Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 160: Naples renovation plan

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If you were to ask, what are the advantages of being a veteran player of FM Football Manager?

That must be a lot of scouting data for all kinds of Mavericks.

Gao Shen is no exception.

When he played FM Football Manager, the coolest part was poaching Mavericks, as well as poaching all kinds of great coaches. He had to pile up all the trainings before he stopped.

This has also trained him to know the data and resumes of various outstanding stars, and he is also very familiar with the great coaches.

For example Rudolf Borrell in front of him at this moment.

Gao Shen still clearly remembers that there was a team in Borrell's resume, the Greek Thessaloniki Hercules, whose job was assistant coach, and the head coach of this Greek team at that time was An An who also came from Barcelona's youth academy. Hull Peder LS.

That was in 2008.

In other words, Rudolf Borrell is not satisfied with his work in the Barcelona youth academy. He wants to make a breakthrough, but unfortunately, this trip to Greece only lasted until December 2008. Before the winter break, the two were dismissed from get out of class, so he returned to Barcelona to continue coaching the U16 youth team.

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Then it is familiar to everyone. In 2009, Benitez reorganized the Liverpool youth training, dig Rudolf Borrell to the Premier League Liverpool, and let him become the technical consultant of the Liverpool youth training.

This is also the reason why Gao Shen is willing to come to Barcelona.


"Rudolph, I believe you should have guessed my purpose."

Gao Shen looked at Borrell and smiled faintly.

Knowing lofty intentions and being willing to meet is a signal in itself.

"I'm dissatisfied, you said, I have found a team, I am forming a core coaching team, five people, four have been identified so far, you are the fifth I want to invite."

The chat was almost over, and Gao Shen also directly opened the skylight to speak eloquently.

"Juventus?" Borrell asked concerned.

After Gao Shen called him, he was also aware of Gao Shen's movements. The latest news is that Italian media broke the news that Gao Shen met Juventus general manager Blanco and sports director Seco in Madrid.

Therefore, the whole world believes that Gao Shen is likely to coach Juventus.

Gao Shen shook his head. He said that he had been in contact with Juventus, but the differences between the two sides were too great to reach an agreement.

"I'm going to coach Napoli."

"Naples?" Borrell was very surprised, frowning and thinking, "Isn't this team bankrupt?"

"Yes, it went bankrupt in 2004, was acquired and restructured by a man named De Laurentiis, and now it's back to Serie B."

As soon as he heard it was Serie B again, Borrell's brows furrowed even deeper.

Especially a newly promoted horse.

"Is this team reliable?" Borrell asked with concern.

There are too many problems for mid-stream and downstream teams, and there are even some cases of teams going bankrupt and unable to pay wages after winning the championship.

"I am responsible for the salary of the coaching staff." Gao Shen smiled lightly.

Borrell is a little relieved, because Gao Shen is at least a well-known figure in European football, and he will not fool around with the golden signboard that he has worked so hard for.

To put it bluntly, the weight of the double crown coach is far more valuable and more secure than Naples' past glory.

"The reason why I didn't go to Juventus this time and chose Naples is that I am eager to get more room to play, I want to build a team in my mind, and I am also at the management level of Naples. A military order has been issued before, and a strong Serie A team will be brought out in three years."

"Three years?" Borrell was shocked. "How is this possible?"

In three years, bring a newly-promoted Serie B team into a strong Serie A team?

Do you really think you're playing Football Manager?

Gao Shen smiled unconvincingly, "Look, you don't believe it. It was like this before and it is still like this now, but it doesn't matter, I will prove once again that the promise I made will definitely be fulfilled."

Hearing Gao Shen's extremely resolute tone, and thinking of Gao Shen's coaching of Real Madrid, Borrell had to re-examine this possibility.

After all, Real Madrid won the double last season, and Borrell also felt that shock in the Barcelona youth academy.

Rijkaard went mad at Sports City!

Wasn't this impossible in the beginning?

Even, is the impossibility created by Gao Shen at Real Madrid less?

"Why are you looking for me?" Borrell asked another important question.

Gao Shen didn't hide it, "I think that in the next few years, passing control will receive more and more attention, and now the number of teams playing pass control will gradually increase, and I believe that passing control elements will become more and more important. The more, so I have to adapt to this trend sooner.”

"Barcelona's passing system has its own uniqueness. You have been immersed here for many years. I believe that you will be able to help me in this regard. In addition, your ability to train players is also very strong, such as Messi."

"He has always been our team's little Maradona!" Borrell also smiled proudly when it came to Messi.

