Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 179: Enemy road is narrow

"Starting with Real Madrid (

Perhaps because of the telephone incident, the Italian Football Association has carried out self-cleaning, new personnel and new styles. After winning the World Cup in Germany, they soon carried out a series of lively in the headquarters building next to the Borghese Museum in Rome. Celebrations.

One of them is to put huge posters of the Italian national team on the walls on both sides of the five-story headquarters building.

On one side is the scene of the team holding up the World Cup at the Allianz Arena in Germany, and on the other side is a poster of the eleven players starting in the final.

It is nearly 20 meters high, and it is very spectacular from a distance.

But today, the headquarters of the Football Association, which is not usually paid attention by many people, has attracted a lot of attention. Even across the narrow road at the entrance, there are many media reporters waiting.

They were all drawn for today's Coppa Italia third knockout round.

The lottery was arranged at the venue on the third floor of the headquarters building. The representatives of the 16 teams that entered the third round gathered together, all of them were from Serie A and Serie B, and the teams in the C-1 and C-2 leagues were basically different. thought.

The Italian style of football is conservative and unpopular is rare.

Juventus is represented by sporting director Alessio Seco, who is still the most watched, even the most popular, despite the team's relegation to Serie B and despite scandals like the phone door. people.

The reason is not difficult to guess, because many Serie A and Serie B teams have cooperation with Juventus in their youth training.

In contrast, Marino in Naples was less well-received.

Spoilers are always ostracized.

Neither Serie A nor Serie B are very happy about the rise of Napoli.

The competition is fierce, no one knows whether the next unlucky person will be himself.


The lottery process is actually very simple, there are standard procedures, and there are officially licensed media to take photos to witness.

The final result took everyone by surprise.

Because after eight games have drawn fourteen teams, Napoli and Juventus are left.

Basically, there is no need to guess. These two teams are bound together. The only suspense is, who will play at home?

The expression on Marino's face has been drawn one by one with the draw, and in the end, he was almost expressionless.

Fifteen teams, how did they get Juventus?

Even if you draw Lazio, that's fine.

He even wanted to stand up, go to the stage, and have a look, is there any shady scene here?

So unlucky!

Not only Marino was stunned for a moment, but even Alessio Seco was obviously stunned, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

Then the young sporting director of Juventus laughed happily.

Even if the last draw is Naples to play at home, he doesn't mind.

Looking at his expression of spring breeze, it seems that this is the best result for him.

In fact, long before Italy's first-round draw, he said he wanted to touch Napoli.

As a result, I didn't expect it until the third round.

"This is a single-elimination match, Pier Paul." Seco turned his head with a smile and looked at Marino with a bleak face.

Anyone can see that in Serie B, even in Serie A, the vast majority of teams encounter Juventus, and it is a near-death experience.

Although it sold more than 80 million euros, the strength of this team is still very strong, and the team is very strong.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, even if he is downgraded, he is still Juventus!

On the other hand, Naples, no matter how strong or dark horse they are, even if they have a coach who won the double championship, they are still newly promoted to Serie B.

In terms of overall strength, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

If Gao Shen had been given more time, the situation might have been completely different. He might have created an upset, but now, the season has just begun, and his team is a new one, how is that possible?

Italy does not believe in unpopularity!

After the lottery was drawn, Seko walked towards Marino with a laugh all the way and stood in front of him.

Everyone knows that he fought with De Laurentiis for a while, but also did not deal with Gao Shen, and the two sides had deep grievances.

Now, the enemy's road is narrow, and Naples is in trouble!

"It's a pity, Pierpaolo, I was looking forward to seeing Napoli go further, but fate has made our two teams meet so quickly, I can only say, I'm sorry." Seco confidently laughed.

Marino is not an ordinary person either. He quickly calmed down, and when he saw Seco's face, he was angry.

Before he went north to Rome, De Laurentiis said something to him: No matter who gets the draw, don't be a coward, kill him!

At this moment, seeing Seco's triumphant appearance, Marino gritted his teeth secretly.

"What? You learned to read poetry and changed your career to become a poet? Are you majoring in literature?" Marino asked with a sneer.

Seko's face changed immediately, and he said coldly, "What did you say?"

"Anyway, if we meet, you will die, see you on the court!" Marino said fiercely.

After speaking, the general manager of Naples turned around and left, ignoring the angry Seco behind him.

Now that we've met, what else is there to say?

