Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 194: Earth is getting more and more dangerous!

Since taking charge of Napoli in June, Gao Shen's life has entered a fast pace.

From the transfer signing to the pre-season training camp, and then to the preparation for the cup competition, the schedule was densely arranged. He did not dare to relax for a moment, and the whole person was always tense.

Not only him, but the coaching staff as well.

After the rout of Juventus in the third round of the Coppa Italia, the rhythm suddenly slowed down.

The two weeks of national team game days gave him just enough time to rest, reflect and adjust.

Gao Shen beautifully gave himself, the coaching staff and the players two consecutive days of vacation, and then began to clock in at Fort Volturno every day, mostly to accompany the players who stayed in the team to train.

Of course, most of the time, Carlo and the others were busy, and Gao Shen stood by and watched.

To be honest, it's a bit unaccustomed to suddenly be idle.

But football games are like that, everything follows the schedule.

During this period, Gao Shen arranged a team outing, mainly to arrange a day trip to Naples for the team.

He has been coaching Naples for almost three months, and the high and deep are basically three points and one line. He even took a look at what the city looked like on the day of signing the contract. Other famous attractions such as Egg Castle and New Castle What, I'm sorry, don't say goodbye, I don't know where.

Therefore, with a big wave of Gao Shen's hand, the arrangement was immediately arranged, a professional tour guide led the team, and the club reimbursed the whole process.


Two days after the third round of the Coppa Italia, the Italian Football Association held a draw for the fourth round.

There are still 16 teams, but the difference is that this time it has joined the top eight teams in Serie A last season, such as AC Milan, Inter Milan, Roma, Parma and Palermo.

The rules of the lottery are not completely disrupted, but the eight teams that stood out from the third round of the knockout rounds will draw lots against the top eight teams in Serie A last season.

In other words, Naples will definitely encounter a strong Serie A team. If the luck is a little worse, it will encounter Mancini's Inter Milan, or Ancelotti's AC Milan, then it is estimated that they have to play.

But fortunately, Napoli finally drew Parma.

how to say?

This team's ranking is neither high nor low. It was originally ranked tenth, but due to the influence of the telephone door, he directly ranked in the top eight. The overall strength is not to mention the comparison with Milan and Rome. , is somewhat inferior.

But the head coach of this team is Stefano Pioli.

Pioli is just emerging now. He performed well in Modena last season, and Parma this season is also expected to be high.

This head coach will coach Lazio, Inter Milan, Fiorentina and AC Milan in the future after going through several teams. It can be seen that his ability is still very strong and he has to pay attention.

However, after defeating Juventus, Gao Shen and Naples are now in the limelight, and they want to go one step further. Facing the top eight miles of Serie A, they are not very strong Parma, but they are lucky.


When it comes to Juventus, after being tragically eliminated by Naples, this team has been subjected to overwhelming criticism and accusations, especially the head coach Deschamps, with Juventus sporting director Seko accusing him the most.

This was totally unexpected.

You know, it is impossible for the team to win and lose all the time. Although it is necessary to find responsibility, isn't it more important to try to maintain the stability of the team and protect the coach and players?

But Seko contacted the media as soon as possible after the game, accusing Deschamps of arranging troops and commanding on the spot.

Subsequently, Deschamps also defended himself, saying that the team did not introduce the players he wanted, so that he could not play his tactics, which led to the fiasco of the Sao Paulo Stadium.

At the same time, Deschamps also believes that this fiasco has a certain chance.

This is actually not false. It is very difficult for Napoli to win 5-0 in one more game.

This is not a strength gap, but the result of a series of factors.

As a result, the media interpreted that Deschamps was blaming Seco's signing, which immediately triggered Seco's counterattack.

Even Blanco, the general manager of Juventus, was dragged in because he brought in Deschamps.

Gao Shen has no interest at all in such a farce, and is very fortunate that he did not step into this big pit of Juventus at the beginning, but Deschamps led Juventus back to Serie A before crossing the border and left angrily. It was not an accident, but an outbreak of a conflict that had been backlogged for a long time.

Of course, many outsiders, especially ordinary fans, don't know what's going on at all, which also results in poor information.

But in any case, after Juventus was eliminated from the Coppa Italia, if it can adjust as soon as possible and focus on Serie B, it may not be a bad thing.



On the first weekend of September, Gao Shen left Naples for Rome.

He received an invitation from the Italian Football Federation to attend the Italian Pro League's coaching party in Rome.

The main people attending the party were some famous football legends, such as Sacchi, as well as the head coaches of Serie A and Serie B.

