Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 148: Sophisticated! 【I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year! 】

When Gao Shen and Su Qing got out of the taxi, took out their suitcases, and appeared at the intersection of the community in Sunshine, everyone around was stunned and a little caught off guard.

Gao Shen is back! Su Qing is also back!

These are the two major celebrities in the community, especially Gao Shen. Recently, even provincial and national newspapers have come to the community to interview and report. I heard that they have won two championships abroad, which amazes those foreigners. Praise for the people.

"Gao Shen, come back!" Someone shouted at the intersection.

"Yes, third uncle, just got off the plane."

"Hey, Gao Shen, you are very promising now, why didn't you make a phone call in advance when you came back?"

"Uncle Liu, don't make fun of me, what's my future?"

"Gao Shen, I have always said that you will be the most promising in our community. When I was young, I gave you smart candy, didn't I?"

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"Yes, yes, Uncle Zhang, the candy in your store is still delicious."

Gao Shen and Su Qing pulled the suitcases, greeted people all the way, and walked into the sunshine.

Going back to his familiar hometown, Gao Shen also felt a lot of emotion.

He hasn't come back for three years.

"Gao Shen? It's really you! My God, I'm a Real Madrid fan, can you sign me?"

A young man who heard the news rushed in front of Gao Shen in a hurry, shouting inexplicably excitedly.

Gao Shen didn't recognize whose child he was, but nodded in agreement and signed a name for him.

"I told our classmates a long time ago that Gao Shen is a neighbor of our community, and they all don't believe it. Now that I'm done, I'll show them this signature and make them envious!"

Before leaving, the young man didn't forget to look back and say goodbye to Gao Shen, "Gao Shen, I'm on the school football team, I'll definitely play hard and go to the Europa League in the future. Like you, I'll learn from you!"

Gao Shen looked at the young man who was running farther and farther, probably a junior high school student, but he was quite tall and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

He wanted to persuade him to study hard, but everyone had already run away.

"Do you think I set a wrong example?" Gao Shen asked Xiang Su Qing with a wry smile.

Su Qing knew what Gao Shen meant, shook her head and said, "No, everyone has their own way to go. You are just walking what you want to go. What others think has nothing to do with you."

Gao Shen turned her head and smiled at Su Qing, but she lived a transparent life.


Whether it was Gao Jianguo, Zhang Wenying and his wife, or Su Zhijun and Lin Xiuhui and his wife, they had already received a call, knowing that the two children were going to fly back today, and they were all waiting in the courtyard of Gao Shen's house.

There were also some relatives and neighbors of the Gao family with them. Everyone waited while drinking tea and chatting, and the time did not pass slowly.

Until the convenience store at the intersection of the community called and knew that he was back, he immediately greeted him.

As soon as they arrived at the intersection, they happened to see Gao Shen and Su Qing pulling their suitcases over.

Su Qing is actually fine. She will go home during winter and summer vacations, but Gao Shen has not been home for three years.

Seeing his parents from a distance, he was quite timid.

He is still somewhat uneasy, after all, he is not really advanced.

But when he saw the familiar parents, the whole person became excited.

Isn't this also his parents in his previous life?

"Dad, Mom." After Gao Shen approached, he shouted excitedly, took three steps and two steps, stepped forward, hugged his parents hard, and his voice was choked.

"Just come back, just come back."

The father was better, the mother cried immediately, opened her eyes with tears, and looked at him carefully.

"I've lost weight, I must have suffered a lot outside." After speaking, the mother was so choked up that she was speechless.

"It's fine, it's fine." Gao Shen said with a smile.

But the more he said that, the more his mother felt that he was saying nice things to comfort her. How could she believe it?

"Okay, Lao Gao, the child has just returned, be happy, go home first and then talk slowly." Su Zhijun was also happy when his daughter came back, and helped persuade him.

"Yes, Sister Wenying, let's go home first." After speaking, Lin Xiuhui stepped forward and pulled Zhang Wenying's arm to persuade.

"Yes, happy, should be happy, go home first."

A group of people rushed to the Gao's yard noisily.

Gao Shen's parents are actually honest migrant workers. Although there are some relatives in daily life, they are rarely as lively as today, so they don't know what to do.

On the other hand, Su Zhijun, a businessman with a lot of knowledge and knowledge, was not timid in such a scene. Just like in his own home, he greeted the cousins ​​and neighbors of the Gao family, and no one thought it was strange.

There are some old neighbors in the sun for many years, such a thing is normal.

Su Zhijun is a die-hard fan. After sitting down, making tea, and entertaining the crowd, the first thing he did was to ask Gao Shen for an autograph and a photo. He also said that he should put this photo on his desk.

"Haha, I can proudly tell everyone in the future that the coach of Real Madrid's double crown is my nephew."