"I don't want to play in Serie A, or any other team with the kind of possession that Barcelona has, I will be more direct, faster and sharper, but a lot of things are similar, especially the one-kick pass, so I We need a great technical coach like you to train our players on technique and passing."

When Gao Shen said this, it was actually very obvious, and Borrell basically had no doubts.

He didn't dare to say other aspects, but as far as the points raised by Gao Shen, it was his best skill.

According to the positioning of the advanced coaching team, Carlo is the assistant coach, responsible for daily training and overall situation, Buenaventura is responsible for physical training, Borrell is responsible for technical training, Lopis is responsible for goalkeeper training, and Lucas is responsible for intelligence collection and game analysis.

It can be said that this is the real form.

And now, Borrell just nodded.

But the Barcelona youth training coach did not give a reply immediately, just said to consider it.

Gao Shen asked him to think slowly, but he could only wait a week at most.

"But I hope to get a positive answer from you."

A week to consider is enough.

More importantly, Gao Shen's time is also very precious. Although it is the off-season of the league, he also has a lot of things to do.

For example, with the early formation of the coaching staff, start working on a season plan and training program.

Members of the coaching staff must enter their roles as soon as possible, and Gao Shen must also start to work on signings.

This is reality, not playing games.

In FM Football Manager, things that can be done with a click of a mouse often take time in reality, and sometimes even take a long time.

In the lofty plan, some players can be directly handed over to Marino to be in charge, but some players need him to personally come forward and try to persuade him.

To put it bluntly, Naples has nothing now, just a newly promoted horse of Serie B.

De Laurentiis said he was rich, but who knows? Who believes?

But Gao Shen is different. He is the former Real Madrid coach and the double winner of La Liga and the Champions League. He is more convincing to stand out.

Especially the young players that Gao Shen cultivated at Real Madrid, which will make it easier for him to persuade players to join.

Naples used to be very loud, especially during Maradona's time, but now, it's no longer what it used to be.



After seeing Borrell, Gao Shen and Carlo did not stay in Barcelona, ​​but returned directly to Madrid.

That night, Gao Shen gathered all four of his assistants in Madrid together, and used Carlo's house as a temporary office to discuss the situation of the new season. Gao Shen also put forward some of his expectations and requirements for the new season.

For example, his tactical requirements are to press and press from a high position, and at the same time, complete the transition from offense to defense in the shortest possible time, resolutely play the two wings on the offensive end, and then turn from the two wings back to the middle.

"So, I need one or two high center strikers, Robert Sosa is good, but he is a little old, he is 31 years old, and the other striker, Carayo, is only 1.72 meters tall, which does not meet my requirements. "

"The two wingers must be able to break through, pass the ball and cut inwards, a forward midfielder with excellent running ability, a double midfielder with both offense and defense, and the two fullbacks must have the offensive ability to plug in from the back, and the defense should not be bad. The two central defenders must have mobility and passing ability, as well as goalkeepers, with a wide range of control and a certain passing ability.”

He said all his requirements in a deep breath, which made Carlo and others stunned.

Come on, this is a big project.

It's like remodeling Naples from start to finish!

What is even more frightening is that with so many high-level requirements, it is possible to introduce a lot of players at

When Carlo raised his concerns, Gao Shen nodded in understanding.

"So, the training camp this summer is very important, I will draw up a list as soon as possible, let the transfer department of Naples operate as soon as possible, and strive to have at least half of the players in place before the training camp starts, and then transfer the existing players. Remove the turnips and save the greens."

Speaking of this, Gao Shen is full of confidence.

"I hope everyone can understand that I am reorganizing Napoli, the purpose is not to upgrade from Serie B, on the contrary, this has never been the goal of my consideration, because I have full confidence in the upgrade."

"This season, I only have two goals, first, to beat Juventus, and second, to integrate the team, and next season I want to make Napoli the blackest newly promoted team in the history of Serie A!"

Lucas's whole body suddenly burst into flames.

This is high depth!

His most admirable height!

He has never been out of the ordinary, always so confident, so elusive, and yet one has to admire him.

When he was at Real Madrid, he was like that, always ahead of everyone.

Now, he still does.

When everyone thought that his goal was to upgrade to Serie B, who would have thought that he was already thinking about Serie A.

"Please believe me, I am by no means aimless or exaggerating, I am really confident, I will definitely lead everyone, lead Naples, rush to Serie A, and turn him upside down!"

"Okay, well said!" Lucas jumped up directly.

Everyone else also nodded, and such a goal made the blood boil.

Even Carlo was excited at this moment, full of anticipation.

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