This kind of gathering is held once a year. At the end of the year, there will be an annual meeting. It is an internal gathering dedicated to the head coach. Even the officials of the Football Association will not be allowed to participate. It is regarded as a high-end club within the industry.

Almost every league will have such activities, and La Liga had them before, but because I took over in the middle of the high school, I missed the annual meeting and summit of La Liga, and naturally I missed it.

In addition, UEFA also has a head coach summit dedicated to the official competition teams of the Champions League and UEFA Cup, which is also once a year. FIFA will also hold various summits and activities to facilitate the main Communication and discussion among coaches.

Generally speaking, the head coach will participate in this kind of activity more after the competition and have enough time.

Similar to the Italian head coach summit, it is usually at the end of August or early September, and sometimes it is arranged earlier, before the league starts, mainly to invite all head coaches to participate as much as possible.

The event is divided into two days, the first day is the main event, and the next day is the branch venue.

The advantage is that all the head coaches participating in the summit are free of room and board, and even the air tickets are reimbursed by the Football Association, which is equivalent to a public travel.

It was the first time for Gao Shen to go to Rome.

After visiting Naples just now, he was still in the mood to come to Rome. Of course, he also had to go shopping first. When the time was almost up, he stepped on the button and entered the venue.


The summit was held in a five-star hotel in central Rome.

When Gao Shen entered the field, he immediately became the focus of attention of the audience.

Oh no, in Ancelotti's words, he was already the focus of discussion before he came.

"Your five-to-zero match was amazing!"

Among them, Ancelotti is the one who knows Gao Shen the most except Sacchi.

Gao Shen changed his sharp-edgedness in the duel on the court and became restrained and low-key.

All the industry leaders were present. It was the first time for him to participate in such a conference, and he came with a learning attitude, so he followed Ancelotti closely, mainly because he hadn't seen Sacchi yet.

I heard that Saki will have a special speech and is preparing for retreat.

It's a little unbelievable.

Daanqing Saki is the same as a football writer from the starting point, who is rushing drafts under the ruthless whipping of readers.

Gao Shen also met Deschamps, but he seemed to lack interest. After saying hello to Gao Shen, he went to find his friends.

It's not surprising, the game just ended, and the loss was so ugly, how could I have the heart to chat with Gao Shen?

"Seco is very unkind this time." Ancelotti looked at Deschamps' back and sighed.

High and silent.

After Juventus experienced the telephone incident, the famous coaches were basically unwilling to take over. After Gao Shen coached Naples, Juventus used a lot of connections and connections to persuade Deschamps to coach.

Of course, Deschamps wanted to use the platform of Juventus to prove his coaching ability again, but he also had a deep emotional factor, which has nothing to do with it, but now that he loses, Seco is afraid of being robbed first. The first one jumped out and accused Deschamps. Such an approach is really unkind and really chilling.

"At the end of the day, Seko doesn't want good results for the team, but to keep his position and power in his hands."

This is also the reason why Seko rejected Gao Shen.

Bad team performance?

It doesn't matter, the first person to suffer is the head coach.

Next is the athletic director?

Not necessarily, because the head coach is hand-picked by the general manager.

Also, there is someone behind the athletic director.

Often times, this is a mess.

Not only Juventus, but also the membership system of Real Madrid and Barcelona.

Clubs run by bigwigs like De Laurentiis and Abramovich have their own problems, but they also have their own advantages. For the same reason, membership systems like Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​or Juventus The same is true of such decentralized management.

This is the same as in the past when high-level mixed enterprises.

No management of that company can be copied.

Because there is no best way to manage this kind of thing, only the right one.

The management is like that, and so are the players.

Florentino, a collector of galactic warships, is a superstar of crazy collections. As long as the most expensive and best ones are the best, they will fail.


After talking about Deschamps, Gao Shen asked Ancelotti about Parma.

Although it is still a long time, it is also a good thing to prepare It is also interesting to say that it is said that several teams in Serie A this season will play 4321, including Pioli's Parma.


Because of stability!

Serie A was wiped out in Europe last season. Even Juventus and AC Milan, which were star-studded, were far from meeting the expectations of the outside world. The accusations of tactical innovation in Serie A were also noisy.

But there is no way. If the head coach wants to eat, he must keep his job. If he wants to keep his job, he needs to be stable.

"Carlo, how do I feel that you brought them all down?" Gao Shen said jokingly.

Ancelotti smiled bitterly, "The main thing is now, I haven't seen any good players."

After he finished speaking, the guy looked at Gao Shen with piercing eyes, and saw that his heart was straight.


Why does the earth feel more and more dangerous?

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