Everyone also praised it one after another, and many people followed suit and rushed to take photos and autographs, and they were even more fanatical than Real Madrid fans.

Those present were all uncles and uncles, and some were even grandfathers, and Gao Shen was naturally happy to meet their demands.

Afterwards, everyone pulled Gao Shen and talked about his coaching of Real Madrid in Spain.

Although most of them have seen the high-level reports from newspapers and TV, they are far from the truth that he said in person.

Gao Shen also briefly said that the reality is more complicated and severe, but even so, it still makes everyone present stunned, because they have never experienced such ups and downs in life.

When talking about Gao Shen's return to China and living in the capital for a few days, everyone also asked about the capital curiously.

Except for Su Zhijun who sent Su Qing to school and went to the capital, the others have never been out of the province at all.

About the story of the capital, everyone heard a new one, but it was a word that Gao Shen inadvertently missed, which surprised everyone. He said that he bought a suite in the capital.

Throughout the ages, no matter when, the common people are most concerned about what they can experience.

Buying a home is a big deal at any time.

"It's not one set, it's two sets." Su Qing lightly corrected her eloquence.

The crowd was even more surprised.

Bought two apartments in one go?

Su Zhijun looked at his precious daughter who was sitting beside him and asked, "How much is the house price in the capital now?"

"In the core area of ​​​​the city center, it is seven or eight thousand cheaper, and more than ten thousand." Su Qing said here, paused and added: "He bought a large duplex with more than ten thousand, and later I bought a large flat with a market price of about 8,000 near the school, and the large flat was said to be rented to me for free after renovation."

This time even Su Zhijun was surprised.

In this way, it is certain that there are not a few million that cannot be won.

"Is the mortgage loan good now?" Su Zhijun asked with concern.

Listening to his tone, he really wanted to buy a set for his daughter and use it as a dowry in the future.

"I don't know, he is the full payment." Su Qing replied lightly.

Everyone was stunned.

Full payment! ! !

In one breath, take out a few million to buy a house, how rich is this?

In 2006, for ordinary people in third-tier cities with a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, what you told them about the Champions League or La Liga was useless. They would think that this was a story, and it was too far away from them. .

Even if they saw the greatness of the great since childhood, they would at best exaggerate.

But money and house are different.

Taking out several million in cash in one go and buying two apartments in the capital with the full amount is simply outrageous.

Let alone the sunshine, how many people can do it when looking at the whole city?

This is really shocking for them!

They don't know what housing prices go up and down, and they don't know anything else, but they only know one thing.



Gao Shen understood why Su Qing told his family and friends about his purchase of a house.

Because in the past few years, their family has been looked down upon by many people in the community.

The fact that Gao Shen went to study in Europe has always been laughed at. Everyone thinks that he doesn't want to put on a good future and go to learn some football. This is a playful game, which indirectly causes his parents to be looked down upon and looked down upon. .

This is how life in the community is. It is said that they are cousins ​​and neighbors, but in fact, they are not necessarily harmonious.

Su Qing said this to make their family proud, and in the future, advanced parents can also straighten their backs.

The reality is like this, the Gao family is rich!

Su Zhijun is one of the few. He has been friends with the Gao family for many years. He runs several supermarket chains in the city. His business is not bad. He is one of the richest people in the community. Buying a house is really difficult for him.

But when everyone left, he repeatedly demanded that he must collect Su Qing's rent. This is called a brother, and it is clear.

Gao Shen just did not answer.

For his second home in the capital, he chose a two- or three-year-old new community near Suqing University. The developers and properties are very good, and the school district and supporting facilities are also extremely complete. There is a subway station more than 300 meters away. , According to Su Qing, this subway station is a transfer station, and there is a line under construction, which is also expected to open before the Olympics.

Perhaps the landlord is eager to sell, or Su Qing has great bargaining power. The final transaction price of this house with a market price of more than 8,000 is in the early 7,000s. It is a large flat floor of more than 150 square meters. Millions of dollars, but the full amount is required.

"Uncle Su, I'll talk about these things later." Gao Shen didn't plan to continue on this topic, "You know our city well, tell me, what is the most expensive house price here? Where is the right place to buy it? "

"Does that need to be said? Of course, it is the core area of ​​the city center. The current housing price is close to 4,000, but the units are all large, and the smallest is 130 square meters." Su Zhijun obviously had a special understanding.

After a pause, he asked again, "Are you planning to flip the house?"

Gao Shen smiled awkwardly, he really didn't plan to speculate, because for him, investment is more profitable than speculating.

"My parents have always wanted to buy them. I plan to buy two sets for them to live in."

Su Zhijun's eyes lit up, "That's good, I'm also looking at the house, let's find time to go together these two days."

Where would Gao Shen refuse?



When Gao Shen was busy buying a house for his parents in China, his name was also mentioned by more clubs in distant European football.

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