"Damn it——!"

"Ding... Ding go!"

King Ding picked up his furnace tripod.


In an instant, he headed towards the meteorite above!

The speed was extremely fast!

"Thunder Force——!"


Thunder King also used up all his strength and suddenly exploded towards the meteorite in the sky.

However, the two people's attacks, facing the huge meteorite in the sky... could only hold the meteorite for a moment!

Then, the meteorite fell again.


The only two people left suddenly burst out with terrifying power.

They used all their strength to block the meteorite!

Seeing this, King Diao gritted his teeth!

"Is that the only way to do it?……"

He glanced at Chen Tianyu beside him, and finally couldn't help but curse:

"Damn it!"

""Today, I will use my body as an eagle to break this meteorite!"

The Eagle King said, and his whole body began to grow larger.

But even if he became the largest, he would only be about one-third of the meteorite.

But they have to defend the King City!

If this meteorite falls, the people of the King City will be in trouble!

This meteorite is almost half the size of the entire King City!

You can see how terrifying it is.

Only Chen Tianyu can be so light-hearted here.

At this time, all the people under the King's Majesty were terrified...

But what do these guys have to do with Chen Tianyu?

Chen Tianyu looked at the three Kings who were fighting hard and trying their best to block the meteorite.

He grinned and laughed.

I never thought... the so-called fusion stage strongman would have such a hard time resisting a meteorite.

He shook his head slightly.

"Everyone, how are you going to take the second one?"

Chen Tianyu looked at the three people and crossed his arms.


The second meteorite penetrated the clouds and fell down!


There was a loud bang.

The meteorite hit the previous one!

The three kings suddenly felt a huge pressure, and this terrifying pressure made the three roll their eyes.


The three of them shouted suddenly.

They tried their best to resist the pressure.

However, under this huge impact... they couldn't hold on for long.


The huge meteorite finally fell down.

The surrounding ground shook violently!


At this time, on a nearby hillside,

Chen Tianyu's wooden clone and Zi Yun were watching this scene.

Zi Yun's eyes were still a little dazed, not understanding what was going on.

At this time, a huge hole had been smashed into the Tianwang City by two meteorites, and the two meteorites stood in the center of the city.

Countless humans died.

"You... what on earth did you do?"

Zi Yun looked at the wooden clone beside her in confusion.

The wooden clone looked exactly like Uchiha Madara.

"As an alien race... you won't feel sad when you see the destruction of human cities, right?"

The clone looked at Ziyun and said with interest.


"How do you know I'm a foreigner?"

"And! You also know how Gojo Satoru suddenly disappeared, right! ?"

Zi Yun opened her mouth with gritted teeth.

Although she was very nervous, she had to ask... where did that man go.

The clone touched his chin and thought for a while.

His face was heavy, and he looked at Zi Yun with his eyes, and said:"He... went back"

"Next, you follow me... and take me to the ladder in the Northern Snowfield."


She was a little confused

"No...Who are you?!"

"What's going on when we go back?!"

"And... how did you know I was going to the ladder to the Northern Snowfield?"

Zi Yun asked hurriedly.

She looked at the clone in front of her, her head was dizzy and she was very confused. A sound of footsteps came. At this time, it was the real"Uchiha Madara" who came.

"We come from... China's"Slayer Division", and now... Gojo Satoru has been recalled"

"Now I will replace Gojo Satoru and go to the ladder"

"Is there any problem?"

Chen Tianyu asked without hesitation.

His face was full of indifference.

"What……!?「Immortal Killing Division」!"

"You are actually members of the Immortal Killing Division!"

Zi Yun was surprised.

Although she had never seen the Immortal Killing Division in person before, she had heard rumors about it!

It was rumored that five thousand years ago... it was more than a hundred people from the Immortal Killing Division who sealed more than five thousand seals!

That’s why the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect could not enter the mortal world.

Although they, the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, could break it, it was too troublesome.

And at that time, the strength of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect was not much different from that of the mortals.

So the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect at that time did not try to break the seal, but focused on practicing hard.

As a member of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, she knew quite a lot about the Immortal Killing Division.

Zi Yun looked at Chen Tianyu and asked seriously,"Who is the leader of your Immortal Killing Division now?"

"The gate to the fairyland is closed... You can't overuse spiritual energy anymore, the King Xia should have died long ago!"

"And you...how can you possess such a powerful force?"

Chen Tianyu looked at Zi Yun who seemed to have many questions, but did not say much.

"Why should I tell you this?"

He said so.

After all, there was no need to tell him about the identity he had created.

As for whether there was a Immortal Killing Division now... it should be considered that there was none.

Chen Tianyu also suddenly became interested, and then said that he was from the Immortal Killing Division.

After all... his own goal was undoubtedly the Immortal Killing Division.

The most important thing!

He... couldn't use the resurrection skill now!

However... after the battle just now, Uchiha Madara's progress easily passed the first stage.

It has reached more than 100% progress.

But the second progress is indeed a bit difficult.


"You are as annoying as that Gojo Satoru!"

Ziyun said angrily.


Uchiha Madara snorted lightly, and then said,"Stop talking nonsense and take me to the upper realm."

Ziyun curled her lips


But for some reason

, when she heard that Gojo Satoru was fine, she felt a little relieved.

"Then continue walking north with me."

She said, and once again looked at the dilapidated Tianwang City, and then said,"But... aren't you humans?"

"Don't you feel guilty about killing someone?"

She suddenly felt confused.

Chen Tianyu followed slowly and continued,"The strong prey on the weak, and the strong are respected."

"This is the truth that has existed since ancient times."

"Besides, these guys are not Daxia people... Why should I feel guilty for them?"

Zi Yun's eyes twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but say:

"You are even more ruthless than that Gojo Satoru……"

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