Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 157: I mess with you!

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This time Capello coached Real Madrid, although he brought his own coaching team, but there was no goalkeeper coach.

The main reason is that at this stage Casillas' status is unbreakable.

Everyone knows that Raul has been criticized in recent years, mainly because of his unsatisfactory performance, but Casillas is in the red, is the darling of Real Madrid fans, management and the media, and is the natural successor after Raul. , who dares to provoke?

In fact, sometimes, Gao Shen really finds it very interesting.

At that time, the media and fans scolded Sanchis and supported Hierro. Later, when Hierro got old, they began to scold Hierro and support Raul.

Now, they start scolding Raul, supporting Casillas, and in a few years, Casillas will be scolded, supporting Ramos, and in a few years, Ramos will be scolding, and then, it seems there will be no one...

But no matter what happens in the future, Casillas' status is unshakable at this stage.

Pedro Haro worked well with Casillas, and Capello didn't dare to move.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Pedro Haro to give up the position of Real Madrid goalkeeper coach and run with Gao Shen to coach the newly-promoted Serie B.

Thinking about it this way, Pedro Haro is really inappropriate.

"What do you think of Luis Lopis of the U17 youth team?" Gao Shen asked.

Carlo and Lucaston both shine, this guy is also a talent.

Antonio Adan, Felipe Ramos, Thomas Messias and Chico Casilla are all excellent goalkeepers he has developed, and he is indeed very good at sculpting goalkeepers.

The point is, Luis Lopis is now forty-three years old, about the same as Pedro Haro, but has struggled with Real Madrid's youth team so far and never got the chance.

If Gao Shen remembers correctly, he went to many teams later, but when Zidane coached Real Madrid, he invited him back. He was a major contributor to Real Madrid's three consecutive Champions League championships. When Zidane entered the palace for the second time, Even forcibly poached him back from Real Sociedad.

Among them, he cultivated Kepa at Athletic Bilbao.

As the world's top giants, Real Madrid's Valdebebas is full of talents.

When Gao Shen was in charge of the first team before, the time was very short and he was very nervous, so he didn't have the opportunity to say hello to these great people. are quite familiar.

"If you say that, I think Luis Lopis is more suitable than Pedro Haro." Carlo nodded.

After listening to it deeply, I also secretly ticked Luis Lopis in my heart.

Pedro Haro is also a talent, but at this stage, Gao Shen is still unable to tap him. Fortunately, Luis Lopis has a higher development potential in the future.


After the goalkeeper coach was settled, Gao Shen explained his requirements for the technical coach.

Sophisticated football concepts are still somewhat influenced by Barcelona's ball-handling tactics, which is actually quite normal.

By 2021, which team in the world doesn't take possession of the ball seriously?

For the technical coach, Gao Shen has a candidate in his heart, which is still from FM Football Manager, and there is a data emperor, Rudolf Borrell.

In Football Manager, Rudolf Borrell is very good at training players' technique, ball control and attacking ability, especially for young players. He is also very good at judging players' ability and potential.

Every time when Gao Shen played Football Manager in his previous life, he would try his best to dig up this data emperor. Naturally, he is also familiar with the resume of Rudolf Borrell. He is still coaching in the Barcelona youth team. Although he has trained Messi, Players like Cesc Fabregas and Pique, but haven't really made a name for themselves.

What's even more interesting is that the now 35-year-old Rudolf Borrell has been doing youth training in Barcelona for ten years. He knows Barcelona's system of passing the ball and training methods well, but he is actually a Madrid native. .

As soon as Gao Shen mentioned his name, Carlo immediately knew who it was.

The professional coaching circle can be big or small. People like Rudolf Borrell, who have coached youth teams in giants for many years, naturally cannot be too unknown. On the contrary, they are all waiting for an opportunity.

The difference is that Rudolf Borrell's chance was in 2007 by Benitez, who was also from Real Madrid, to Liverpool for youth training. Now Gao Shen plans to dig him over and use him as an assistant.

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This is Guardiola's chief assistant coach when he coaches Manchester City in the future, and his ability is absolutely beyond doubt.

The key is, is he willing to give up his job as the head coach of the Barcelona youth team and join an advanced coaching team?

Gao Shen is not particularly sure, because reality is different from games.

In the game, as long as the salary is high enough, people can always be poached, but it is obviously not possible in reality.

A wealthy team like Barcelona can give coaches more than just the annual salary. On the contrary, the annual salary of the youth team coaches of the wealthy teams is often not high, but the resources, platforms and halo given are those of non-wealthy teams. cannot be given.

