Hearing these words, Orochimaru's eyelids twitched.

There was a great uproar in his heart.

The master of chakra?


Hidden danger?

Orochimaru knew the meaning of it very well.

Because he himself had done something similar... He left his own will in the curse seal and made a backdoor!

It was precisely because he knew it clearly that Orochimaru felt terrified.

The backdoor he left behind could easily clamp down on anyone who used the curse seal.

On the other hand... wouldn't it be that the master of chakra could easily clamp down on all ninjas?

"Don't worry, those are still far away from you." Nara Shintaku chuckled and said,"Wait until you reach the level of the Six Paths Sage before you worry about the chakra problem."

"That makes sense!"

Orochimaru was not a person who would dwell on trivial matters, so he put aside his worries after hearing this.

He continued to stimulate the glands.——



At the same time.

In Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan

"Soul forging is difficult……"

Fugaku looked at the fist-sized piece of chakra metal in front of him with a distressed expression.

Since he obtained this technique, he has been refining Yin-style chakra day and night to refine this piece of chakra metal.

But a month has passed.

This piece of metal has only shrunk a tiny bit.

According to the"Soul Weapon Forging Technique", this is only the beginning of the first stage.

When the metal piece is sufficiently refined and its volume is reduced by 90%, and only a little metal essence that can be virtualized is left, the first stage is completed.

Then comes the second stage, using high-purity Yang-style to materialize the metal essence.

Only after the dual forging of Yin-Yang-style can the weapon finally have the characteristics of virtual-real transformation and possess special powers.

"I spent the past month, except for eating, bathing and sleeping, refining chakra... but the result was that the chakra metal only shrunk by less than 1%!"

"I still have tasks to complete and practice."

"It will take at least twenty years to refine this piece of metal into its essence!"

Fugaku sat down, his face full of fatigue. He could not continue to refine. It took twenty years to complete the first step, and the second step, which was more difficult, would probably take thirty to fifty years!

And a fist-sized piece of chakra metal was not enough to forge a weapon.

It would have to be at least five times larger than it is now.

"Optimistically speaking, it would take more than 200 years to forge a soul weapon... Haha, by then, my great-great-great-grandson's great-great-grandson will have died of old age, right?" Fugaku stared at the ceiling with lifeless eyes, like a salted fish.

"That's pretty fast."

"After all, the Uchiha clan is good at Yin Dun"

"If it were the Hyuga, Inuzuka, Aburame, etc., hehe, it would probably take five hundred years to make one?"

Fugaku said this with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, human happiness is built on the pain of others.

At the same time

, in other Uchiha families, there were also Uchiha who tried to use the pupil power of the Sharingan to refine chakra metal.

The essence of pupil power is a high-purity Yin-style chakra.

The effect of quenching is naturally better.

But... the amount of pupil power is also less.

If the amount of chakra that the Uchiha can refine in a day is 100, then the pupil power is only 15.

The quantity is far from enough.

Therefore, using pupil power to refine chakra metal has reduced the overall efficiency.

"I really don’t know what kind of monster this Nara Shintaku is!"Fugaku murmured,"Blood armor technique, flying sickle kick technique, improved version of spirit transformation technique, and this soul weapon forging technique!"

"Within a year, he developed a variety of ninjutsu."

"There are countless improved five elements escape techniques!"

"Isn't this too genius?"

Fugaku sighed softly, feeling like he was looking at a mountain with no end in sight.

Although he had never met Nara Shintaku, just learning the technique developed by Nara Shintaku made Fugaku feel that he was looking up to the mountain and could not catch up.

At the same time, in a faction of the Uchiha clan, a girl with long black hair, beautiful face, dignified and gentle, was kneeling on the tatami.

"Mikoto, the family wants you to contact Nara Shintaku. The father in front of him spoke slowly.


Mikoto was shocked and pointed at herself:"Me?"

"Yes." His father blushed and said helplessly,"Although you are 10 years older than him, you are very good. From the perspective of marriage, you are the most suitable one in the family."

Mikoto pondered after hearing this.

She didn't resist much.

People born in a family enjoy abundant resources and naturally have to contribute to the family.

She knew long ago that her marriage could not be decided by herself.

"But, I am older than him after all, can Nara Shintaku accept it?"Misakato asked doubtfully.

If the man is 10 years older than the woman, it is not a big problem.

But if it is the other way around, it is a big problem.

"No one knows his preferences, Zhu Lu Die is too tight-lipped."My father sighed when he talked about this,"We can only find all types, maybe he likes those who are older than him?"

"Isn’t Tsunade an example?"

"You are already 20 years older than me, almost 30 years old! And you are still fighting with us!"

When the father said this, he showed an angry look on his face.

Mikoto was surprised and asked,"Tsunade-senpai? Isn't that a rumor? Tsunade-senpai only regards Nara Shintaku as his younger brother."

"Humph, who cares if it's true or not." The father sneered disdainfully,"In this situation, even if it's false, the Senju clan will make it true!"


Misaka felt ashamed when she thought about competing with so many people, even many famous seniors.

Could she really succeed?



Similar situations were also happening in other parts of Konoha Village.

Each ninja clan was selecting outstanding girls from their clan to compete for Nara Shintaku.

However, at the beginning of every month, people from various clans and elite jonin families would miraculously put aside their struggles and gather together in a friendly manner to exchange their experience in ninjutsu training. They had no choice but to do so. The art of forging soul weapons was too difficult. Without mutual communication, consultation and discussion, it would be impossible to practice.

"It's been a month since we last met. How's the progress, everyone?"

"It’s so slow!"

"The first stage will take decades!"

"Yes, the mountain clan has a great advantage in this regard. They can leave their bodies, so their efficiency should be ten times that of ours, right?"

"No, no, I'm just a little faster than you guys." The Yamanaka clan member spoke modestly, but the smile in the corner of his eyes could not be hidden no matter what.

The others were envious.

But there was nothing they could do.

After all, the developer was from the Nara clan.


Thanks to the big brother"zyx钟" for the monthly ticket!

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