really told me."

He said with a very unhappy look on his face.

"This... I know your strength, but the fairy world is really……"

He tried to persuade Chen Tianyu earnestly.

But... Chen Tianyu was already a little impatient.

You're really slowing down my progress!


Chen Tianyu left these two words and disappeared in an instant.


"Commander Wang, why is he missing?……"

The soldier was also confused. The man called Commander Wang was the one wearing the military uniform.

"how could I know?"

"Should... have left?"

Commander Wang was a little confused.

But then... a voice came from inside the base!


"Who dares to trespass into the Apocalypse Military Base!"


Hearing this chaotic sound,

Commander Wang felt something was wrong.

"Oh no! Get in!"


Apocalypse Military Base.

Everyone inside was frozen in place.

"This is……"

Ziyun watched this scene.

But she knew very well in her heart, isn't this the ability that dealt with her before?

The body couldn't move, and could only wait to die.

But Chen Tianyu would naturally not kill these soldiers, after all, they were Chinese soldiers.

He looked at the open gate on the high platform in the center of the base and the dilapidated surroundings.

Obviously, a big battle had taken place before.

If it was not unexpected, those super S-class were fighting against them here.

According to the level differentiation, the opponent is a terrifying existence of the level not recorded in China now. Even the super S-class can only be killed instantly.


Chen Tianyu said bluntly.

But at this moment, Commander Wang from behind also ran in quickly.

"Damn it! What's going on!"


Commander Wang ran in with four soldiers.

"Wow, that’s pretty neat!"

"But... it's still a step too late~"

Chen Tianyu disappeared in an instant.

The next second, he appeared in front of the gate of the fairyland!


He took a big step and stepped directly in.

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