"It is indeed Yin-Yang Release."

Nara Shintaku explained, saying lightly:"With the help of Yin-Yang Release, chakra is endowed with the property of metal transformation, and it is transformed into a soul weapon."

While speaking,

Nara Shintaku also stretched out a hand and materialized the metal essence in his soul.

"Soul weapon?"

The Third Hokage was surprised and opened his mouth wide.

He seemed to have heard something incredible.

Is this something that a technique can do?

"I also got inspiration from the art of spiritualization."Nara Shintaku said:"The art of spiritualization can make the soul materialize, and conversely, I can also use it in the opposite way to make other objects virtual."

"The most suitable item at present is Chakra Metal"

"After it is virtualized, it can be hidden in the soul and held by the soul."

"Whether it is summoned suddenly or used in the state of spiritual transformation, it can provide great assistance."

Nara Shintaku hid the most important content.

Reflecting the mind!

This is the decision he discussed with Orochimaru.

Reflecting the mind is too easy to touch the nerves of the Uchiha clan.

It is better not to disclose it to the outside world.


The Third Hokage took a deep breath.

The inspiration for the Spiritualization Technique?

Using it in reverse to turn chakra into metal?

Creating a soul-carrying weapon?

These words were like bombs bombarding the Third Hokage's heart, shaking his heart and causing him to be in turmoil.

"This technique... was also developed by you, Shintaku?"

The Third Hokage took a few deep breaths before he managed to calm down and asked.

"Yes." Nara Shintaku nodded,"Just like the Blood-Armored Technique, I proposed the framework and Orochimaru Sensei helped fill it in." Orochimaru smiled and said nothing.

He straightened his chest slightly.

Because this time, he could admit with a clear conscience that it was him who helped fill in the content. The last time the Blood-Armored Technique was done, he actually didn't need him at all.

As long as Nara Shintaku spent some time learning medical knowledge and sealing techniques, he could complete the filling alone.

But this time, it's different from last time.

The 'Pearl Idea' he proposed has greatly promoted the perfection of this technique!

This made Orochimaru slightly pleased.

"Okay, I approve it!"

The Third Hokage looked at Nara Shintaku in amazement, gritted his teeth, picked up a pen and signed a warrant:"The remaining 100 grams of chakra metal in the village are all given to you!"

"In addition, the 30 grams that I and the Sarutobi clan have stored are also given to you!"

"If it's not enough, I have no other choice!"

The Third Hokage signed the warrant with gritted teeth.

He could imagine how much public opinion would be stirred after this warrant was issued.

This was all the chakra metal in the village!

Giving it all to Nara Shintaku and Orochimaru meant that other ninjas would not be able to apply for a trial.

But obviously, in the eyes of the Third Hokage, Nara Shintaku was more important!

"Thank you, Third-generation Lord." Nara Shintaku took the order with a smile and went directly to the warehouse with Orochimaru to collect the metal.


In the office.

The Third Hokage's mouth twitched. He took the things and left. How heartless.

He didn't even stay to talk to this old man and cultivate some feelings.



In the warehouse, the ninja on duty looked at Nara Shintaku and Orochimaru, and then looked at the Hokage's hand order that was exactly the same as ten days ago.

"Wait a moment, both of you.……"

He broke out in a cold sweat. He shouted in his heart.

This is all the stock in the village!!

After confirming again and again, he dared to open the door of the warehouse and handed the remaining 100 grams of chakra metal to Nara Shintaku and Orochimaru.

The two of them got the metal.

They couldn't wait to leave and continue forging.

Only the ninjas in the warehouse looked at each other in bewilderment.

"What kind of ninja tool needs so much chakra metal?"

"Are we really going to forge Konoha's Seven Ninja Swords?"

"Even for the Seven Ninja Sword, it wouldn't take 200 grams of metal!"

"But the third generation agreed."

"If the third generation agrees, there must be a good reason."



In Orochimaru's personal laboratory



Nara Shintaku and Orochimaru both groaned in pain.

They stuffed the new chakra metal into their souls and ground it.


"It hurts so much……"

"In this state, I can't handle other things at all"

"Is there any good solution, Zhentuo?"


"There are two……"


"The first method is to only perform a short period of soul grinding every day, and use a long time to carve out the soul weapon bit by bit."

"I don't have that much time, the war is about to begin"

"Then it can only be the second one"

"Please say"

"Throw yourself into it"

"What's the meaning?"

"When metal is being ground by our soul, it is also grinding our soul in reverse, which is why we feel pain... Therefore, this is not only the forging of weapons, but also the forging of our souls."


Orochimaru remained silent, frowning in thought.

Nara Shintaku looked pale and sweaty, but his voice remained calm as he said,"Just like the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan, you need to understand love and then lose it."

"How can you understand love if you don't devote yourself to it wholeheartedly?"

"Don't resist the pain, Mr. Orochimaru"

"To ignite the deepest part of one's heart into a raging fire, a fire that will burn oneself... In the extreme heat, imprint the most unforgettable things on the chakra metal."

"Only in this way can the chakra metal be integrated with oneself."

"Only then can you... truly forge a soul weapon"


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