As soon as he walked out of the venue, he called Gao Shen in the corridor.

"Very bad luck, I got Juventus." Marino said in a low mood.

After a few seconds of silence on the phone, a deep laughter came, "Good thing, just step on them again and send them home!"

Marino suspects that he heard it wrong, it is Juventus!

But when he thought about it, it was very likely that Gao Shen was also pretending to be calm.

Before the league starts, Juventus will meet Juventus in the cup game, which is not a good thing.

Besides, after being eliminated from the Coppa Italia, the journey of the new season will also be a big challenge.

But no matter what, since we met, we can only show the sword.


Marino had just left the Italian Football Federation headquarters with his front foot, and Seco's back foot was blocked by media reporters at the door.

This group of all-pervasive guys had already received the news that Juventus had drawn Naples.

This is definitely a narrow road for enemies.

Sadly, the game was not broadcast live on TV.

And the time is very tight, there are only two days left to prepare for the battle, and there will not be too much preparation for both sides.

It can be said that this is a close encounter encounter!

Seco was very satisfied with the result of the draw, he said that the team is confident that it can beat all opponents, including Naples of course.

"Yes, I know, Napoli just beat Ascoli, but I don't think it's worth saying, they are at their home and we are better than Ascoli."

Seco said that Juventus has its own season plan. The goal is not only to return to Serie A, but also to make a difference in the cup competition, because after winning the Coppa Italia, it can participate in the UEFA Cup next season.

"You should all know that it is very painful for a team like Juventus to not be able to participate in European competitions, so we will return to the mainstream European vision as soon as possible, which is also what I am as the team's sports director. duty."

For Napoli, Seko admits that the team has some competitiveness, but he thinks it is difficult to pose a threat to Juventus.

"I still say that, maybe in the future, Gao Shen can become a famous head coach in Europe, but not now at the age of 25, let alone this season."

Seko also reiterated that he chose Deschamps and rejected Gao Shen because of his responsibility to the club.

"In fact, everyone has seen that after Gao Shen coached Naples, they carried out a destructive reorganization of the team. They spent a huge sum of more than 16 million euros, but so far they have not seen results, and we It cost just over three million euros."

Seko said that Juventus is not without money, nor does it want to invest, but has its own set of plans.

"This is the reason why we refuse to be high. We are a giant team. We have to implement it according to our own rhythm and plan. We will not change our plan at will because of any head coach."

In the end, Seco said that the draw was very good and gave Juventus a chance.

"I believe that our players will be on the field and use a victory to prove how correct the management's choice is!"

After saying goodbye to the media reporters at the door, Seco headed to the airport, ready to return to Turin.

On the way, in the car, he called Deschamps on the phone.

"Drawed Naples." Seco said as soon as the call was connected, "This game must not be lost, no matter what, we must win it, we must not lose!"

Deschamps on the other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "I looked at the report of the first two rounds of Naples, it was very detailed, but I can see that this team has a good attacking power and scored eight in two games. A I think the club will help me arrange it and contact Paolucci and others to find out about the situation in Naples."

There was no live TV broadcast, and I didn't know who the opponent was before, and there was no targeted arrangement. Both sides could only play on the spot.

But Juventus has an advantage.

They have players on loan at Ascoli for this game.

"In this way, I will contact Texel directly and ask him about the situation. I still say that, the club fully supports you, but you must win this game for me!" Seko said fiercely.

After a few seconds of silence, Deschamps said again: "We have a problem with offense now, I told you before, I need Van der Vaart, I need Saviola, but I can't see these two now. player."

"I know what you're talking about, but in Serie B, we don't need Van der Vaart, we have Nedved, we don't need Saviola, we have Bodinov and Piero, that's enough. Everything will wait until after Serie A, I have my own plans and arrangements here." Seco's voice also rose.

After a pause, he seemed to realize that his tone was heavy, and he said in a relaxed way: "In this way, I will try to win Naples first, I will try my best to talk about it, and try to win Saviola before the end of the transfer period. As for Van der Vaart ,I try my best."

"Okay!" Deschamps replied helplessly.

After Secco hung up the phone, he leaned back, tired.

At the beginning, when his predecessor Mo Ji did these things, he was very familiar with it, and it seemed very easy, but how did it become so cumbersome and complicated when he came to him?

In the final analysis, his prestige is too light, and no one dares to question him.

Therefore, the most urgent thing he needs to do now is to establish his own prestige.

It starts with beating Naples!

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