As a representative of the Senju clan, you should go and say something polite.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya are both going, so it doesn't make sense for you not to go.

Are the three ninjas split?

"But……"Kushina wanted to persuade Tsunade.

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Tsunade waving her hand:"Alright, alright, leave me alone, go eat something, didn't you say that you didn't even have afternoon tea because of the banquet?"

"Oh, that's right!"

Kushina was immediately distracted and turned around to eat happily.

Tsunade was relieved.

In front.

Namikaze Minato and his three disciples were led by Jiraiya to meet Nara Shintaku.

This is a kind of networking exchange



""Senior Nara Shintaku."

Kakashi, Obito, and Nohara Rin all saluted Nara Shintaku obediently.

Although they were the same age, in terms of achievements, Nara Shintaku was undoubtedly their senior.

Even Kakashi, who was already a Chunin, could not do that!

"Well, hello."

Nara Shintaku nodded and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Shintaku." Namikaze Minato also greeted him with a gentle manner, saying,"I am Jiraiya's disciple, so I am of the same generation as you."

"Your blood armor technique is really outstanding, definitely the top technique."

"It is truly admirable that you are willing to teach this technique publicly. Everyone who has learned this technique owes you a favor!"

Namikaze Minato said, bowing solemnly to Nara Shintaku.

His three disciples looked stunned.

Teacher Minato actually bowed to a six-year-old child!?

"You're welcome."

Nara Shintaku smiled and helped Namikaze Minato up.

Since he decided to teach the public examination, he didn't care who learned the blood armor technique.

Even if that person was Namikaze Minato, it would be the same.

"I admire your vision."Minato was helped up, his expression became more serious, and there was a lot more respect in his eyes when he looked at Nara Shintaku.

Selflessly teaching ninjutsu publicly, this vision and heart can be compared with the first generation of Hokage!

"Hahaha, don't be so polite, sit down and eat." Jiraiya smiled and waved for everyone to sit down.

The banquet continued until late at night. After the banquet,

Nara Shintaku and Orochimaru walked in the forest outside.

"Just now, Tsunade didn't come to you and say a word from the beginning to the end." Orochimaru laughed and looked at Nara Shintaku with a teasing look.

"I heard about it……"

"Tsunade kissed you in front of many people."

Nara Shintaku sighed when he heard this.

From that day on, Tsunade avoided him. When she went to the Senju clan to take a hot spring bath, she pretended not to be there and avoided him.

I thought she was a woman with full action, but I didn't expect that the kiss at that time was just a momentary impulse.

"Hehe, you don't have to take it too seriously, she's just too shy, and a kiss on the forehead doesn't mean anything." Orochimaru consoled him. Nara Shintaku glanced at him and chuckled,"Do you believe that?"

"Well……"Orochimaru paused for a moment and said helplessly,"Isn't this to help Tsunade? After all, she and I have been friends for many years."

""Okay, for your sake, I'll believe it." Nara Shintaku sighed.

The two fell silent.

Tsunade's guilty and shy performance clearly showed that she didn't just regard Nara Shintaku as a younger brother.

Of course, they didn't deny that she regarded Nara Shintaku as a younger brother.

But they also didn't deny that there must be other emotions involved.

"Forget it, let's not talk about her."

Orochimaru shook his head, not interested in these things, and said:"I heard that you have mastered the spirit transformation technique, it's amazing!"

"It only took four days, which is faster than the second generation developer"

"However, I am more concerned about the other side……"

Orochimaru paused, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

"You applied for the spiritualization technique, it should be not just because you are interested in its lethality, right?"

"I guess this technique is the same as the information I applied for natural energy."

"Just a springboard……"

"What you are really studying is something else."

These words made Nara Shintaku smile.

He nodded and said with a smile:"You guessed it right, and you are the only one who guessed it."

"Hehe." Orochimaru showed a smug smile.

This is also the reason why they are attracted to each other.

"Let me see it." Orochimaru said,"What have you discovered from the Spiritualization Technique?"


Nara Shintaku was not stingy and started to demonstrate immediately.


He didn't make any hand seals, and a soul rose behind his head.

At the same time, a large amount of Yang escape chakra poured in, activating his soul.

In the blink of an eye.

Nara Shintaku's soul came out independently, suspended in the air, looking down at Orochimaru.

"Can the spirit transformation technique be seen by people?"

Orochimaru looked surprised and asked,"Isn't the soul invisible?"

"Normally, they are invisible, but souls can selectively let living people see them."Nara Shintaku answered. Orochimaru was even more surprised.

He didn't expect that Nara Shintaku also knew so much about the soul field.

"The soul has no meridians"

"But the soul can still perform ninjutsu"

"In the soul state, there is no need to make hand seals, because the flow of energy is very free, just like a bird out of a cage, it can fly freely in the sky."

Nara Shintaku said, raising his palm.

In his palm, a dazzling white light condensed.

Orochimaru's pupils shrank sharply, and this white light gave him a strong sense of threat!


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