If Gao Shen is now coaching a team in the four major leagues, it is estimated that it will not be difficult to convince Rudolf Borrell. Even if he coaches Juventus, it is estimated that there is no problem, but if he coaches Naples, it may not be.

To put it bluntly, the risk is too great.

So this can only rely on Gao Shen to persuade the other party.


After delineating the candidates, Gao Shen also began to operate.

Carlo got a call from Rudolf Borrell through a relationship that night, and Gao Shen called directly.

It's a league break now, but Rodolfo Borrell doesn't live in Madrid, he lives in Barcelona.

Gao Shen's current reputation is very famous, but it is obviously unrealistic to convince a Barcelona youth team coach with a phone call, so Gao Shen did not express his intentions at once, but took the initiative to talk to him. To get closer, they said they would come to visit, and the two sides agreed on a time to meet.

The next day, Gao Shen went directly to visit Luis Lopis' home.

The contact with Luis Lopis was mostly during the internship of the second team, and the friendship was not deep, but after Gao Shen coached the Real Madrid first team, many deeds were widely circulated within Valdebebas, and many people had an impression of him They are all complex, with praise and criticism.

Coincidentally, Luis Lopis was very impressed with Gao.

After the two sides sat down, Gao Shen talked about how he was building a coaching team.

Although Gao Shen has not yet decided where to go, Luis Lopis is already very interested.

Because he is also forty-three years old, he doesn't want to be a goalkeeper coach for Real Madrid U17 team all the time, and he always wants to rush his career further, so he has been waiting for an opportunity.

And high-level recruitment is also a good opportunity.

From his coaching at Real Madrid, it is not difficult to see that he is a person who really wants to do things and can do things.

Luis Lopis was interested, and the two sides hit it off.

As for his contract with Real Madrid, Gao Shen said that he is not in a hurry for now. After he has determined the final destination, he will come forward to talk to Butragueno. I believe that the problem is not big, and the vulture will definitely give him this face.

Not to mention Butragueno, even Calderon and Mijatovic had to sell their face at this time.

Who let the family win the double crown for Real Madrid after a 50-year absence?


Lorenzo Buenaventura also arrived in Madrid from Sevilla after an agreement with Luis Lopis.

Gao Shen didn't hide anything from the former assistant, and told him his current situation directly.

On the phone before, Gao Shen’s more intentional team revealed was Juventus, but Gao Shen also frankly told Buenaventura that he would basically not choose the Bianconeri, and was more likely to go to Naples to create a team with Challenge the top three teams in the North and rush into the Champions League.

And all of this is almost starting from scratch.

This is a very difficult challenge, very difficult, but also very rewarding.

The more he achieves in Naples, the higher and more solid his position will be.

In the future, it will be impossible for anyone to question the advanced level of coaching and qualifications.

Buenaventura also knew this, so he did not hesitate, and directly stated that he was willing to follow Gao Shen.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a newly-promoted Serie B team, Juventus, or other teams in the five major leagues, anyway, I'm messing with you!"

A middle-aged man in his forties is somewhat embarrassed to say such words to a young man of twenty-five.

But surprisingly, Buenaventura said it very It is taken for granted.

Behind all this is his cooperation with Gao Shen at Real Madrid.

In those short three months, he was completely convinced of Gao Shen.

More importantly, Gao Shen also trusted him.

After negotiating Luis Lopis and Lorenzo Buenaventura, Carlo is basically a deep pocket, and now there is only one Rudolph Borrell left.

Just the day before Gao Shen was about to leave for Barcelona to meet Rudolf Borrell, Gao Shen received a call from Marino again and was invited to the hotel where they stayed.

After two days of deliberation, De Laurentiis and Marino both agreed with Gao Shen and decided to accept his request.

Gao Shen was also afraid of De Laurentiis, so he proposed to put the restriction clause in the contract. In the future, everything in the locker room would be handed over to Gao Shen, and De Laurentiis should not intervene.

"Of course, I understand your character. If you think that I'm not doing well, or something is not as good as you want, you can tell me face to face, or accuse me in the media, there is no problem. If it makes sense, I will Happy to accept it, but not in the dressing room."

This is the bottom line.

For De Laurentiis, this was indeed a difficult problem, but the Naples boss obviously figured it out and readily agreed.

What he needs most now is to make Napoli a strong team as soon as possible.

However, this unruly and full of all kinds of whimsical bosses from Naples actually proposed a very novel but very strange treatment clause to Gao Shen, which directly made Gao Shen unbelievable.

This is the first time I have seen such a contract.

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