Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 26, The Second Meteorite!!! The Terror From Uchiha Madara!!! (Please Give Me Flowers, Monthl

The Pirate World.

Naval Headquarters.

"This old man called Ōnoki is very courageous! I admire him very much!!" Sengoku's eyes were full of admiration for the indomitable Ōnoki in the picture.

In his opinion, even if Ōnoki was a mantis trying to stop a chariot, he was still a hero! !

After all, a real man would die standing on his feet on the battlefield! !

The person who made Sengoku admire him was undoubtedly a famous person, and now, this stubborn old man from Otherworld also made him admire and cherish him.

"This Uchiha Madara is really outrageous..."

Garp didn't care how brave Ōnoki was. He cared more about Uchiha Madara who seemed to summon such a terrible meteorite effortlessly.

"This guy is even more outrageous than Golden Lion! If it were in our world... it would be a disaster."

Vice Admiral Tsuru also agreed with Garp's statement, and she didn't think that if Uchiha Madara was in their world, he would be recruited by Marine.

She could see that this Uchiha Madara was a very ambitious person, and also a very conceited person.

Such a person would never work hard for an organization or an institution!!

And if Uchiha Madara was in their world, he would definitely become a very difficult pirate to deal with.

It can even be said that this Uchiha Madara would become the biggest enemy of Marine and World Government.

"Keep watching..."

Akainu said with a cold face, he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

Because he found that the existences in these videos began to become stronger and stronger.

The first head pillar was okay, as long as he could defend against the opponent's iron head attack, he could crush it to death with one hand.

But in the second video, the battle of the mythical beasts, each mythical beast made him feel extremely pressured, and even, he felt that if he faced any of these guys, the final result might be death.

And the third video... this Uchiha Madara, one of the four laughing Uchiha, can even summon the terrifying move of meteorites.

He went to blow up the meteorite? ?

Don't be kidding!

Akainu knew that if he faced the meteorite with his own strength, the impact of the falling meteorite would be enough to shock him to death.



Hokage world.

Countless ninjas have fallen into panic.

Especially when they saw the meteorite summoned by Uchiha Madara, they were almost scared silly.

There are many smart people among them who can see that this is a picture of the future, but because of this, they feel desperate.

"In the future, will we... face such an enemy?"

"No wonder the ninjas of the five major ninja villages have united... If the opponent is Uchiha Madara... It is impossible to beat it without unity..."

"Too scary... Is this the Uchiha Madara who once dominated the ninja world!? Is there really anyone who can reach this strength!? This is a god!!!"

"I'm desperate. With my strength, can I really survive such an attack in the future?"

Such discussions are everywhere in the ninja world.

All ninjas are desperate about their future.

But except for some people who are discouraged and choose to give up, almost all ninjas suddenly began to practice more diligently.

The reason is simple...

In order to be able to face such attacks in the future...


At the same time.

In Iwagakure.

The two-day scale Oono Wooden Golem was already dumbfounded. He looked at the determined face in the video screen, and rushed towards the meteorite without hesitation.

He really wanted to ask a question loudly.

‘Is this really me?! What has happened to my future self that has changed so much?! When did I become so brave?!’

The granddaughter Kurotsuchi looked at her Tsuchikage grandpa with admiration.

It was the first time that she showed admiration to this old man who was always stubborn and always sprained his waist.

“Wow!!! Grandpa!! You are so brave!!!”

Hearing Kurotsuchi’s words, the corners of the two Libra Ohnoki’s mouth twitched wildly.

He really…

Would rather he not be so brave.

That’s a meteorite!!!

It will kill people if it falls!!!

However, facing the admiration of his granddaughter, the old man of the two Libra Ohnoki still couldn’t help but feel a little proud.

“Humph, I am the Third Tsuchikage!! Courage…there is no need to prove it!!!”

Back to the video.

The two Libra Ohnoki supported the meteorite with both hands, and the terrible impact immediately made the two Libra Ohnoki’s face become extremely hideous.

But he still gritted his teeth and shouted loudly:

"Earth Style·Super Light Heavy Rock Technique!!!"


Chakra poured out on the meteorite.

The weight of the meteorite was instantly reduced a lot, and the speed of descent slowed down.

Seeing this, Gaara immediately supported, and countless sands surged up and rushed towards the meteorite in the sky! ! !

Boom! ! !

The meteorite fell and hit the sand, making a loud noise of collision! ! !

But its falling speed has slowly slowed down, and everyone can see that with the condensation of sand, the meteorite slowly stopped falling! ! !

A moment later...

Everyone stared blankly at the meteorite that was successfully blocked in the sky, with expressions of admiration on their faces, looking at the two people who prevented this group from being wiped out.

Third Tsuchikage! !

Fifth Kazekage! ! !

The two shadows joined forces to prevent this disaster.

Everyone smiled with joy.

But the next second...

They heard Uchiha Madara's voice.

"Well, what can you do about the second one? Ohnoki boy."

The... the second one! ?

All the ninjas were stunned and turned their heads with difficulty to look at Uchiha Madara in the distance.

If they heard correctly, Uchiha Madara just said the second meteorite, right?

There is actually a second one! ?

At this moment, the camera was pulled into a long shot again! !

Countless people watching the video widened their eyes.

Because in the picture...

The second meteorite, which is bigger than the first meteorite, broke through the clouds...

Falling from the sky! ! ! !

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