

Three days later, in the base of the Hidden Rain Village,

Hitani was practicing fighting with Uzuki Yugao on the rooftop.

“Konoha Style·Ranbu!” Uzuki Yugao swooped down with a knife in hand and slashed at Hitani’s head.

Looking at the incoming knife, Hitani dodged it easily by just slightly turning sideways, then grabbed the back of Uzuki Yugao’s neck and threw her out.

Uzuki Yugao was thrown out, and landed steadily after a few backflips, then sighed in disappointment:”It still doesn’t work, my knife still can’t touch you, forget it, I give up.”

Konan, who was watching the fight nearby, smiled and said:”Yugao, there is no need to give up, your swordsmanship is already very strong compared to others, but Hitani is stronger, so you can’t defeat him.””

“I know, but thank you for comforting me.” Mao Yue Xi Yan walked up to Xiao Nan, picked up the water cup on the ground and drank water.

Xiao Nan lowered his voice and asked:”Aren’t you going to tell Ri Gu about your pregnancy? How long are you going to keep it a secret?”

Mao Yue Xi Yan was stunned, looked at Ri Gu, and saw that Ri Gu was not paying attention to this side, so she answered in a low voice:”I don’t know, I just don’t know how to start now, and I’m worried about his reaction after he knows.”

“Do you think he will be excited when he finds out?” Xiaonan asked

“It’s okay to be just excited, but the problem is that I’m afraid he won’t want the child.” Mao Yue Xi Yan frowned:”I’m just his prisoner of war. If a prisoner of war gets pregnant, he probably won’t be able to accept it.”

“That’s true.” Xiaonan nodded in agreement:”How about I talk to him and knock on his side to see his reaction?”

“this……”Mao Yue Xi Yan hesitated for a while and then nodded:”Then I’ll leave it to you.”

“It’s nothing.” Xiaonan smiled, and then walked over to Rigu.

Rigu was sitting on the edge of the rooftop enjoying the breeze, and glanced at her:”What’s wrong?”

Xiaonan also sat down beside him:”Let me ask you something, don’t take it personally, if, I mean if, if you had a child, what would you do?”

“What?” Ritani looked at her in surprise:”Why are you asking me such a strange question?”

“I’m just asking casually.” Xiao Nan said calmly,”I want to know if people like you have ever thought about having your own offspring. Is this question difficult to answer?”

“No.” Ritsu thought about it carefully and said,”If I have a child, I will train him to be stronger than me, and teach him to kill and fight from a young age, regardless of whether he is a boy or a girl.”

Xiaonan looked at Ritsu in surprise and said,”You actually want your child to become the same as you?”

“What’s wrong with that?” Rigu looked at the forest in the distance and said,”In this world where the strong prey on the weak, if you want to live well, you have to be stronger than others. The weak can’t even have a stable life. When the war comes, you can’t protect your family and can only pray for others to protect you. Don’t you think this kind of life is cowardly?”

“Well……”Xiaonan was speechless:”Forget it, let me continue to ask, if one of the three female ninjas you captured becomes pregnant, what are you going to do?”

“Them?” Hitani looked at Mei Terumi strangely:”You seem a little weird, what, do you want to be a mother? I can help you, I’m very energetic now.”

Konan was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, her face slightly reddened and she cursed:”I didn’t mean that! I’m just curious! Besides, you already have three female ninjas, why are you still thinking about me!”

Hitani was about to speak when White Zetsu emerged half of his body from the ground next to them:”You two, don’t talk for now, a guest has come to Yuyin”

“Guests? Who?”Rigu asked

“A ninja from Konoha.” Bai Zetsu glanced at Konan meaningfully:”Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas from Konoha.”

With a whoosh, Konan immediately stood up:”Why is he here?”

“They should be here to gather intelligence about our organization, so do we need to deal with them?” Bai Jue asked.

“this……”Xiaonan hesitated.

After five minutes, Xiaonan said to Ritani,”Although I know this is a bit abrupt, can I let you do it?”

“Oh? Why?” Hitani asked. Konan sighed with mixed feelings:”To be honest, Jiraiya was once our teacher and saved our lives. Although we have parted ways now, we don’t want to attack our own master. I think Pein must have the same idea.”

“Sure.” Hitani nodded:”But if I go, Jiraiya will definitely die, is that okay?”

Konan was silent for a moment and shook his head:”It doesn’t matter, since we are no longer companions, there is no need to show mercy.”

“”Okay, wait for my news.” Ri Gu said, and jumped straight down from the rooftop.

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